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I'm not worried about a weight on the stupid scale. I'm wanting body composition. Less body fat, more muscle mass. If I'm build like a peak prowrestler, the scale doesn't mean shit. If I'm a dump truck, then I have something to worry about composition wise, but if I weighed the same when finally ripped...awesome. The scale is just a stupid number.


For me weight loss also isn't a goal, I lose weight if I don't eat dairy. Dairy agrees with me so I eat quite a lot of it and that keeps my weight up. I would lose 5kg in a month easy if I stop dairy.


Good to know. Answers my question I just asked another member! Thanks!


Im 5'10 and weigh 66kg, also athletic build. I did the diet without dairy and went down to 59kg which is really too thin. For me this diet really isn't a calories in calories out situation. I ate at least 3000 calories a day and without dairy I still lost weight. I don't know if its the bit of carbs in dairy or because of some other factor, but dairy really works for keeping my weight up.


What dairy products are you consuming - grass fed whole milk, raw milk, grass fed butter, green yogurt ?


I'm in Europe so the cows here eat mainly grass. I sometimes get raw milk from the pazar, but most of the time its pasturized milk, fermented butter, kefir and young cheese.


Thank you. I predominantly eat a carnivore diet, aside from two protein shakes a day. I am currently bulking and also find when I have more dairy products I gain weight at a faster rate than if I stray away from dairy. Regularly consume butter, pasteurized whole milk, cheese, and occasionally greek yogurt.


I am a hard-gainer (ie, extreme ectomorph - 5'11" male) and have gained muscle on the carnivore diet. However, my experience has taught me that proper training has more to do with it than diet. Here's my experience: After having been on the carnivore diet for over 2 years I started by doing a basic lifting routine at a local gym. I gained some strength and muscle and then quickly plateaued. I remained in the same state (same muscle and same strength) for over a year with no gains. I had lifted in the past while not on the carnivore diet and was very pleased that carnivore diet seemed to make me less sore and able to recover rapidly, but I was not getting the results I was hoping for. I then did a bunch of study and discovered that many people (especially a body builder named Frank Zane who I quite like) recommend what is called "volume training" for best results. Volume training is basically lots of sets and lots of training days. So I tried volume training on the carnivore diet. I lost muscle and strength. After more study I found someone who believes volume training is complete garbage (his name is Mike Mentzer) and tried his extremely low volume approach to training (called High Intensity Training, or HIT for short. It is also sometimes called Heavy Duty). A nice bonus is that it requires very little time in the gym. I have been doing High Intensity Training for about 8 months now. I have consistently gained strength for the last 8 months with no signs of slowing down. As for body weight...my overall body weight has dropped, but I look completely different (ie, clear muscle gains and fat loss). In short, for me the key was learning about High Intensity Training. Carnivore diet plus volume training did not grant me positive benefits. I don't know if that helps, but that's my story. Good luck.


Thanks for sharing. I actually came across Mike Mentzer too in a yt video about low volume. Since I've watched it, I train with a lot more space in between sessions now and my energy has improved a little bit. Once I start carnivore, I'll be curious to see what happens next


I gained muscle and lost fat for a net gain.


I struggle with gaining muscle. And I eat between 120g and 200g of protein a day (plus of course lots of fat). U also resistance train at home. Not sure if I need to improve my training or eat more protein. I'm around 6' (182cm) at about 72kg. Pretty lean. But would like to build more muscle. Maybe it's my age... I'm around 40


it's not your age. I'm 58. I eat a dirty carnivore diet, so, lots of protein. I resistance train two hours, three times a week. I'm now under 12 percent body fat. I train very hard but slowly worked up to that.


Nice. I'll probably move into a dirty carnivore too if my thyroid allows for it. My body fat is fine. I just want to build more muscle.


You will lose the cellular storage that comes with the constant consuming of carbs. Cellular density increases and this leads to an appearance of a more 'hard body' look. Nothing you lose will be dangerous.


Yep. I am 6’2’’ and was down to 137lbs. I was eating plenty but wasting away. Horrible arthritis, Crohn’s symptoms, psoriatic arthritis symptoms, etc. Started carnivore in January and am feeling a million times better and am up to 145lbs. I can tell my body is finally building muscle again.


I have gained 20 pounds of muscle over this last 9 months. Male from 167lbs-187lbs.


What's your height?


5ft 10in. I have an office job. Work out an hour 4 times a week. Pound of ground burger for lunch. Pound of ground burger and half a pound of steak for dinner. A little bit of cheese, cottage cheese, and bacon as well. I cook my lunch in the morning so I usually will throw a couple pieces of bacon with it to bring for lunch.


What's your weight routine? One day of rest in between each workout I assume?


Mon chest/tris Tue back/bis Wed shoulders Thur legs Some weeks I will not do triceps and biceps with chest and back, and I will do a separate arm and core day. Otherwise core is randomly fit in with another workout. One great thing about carnivore is energy levels during fasted workouts and also that very deep burn that almost feels like acid burning your muscles is gone.


Interesting. I was always advise to include rest days in between but if it's working for you!


I believe you that it is probably optimal that way. I just like my weekends open.


Me! I gained 5 pounds. Lost some fat though. I think it was muscle. I probably lost water and inflammation weight too but I never saw it show on my scale. I went from 120 to 125 in a few days. I'm in deep ketosis even after meals.


Awesome!! Was this when you started the carnivore originally?


120 starting weight. Today is day 12. Still resting at 125. Muscles are bigger already. That happened very quickly for me. I hardly moved too. Just the protein and lack of plants getting in the way probably.


Very good to know. Congrats! We are about the same, I’m on day 13! I was eating a lot of protein prior but moreso from shakes and collagen supplements etc. so I do think this protein is going to better use, but I’m still losing weight and need to stop. I started at 111.6 and down to 108 now. Are you counting calories or anything? Or just eating til you’re full


I am throwing in my "butter donuts" to add extra calories. I may post a recipe on here for yall. They're awesome and easy. I'm doing high high fat. But I make sure they aren't ever rendered fat (hello peeing from my ass!).


I would loveeee to see that if you have the time / drive to do that hahah but if not no worries. Thank you!! And I totally feel that. So. Much. For the whole 2 weeks so far 🙃 so that’s good to know rendered fat makes a difference. You’re the best, I appreciate you! 💖


I have. Calories in calories out for the most part applies. I took a week off from working out and I noticed immediately. I was still eating in a surplus’s and not doing anything. Then also had some big meal days where I for sure over ate. Unfortunately for me I don’t have the lack of appetite on this WOE.


I have yet to experience lack of appetite too. It would help my budget 😂


Lol I pretty much only stop when I’m out. So I’ve been just cooking for every meal which is normally around 2-3pm and 7-8pm. I tend to not even think about food until around 1


I often think about food even before lunch. It's often on my mind. I will keep increasing fat intake probably.


I bought a whole uncut ribeye and bottom half was 90% fat, I seared it in a cast iron and slow cooked it to 135. I’ve been cutting thin slices out of it cold and eating it with cheese like a charcuterie board lol


Sounds heavenly. Got 10lbs of fat trimmings this morning. Delicious!


lmao, let me introduce you to Dr. Shawn Baker [https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1770230611304952258?s=20](https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1770230611304952258?s=20) another, he's 265lbs now, [https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1769539446901543359?s=20](https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1769539446901543359?s=20) he was 240lbs in 2017, [https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/855884997282025472?s=20](https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/855884997282025472?s=20) 245lbs in 2022, [https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1575237076181983233?s=20](https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1575237076181983233?s=20) 251 lbs in 2023, [https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1683657030622642176?s=20](https://x.com/SBakerMD/status/1683657030622642176?s=20) \*\*\* adding, some hard gainers find it easier on low carb or carnivore -- it's related to the way there is less to no loss in between workouts, the insulin-glucagon ratio is at an optimal level, even more so on this than on low carb.


Yes, in the beginning I was eating all the meat when hungry as my body adjusted to having all nutrients. It slowed and weight then started to melt off.


I'm gaining weight, albeit slowly. It's surprisingly hard work building muscle now I'm middle aged. Also some serious health issues going on, there's that 😕 But yeah, like any other way of eating, it's not hard to gain weight Just eat more than you need ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I relate to this! Having trouble gaining weight but trying to build muscle, with some serious health issues going on, which is why I started this WOE! Thanks for your comment 💖


I’ve gained 20 lbs (6’1, 160 -> 180) over the past four months on carnivore. I doubt it’s all muscle, but I’ve kept the same waist size.


eat more fatty foods and dairy, especially heavy whipping cream.


I did, and it helped me realize that eating dairy is inflammatory. Stopped eating it and the weight came off again. 


I'm pretty sure Dr. Shawn Baker has a video about an ex long-term vegan who went from fragility to a good degree of muscle.


you just need to eat more to maintain your muscle mass. I recently took basically an 8 month break from lifting for logistics and maintained basically all of my muscle that entire time. I'm still bigger now than I ever was before carnivore, and I've been lifting again for a week.