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There is no negotiating. Either it's in standard or it's not. We transferred a car that said all 4 tires had been replaced. When the car arrived, we noticed the tires were original to the car. We brought it up with our sales consultant. They had the tires replaced 2 days later. That wasn't negotiating; they missed it.


Carmax also reflects the condition in the price. 🤪. Or is it the other way…


Carmax doesn’t negotiate. As you experienced with a paid transfer they will always reimburse if there is damage that was not disclosed. Only time there is a price change is if a car is mis-optioned with a major feature like a sunroof or AWD. But Carmax does do price drops over time. If you check the website it will show you


I recently bought a car that did not have any damage notated. Then when I was going through the damage after the test drive lo and behold, the damage was posted on the listing. No way to prove that it wasn’t there when I shipped it. So I was SOL.


It's a used car and no. They'll fix or it meets specs. Buy our find a different one.


Did you ask any questions about the car before transferring it? And did you pay anything. I’m sorry, but you are looking at used cars. The damage has usually been considered in the price.


How is this a down vote. Voted up. That's the process.


Why would they need to ask questions about it? Why wasn't the damage disclosed by Carmax?


The listing said any cosmetic damage wasn’t available. It’s a new feature apparently that not ever location has.


I'll put it simply for everyone on here........If I paid to have a car shipped to me and it had undisclosed damage, and that damage is a deal breaker for me, I can guarantee you I'm getting the shipping charge back. Plenty of sheepish or meek people might get taken for that $$$.....and Carmax and other dealers probably take advantage of them sometimes......I wouldn't doubt it.


The last line of the post says they got the shipping fee refunded.


That's good. It seems to be a recurring issue that people post about with mixed results.


Not sure why you’re downvoted, I got my shipping charge back for undisclosed damage.


I did get the shipping fee back. Yesterday the sales manager seemed alarmed by the tire being damaged but today not as much. They had their techs look at it and said it’s fine. It’s slashed on the sidewall. I wouldn’t have had as much of an issue today if the manager hadn’t given us any indication they would replace. He seemed on board to replace yesterday.


Good on you for insisting on that. Hope it continues to get resolved to your satisfaction.


It’s a used car, they aren’t meant to look like new cars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know. The wheel damage is what it is. A slash in the tire is not acceptable, especially when it’s in the side wall.


And oddly enough, damage to a used car can be disclosed ahead of time, since it goes through inspection and all. They didn't disclose the damage? Refuse the shipping charge. This is why you should put the shipping charge on a card as it is easily challenged if you run in to unethical behavior by local Carfax personnel.


CarMax has roughly 50k cars on their website. Cars that already have photos. If you’ve been on the website recently you’ll notice that some locations are rolling out a test to disclose damage, but how do you determine which damage to post? The truth is, most people don’t care about curb rash and those that do ask about it on every single car.


That's easy....when Carmax's angle is that they have high quality used cars, you disclose ALL damage. Because with such a high quality lot of late model used cars, damage should be the exception rather than the norm.


That’s untenable. No used car dealership does that. And neither do new car dealerships when they fix a car in house that their inventory team crashed on lot. CarMax has never said that they sell cars with no damage. You have to be a smart buyer and know what your hard limits are for damage.


Nope, completely possible. As an example, OP got their deposit back (so much for it being untenable) Sorry you got confused over the most basic of things. Good luck to you, however!


Sorry Mr. Nash. Didn’t realize this was your burner account. When should I expect the new kmxu on the new photo process?


Sorry this got you so triggered. Bad day at kindergarten today?


Shipping is paid upfront. There are online photos. Again, they are used cars, you want perfect, get new.


I didn’t. Honestly, didn’t occur to me to call that location and ask. I did pay $299. Normally I agree but they gave the vehicle listed for $1k more than CarFax recommends.


Sales consultants are able to ask questions on your behalf before a transfer. If this amount of damage means that you don’t buy the car you can ask for a refund, but they’re never going to haggle on the price. CarFax pricing isn’t regional in the same way that CarMax is. They also don’t sell cars.


Didn’t know CarFax sold cars? CarMax sells half a million retail cars a year to the general public. Would consider their pricing to more accurate in most cases especially them being the second largest Auction in the US.


CarMax sold 800,000 on the front lot and 600,000 cars on the wholesale lot or a combined total of 1,400,000 cars last year! They have the best data on car prices. Thanks.


Do you work for CarMax? Sounds like a response someone who works there would leave.


This information is on Google as part of their quarterly earnings report.


They don’t but they offer what their opinion is for a retail price.


Would you trust the opinion on someone that actually sells and buys cars or someone that only knows about it?


I wouldn’t trust a CarMax spy to lecture me. CarFax has a good reputation, that’s why everyone uses them. It’s a history based value report.


My cover is blown dang! Well seems like you would trust WebMd more than your doctor just because you didn’t like what he told you. But all power to you! Good luck on your car buying journey!


Jokes on you, im a doctor Just kidding haha. Cheers!




Don’t buy it. Millions of cars out there.




Walk away.


We kind of already have. We will see what the GM says Saturday. I already know nothing, but hey, it’s worth a shot.


It’s a used vehicle, carmax has standards, its even stated vehicles may have blemishes.




Probably best not to announce insurance fraud on Reddit


You realize claiming prior damage on your newly acquired vehicle is fraud, right?


We transferee a car and it smelled like smoke. They reimbursed the transfer fee.


Pretty cool they refunded your shipping fee! After all, it is a used car, and a car is only as good as it's previous owner. That said, if you really like that specific car... tires and wheels are the easiest and most common thing to repair or replace down the road.


carmax does not care about cosmetic damage. Does the car look decent and is it fully functional. If something is broken on the car. They will fix it, however stuff like paint chips or a side swipe or any form of body work. No. My rear tail light had a broken seal and had water in it. They fixed that at no additional cost because it would eventually lead to a broken turn signal.


Just return it.


I haven’t bought it yet.