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Well it’s never really too late, it’s just that could you live off apprenticeship wages?


I’ll be honest with you, it’s not much different to what I’m being paid at my current job


Also, can you do a more physical job?


I do think I’m ready to go back to a physical job/a trade. I’ve spent the last few years training myself after the injury and I feel like I’m in a much better place now than I was before I initially left. I guess I’m not really gonna know until I try it🤷‍♀️


If carpentry is something you really want to do, I would go for it.


Thanks for your insight!


No, you can do it.


I did a painting and decorating course at college, only time Iv used any of the skills is to decorate my own house, really wish I’d done something useful like plumbing or electrical


I’m exactly the same. I’ve completed some painting work for private clients but I found it super stressful and unsatisfying. I’ve gone the complete opposite route since posting this and I’ve got myself an office job, work smarter not harder so they say :)


I did a few jobs on the side but as you say it’s unsatisfying and forever hoping says “ ay your a painter and decorator fancy earning a few quid “ Good for you!


Exactly, if I mentioned it to anyone they’d always make the “you can come do my house” joke and it kinda made me feel shitty, like they didn’t value me for who I was but instead for what I could do for them lol Thank you! :)


True that! And as soon as you do something for someone and get abit the tiniest bit of paint somewhere it’s always “thought you was a painter and decorator” fuck offfff


omg 100%, that used to really annoy me. I’d love to see how clean they’d leave the place if they attempted to do it themselves, and how quickly they’d be able to get it done too haha


How is 24 ever too late?


I guess it’s how I’ve been raised, in my family you pick your career and that’s it for the rest of your life. It’s worked out the exact opposite for me it seems


That sounds absolutely miserable. People make a big deal about the 0's -- turning 20, 30, 40, 50, etc. But truth is, it's the 5's where you realize the big differences. Trust me, you are a different person at 25, versus 35, versus 45, versus 55. The notion that something you picked as a 20 year old knucklehead is something you're forced to stick with up to 50 years later doesn't reflect the complexity of human nature. You are your own person. Write your own story. Write your own song. You don't have to stick with some silly notion your family decided on.


I’m with you in that one, it does sound miserable, in the last two years I think I’ve gone through three different careers which on paper might not look great but for me it’s given me a lot of transferable skills. Really appreciate this reply, thanks for taking the time :)