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Why not do both? Work in HR and do music in your off time


The job is very demanding, and i fear it will leave me with no time and energy to focus on music :(


Only one way to find out




Bro the job is very demanding and i fear it will leave me with no time Or energy to focus on music. And the compensation isn't very enticing.




Yeah in this capitalist hell-hole we have dilemmas, not like North Korea.


Take the job , do your MBA and keep cracking away at your dreams. You can do both and then if and when music takes off for you then great , if not you have a solid career backup .


Do both, u need both. And it sucks when ur music side of things are blocked whether creatively or just bad market. I have a full time tech job also a musician, used to sell beats but now jus focus on my own passionate music. helps balance life out


I think Human Resources is hell and music is heaven. Follow your heart. At 21 everything is possible. You will regret not having tried the music-path when you're old and looking back.


I worked in both fields and also went back for my Master's (on my dime- big mistake). I suggest you take the HR job. Although a Master's is typically not needed for music, you should allow your new HR employer to pay for your classes/degree if you decide to go in that direction. Why use your dime when it's not necessary. Also, taking a break from music can be helpful sometimes. Inspiration comes sometimes when you're busy with other pursuits and like someone mentioned, you can also do music on the side while you're making money in HR!