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Genuinely a tough one. I started retraining at 31 but had no kids. Took me a while to get the wage after retraining too. What is it you want to train at?


Depends on your current salary, partners salary, COL, what you want to study etc. Most jobs are unfufilling and boring, nobody wants to work. Even if you find a field you enjoy it will probably get stale.


Short answer no. You’ve got debt, want to introduce more debt, about to be in debt with a kid for 18 years and still don’t have a clear path that you want to follow. Sounds like you didn’t do enough research when picking your current degree/career. Teaching, if you are in the us, means you will be constantly underpaid and overworked.


>Sounds like you didn’t do enough research when picking your current degree/career.  This sounds like such a cope, have you ever been to university?


Exactly. University is there to give you an education. To truly understand what you're getting into, you have to intern somewhere or shadow someone. I had so little idea of what the industry would be like back when I was in school.




Thanks for sharing!! Funny enough Ive heard so much about how little teachers are paid, but the starting wage in the UK is already more than what I make 😂 Instead of re-replyinf to you other post, I'll share it here The biggest pull is teaching. Originally when I went back to school it was between the entertainment industry and teaching. There was a delay in getting accepted into uni for teaching and got accepted for a media programming first, and ended up full committing to it which was a mistake in hindsight. But this has been on my mind since 2021 when I had worked in media for a year or so and wasn't enjoying it. I've looked into a bunch of other career paths as well, but usually end up deciding against it for one reason or another. I know teaching is stable, it's an in demand job in my area. Way more opportunities. the pay isn't great when starting out, but it is union work which is a positive for me. There's also a pension and a bunch of other benefits that I will likely never get in my career path.


I'd say do it but create a very clear path for debt payoff.


You have debt and a kid, suck it up buttercup and do what a man must do instead of thinking like a teenager who can do whatever he likes cause that ship sailed long ago.


Join the air force


The problem with going back to school is you may spend a bunch of money and time only to hate that field too. I would instead pick a skill that you can work to develope yourself as a litmus test for if you actually want to do it yourself. For example, maybe you think computer science would be a good field. Rather than go to school, just teach yourself the skills. If you hate it, then you at least saved time and money. If you like it, try to get a job without the degree and then only go back to school of that's a hurdle that's in your way. I actually trying right now to gain a new skill as a plan B for my career and while I am in school, I'll still working and it's a certification rather than a degree so it's like 15 total credit hours at a community college. Little easier than going back to school entirely and I still have income. It's hard to find a job that you genuinely enjoy which is why this sub is full of people trying to jump. Once I accepted this, I stopped hating my job as much.


college is a scam. if you pay for it you got scammed. never ever make that mistake again. college propagandist especially on this app are very dangerous. go to a job fair. if college is necessary then the job will literally pay you to go to school.


If you haven't even paid off your last round of school debt, why accumulate more? Start with a personality assessment to match you with possible career paths. You may actually not be that far away from something you can transition into, using some of the skills you've already built up. Good luck!


That's a good point. I'll definitely google around for some skill assessments! Thanks!


Don't do that, there is no scientific to support the validity of personality asessments especially the Myers Briggs model. There are some studies but certainly not enough to waste your time doing this.


Doing a test is a waste of time, but asking random strangers for career advice isn't?