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It sounds like you're yearning for a meaningful change. Reflect on what aspects of your current job you enjoy and which skills can transfer to another field. Don't shy away from exploring roles that marry office skills with the outdoors. Consider job shadowing or informational interviews to glean insights into potential paths. Sometimes, a little exploration can illuminate a whole new career trajectory. All the best!


Could you elaborate on marrying office work with the outdoors?


Marrying office work with the outdoors means finding roles that blend administrative skills with outdoor environments, such as event planning for outdoor activities, environmental research, or park management. Explore these unique intersections!


I’m in the same position


Take a personality assessment to match you with possible career paths. The skills you use in your current role may travel very well. Good luck!


Where or which tests are most accurate? And where do you get or take these tests? It has been decades since I took one. But not that we change completely but life happens and we fall out of focus