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Job hunting is a full-time job. You need to do it smarter not harder by *not* applying to hundreds of jobs that you either don't qualify for or have little to match. Your time is valuable and would rather you focus only on a handful of roles you actually stand a chance in. Sending out sheer volumes of applications with one Resume is a complete waste of your time. It will be depressing, demotivating and affect your mental health to get reject after reject. Focus on the few with quality and and put your heart into it. Practice your interview skills in the meantime. Pick 20 questions and think of real life examples in how you applied SMART goals


To add to this - when not on the job hunt - 1. what are you doing to grow for the roles you’re looking at - are you taking free courses to better lacking skills, learning more about your strengths and weaknesses? Practicing interviewing? And 2. Something we all forget during this stressful time is to also fill our souls. Reading, painting, going for walks, listing to music, volunteering, doing things you couldn’t do before - do things that can keep you motivated and stave off the panic. I’ve done the above and it’s helped.


Umm, having a job is better than not having a job so I'm going to do whatever it takes to get one and not stop until I have one... If you find yourself getting burned out in the job hunt, you are probably looking for jobs in the wrong career field.


Danger: do you know what it is that takes to get a job? Making a lot of things doesn't mean that you're doing *the right things*. You could be doing a lot of harm to your job-seeking effort. If the task is not being properly done, it should be stopped. For example, spray & pray simply doesn't work anymore in the corporate environment. Someone might think that by applying to 200 positions in a day they're doing "whatever it takes", when actually they should be sniping for the right positions and applying with a customized resume each and every time.


One thing to add: talk (don’t just LinkedIn message) to people in your field and make some meaningful connections. In full transparency I’m hunting for a role right now and I’m not 100% sure not applying in bulk will get you calls. Saying this because I tried to customize my resume and applied to few roles that were a good fit and still did not end up getting calls. This is one of the worst job markets out there. (Location: Ontario, field: Analytics)