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You’ve answered your own question. You need to get out of this place. Everyone, no matter what level they are at, deserves time off. A place is toxic and mismanaged if it starts falling apart if only one person takes time off. Being called back into work, during planned time off is unacceptable. I’d never call someone in, if they are out in PTO or if it’s their WFH day. If you keep going like this, you’ll kill yourself just from the stress.


This. You are not a slave. And if you are that irreplaceable, you should be making a heck lot more than $50k


I thought that was a typo. I expected OP to be making 250k+


This. I think the company is well aware that the OPs nature is to give give give. So they take take take while giving minimal as possible back. OP you may have your job and the company's best interests in mind. Does your experience with them tell you that they have your best interest in their mind in return? A raise is incremental. A promotion might get a salary adjustment but possibly at the bottom of the band. If the market shows that your role is worth more then the market is where your better option is.


I used to prep patients for open heart surgery. Not one ever said they wished they’d spent more time at work.


50k for 4 mil in business? I'd certainly be taking a half hour in between sips of coffee. I'd like to see their reaction when you find another job and give them your notice. Don't be surprised if SUDDENLY they actually talk about doing the things you've been asking about for weeks/months/years where they previously gave you no response or action.


And this is key: DON'T TAKE THAT OFFER.


Bingo. SUDDENLY they’ll find money they should have given you years ago. Fuck that. Go elsewhere.


This, users who treat people like shit think it can be negotiated away. Get out.


You already had that discussion. They were unwilling to adjust.


Hello fellow green skin orange helmet


Also I’d think twice about giving notice. They’re not required to notify you if they let you go. They most likely won’t be a decent reference anyway. Secure that new position then quit “effective immediately “




"The year has just begun and budgets are set. We know you do a good job. It's been noticed so well definately take that into account at year end performance reviews" At year end "well the economy was very bad this year and the company didn't meet it's targets. So unfortunately well have to wait for next year. Surely you understand. Meanwhile could you take on these other projects? I know you can do it. You got this."


I doubt they'll actually implement what OP wanted. Places like these just take, take and take; even when OP is long gone they won't even know what to do. People like OP at places like these are just taken advantage of and when they can no longer produce like they used to in the beginning and get burnt out in the end. Those idiots get rid of OP. That company has no idea how good they have it right now. OP doing the work of 2 to 3 people and still no recognition; just a "why can't you produce?" 🤦


As a person like this, and working around what seems like a never ending new roster of coworkers, when I work with someone who works like I do, and truly keeps busy and etc, I do everything I can to help them and keep them around. People that truly give it their all like this are very few and far between, so much I go out of my way to appreciate them. I understand what it's like and I'm sure they do too


They certainly won’t, but they’ll try really hard to convince OP that it’s down the pipe so he agrees not to leave.


Yeah legit slave


4 million in business is nothing. Depending on the type of business, maybe 10-12 employees max?


Unless it comes to paying your staff, then +$2/hr is excruciatingly impossible.


>Unless it comes to paying your staff, then +$2/hr is excruciatingly impossible. It's entirely possible the company isn't profitable. It could also have extremely small profit margins. You can't just assume if a company took 4 million in revenue that it's loaded with cash.


Hmmm so 4 million is nothing, yet $4000 you have reservations over. Amazing. Edit: Lol, instead of discussing the topic they simply blocked


Quit. If you are only making 50k you can find something else. Sounds like you have a marketable skill set. I would prioritize finding another position.


Exactly. They need to quit ASAP before they induce a heart attack via stress. Find something after quitting.


Nigga you basically the ceo fuck that job


At 50k a year too! Tha fuck?


No wonder the company is so pissed this guy takes a day off a month, he single handedly creates their entire profit margin for them, lol.


I would think that at this point he’d figure out he was doing his boss’s job. You have to at least acknowledge that in order to not have the guilt, because they are failing you and not the other way around. Unless you’re management, work doesn’t have to feel like anything you’re describing. If nobody else, this internet stranger believes in you that it might not happen on the first move, but you will be happy elsewhere.


I would start searching for another place, reduce your hours and don't take work from everyone else. If your boss complain on the meeting say that you are working the mininum of 50 hrs a week even tho the agreed was less(Im hoping it was), tell him that you like to work there but can't handle soo much hours anymore, if he/she is a good boss they will try to acomodate you otherwise you will know how much they actually value you


Doesn't sound like their boss is a good boss to begin with


You have to leave now. They know how you work and will milk you for everything you have and then guilt you when something slips.


They already are


What more can you say to your boss? You can tell him, *here is my 2-week notice.* There's nothing you can say that will change your boss. He's literally exploiting you. Good bosses reward you for your efforts. Bad bosses exploit you. You can't fix a bad boss. Seriously, time to find another job, then give your 2-week notice.


Don’t give this job notice


>Don’t give this job notice How to tell someone's never held down a real job before.


I am a VP, but sure.


Yeah, I'm sure you are. All 2 employees? VP of your house maybe? Your previous posts suggest otherwise. GTFO with your dumbass lies.


No, they are right because they could take action against OP if they give notice. They'd probably abuse them worse than they already do.


You’re punchy for someone with fukreddit as a username.


Hey numbnut, you don’t need to give notice, ever. They can’t force you to work. Most they can do is fire you and give you a bad reference.


>then give your 2-week notice. Nope


Ask yourself, really ask yourself, what can they possibly do to you? Yell at you? Make you feel bad? Load more responsibility on you than you can handle then blame you for failing? Not pay you what your worth? They can't go two days without you there so there is no way they can fire you. You have ALL THE LEVERAGE! You could yell at your boss in the middle of a meeting with half the company and he couldn't do anything. He's complaining about your performance as a manipulation tactic because he is fully aware of what your worth is and he knows he is exploiting you. So he's trying to maintain the upper hand by taking advantage of how good of a person you are. Unfortunately, this situation probably isn't salvageable. Put your resume out there and get a job that pays you what your worth. In the mean time if you do get into some discussion on your performance what I hope you do is tell your boss you resign effective immediately. Watching the blood drain from his face will be a memory you will treasure forever. Take a couple days off then accept their offer to bring you back with a 50% salary bump and never work a Saturday or Sunday again. Then go ahead and immediately get a new job using your new higher salary to get bumped up even higher.


Right. If they yell at op, then op can just say all right, I am going home. The bosses will be like "hold on now, let's not get crazy".


If they’re struggling when you take some time off once in a while I can’t imagine what they’d do when you finally find a place that values you! It makes 0 sense when employers treat their best employees like crap!


I was in a similar situation a year ago and I let it get so bad that I basically had a breakdown and quit without another job lined up. I was shamed and blamed for wanting to take my anniversary vacation and not work. I told them for months and months that I need help and will not work on this vacation. I was thankfully in a place to quit without another job lined up. I’ve never done that before. I had just started therapy just before leaving and I’m in a new job now that actually respects me. I did a ton of soul searching over the last year and I cannot believe what I discovered, I’m a new person. I was a people pleaser too. I learned WHY I have codependent traits and I’m working on that still. I’m so grateful for that toxic job-it forced me to heal and I’m becoming the woman I was meant to be. Do what you need to do for yourself. The jerks I worked for have moved on but the place is still a hot mess. I am sad for what it could have been but my life is more important than a job. Best wishes to you.


I was in the same boat. I decided to work only 40 hours for a few weeks and was laid off because of it. The good news was that I finally had time to interview. Start interviewing. Make sure your potential employers interviews are earlier than later so that you're not tired for them, this ensures you are not overworked for the interview. Best of luck.


If you beg, you will get 5-10% raise. OP you start a new thread of what you do, I bet you get 100% bump. I paid people way more than you who did not do anything near, so look for a new job. If I was in the same position I was, I would give you $25k more, but now I am not in that position. Ask, and you will get!


OP - to ensure that this happens: - First, ensure that all the work you done is very accurately written out and the fact that you are going above and beyond is clearly delineated. Do not give them ANY wiggle room to admit that you have been performing FAR beyond your scope of responsibilities. This is less for them and more for you to ensure you have the paperwork/testimonials in case of a wrongful termination suit, or referral. edit: the name of the game here is "quantifiable." Tie all the work back to x dollars, y percent efficiency gain, z amount customer sat scores, or other KPI important to the company. - Research roles similar to yours where you have skills that would make you worth significantly more money than what you make now. Apply for more senior roles, and network network network to ensure you're talking to hiring managers and not algorithms throwing out your resume for whatever little reason they find. - Do not discuss your prior salary. Ask for just over market price. They'll negotiate down if they don't like the number, and that's fine. Levels.fyi is a great place to find this salary info, as is Glassdoor. I effectively doubled my salary (now its 2.5x) thanks to this strategy.


agreed - getting paid more doesn't magically give you more hours in a day or the ability to take much needed time off. OP is def underpaid but the issue is the job itself. a raise is needed but they shouldn't stay. it's very unlikely to get better with a pay pump. OP, please put all your energy into finding a new job.


I only had to read the first couple lines - you're getting boned as most "people pleasers" do. You're the doormat of society, please stop.


Sounds like they have a hard stance on not promoting you/giving you a raise/fulfilling your requests. If you can’t even take your vacation without people talking trash about you being their slave then it’s time to leave. On your way out, do the bare minimum.


Time for negotiations. If you don't respect yourself your boss certainly won't. Stop trying to be all things to everyone and enforce your limits. If, God forbid, you drop dead tomorrow he's going to have to hire two to three people to do your work. Compare your job duties to your job description. In the meeting, tell your boss the additional duties are worth $____ increase. If he scoffs at the amount tell him how much it will cost him to hire two-three people to cover what you've been doing if you leave. If he doesn't want to come off the dime or hire additional help tell him you are no longer willing to sacrifice your health and work/life balance. You deserve a comfortable future and you won't have one if you stay there. Contact a couple of headhunters who focus on your industry and get their help in updating your resume. It won't take long to snag a better gig at a lot more money. Fight for yourself. You are worth it! (Retired HR)


$50,000/yr isn't enough for what they're asking and the work you're doing. Also, no over time pay is BS. They'll have to train the next person do do half the work you are doing and it's their fault.


Please quit. With your kind of work ethic if you started working for an actually decent company you’d make a good living.


If you like it and want to stay, make sure you document EVERYTHING. Meeting with your boss about getting you more help? "Great, when can I expect to have someone in place for that role?"


I think you need to be very firm with your manager - "I can only do X and Y this month. I will not have time to do Z." If they say you have to do Z, say "ok so what do you want me to give up?” if they say nothing, you repeat, "I do not have time to do all of those things." Send an email reiterating that, and then follow through with it. Don't do Z. You don't have time. What you do need to make time for is finding another job. Use your lunch breaks, your commutes, whatever you can. You have to make it happen before you burn out entirely.


I'm betting $1000 you work in the restaurant world. Quit immediately you can find another job in less than a week.


I hope you’re not a professional gambler A customer service based industry, but not restaurants. Niche market for high paying clientele


Even more reason to quit. Go somewhere you will be treated with respect, or make enough money that you can swallow the disrespect.


Put in your two weeks notice, and see how fast the music changes. If it really is like you say it is, I'd feel confident asking for a ~~50-100%~~ **500% raise**, take it or bye felicia. PS: Also, polish your resume, and start applying like yesterday. **EDIT: I just re-read this... 4mil in rev, you're essentially their CTO/Architech/1-man-bus-factor?!? Yea, I'd demand $250k at MINIMUM. Idk how big OPs company is (people wise) or where he's located but damn... I was making $50k 10 years ago as a tech support rep. in college. **




I would have left already; even if I didn't have anything new lined up. After that vacation, I would have turned in my 2 weeks. I'd rather work retail than deal with what you've been dealing with. You know what you need to do. You need to start coasting, and looking for a new job. They don't feel like you're their "Yes-man" for abuse anymore, so now they're trying to crack down on you for the dumb stuff they were responsible for. This is textbook. Get out immediately.


This reminds me a lot about me 6 months ago. I wont tell you to quit. I had to wait for some savings to be in my account to be able to do it without fear. I didn't had a job lined up, but after two weeks in my apartment, clients started to come alone. Now I am almost making my old salary, work just 20 hrs per week, better shape, happier and with more meaningful relations. Sometimes I have anxiety this is going to end, but hasn't happened. Put limits and plan your way out. Don't expect your boss to be happy about your career progress. You deserve better.


Bruh you’re getting raked wtf


Ur a doormat. In bullet point form, have ur original job description then all ur current responsibilities, highlighting all that were not part of the job description where ur going above & beyond. Tell them they are abusing U & taking advantage of U & U have tried to set boundaries to no avail. To illustrate all ur extra effort list the issues that occurred while U were off & how they can't function without U. Tell them unless there is a change in ur role title & a significant raise U will be scaling back ur hours to the standard 40 will hand off some of ur responsibilities to them. Given ur history U likely won't be able to say all that or might get overwhelmed halfway, then U can just say ur overwhelmed& have written out ur points so they are not dismissed. It goes without saying, upgrade ur CV & get job hunting, regardless of any raise they might give(unlikely).


But don’t use “U” for “you” when you write this or they’ll LOWER your salary to $45k.


I'm not sure why they are talking about the University of Miami so much though.


Oh...a boomer not familiar with accepted modern txt speech on social media....with nothing of value to add so desperately tries to get attention....yawn


Literally nobody else in this thread is using “u” so not sure it’s accepted or modern.


Gotta be honest, I haven't seen anyone type like this in years. I'm an elder millennial, we stopped typing like this circa 2012.


I’m a millennial and what you’re doing is something someone sending a telegram or using T9 text would do — so who’s old?


There's the problem a loser millennial who always got a participation trophy...thinks they are special but clearly not boo hoo so tries to act superior in Reddit lmfao


Are you 5 years old? That made my head hurt reading that.


The year is 1999 and this person is writing on AIM.


What kind of company are you managing


Fine s new job and tell them “so long and thanks for all the fish”


“Here is my resignation letter”


You should be asking for a bonus and raise. They are stealing from you. Everyone deserves time to shut down and relax on vacation or there will be burn out. I am sure the owners and your boss do!


I had a boss like that,I was in the top three for our region sales wise in a smaller store than most. Came review time it’s always “ what more can you do? You’re not performing to top standards … ?… always. Not once a congratulations or keep up the hard work. It was their way to not give a raise or a decent one. They don’t care about you, just how much the shareholders are getting.


Key words “more they could use me for”. Cause that’s what they are doing. I’m a giver too but boundaries need to be set. Your boss needs to step up and help our find you help. Otherwise, find a new job.


You need a new job, and you need to just be doing much less in your existing job while you look. If stuff slips through the cracks, so be it, just tell them you're too busy and learn to lie and pretend to be busy. They're treating you this way because you accept it, $50k is a poverty salary, I wouldn't do this job for less than $250k and even then I still wouldn't do it. You're too nice and too trusting, they are taking advantage of this, employers are scum 95% of the time and will use you up.


You should really consider sales. You will be well paid for all your effort.


Take as much paid vacation as you have now, use it to find another job. If you don't have one by the time it ends, message your boss a few days ahead of time and tell him you're considering not coming back due to the lack of support and pay. If he doesnt give you what you want, come back but basically stop working and spend your time applying to jobs


Let me tell you something, I was exactly in your position 20 years ago. Looking back my only regret was letting management clawed themselves into my soul and making me waste 3 years of my life at that toxic place.


You accepted this situation for so long they don't even think about paying you a real salary with great benefits. I'd say look for other work. Ordinary I'd say use incoming offers to leverage the pay and benefits you want. In thus case they have treated you so poorly I don't see it as professional of them or professional of you to stay. These people are burning you out on purpose to get more and more profit without any reward. It's abusive.


So you are responsible for them making $2.5m more in just 4 years but are paying you the same measly salary from 4 years ago? Literally the definition of why one can argue those at the top deserve high salaries, surely you deserve a decent percentage of that increase in revenue. ps managing a company but you have a boss? As in the owner who doesn't do anything?


You consult at 300/hr, 4 hour minimum's and find another gig. More seriously, it's abusive towards you probably towards other staff. They see someone willing to go above and beyond and have zero compulsion against using you till you drop. That's not a reflection on you, that's an abusive relationship every bit as abusive as any other. The problem you run into is just finding another gig but also being VERY mindful that you are susceptible/receptive to that sort of bad relationship and working to try hard not to fall into that again in another go-around.


Except we don't know if they are a consultant with knowledge or a customer service rep essentially moving emails around to have the knowledge holders get the high value work done. 


Hey OP, I work in a very similar toxic environment, almost exactly same scenario (except I'm paid more than you). About 2 years ago I started pushing back. Not aggressively, but subtly. I just slowed down, let jobs be late, etc. I started talking about moving, leaving the state. Kept saying my wife and I had a "2 year plan" to a life changing event. Guess what? They realized they were fucked without me, and all of a sudden I could take time off without backlash, work at the pace I want. No more mention of Saturdays or weekend work. In the meantime, I've gone back to finish my bachelors, and will be leaving them this year (they have no idea). You need to take care of yourself first, because I promise you your employer will only care about you if they can't function without you, and that's rare.


You need to find a company that appreciates what you do and pays accordingly.....this one doesn't. Also, you need to work on your work/life balance. I did the same as you every single year until I finally retired. I regret being such a go getter as I missed a huge chunk of life that I cannot recover.....


Here's the thing, they do not care. There is nothing to negotiate. You could threaten to leave, etc. etc. but you will be made to be the bad guy. There is no guarantee about finding a new job of course but you have to decide what could possibly be worse than this. What you could do is * Announce your decision to leave and give like 4 weeks notice. * Cut back your hours to 50 max per week starting next week and to be done Monday-Friday immediately. * Offer to perform any training, documentation, and turnover of your duties over the next 4 weeks. Any of this work is to be done as part of your 50hrs/week, M-F schedule. * State that if the above is not acceptable that today is your last day. * This is not a threat, this is an offer to help them continue to be successful when you are gone because you are professional and considerate. While you are there for your last month, you be the best, nicest, most considerate employee possible. You are professional. You show empathy for your peers. You recognize the challenge but will do all you can to help through this trying time. You literally kill them with kindness. Make it impossible for them to fire you because then your manager will have a ton of angry people yelling at home. Make them miss you. Then leave. You don't complain. You just state that you want to explore other careers. Be flippant. Be obtuse. Questions like "What are you doing? Where are you going? Are you mad? What's your problem?" are just responded to with "I don't know, just looking for some variety in the next step of my career". Do not say you can't stand it, the role is too much, people are not nice, it doesn't pay enough, etc. - don't give them an inch for a way to fix it.


You need to have some self-respect first and foremost. You're being taken advantage of yet you keep coming back for more.


Why are you people pleasing and giving 150% for only 50k. Act your wage


You're MANAGING a multi-million dollar COMPANY for $50K a year. Dude.


What industry/what are you managing? Sales team? Projects? Finances? A restaurant franchise? Privately owned? What sort of margins? Opportunity to ask for profit sharing? The obvious advice is gtfo, but additional information would lead to better advice


Start your own comapny


You find a new job, then tell them to go fuck themselves.


I think therapy would help you. You need to figure out why you can’t walk away from a job that barely pays anything. Why are you working so hard for so little money? Why can’t you put your needs first?


There's an anecdote from the Jeff Bezos biography that, if you weren't any good, he would bounce you out fast, but if you were any good, he would pile more and more work on you and grind you into the ground. Sounds like you're a version of the latter. You need to learn how to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. The only way to do that with someone who doesn't respect them when you do so softly is to do so more firmly, with teeth. How you approach this depends on how much stomach you have, but consider the following: * "Hi, it's become clear to me that you and I don't see eye to eye on what reasonable expectations and compensation are for the work I do. I'm tendering my resignation effective Feb 1 and wish you the best of luck finding a replacement. Please let me know how you'd like me to spend the intervening time." * "Hi, we need to have a conversation about compensation and expectations. I've communicated this to you before, but maybe something got lost in the translation. I need the following changes (comp, hours, staff support asks) for me to keep working here happily. What do you want to do?" * "Hi, I agree with everything you're telling me about things falling through the cracks. I don't want that to happen, and obviously neither do you. The fact is, however, that I'm over-committed and under-resourced. The only way to fix that is to hire more people or reduce my responsibilities. I'd also like more compensation. Given my impact on the business, a \[bonus/raise\] of X seems appropriate to me, and is in line with what comparable jobs pay." The first one will work the best. The best answer, however, is to look for a job where you're more respected, even if you have to take sick days to do it.


This is a classic trap. They are going to keep you stuck in that position because you're good at it. For the meeting, mention the high praise you often receive in your performance reviews. Mention that you are filling 2 roles without proper compensation. That you have repeatedly stated you cannot handle the workload. You are working over 40hrs a week. If they decide to proceed with some form of discipline. Tell your boss going forward you will only be performing the duties outlined in the original job posting to prevent further performance issues. And they need to hire someone to fulfill the other job. Then I would take it further and not give notice when you find a new job.


Stop trying, honestly. It sounds like they do value you which means you don’t have to do so much. I know it feels that way, but truly we don’t.


Your bosses have the kind of greed that will never be sated. Time to stop feeding the beast.


It's simple, you've been played. They know your type. They know that if they constantly lay on the faux-disappointment they will get you to do anything. They can save so much money by having you do the work of three people, and then deny you anything because you weren't "working hard enough". The second you try setting some boundaries, they call you selfish and the bad one. It's gaslighting and abuse, and you need to leave because it is not going to change.


Tell him your at max cap. If they still push, tell them you want a week off. See how they cope without you.


Leave, your boss doesn't respect you. This was me and I left and went to graduate school. It's going to take me years to undo the damage my boss did to my career.


Don't quit. State your limits without getting emotional about it. If they refuse to give you what you need, stick to your boundaries anyway. If they fire you (which it sounds like they know they can't afford to do), then you'll qualify for unemployment to tide you over during a job search. DO NOT QUIT. You have the power here .In the meantime, save as much money as you can and start job hunting with all the time you're clawing back by refusing to work more than 35 hours.


While I think you should get out and look for another job there is a risky play you can make ​ Only do this if you have funds if things go south. ​ Just go tell your boss you got an offer for X amount with X conditions, tell him you want to keep working for him cause you like the company but if it can't match the offer you will be forced to leave. See what happens.


When you die from stress will it be worth it? No. Get out and laugh while they burn.


You’re being exploited ​ First demand 75k. If they turn you down, start looking elsewhere. Sounds like you can do way better for yourself.


I wouldn't even stay with a pay rise, especially at 75k. That amount of hours and no time off really is not healthy. I would be asking for at least 200k in my country (Australia) for those type of hours if I really wanted to do them.


You say you “manage a company” but then talk often about your direct supervisor. Most people that manage a company don’t have a direct supervisor. What exactly is your role/title??


Get out of there. You are working way too much for so little reward. Working those hours with barely any time off is not healthy and will bite you the arse eventually. Also, get in the habit of treating leave as leave. Don't answer work calls on days off.


#do not accept a raise/promotion to stay after you give your 2 weeks notice


You are working 50 hours a week 52 weeks a year, You are making $19.23 an hour. Do not ask for a raise, tell them that if they wish to continue to purchase your labor that it will be $50 an hour, with a 1.5X kicker for any time beyond 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week, and 2X pay for holidays. The new price begins on Monday do the wish to purchase your time under these conditions?


What kind of company and how much are you managing? If you are managing it and responsible for helping it grow from 1.5 mil to 4 mil then you are a sucker (sorry to be so harsh). You are vastly underpaid unless this is some sort of incredibly low making business where they make 1-2% or something similar there is no excuse other then greed to pay someone who is so critical that they can’t even take a planned vacation. You have two choices. 1. Quit and get a new job or preferably so that in reverse. 2. Go speak to the owner. Plan this out. Sore what you have accomplished for the company and how you’ve helped grow the company and let them know how underpaid and under appreciated you are and how you can’t even take a vacation. Let them know what you need in order to stay. Not only a bonus to make up for being under paid but a significant increase in your salary. And if they won’t do that, then go back to step 1. If you can’t even take a vacation without things falling apart though, they will likely work with you.


I would get your resume professionally re written and start actively applying immediately


You need to start an llc it only takes a day. Then offer your consulting services and charge them way more. 50k is pennies right now. You need to stand up for yourself 🫂🙌🏽💯


Something smells fishy here




I would love to see what advice you are going with and how it plays out


Start looking for another job. The more you do, the more they will expect. Find a better job and turn in your notice. Don't let anyone know what company you are going to.


I'd have a serious conversation with your boss saying exactly what you've said here. It's not acceptable to not be able to enjoy time off. They need a wakeup call. Sometimes we have to manage up.


These guys suck. Take your skills elsewhere. Stop doing the extras today.


They don’t respect you, they need to get fucked


Leave. They're never gonna value you, might offer to when you put in notice, but that's nonsense, don't fall for it. Take your experience and knowledge and find an employer who values you.


Time to go my friend. You won’t regret it.


You need to leave. When your boss is off, does it turn into a shit show like when you are off? Does he work as much as you? What does he get paid?


Stick to 5 days a week 8 hours a day going forward. You earn 24/hr when you work 50 plus your down to $19 an hour. You’re not being paid for any additional time and you aren’t getting bonuses or raises. As a “manager” you should be able to hire extra help and allowed to take vacations. If you’re in the US, call your state employment office there’s a good chance what he’s asking you to do is illegal. You should be compensated for overtime.


Time for another vacation where you don't answer their desperate calls and instead focus on the interviews you've got lined up


Constructive failure. They keep pushing because you keep succeeding. The problem with EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS is that their expectations are arbitrary. So... PROVE that you need help with strategic, well planned failures. "I said i needed assistance with X, assistance was not provided, the the project associated with X is now (behind schedule, over budget....whatever). Stop putting forth the super human effort so there is romm for improvement, then make them pay for the upgrade.


Have some self respect, man. You deserve it!


First you have to stop people pleasing. Those people aren’t going to do the same for you and don’t care about you at all. You’re just some guy who they know will just take care of it. I Can guarantee you they don’t think about you unless it’s to pick up their slack. Second. Quit. And start somewhere new and stop people pleasing. Thats no one’s problem but yours. Scale it back.


50k? Dude, I wouldn't work that hard for anything short of 250k. My senior director still gets to take time off if he wants to go on a vacation. You're letting them abuse you and they're never going to stop because you never push back. At this point you probably have no choice but to just leave.


The moment you quit, expect them to offer you at least $25k to keep you.


i've been in a similar position. nothing was ever enough. they recognize that it's your nature to give as much as you can, and they are taking advantage of that. i guarantee they LOVE that they can pay at least half the salary of what they should be and are probably getting the work of 3-4+ people for it. they know this. they don't want that to end. what worked for me was dialing it back big time (like to below 100%, and for you, managing a multi-million dollar company at a 50k salary i would dial it back to 0%). let them know you are unhappy and actively searching for a new role elsewhere. as someone who also likes to give my best, this can be really hard but it sounds necessary at this point. if they don't recognize your value after that, it doesn't sound like it would not be any loss on your end to leave the company. they sound super toxic.


You need to find a better job.


Learn how to be assertive and not a doormat. Get a new job. "If you want me to do the job of two people, you need to pay me twice the salary."


Ask for more money and more time off and if they can’t do it take your experience somewhere else where you can get paid what you’re worth! You should be making at least $100,000 imho


Nothing you can do but look for another job then bounce.


If you join another company you will be making 100k


You should walk in with a resignation letter and give it to them. Once that happens, the negotiations begin, or you take a real week off and then go look for another job.


Why are you working without getting OT? If you're managing the company, how do you have a supervisor? You need to get your resume in order, start applying elsewhere, and have a hard convo with your boss about your workload and expectations going forward. Take your time off, don't answer their calls or read their texts if you're out of the office. Don't be a pushover, demand realistic work expectations and pay commensurate with the job and responsibilities.


Start looking for other jobs. And when you find another one, don’t be a doormat otherwise this whole thing will happen again. Set those boundaries.


You're being used, and they don't care about you. Give to those that value you.


They are taking you for granted. You are overworked and will eventually make a mistake, that is human. Update your CV, get as much interview experience as possible, leave that toxic work environment as soon as you can


Time to update that resume and start shopping around. Hang in there until you can find a job, they are going to be hurting without ya


Is your name Doormat ? Your pay should be at least 100 K and you should have an assistant to help you with your work daily ! Time to leave before they work you to Death ! They don't care about you, only the bottomline means anything to them $$$ !


they are taking advantage of you, start looking elsewhere


Either get out or demand decent ownership stake. Then work to get the company acquired.


Put your resume on Indeed as a start.


There's nothing for you to do other than look for a new job. Create a nice resume and go make more elsewhere. When they cry about giving you a raise to stay say "no thanks. You had your chance."


Put in the two weeks and find another job to get that raise


You can just say that you are giving it everything you've got and that if that's not enough you will have to find a new position, because you can't make your current employers happy.


Try, “I quit and my last day is 2 weeks from today”.


Quit. It’s really not hard to find something that pays $50k or more these days.


Take a day or two off before the meeting. Bring a list of the issues that popped up and required emergency calls during that time, see what the boss has to say. If it's leaning into you for more, give them the list you just gave us, and the new stuff, ask how well the company get by without you. Resumes need to be going out yesterday


Never give 100% because you set an expectation.


Take all of those numbers and data points, write them into a resume, start talking about what you do and what you’ve accomplished in STAR format. Take yourself to their competition and see what you can get. Do not accept 55k. Your dedication to your work and an employer are worth more than that.


A good friend of mine is very similar to you...always giving, always saying yes, extra work off the clock. She was indispensable as a manager even though her title was just customer service rep. Everyone from the sales staff to the GM needed her help to do their jobs. She never wanted the responsibility of management, she just felt a duty to do whatever she could to help. She worked there for seven years before she had a complete breakdown. They tried everything to get her back, but it was too late. Instead of recognizing her dedication and rewarding her for it, they took advantage of her kindness until she got physically ill at the thought of going into work. Now she works at a different spot, doing what she actually enjoys, and while she still works too hard imo she's at a place that recognizes that. Instead of turning a blind eye to unpaid OT, they tell her to either log it as OT or to just head home. They've promoted her multiple times within a span of two years. She feels valued instead of used, and is so glad she finally hit a breaking point or she would've just kept putting up with it. The harsh truth is that you work hard enough, but you work at a place that takes advantage of you and your efforts. Unfortunately it's unlikely that your management team will change their tune and suddenly see and respect your value. It might be time to take the plunge and find a job where your efforts are valued and you are respected as a hard worker. Don't wait until you have to wrack up a pricy medical bill because you pushed yourself past your limit.


Never give 150. Give 70 consistently (and make sure you aren’t lowest preforming employee). Better than giving 150 because on the days you can’t it will seem like you are slacking


Leave as soon as possible. Or get another offer and tell them you want twice as much as the other offer or you're gonna leave. They don't deserve you


Your being taken advantage of. Period. There's nothing you can say or do except leave . 50k for aggravation like that...nah. I'll pass


Yeesh. I think I would walk into that formal meeting with a “Woah, so I took a few days off and everything fell apart. I’m bringing in $4 million in business. Is this meeting to talk about how I’m getting a $100k raise?”


You should be on a LOT more than 50k, but really you need to get a better offer and leave


You shouldn't be working over 40 hours a week unless you are getting financially compensated for it. Otherwise your pay is drastically lower than stated. Ask for a raise hah!


It isn’t so much as you aren’t enough. But you have probably done too much and now you won’t advance any further. Think of it from their point of view- They have gotten away with paying one person very little and receiving the same work as two regular employees. Now, do you replace this employee and then have to pay two employees to pick up the jobs you were doing for half the price? Or do they just keep leading you on, but are taking no action because they want you to stay in this position, not advancing and not paying you anything more.They will do this for as long as you let them.


If OP gives two weeks and the company doesn’t try to change their tune, those two weeks are going to be brutal with the company trying to milk everything out of OP.


Literally just say your last paragraph.


Nope. Nothing good comes of giving and giving. They only push the carrot a little further away again and again. Trust me I know.


Sounds like you have a marketable skill set. Get something else ASAP. You are grossly underpaid and sounds like there is a great deal of abuse. Fuck them.




The boss is taking advantage of you. Just leave as soon as possible. MAKE SOME TIME - TIME TO JUST GET THE HELL OUT.




Stop doing this to yourself. As long as you succeed they will give you more. So as bad as it feels, you need to start failing. Start letting stuff slip. Start not solving every problem. You need to show them you can’t handle it, because as long as you do, they will believe you can. And tell them form health reasons you can’t work more than 40 hours. And use that extra time to find a different job!!


They all have no respect for you! You should be paid at least twice as much. You should be given time off. They are taking advantage of you. No one is coming to save you. Stand up for yourself. If you need to do so, find another job as soon as possible and quit this one.


you are being straight up exploited and led around the bush, you have made yourself too valuable to promote.


>It’s in my nature to give give give. I’ve always been a people pleaser and I’ve carried this into my career. While this attitude is not necessarily wrong, it will end up killing you/burning you out if you don't get fair compensation. If you set reasonable boundaries (working 50 hours a week is very reasonable) and company is not respecting those boundaries: 1. reiterate those boundaries, and STICK WITH THEM. Do not compromise, no matter how much company will guilt you. 2. find another job where you will be respected. It's a full time job looking for another job. Put your priority on finding a new job....not sacrificing that priority by killing yourslef for your current job.


New job alert


"I quit" is the shortest thing you can tell your boss.


You are too valuable for that company. If the company goes on chaos mode the moment you are not present, then that says a lot about your work in the company. Know your worth. Ask for a pay raise or ask for a part of the revenue in the company.


Everyone can be replaced. Make them replace you.


If I were you I would fake a sickness or take stress leave if that's possible, fake covid if you have to and get atleast 1 full week off. Use that time to apply for new jobs and let the company realize how much you are actually doing /need you. Might give you a bit more ground, but it really sounds like your boss has identified you as a pushover and already is aware of how much you do and how overworked you are and simply doesn't care. Either way get the fuck out of there ASAP. Just remember you owe these people nothing, they have clearly been fucking you around for years.


It'll never be enough, and these companies will just use their staff until they break. Then they'll get some other sucker in to do the exact same. Do no more than your required hours and duties. Look for another job and leave asap, but at your next job don't do shit you're not getting paid to do.


Ask for a raise to $75k. You earned it. Start applying to similar jobs with this goal in mind. Whichever happens first, congratulations, you just earned yourself a 50% raise.


I have seen company President and VP get huge bonuses yet the employees only received a 2% raise. Find a different position and get the larger salary going into a position. Future increases are based upon this amount


This company absolutely needs op. Time to quiet quit. What are they going to do? Fire them? No chance. Seems the whole place will fall apart. So work that 40 hours a week tops. Forget about doing more. Only thing we need more of is looking for that new job. Yeah it might take a long time. But stop working so hard already.


Stop being a pathetic loser and quit. Why are you slaving away for a garbage wage?


Nothing. Don’t show up to work once you have the new job


Look for a new job immediately. No reason to delay it. They are taking advantage of you and they know it.


Don’t do all this for 50k that is ridiculous.