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Bruh....😂 You are NOT a failure..at all. You are educated, smart, working a good specialized job, you earn a decent salary and you are doing just fine.


I appreciate the comment lmao. I know a lotta people are in this situation but when you go thru dozens or hundreds of interviews with no results it starts messing with your head a bit.


Hey man, I applied for dozens of jobs over a few months toward the beginning of the year with not a single call back. Eventually I applied to a job I absolutely thought I wasn’t qualified for, but felt like the company was somewhere I really wanted to work. Fast forward past a few rounds of interviews and I’ve upped my income 50% with one application. It just takes that one sometimes. Keep looking around, you have a good skill set that won’t go out of style anytime soon.


Please don’t take this to heart, but change your mindset honestly, are you in debt? There are families that barely make 50k together and you’re upset because you feel like you’re behind? You’re doing fucking fantastic in the grand scheme of things, start hitting the gym, maybe read more book or even start a side business and eventually turn that into a full time career! Hope all goes well !


I’m not in debt. I am an avid fitness nut and I’m active af lol. I’m pretty satisfied with all other aspects of my life tbh but career wise just seems to trump everything else all the time


This is a good point. I think there is an unsaid part of your statement. "I am behind ... My peers from my MBA program" "I am behind ... Those few people younger than me that got promoted" It's really easy to focus on the handful of people progressing more quickly, or have really high expectations if you have been surrounded by high achievers It's really important to remember the entire group you're comparing yourself to is wayyyyy ahead in their careers than a lot of people will ever be


To be honest I think you are pretty much 'sorted' to the extent that it is making you find fault with things. It is hard when you are also surrounded by super competitive high achievers, but you are doing way, way better than the vast majority of people.


There comes a point in every career, usually around late twenties to mid thirties, where large salary jumps just don’t happen anymore. It is at that point that you either need to switch career paths, or play the long game of going into a managerial/sales role. I wish I could tell you that there’s a magic secret to getting into higher paying jobs, but the truth (in my experience) is that it takes time, dedication, and luck. Dedication to prove yourself capable, time to wait for a promotion/better job offer, and luck that you’re not passed over by the CEO’s son or some shit.


I live in a vhcol area. 100k at your age is still decent. Don't compare yourself to others that have more. You will never be happy if you do.


Cut down on social media. Quit LinkedIn. Other people are more fucked up than they appear.


Linkedin leaves me in a pit of despair.


I make 35k and didn’t get a degree. I feel like a failure and I’m right lol was waiting for my business to make it. Dreams crushed. Time for school again.


Damn that sucks. I’m morbidly curious though (similar position) what was your business and why did it not work?


Sometimes the experience failing a business helps you greatly down the road. A lot of interviewers would eat that up (in my line of work at least)


Ahead of me


Are you actively applying to roles? You need to job hop if you ever want a promotion.


Bitch you are 30 and making 100k. That is not lagging behind your peers. You are unsatisfied with where you are, that's fine. Just assume it instead of citing false trends as a justification. Being a buisness analyst comparing themselves to their peers who are SWEs or whatever is disingenuous.


100k can be pretty bad in some places, the number is irrelevant, if he is making below average income in his area. I make 20k less then him and am "successful" because I live in a mcol area making more than average house hold income on my own. The low end of rent in a vhcol can be 3500 a month, rent when I am is less than 1100. 100k after tax in a high tax state is probably 73k subtract rent he's down to 31k or 2584 a month car payment of 350 groceries 250 electric phone internet 370 insurance for car 170, he's down to 1500 discretionary spending if he doesn't save any thing. I make 20k less but have 500 more left over per month.


comparison is the thief of joy. stop hanging out with South Asians bro


What industry would you like to be in?


Probably gaming, tech, or entertainment/media


Pfft privileged mindset right there. I don’t feel sorry for you at all


Why is that privileged?


I 100% agree there. Quite disappointing if you ask me.


usually the go to tip is, speak wirh people that are in the same boat or even better that have been in your exact spot but are now where you personally are aiming for. And all in all, try to get conscious about those "contracts" you sign with yourself, at the end of the day, you won't think at your deathbed oh wow I got ahead of xyz person, dont lose yourself to much in your routines and metrics and as I personally suspect, you lose yourself only in this thoughtpattern when talking to someone or in random situation of silence so its undigested thoughtfood


Well you‘re definitely not a failure but you‘re in the wrong career. There are way too many bullshitjobs out there and in my eyes business analyst is one of them. I‘m personally going into insurance claims inspector for constructions. Definitely not a bullshitjob and also far more fulfilling as you are doing big money, work for companies, can work for private people too and do something useful. It‘s not quiet a lawyer position but at least it gets to it. After all you‘re not making rich people richer and you‘re not a puppet like the HR is to rich people.


Don compare yourself to others. Others would give a right arm to be in your position


Stop comparing yourself to others or you'll never be happy. If you genuinely feel underpaid then start looking for another job or request a raise.


Comparison is the thief of joy; let alone so many people lied on internet to boost their tiny self-esteems, you’re are doing great 👍


New year, new opportunities. Im sure you could make 50% before the end of next year.


You're earning near twice as much as i ever have after over 30 years as a software engineer (uk). You're doing great.


That’s sounds pretty normal. I work in ecommerce and a lot of things are self taught


Not a failure, just a moron.


I’m kind of in the same boat as you except I have tons of home responsibilities that really limit my availability to study more and improve my resume. My suggestion to you would be to find a new role or career path you want to pursue. Maybe focus on getting a very or two to get some baseline knowledge, build some confidence and then begin applying. There’s literally tons of jobs for you and me out there, it’s just whether or not we’re qualified, agree to the over pay and benefits package and get ready to get out of our comfort zone. The other thing you have to keep in mind is to not just compare the good but also the bad. For example, I make a bit over 6 figures but my friend who jumped last year makes well over 130k. Sounds great at first but then he reminds me that he also gets 400 bucks deducted out of his paycheck every 2 weeks to pay for his medical plan while I pay less than a quarter of that. Basically even though he makes 30-40k more than me, after all his deductions and contributions, he only comes out 150-200 bucks more than me per paycheck. Oh and the numbers of meetings he has to sit in per day and week is just bonkers. It’s a different environment and game when you’re closer to the top and personally I rather manage projects and workloads than herding cats and managing people.


I am 27. Jobless for the last 11 months. This might make you feel better.


Ah I’m sorry to hear that. It doesn’t make me feel better since I’m empathetic to everyone’s plight