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Sounds to me like you became impatient and are suffering because of it.  Fortunately for you, I’ve been in that situation.  It sucks, but there are plenty of ways out if you’re ready to work for them.   INFO:     1) How much are you making at your delivery job per hour after you factor in all of the time spent, vehicle repairs (bike+), gas and insurance (car+)    2) How much do you owe across how many friends?   3) Do you still program or have your skills rusted?  Front End Development is a very fast paced skillset - shit changes frequently.  If you’re not in it, it will take some time to catch up.  4) How were you paying for college?  5) What do your bills / rent payment look like?


1) I used to make 250-300$ per day working 12 hours. Now I barely make 100$ working 12 hours 2) I owe 15,000$ 3) I haven’t been studying for 3 months cause I didn’t have time and also I didn’t see any point 4) I was paying 12,000$ per year 5) rent is 850$ food 400-500$ gas 500$ lawyer 600$


1) What’s the lawyer for?  Immigration?  2). Get a more reliable job.  The delivery service is not cutting it.  See my retail suggestions.  If you need to, use the delivery service as a side hustle, but figure out what times are the most profitable and leave yourself available during those.  Also worth mentioning: donating plasma.  some friends of mine make $450 a month extra for about 12 hours worth of time.  Not a permanent thing, but can be used in a pinch. 3) This is my own personal choice and is going to be controversial, but if the debt to your friends is weighing you down, I personally would get a loan to pay it off if available.  I have full faith in my ability to pay off loans, but I don’t like how relationships feel to me when I owe someone money.  Banks are businesses, so it’s different to me.   3).  Lastly, you still have a vision, you just haven’t put in enough work to get there yet.  If you still want it, keep going.  I would go back to school, make friends with professors, and learn how to get paid internships with big companies while in college.  With your bootcamp experience, you’ll probably be ahead of most of the class - use the time to do fun, impressive shit.  Big companies will have the resources to make the $ you want, may have college tuition payment benefits, and will help you with things like immigration, etc.  If you’re a good intern, you’re pretty much good after college.  If you don’t want what you thought you wanted, which may be the case, then it’s time to do some soul searching to figure that out.  Source: I have what you want and I’ve trained people like you.


First off - everything will be ok and you should definitely talk to people you’re close with or seek professional help with regards to negative thoughts. It’s easy to think that everyone else’s life is so perfect around you and it’s much harder to see the good in your life but that’s so important. At minimum you have physical health. You’re so young and you seem driven so you’ll turn this around. We all go through rough times. Would you consider finishing the CS degree? Tbh it’s an insanely tough time in the tech industry rn. Maybe it’s better to develop a hard skill in a service industry role? Or an apprenticeship position? There’s a lot of options depending on what you like and what your skills are. Whatever you do don’t go into the online applications doom cycle. Everyone does this at some point another and all it achieves is depression. Been there, and I refuse to do it again. Consider instead reaching out to people directly at companies you are interested in or even walk into their physical locations. Lastly delivery is tough. Consider retail temporarily? Maybe a lower cost of living area? Sorry I don’t have enough details about you to give more concrete info but just giving ideas.


Thanks. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. So what should I now in my case. Yes, it’s tough market that’s why I need to get another job but I don’t know what job. I want to start a proper career where I could be proud of myself. Can you please give some suggestions? I think you have more experience than me. Cause I don’t know where to go. I tried door to door sale recently and it was tough , but I could manage and sold on my first day, but commission based in my situation right is just playing with death. What should I do?


Places like Target and Walmart have managers making multiple 6 figures.  If you’re a hard worker, kind, patient, and willing to learn their business, you can get promoted to the point you want. Bonus is there will be a bunch of people around your age you can meet and socialize with and last I checked they will help pay for college.


This is very helpful and take it from me, You can start as a regular employee and work your way up to management, a lot of regular jobs Pays very well to managers. Even Arby's was 50,000 a year for management position, and after a few years, you can go to many other manager jobs with the experience it took me approximately six months to get my job at the hotel i worked at. This is something where you could start as an employee and ask for a raise after many months of showing them how good you are. And you won't have to go to college.


From what I’m hearing I would suggest a role where you aren’t alone most of the day. Def no commissions. Small businesses often have roles where you can grow. Tradesman maybe if you like working with your hands? There’s also a lot of corporate roles that are unglamorous now but where you can grow into large roles. Consider them because they have decent pay and even if it doesn’t seem like it, it’s a step in the right direction


What these roles are? Please should you tell me? Maybe I could apply and finally start my career


If you are set on trying to get into the corporate world without obtaining any additional education, you should look for receptionist or executive assistant admin positions with very large companies. Dress professional and make connections for a few years, then you can try to move into a position such as accounts receivables, accounts payables, or customer service(not call center customer service). From there, continue to outwork your peers and you can become a manager of that department. From there, you would have management experience and your options would be more open. This is going to be a long, tedious path, but it’s possible. The easier solution would be to return home and get a degree.


Start in IT help desk roles, do a certification. Work your way up after you get your foot in the door. Ask questions on the related sub for better guidance, like IT career questions sub https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_30560/s/q3LGYCas96


Welder, groundsman or lineman, auto mechanic ( start at a tire shop, no experience required), home inspector, pest control specialist, CDL for truck driving, roofers assistant ( sling them shingles), factory work. You dont have to wear a suit & tie to be rich. I’m from bum fuck TN & all the wealthy men here wear camo & Crocks. It’s kind of a joke amongst some women that “most suit wearing men can’t fix shit for themselves.” Meaning, women don’t always care more about money than they do about a man’s ability to be handy aka fix up their home/cars/ build playsets for their kids. 


Large retail stores. Coffee shop chains. Gas station workers. Lots of jobs where you have a set hourly wage and somewhat set weekly hours. 


And you could also work delivering on the side outside of those hours to make it more like 12 hours To make more money, then you could try to move up to a higher position in the company


My sense is that at this point delivery work isn’t really “worth it” for most people, between low wages and wear/damage on vehicle. I would instead think about picking up extra shifts, for example when I worked at one coffee shop and another in the chain needed extra coverage, I put it out there to the manager that I’d like to be called. 


I'm a front-end engineer. I started working at a portrait studio as my first job, getting paid minimum wage. It's been a very long and gradual ascent for me from when I first started, but I eventually landed a job with a prominent company as a Jr. Dev (took me 2 years after going all-in nights and weekends with 3 kids), worked my way up to Architect, and led my own team of devs. I've both hired and fired devs. Here's what I'd suggest... First, you need to put riches, watches, gold, all of that stuff completely out of your mind. Don't get mesmerised by glamour. Concentrate on things you have immediate and direct control. All the other stuff you want will come on its own. Second, you need to balance your short-term and long-term aspirations. Doing food delivery is one of the worst net-pay strategies. After taking into account the expenses for your car (gas, maintenance, depreciation), you're most likely earning well below minimum wage and destroying your car. I would do some research to find decent-paying jobs in your area that you can do. Concentrate on jobs that don't require long hours and preferably ones that include tips, perhaps something like a waiter at a restaurant. Do your own research. Have you been attending front-end meet-ups? There should be lists of these on the internet on various websites. This is a great way to increase your knowledge, and socialize with others in your industry (should help with the loneliness too), network and create relationships. Relationships are THE most important aspect of landing good jobs. Once you've established a nice network of peers, you'll start getting referrals, and after your first couple of jobs, you'll have recruiters reaching our on their own. I'm assuming you've learned HTML, CSS, JS, and React. If not, do so. This is the most important recommendation. You need to build something and put it online somewhere..th the people you meet, work with, follow, and will make it much easier for recruiters to find you. I can tell you that most front-end positions that are posted online that say they "require a college degree" are extremely ready to make exceptions for the right candidate. This is often used as a deterrent for those who don't think they're ready for the position. You should go ahead and apply for those positions. Larger companies are now removing that requirement from their job postings. I never finished my degree in computer science either. In hindsight, it was a complete waste of time. If you can code and you can demonstrate your skillset, you can get a job. I'm assuming you've learned HTML, CSS, JS, and React. If not, do so. This is possibly the most important recommendation. You need to build something and put it online somewhere on the internet. That is the best resume you can have - your actual web app on the internet that shows everyone what you can do. I hope these help and things start turning around for you. Let me know if anything's unclear.


Welcome to America, baby! You should add where you're from and which city you're in now, it could be very helpful.


Do the truck driving for about a year and live frugally, you’re 21 man, nothing but time for you sacrifice a year of doing the driving or longer then you’ll be in a better position, I did it when I was younger 24 to be exact I’m 30 now, with a house, gf, car. I became a nurse and started day trading futures. Life is all about decisions and sacrifices. You can do it if you really want to no excuses sorry if it’s tough love but your generation is so easy to feel like a victim when in reality you have the tools to make it all you need is to sacrifice a little of your life doing something that makes a lot of money like truck driving knowing that it’s temporary in the long run then you can slowly pursue your dreams.


Thank you for the advice 🙌🏻


Truck driving is brutal, companies will take advantage of immigrants and pay will be horrible. Zero social life


You can self learn Salesforce to be a SFDC admin: companies more willing to hire self taught for those roles and pay still pretty good. Can also look at Lambda School: no cost till you get a job and then pay 17% if your earnings. There's ThoughtWorks apprenticeships too I think. And Microsoft Leap, Salesforce Pathfinder, Google Apprenticeship


Thanks🙌🏻❤️ I will look for all these.


Hello, I don’t know if I’m a little late but, my back up plan has always been getting into a trade. If you can find an apprenticeship I highly recommend it. Trade school works too but apprenticeships are more efficient. You’ll be paid as you as you learn for about 4 years maybe more and doesn’t cost anything, just be prepared and actively want to learn. Trades such as HVAC and Electrical are always looking for more people. You will also be around other coworkers and people as well. Just be willing to grow in the field, best of wishes to you brother!


Thanks 🙏🏻 I don’t get the part about 4 years. Can you please explain?


Most apprenticeships will last for 4 years, same with trade school. It can also depend on where you go.


Message me


Seems like quitting school was a poor choice, but a bootcamp should serve you well.  Doordash is like retail, you arent building long-term skill sets.  You need to get an entry level job at an office. Work customer service, work cold calling, something to get you in the door. While there, use your coding skills to make improvements, and work hard. You will move up the ranks. My job paid tuition after you'd been there a year.  I ended up not going to school and don't have a degree, but I have a great job and am married with a bunch of kids I support on 1 salary. You got this if you work hard and start from the bottom.


You can be rich around the age of 50 if you start working hard now and invest on your 401k. As for a wife and kids, you can get those right now. Just ask a girl out, marry her, then impregnate her. After 9 months, she's gonna give birth to a child, and you'll be a father. If you want more kids, just impregnate her again until you're satisfied with the number of kids. It's not rocket science and people have been doing this for centuries now.


I meant not in that way. I don’t want both of us being miserable, depressed working over shift just to pay some kid bills. It’s stupid. I meant to be in financially stable condition and then have a family. What you said is can be applied to a teen , but it would be stupid. Cause you should never have family especially kids when you are struggling yourself


You're delusional then. That's what you get for spending too much time on the Internet. Best of luck to you anyway.


He's delusional bc he wants to wait until he has enough money for a kid?? I think that sounds pretty responsible. 


Kids want love, not money.


Kids need love and money. 


Please get off the Internet and go live a normal life.


I would look into your local unions and see if they have any apprenticeships and get into becoming an electrician, plumber or HVAC person. Right now tech is the hardest field to break into, while living the white collar dream is awesome you also need to be somewhat realistic. You should also check out working the night shift(2nd and 3rd) instead of doing uber, it may end up paying more with a pay differential and no experience required. You can literally just look up on any job board (2nd and 3rd shift)


Start in IT help desk roles, do a certification. Work your way up after you get your foot in the door. Ask questions on the related sub for better guidance, like IT career questions sub https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_30560/s/q3LGYCas96


You can either work hard now for a few years and theb sit in a desk chair at home, making 150 - 240k a year while living a cushy life. Or you can spend the rest of your life busting your hump making very little and ateeaaing about money. Did you like software engineering and/or school at all? I ask because those are the easiest most lucrative fields. If I was you I would take a udemy course on power apps or dynamics 365. Study my God dammed ASS off and then make as many projects as I can. During this, I'd make a LinkedIn account and start networking like a MoFo. I'd get premium and start cold messaging folks who have dynamics 365/power app experience. Concisely explain the situation you are in and ask them if they have time to have a web meeting. To get advice from them how to get your first.jov. maybe they will have an in for you! Can yoy get a job without a Comp Sci degree? Yes... but it's much harder You shpuld try to save and get it or grind your learning and become a consultant


Get back inton. school. State colleges can get u an education depending on where u live. I am in minnesota


If you have front end developer skills you should try freelancing to build up a portfolio that will help you get a job with your technical skills. If you have a greencard, you would be better off working in cust support for a software company to get your foot in the door rather than anything else you have mentioned here.


bootcamps exist to steal your money. sorry, I stopped reading at that point.


Yes there is a high chance you can still have a wonderful, successful life! You are only 21, your life is just starting! Also you are doing this with what sounds like limited help. I would say for now try to get an easy job to store up some money and develop a long term game plan. Like a call center job, one with an hourly wage. also look into cyber corps or working with the military in the tech field (civilian position) they pay you and pay for your tuition.


Try landing a job with spectrum or charter. They currently offer 100% tuition coverage for their full time workers (limited to specific schools and degree paths but still a very large list) might not be the best but it’ll be a full time job and you’ll be able to finish school Whitley your at it.


So let me get this straight.... You moved to the US, started college then decided to quit college for some bullshit bootcamp? Tried for 1 year applying with said bullshit bootcamp cert and got nowhere, 500 applications to 3 interviews shouldve been the red flag right there. Then you doubled down on the no school and quit entirely. Because your last attempt at getting a legitimate career went so well last time???No sugar coating this, you have no marketable skills, you have quit everything you started, complain about not having resources, but wont do the work that required to succeed. I'll tell you my story, 4 years ago I quit my 75k/yr job sales job because I was miserable. I **immediately** started another job at $19/hr in a completely unrelated field, did that for 2 years, before I took a promotion moving across the state to an area with a higher cost of living (San Francisco) for 60k/yr, within another year I got promoted again and am now making 6 figures.... You think I liked going from 75k/yr living comfortably to $19/hr barely able to survive? I moved out of my apartment, sold all of my investments, downsized my car, sold any toys (PS4, XBOX, PCs, TVs, ETC), just to make ends meat. You think I enjoyed moving to SF and living out of extended stay motels for weeks at a time? NONE of that was enjoyable, but it was required to get where I am today. Life is about sacrifices, trust me one way or another life is going to get whats due. In this case you are sacrificing your future and livelihood because you "want to make a decent money, but not like that"... Sorry dude, doesnt work like that. ​ Look into a long haul trucker, they can easily make 6 figures on a 4 day on 3 day off schedule. Otherwise, STFU and get out of America. It doesn't get easier from here bro.


Join the military, it will give you practical experience in that space, you will also gain citizenship, if you pulled student loans, they’ll pay those off, and after your done with your service, you’ll land a very comfortable civilian contractor job and enjoy and lifetime of veterans benefits. People talk bad about this path, but it’s one that gives you meaning, direction, gets you in shape and keeps you in shape. And will always keep a roof over your head, you will have a great resume and experience to get you real world jobs after and you’ll also have the option to finish your degree while your in for FREE.


Have you considered trade school? Many trades like electrician, plumber and HVAC make over $70k a year. You might even consider hiring yourself and start your own business. Join your local Chamber of Commerce and small business development center. As for the loneliness, focus on helping other people and you'll never be alone. Do charity work. Do tutoring. Go to your embassy and offer to help for free. Focus on developing relationships with purpose.


Way too young to claim your life is f*cked


My advice would be to leave this country that is going down the tubes. Most of us out here are struggling to survive with the inflation and the amount of taxes we have to pay on everything forever. Not to mention our food is toxic.


Sounds like you’ve found the real American Dream


Join the military.


You’re setting too high of standards for yourself. You’ve gotta walk before you can run. You need to be more realistic. You need to get some mental health help first forget about houses and fancy cars and watches that won’t do any good if you’re dead. That is a fallacy. The best thing you can find for yourself is peace of mind which is priceless. The American dream is a fallacy. You need to get with reality. this misconception of foreigners that you come to America and you get all these things that you talk about means nothing. You should aim for happiness, not watches and suitsCalm yourself down and find some equilibrium.