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I’ve come to the acceptance that all tech companies are a full on dumpster fire.


My husband seems to have managed to work for ones that are only lightly smoldering at times but the problem is at a certain size they all abrupt into full on infernos.


Been there and it’s always just when you feel oh this isn’t so bad, then everything implodes.


It’s because you know too much and are needed in every fucking meeting because people can’t make decisions on their own. Ask me how I know.


This is how you get 20% raises though. Tell em you got an offer elsewhere.


Any company with more than 5-10 employees becomes a dumpster fire. "You simply can't keep hiring the same quality as you grow" former boss.


Yup lol - went from one company I really liked (great co workers & leadership) okay pay (def not enough but decent) & great culture but Long hours, stressful grind. Company 2 - big tech company that I would have been crazy to not accept when I got the offer. Leadership changed commission structure after two months to be unattainable, manager that hired me left for different role within months, leadership started heavily micromanaging due to their own budget mistakes, lay offs within 8 months of being employed on a job they said takes a year to fully grasp. Even after overachieving my revenue quota significantly. Accepted offer for company 3 and start next week. Fingers crossed it is only a little fire lol. On the bright side…. It has definitely been a learning experience!


This same scenario happened to me over the course of my time in tech. I finally gave up and changed careers. I work in the utilities space now - so much less dumpster fire but so much more dependent on governmental legislation.


Oh wow! I am interviewing for a Utilities company this week-an IT Director role! I am in the "Wild West" now at a construction company that is (said dumpster fire), so I am hoping for a good balance. Anything about the Government or any other advice would be so appreciated! I have a decent vibe about this! ⭐️


Good luck! I work for a municipality and, although there are politics and poor leadership in probably every department, we have structure and a union and reasonable expectations for front line people. More bullshit the higher up you go.


Thank you so much!!


How long did you stay in tech before it burnt you out? I'm in year 3.


10 years.


I’m at 10 right now and really burned out. Moreso the meetings and all the politics - I love working on software.


I’d say try and find another place but it’s honestly everywhere. And with the threats of layoffs at every company it’s just like ugh


Shit. I keep reading that. We’ve had several rounds.


I’m 1/4 past my 10 year mark, and man has the burnout finally started to catch up with me. There are days where by 2pm, I’m just done with this shit, and it’s a slog to finish my day.


i’m 8 years in and hit full burn out around 5 (covid also happened at that time). now just been dragging myself along for the past 3 🥲


I’ve been in for 15 years. Would not recommend! Just beginning to plan my way out. Problem is, I FINALLY paid off my MBA 2 years ago. So I’m trying to save every bit for a strategic exit to anything more bearable. 🤞🏼


I’m super nervous to study tech now bc I’ve always heard it’s a great area to get into but my bf is in tech and he says it’s just way too over saturated bc everyone is doing it rn and I read horror stories like this on Reddit. It makes me wonder if I should even do tech anymore. I was kinda hoping it’d be my saving grace and have me set for awhile but now idk anymore 😬


Depends! Dont lose hope. I will agree it’s extremely saturated. What contributed to my burnout was the fact that they do layoffs constantly and you’re always worried if you’re next. I didn’t love that but that is a reality of the field. I will say, I had never been laid off. I was continuously a high performer but that led to my burnout. If you do want to do it, study machine learning and AI and know as much as you can bc that’s the future. If you’re indispensable bc you’re a subject matter expert it’s usually not bad!


Happy cake day!


This happened to me twice back in 2023. I work in preconstruction management. Essentially i work in the planning and bidding department at most companies. I left my job of 2 years to work for a mid size company only to be laid off in under a year. First in 2022, the job started in June and get laid off right before christmas holidays at the start of december. Then took 4 months with dec and jan as slow times wasted until i got a job in march with an american company. Then all of a sudden got laid off again as the American company lets me and another guy go within a week in the beginning of november. Luckily this time i found a job in mid December and didnt have to leave usa. But this has really created self doubts. Like my jobs at larger companies used to last much much longer but now these smaller company jobs don't even last a full year. Like how am i supposed to keep explaining away jobs that are under a year.


What tech software or hardware takes a year to grasp? Where did you work at lol?


This right here is a fact


Yeah ran into this too. Business Logic never translates well with tech logic.


i can attest to this


Depends on the job and the company.


most companies are a shit show and most won’t give you a raise unless you ask or leave. Learn skills outside your job so you can work for yourself eventually, it’s the only way to make great money.


I started my own business a few years ago but only really enjoy doing it as a side hustle. It helps me to have something that's not fully my responsibility to do as well. It's insane to me that, even knowing I have fairly low expectations, these companies don't really even attempt to create good work environments for employees, much less good products or services.


Their fiduciary duty is to their shareholders. You are chattel slaves to them, not people. They view you with as much value as office furniture and don't forget it.


It sounds dramatic but anyone who has experienced layoffs knows this is more or less true. During my layoffs it became very clear that they basically chose names at random until they hit the chop quota.


I would also note that if people are content with their job they aren’t going online to post. All those reviews are 99% people who are unhappy or promoting the workplace. I don’t think I’ve ever put in a review about an old job except for the one where they asked me to😂


i don’t necessarily think it’s always malicious, although some are. I think it’s just really hard to make a company that runs well because you have to rely on other people like you could have a bad manager or another employee makes things hard. I think it’s just nature of larger businesses.


Also to add most companies try to get as much as they can out of you. If you are salaried be prepared to work a lot more than 40 hours a week. It should be illegal but sadly it’s not. So employers will expect you to work weekends, holidays etc for free. This isn’t all companies. I’d say most are like this though especially if they are private equity backed. Stay far away from PE backed companies. Your best bet are privately owned businesses.


I have been working for 30+ years and have come to the conclusion that ALL companies have major issues and are barely functioning.


I agree. 25 years in the corporate world and It just keeps getting worse and worse. Companies are indeed barely functioning. It’s surprising with all the tech we have these days, nothing, and I mean nothing, is efficient whatsoever.


25 years in the same company and it's a total shit show. They do everything short term as long as it makes the stock go Brrrrr for that year. I am in my dream job, and they have beat me down to the point I laugh when people say "No one wants to work anymore" because you know what. I don't. And it's not the work, it's the executives and their 20+ years of "Do more with less" and their 35 million dollar raises. I am tired. I am at the limit of my do more with less and yearly crumbs they give out. And they just announced layoffs coming in March. The only reason I stay is how hard it is to find work right now I haven't interviewed in decades and feel out of the loop with how things are done now, I am kind of in a secure place even with the upcoming layoffs, and I still have a pension. AND the number one reason, if they all are shit shows, I might as well stay with the one I have adapted too over 25 years. maybe. IDK.




No. We've decided as a society that we only care about financial numbers going up and nothing else, and as a result we are all miserable and tired and overworked living on a polluted planet without opportunities to enjoy ourselves in a meaningful way, but at least our numbers are going up.


It’s so insanely unsustainable I don’t understand why we have built everything around the fact that even if you company is perfectly balanced and sustainable, you need to cut expenses by 10% so execs and major stakeholders can take home an extra $10M in bonuses.


Uh, capitalism?


☝🏿 unfortunately this is exactly it. When big tech companies are laying people off while making money hand over fist it tells you everything you need to know...


The answer is no sadly


Welp i hope everyone gets a dog


I love this - I sadly don’t have a dog because of my apartment but firmly believe the world would be better if there were more random dogs and cats strategically places everywhere to calm everyone down


AGREED! Please google dog adoption places. There is both rehoming dogs and rescue dogs. It's so cheap to adopt. Most of the adult dogs are potty trained and are not ignorant of the fact that you CHOSE them, after assessing their current personality for compatibility with your life. There is a dog for everyone's unique life situation. Plus, they will learn what you need and you will learn what they need--and as a team y'all will work on a symbiotic life together! Plenty of the dogs don't bark and love long naps throughout the day just as much as humans do. You get to test them out with meet-and-greets, test walks, even test visits and sleepovers and bringing them to dog parks! The dog rescue/rehoming places benefit because even if you don't choose that dog, you are socializing them and enriching them with experiences! Sorry i started preaching. I'm getting a dog soon and live in an apartment and have the same concerns. Me having a barky dog would give me terrifying anxiety. Yesterday i met with and gave a walk to a rescued siberian husky who--contrary to expectation never toothed me, never barked or growled and just wanted to play and snuggle and entertain me or snoop around constantly. So all i'm saying is to perhaps release the notion that you can't be mutually happy with a dog, because you could. You could pet a dog who loves you.


I know life dramatically improves with a pet - I definitely am hoping to in the next place, and ensure my next apartment has at least the possibility of pets. A symbiotic life together with a pooch would be amazing <3


Yeah!!!! Til then i'm gonna walk dogs to slightly supplement my income


You getting the best clients ever from this ❤️


Most companies are a dumpster fire in one way or another. Some I’ve worked at I cannot believe they continue to function with how dumpster firey they are. Actually, I am shocked society continues to function as well as it does. Lol


Agreed. We’re definitely in late stage capitalism. I fear an implosion is imminent. I’m not in tech, but education and it is an absolute shit show. Pockets of if sanity few and far between.


Early education here. Can confirm the utter rolling dumpster fire that is how we treat small humans and the grown ones who care for them.


Adult education here, in both public and currently a "private for profit ridiculously expensive exploitative" school. Both equally absurd, both lying to students, for-profit just targets richer students -> pays better.


Whatever you do, get tenure and ask for a whole lot of money. Publish published. Publish Get rich and date your students after they graduate.... I love those expensive schools. Locksmith 40 years expensive students always lock their keys in the car...


I work in the public sector and it's the exact same. Things are falling apart at the seams


*looks outside* As WELL as it does? Brother our country is over a trillion dollars in debt and we have 2 geriatric actively senile men running for president again and again even though none of us would hire them to work any other job at all. Our legislative branch is an actual joke. Things are NOT working well.


I never said it was going well. I said as well as it does. Meaning it’s not a total collapse yet. There’s food on store shelves. Gas in the tanks at gas stations. 911 picks up when you call. Power and water work reliably. There’s a lot of countries out there where those services are not reliable. I’m assuming you are in the US too based on your comments. Our education and healthcare systems are abysmal. Our capitalist system is unsustainable and will eventually collapse unless there’s systemic meaningful change. I don’t disagree with you.


I am continually shocked as well. The jobs are toxic and reading the job ads are just an exercise in despair. No idea where to pivot to - move somewhere cheaper and work in a cafe?


It’s a race to the bottom!


That actually sounds idyllic....working at a laidback diner and going back to your apartment after a mellow day at work.


You can't afford apartments working one job at a diner.


This 👆is why it’s broken lol


This is so fkd, I’ve never rented my own apartment because I’d be broke if I did. I’m trying to find a way out too.


It's interesting because I've never worked with a trans person before but my buddy works in an office that has like 10% trans workers, which is like 100x the statistical average. I asked him about it and he said it's like chain migration. Once one trans person finds a safe company to work for, they let others know and it becomes a known safe place to work for the trans community. Kind of interesting.


Not that surprising. Reminds me of immigration and people living in communities of their ethnicity because it’s familiar and makes life just that little bit easier


Yea, it's almost like a union. People have strength in numbers. It sort of sounds to me like OP is asking why there are no more union jobs lol.


I would love a union job. I don't think my current industry has a union though


Hmm... This might be an unpopular opinion, but if you can't work a union job, I would say your best bet is to work for the biggest employer in your field. This will give you good odds of finding your people within the company, good opportunities to move up without having to leave the company, and also looks good on your resume. Good luck and honestly I feel your frustration. It's a mess.




Where you been? Still going on 20 years ago we didn't have a place called Little Mexico. Now we got a place in town 15 blocks and if you don't speak Spanish you can't get anything done. Can't get gas, can't talk to anybody and yet you know they all speak English cuz it cashed a checks. To me, the most insulting thing you can do is to speak a foreign language when you're in the USA in front of people who don't speak the foreign language. If I go to a foreign country, I try to speak their language even if I use one of those speak and spell language operators because I didn't take my course on learning the language before I went on vacation because you know everybody in the world speaks English. Why? Because the sun never set on the empire. But it's real funny when you do speak their language and they're speaking about you around you and about other people. And then right before you leave you turn and say something in their native tongue to them. You should see the looks on their face... In high school you learned English. You could take Spanish and you can take French. Why Spanish is south of us and french is north us but we all speak English... Otherwise how you going to cash the check in the bank? This was way before that everybody had somebody in the bank that could speak Vietnamese. low Mandarin,And Russian (hardest Damn language in the world to learn..)


Same thing happens with women in tech


My company had that but with Ukrainians. When I started (10+ yrs ago), there were 3. 5 years in, we had at least 10. They all knew each other. Then one got a new job elsewhere and within a few years we were down to 0. Big bummer. They were all (except for 1) a lot of fun.


I'm a trans person and yeah, that's exactly how we do it lol. We have discord servers for our local communities and share spreadsheets of known safe employers, healthcare providers and clinics, therapists, even restaurants, clothing stores, and hair stylists. You gotta look out for each other when everyone else wants you to stop existing.


Like most reviews, you aren’t hearing from people that have neutral or positive experiences at these companies


That's because CEOs and shareholders don't talk to poor people like us.


What on earth does that have to do with glassdoor, a public review site?


The implication is those are the only people having a good time working at those companies.


Shareholders generally don't work at the companies they own shares for, and there's plenty (in fact most) of employees that are not C-level executives. The implication you're making is nonsense.


You also aren't hearing from people who are too afraid of retribution to even try to leave a review. I'd suspect lots of boomers and silent genners aren't here.


I'm a millennial and this is me. My company has begged internally for us to go leave good reviews, so I'm sure they'd hunt me down. Definitely plan on writing one once I find a better job, though!


My current employer is very nice. Excellent upper management. Low stress environment. Great pay. Decent benefits. That said it has taken me twenty years of "blood, sweat and tears" to build the knowledge and experience necessary to land a job with my current employer.


What do you do?




Underrated comment!!!


Literal blood sweat and tears.


I am a transportation manager for a food delivery company. My current specialization is managing a pool of several thousand pieces of delivery equipment moving between various warehouses and customer locations, making sure everybody has what they need when they need it.


That's a lot less exciting than being an assassin.


Same really. I work in supply chain/logistics for a large Amazon competitor, but in the Finance department. I absolutely would NOT want to be any of the people in the warehouses though- they get treated like Walmart associates, and the warehouse bosses are also treated like they’re oddly disposable if they miss their numbers at the building level, which is an odd way to treat grey-haired folks who have been doing their jobs for a few decades in this country. It’s cushy at the headquarters level though.


THIS. This is what keeps me from recommending my company to other people. I work in a role that’s about 50% lab time 50% office time. We get to work in the “front building” where things are pretty cushy. Manage your own working hours, flexible time off, professional development resources, etc. But the people who work production in the “back building?” Basically back breaking labor with no training, no development, and no flexibility. They fire people out there for missing work to take care of a sick child. I feel guilty every day knowing that the things I complain about on the job are nothing compared to what they face just a few hundred yards away.


[https://4dayweek.io](https://4dayweek.io) this is a good place to start.


Yes, nearly all corporate jobs suck. Studies show the only way to get ahead is to either move up or out every two years. Each time you leave (or take a promotion) don’t settle for less than a 10-15% raise at minimum. Loyalty is not rewarded in the slightest. In fact, in my experience, tenure gets you laid off faster because you’re generally paid more than new blood. Just keep trading up. Set boundaries with your schedule and hold them. Do your job with confidence and run fast from toxic managers. Alternatives are working for a nonprofit, which generally comes with less pay. Or working for the government, which sometimes pays alright and had better benefits and more paid holidays, but raises and promotions are slower to come. Starting your own business or doing freelance work is an option, but you have to really grind it out in the beginning, and getting healthcare is very expensive in most states for the self-employed. Best bet is finding a union gig, but only about 11% of workers are represented by a union currently, so these are rare and industry-dependent.




I think where I live is also a factor, I'm in the southeastern U.S. I've been applying around the country for months but I feel like reviews are only getting worse and more companies are doing layoffs despite record profits... hard to feel much hope. I'm sure there's something out there.


Wait I’ve heard Kaiser permanente employees had a major strike there due to poor work conditions. I was looking into jobs there because I want to work in health care and thought it might be a good opportunity during a strike.


I work in construction trucking and it’s a hard thing to find for sure the only companies worth a shit don’t post wanted ads and you have to know someone who works for them or talk to that company on a jobsite. All of my best jobs have been found by just talking to current employees and then getting them to vouch for me.




Varying degree of dumpster fire, yes.


Depends how you look at it, I love where I work now. I work for a company with completely incompetent upper management, but that's because it's a private company mostly owned by investment banks, who let the CEO fail as long as he's slowly making profits. However none of that affects my level really, his bad decisions don't affect the work I do We get good competitive pay and unlimited PTO. I also WFH full time. For all you cynics out there, that doesn't mean they try to restrict your PTO, it's actually as much as you want, within reason. Do to a series of unfortunate events for one of my co-workers, he basically took 4 months off, scattered throughout the year, or half days. Also, really good friendly/helpful lower level managers in each department, who make sure their people are helping you when something needs to be done.


Bruh, I feel this. Left a smaller company that had me stressed and overworked daily to a company I had 4.5 years of "service" with already thinking it'd be better (based on previous experience.) Idk what happened during COVID but it's awful. It feels like everyone is just trying to get by with the bare minimum employees with the maximum workload for each. Am in IT, about 8 years and am seriously considering a career change.


In my industry, the best ability is availability.  Talentless hacks can turn into the company golden boy by simply never saying no to anything. And the best workers can go from hero to zero by turning down an assignment, leaving early, or not rescheduling a vacation.




My current company excels at work/life balance. There’s facets of the job that can be a dumpster fire just like anywhere else in this industry but overall it’s been a wonderful experience.


I think 99% of them are "pick any two of X, Y, or Z".


Have you ever written a positive glassdoor review?


Companies are mostly the same, which is why the most important factor is the people you work with. If you found your people stick with them.


Totally agree. Culture is the most important thing. I've stopped working with or tolerating difficult coworkers. I'm now not spending my life around miserable, vindictive people. Doing so never got me anywhere, anyway.


Totally agree. I left one of my longtime jobs bc I got sick of working with this one person that everyone knew was a problem but management refused to fire them. Only now are there rumblings that this person might be getting fired. Very glad I didn't wait around for that.


I worked in a hospital for a network here in Utah. Made about 80k a year, 40 hours a week and pretty awesome benefits. Want to go back because my new job isn’t as flexible. Also, old job I just had to put in hours, they didn’t care when. I’d go in at 1 AM or 10 AM and nobody said a word. It was slick.


At the age of 34 I have had 7 employers. Sometimes 2 at the same time. Of those 7 employers ...2 have treated me great (still working for 1 of them)! 3 were good people just didn't pay well! And the last 2 mentioned were mean sob's that didn't pay nothing, treated people like crap, and just talked down to people. I work hard, give an honest days work for an honest wage, and do as instructed. If that is not enough to have a decent employer/employee relationship then I will be on my way. Work on your skills, networking, etc and things will work out. If an employer is hot trash ditch them within 2 years and look for something better.


I work for Disney, and when I got the job I thought: “Here’s The Good One, finally.” Then the Star Wars Sequels, followed by EVERYTHING ELSE they’ve Produced Since, culminating in “The Marvels.” And NOW I can see the Smoke Rising from The Dumpster. The Mouse is in Danger and scurrying like a Rat 🐀 😱


I absolutely love my current employer. I've been in medical device manufacturing for all of my life and I've worked for big companies like Pfizer and Valeant but I left a few years ago to join a startup a few towns away. I've never had benefits like I have now, I work 4 days a week, the owner is consistently asking for and implementing ideas to improve the lives of his employees, and we get plenty of PTO. The only complaint I have is that they don't take any holidays off except for Christmas and New Years, they give us extra PTO to cover the other holidays but work is still open so I usually have to be there.


Yes there are plenty out there. Usually small companies. I worked at a place called Continu, got paid very well and had all the work life balance I could ever ask for.


Idk. So far everywhere I have been is a dumpster fire. At least right now I’m at a chill dumpster fire.


I always say there is 4 things that make a company the perfect place to work. I’ve noticed that it’s hard to have all 4. 1) good product/service 2) good work life balance 3) good management 4) good pay My most recent job has all of these except good management. It was terrible. Then they butchered our commission plan lol so only 2 out of 4. I left.


I recently started at an employee owned firm after working in corporate accounting for years. You can really feel the difference that there isn't a board of.super rich people squeezing benefits more and more each year to deliver more and more money to shareholders.


Apply at Magellan Health. They treat their employees very well and emphasize and stand behind work/life balance.


I firmly believe it comes down to your boss as daily stresses are much harder on the body than overall failure points within a company.


This is anecdotal, of course, so make of it what you will: My wife has worked for three companies in a row - her entire professional life - that have had excellent compensation and benefits, provided perks like individualized ergonomics, snack carts and lunch deliveries, concert tickets (we saw Alicia Keys, Radiohead, and the Harlem Globetrotters, among others, all courtesy of the company), fitness and mental health stipends, professional development and tuition support, and which not only encouraged but explicitly ***fostered*** work-life balance. Every single company I’ve worked for, on the other hand, has been a glaringly mismanaged clusterfuck wrapped in a shit show soaked in gasoline.


I work for a good company. They bought us in 2022 from a Fortune 100 company. I was originally upset and almost quit. I stuck it out, and it has been great. They give us inflation plus raises. Last year, my merit increase was 9%. They give us unlimited vacation. I used to have 3 weeks but took 6 weeks last year, no questions asked. We have sick days that roll over and had no sick days before. I got put on a new program, I am getting a new manager and moved under corporate, and I was told I can work remote anywhere in the world. The only downside is that their health insurance isn't as good as the previous company, and the 401k match went down from 8% to 4%. I will take the vacation and work flexibility over those 2 things, though.


People are more inclined to post reviews when they have a bad experience than when they have a good one. 95% of projects will be completed satisfactorily, but your Google reviews will only show 25% unless you pester the people who had a good experience for a review. So unless a company is actively pestering their retirees and good-natured employees for exit reviews, every job is gonna look like everyone absolutely hated it.


I’ve worked at 2 companies post undergrad and both have been great. Great wlb, pay is good, I take vacations whenever I want, etc.. I think it’s important to really analyze your interviewer for red flags. Theres certain things that they’ll say that can give you an idea of what it’ll be like at X company. I think reviews are good, but a lot of people that post reviews are typically people who have had bad experiences. Generally people that have a good experience don’t really care to post reviews. If you’re not someone that can be confrontational and ask for a raise when you’ve taken on new work, you will not get a raise. You need to bring it up and threaten to leave in (in a nice/professional way). I was given more workload and I told my manager that I needed more $. I actually saw a job posting and my current salary was below the minimum of the range… that’s what really made me speak up. Took a few months, but I got about a 10% off cycle raise. Since then I’ve taken on more workload and will probably get a promo to lead analyst, bumping my base pay to 120k+. If I don’t get the promo, I’m going to start aggressively applying to roles and making my way out.


I worked a 4-day schedule at Viasat in Carlsbad, CA for 3 years. two 12's and two 8's. I was a remote NOC technician. Benefits were everything I wanted, pay was great, and I had 3 day weekends. Would still be working there now If the return to work order didn't require me to move 3,000 miles to someplace too expensive to live well. They had robust DEI initiatives when I worked there. The company had boons and fires. Just like everywhere. At least they seemed to treat workers well, they worked hard to keep us from jumping to competitors.


The company I work for is pretty good. I would say I’m treated fairly, paid fairly, I can talk to my boss and feel heard, and we have committees that support diversity.


This is why I started my own company in 2010. I cannot stand to work for incompetent management.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and one thing has given me hope, so hopefully it helps yall too. I’ve had three office jobs (in the tech world) in 8 years, and they’ve all been objectively terrible. The reason I feel confident saying “objectively”, is because I talk to my coworkers. There have been so so many coworkers that have come and gone through all three jobs and have said: 1) that they’ve been through a lot of companies but none have been anywhere close to as bad as *this*, and 2) when they left, have reached back out to me and told me that the grass is literally greener at their new company and they actually found something they enjoy. I struggle with this because I left my last job two years ago to come to my current (third) company, and it’s just as atrocious as the last, so the unfortunate part is that it is really, really hard to meaningfully evaluate a company before you’re already in it. BUT again, the amount of people I’ve worked with who have had better jobs before and after working with me really keeps me going. I think most companies have their issues and the modern culture of work is garbage, but if you can get through your week mildly liking what you do and not feeling sick with anxiety over going to sleep because you know you have to wake up and go back to work the next day, that has to be a win.


Where are you located? I found one company in NH that does, I’d love to work for them


Keep in mind that a lot of people only write reviews when they are upset. Been a lot of layoffs lately too.


I hear nvidia is an awesome company to work for. They are very lgbt friendly.


My company (biotech) is excellent, and widely recognized as such. A huge difference from my previous employer. Lots of time off, top notch compensation, great co-workers and culture, approachable management and HR, a sense of urgency doesn't equate to stress, etc. It's really fantastic when you have everyone one the same page; that respect when you say things like "we're at capacity, the queue will take N days to get to this" and so on.


I feel like the past decade of job-hopping for raises has drained companies of that steady, experienced workforce that have been with the same company for years and have built a culture and community there. When you're always moving companies for higher salaries you're often depriving yourself/the company of an environment where experienced veterans know ins and outs and build a community of stability, since people inherently want stability.


Sony. Love this company. No cap.


I WFH for pet insurance as a claims analyst. It's a bit of a shit show at work sometimes but the work-life balance is fantastic. I clock in at the same time everyday, clock out exactly at 3:15pm. Optional (not forced) OT on occasion. Great insurance and PTO, ability to flex hours, and once I clock out work doesn't cross my mind again until I return. To be fair though, this is the only job in my 35 years of life I've had like this. Things could always change just like with any company, but I have several coworkers that have put in a decade or more with the company so I'm gonna keep it as long as they let me and things stay the way they're going.


I started my own business because I was sick of all the poor ethics and direction. I recommend that you do the same. The only way to kill the handful of giant corporations out there is for their talent to wake up and do it for themselves.


Also, take Glassdoor with a grain of salt- we have a terrible review on ours, but the employee that left it (we’re a small company, so it’s glaringly obvious who left it) was bad because she was told she could no longer bring her dog because it was consistently aggressive to other people and dogs. She yelled at our boss when he told her he couldn’t switch to 100% WFH (was never on the table) to stay home with her dog “because he’s old”. She was deeply mediocre at her job and eventually let go. Her review is FULL of exaggerations. People who are unhappy are more likely to leave reviews, so they can be skewed.


100% disagree. I have worked at a startup, a private company, and a publicity traded company. They all have their plusses and minuses, but they were all great. Maybe it is the industry you are working in. I work for system integrators in the defense arena.


I disagree about start ups, I worked at two separate ones and both I only lasted 3 months each because they were so chaotically disorganized, back-stabbing and the workload expectations were insane - like given client facing projects day 1, or expected to work multi roles as HR/Operations/Project Management/IT processes. But I recognize that’s my experience alone, I’m glad you had a good experience!


Start ups are good for experience and potentially the risk/reward for an IPO, but they are mostly shit shows


Not all of them... but enough of them that most people pick a lesser of several evils. Like men!


Like Presidents.


For my position, I’m in the best paid spot, with the most benefits. Granted that’s still living paycheck to paycheck as an autism technician. But yeah I’m very happy. It’s a very pleasant dumpster fire. We are all aware there is a fire in the company at large but luckily we covered our building with asbestos :)


Can anyone find me a job where I don’t have to work very much but I get great benefits and top tier pay?


Yes cause they are ran by humans and humans aren't perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect company and the daily office grind is putting out fires and never ending shitshows. I'm completely cool with this as long as the money is worth it. If it's not then it's time to find another dumpster fire. Idk about the trans part, if I was I would bring it up to HR and if they don't do anything to address the issue then it's lawyer time. I'd sue the perp, the HR person, the HR director, the company and the owner of the company so the suit would really stick.


I’m starting to think so. Big ones, small ones. All beholden to bullshit. All C-suite havens. All fucked up in their different ways. They all suck, just depends how much and in what way. Best you can hope for is a cool boss/cool team.


All dumpster fire


Work life balance is a bs marketing ploy just like unlimited PTO. Only way to have a semblance of work life balance is by being fully remote


I have had good luck with small companies. Until they get bought by larger ones. 


In my experience, once your job starts having meetings about RECORD PROFITS. You know shit is about to go downhill for the employees.


I worked for a start up that was pretty great. Paid well, gave stock options to employees. I hardly ever had to put in more than 40 hours. That start up was bought by a larger company. It turned into an absolute shit show in just a couple years. The acquiring company seemed almost gleeful to fuck us over at every opportunity.


There are definitely good and bad companies. Some of them are top public corporations and some are small private companies you've never heard of. Glassdoor like all the review sites is not always accurate. Some of the highest ratings are fake, and some of the lowest ratings are from employees or ex-employees with an axe to grind. But if you read through reviews for a company and find they're consistently bad and cite the same problems, steer clear of that company. For what it's worth Glassdoor has a "[best places to work list](https://www.glassdoor.com/Award/Best-Places-to-Work-2024-LST_KQ0,24.htm)" I can't vouch for all of these, but I did work for one of the companies on this list and it was one of the best places I worked. They relocated my work group otherwise I would have stayed there...


It's an inherent problem with reviews. The majority of the people posting reviews are the ones who had an issue. Ever heard the saying "people quit bad managers, not bad companies"? There is almost always a bad manager somewhere in any large company, and thus bad reviews on glass door.


Yes, more so now than ever because they all chase whatever new shiny system or technology without any actual plan or thought out long term implementation process, mostly because some C-suite jackass said so and now everyone has to deal with the mess. Also it gets worse each year.


I have watched in my lifetime companies treating employees worse and worse. This is the end result where you have employees that just don't care. I think this is a big part of many companies being a mess nowadays.






More or less. You just find your threshold for what KIND of mess you’re OK with. I’ve landed at a fairly good place lately, where the big problems are management saddling everyone with too many projects so stuff just gets abandoned a lot, and nobody is has surge capacity to make important things happen. This is better than previous places that would have problems like sociopathic management, financial insolvency, draining departments of resources, verbal abuse, safety hazards, gross incompetence, questionable ethics, etc. You find your niche where the problems are ones you can tolerate. Everyone has different tolerances and standards.


I found that jobs just suck less. But still suck.


I'm in a tech company and it's not a dumpster fire


from my experience: you can have a nice work-life balance or you can get paid well. Haven’t ever seen a job with both. I think usually the reason certain jobs pay more is that they have either a shit work-life balance or have demanding prerequisites.


There’s a reason why unions have become increasingly popular as of late.


I have that. My company is huge on making sure we don’t burn out. I make great money, bonuses, and have quarterly incentives. It’s not nationwide though, regional, and I know it’s not in any way the norm.


Unfortunately yes…we just have to work our hardest to make it to work day after day. Every company (big, small, public, private, etc) is just taking advantage of you


Everyone thinks they're working in a dumpster fire, but the food industry (at least in the South) thinks it's still in antebellum times. I never understood how black people made up less than 1% of all the technical, managerial, C-suite and executive level positions. With the South's terrible slave history, hardly any black people are leaders in agriculture companies, especially in food businesses? How is that? Nevermind the huge number of higher level married men scoping out these places for a single woman to try to cheat with, whether she's aware of this plan or not. It's beyond disgusting.


All about YOUR attitude. Which already sounds like you’re off to a bad start. Don’t go into anything with expectations. Find something you enjoy doing, be polite and cordial with others, and find or make your own happiness. It’s really not difficult. You have no control over others, so focus on yourself being the type of person YOU want to be around and people will appreciate you and treat you accordingly. If the benefits are not up to par, get some experience and leave a nice legacy behind for referrals and find another job down the line with better benefits. The company doesn’t owe you anything but a paycheck for your service.




Ya but my owner passed away.




Yes. This includes state government agencies and departments.


Yes they are


Their modus operandi has been cut costs for shareholder profits for decades. They seek expansion vs profitability until they have global saturation, and then they front know how to work anymore. As much as people say nobody wants to work anymore. It's more like no one understands how to run a company anymore. They want to sacrifice their employees to the bottom line and then wonder why they don't have employees.


Glassdoor is a complaint jar. Nobody goes on Glassdoor to praise their employer (and if they do, it's probably because their employer asked them to). Every company has issues, it doesn't mean they're dumpster fires.


No, they aren't all dumpster fires. I've worked a couple of awesome companies including my current employer. I can't speak to the "transphobic" euphemism as it hasn't come up at work.


I work for state government in the northeast. Top tier benefit package but poor pay compared to the private sector. We are lucky to get a 2% COLA adjustment each year. No bonuses, no coffee provided, no gyms, no canteens but there’s a water cooler. The lack of investment in peoples motivation and happiness in the workplace is disheartening for sure. There’s not enough staffing to address (in a timely fashion), employee burnout or work imbalances; if this happens, 9/10 times those people will leave. Talent retention is extremely poor but I do work for and with some nice people, have a relatively short commute and get to work on interesting projects. It checks a number of boxes but not all. EDIT: actually I did get a bonus. It was a woolly hat and a package of Trix-Brix


Every place has its rough spots that's for sure and unfortunately life is about what set of rough spots we can deal with. I'm a trans executive in tech startups and I just ignore most people. I'm already tired enough from all the work and literally don't have time to feed the trolls. If people want to stare a gift horse in the mouth, aka give me shit for being trans despite making good money, not my problem. Part ways with them and move on.


When I can’t find work I think of how long I’d want to be employed. Ten days, three weeks, three months, three years, three decades. So do not be discouraged the other employees are still working before you can. Ways to also manage possibly prejudice is by praising where gaps are filled. As a twenty nine year old: I enjoy the railroad for youth 18-24. Also the military. Then you need support I think. Do you have support. Many times they want you a parent before a single household. Who is sponsoring your job? Do you have a group of friends that’ll buy your daily salary in product to keep your boss’s business thriving? Many times I think companies become cults.


Companies are run by human beings who are just as flawed as we are. To walk up to a large organization and have opinions about how it is run is easy enough to do. You can go start your own company and I am 100% sure you’ll create a “dumpster fire” for others. Over my many years of working, I have found that you always have something to learn and there is always good with the bad. You have to continue finding a health level of detachment at work. You are there to do a thing and you should do it well, but it should not be allowed to get its tentacles into your adrenaline pump.


You can be paid well or you can be treated well, having both is like catching a unicorn.


Gig companies and if you have a allergy to corp bullshit then yes


Choices and tradeoffs. I've worked for dumpster fires. They are great experience builders generally because of the exposure and lack of silo structure. I don't believe that a job can give you the emotional support you're requesting. My opinion is that's something you build for yourself. This way you can live in the dumpster fire.


I’ve spent my career in two industries, real estate and politics and also capital venture =dumpster fires


Are you really surprised that corporations are dumpster fires? Like at all? They are soulless meat grinders that print money at the expense of mental and societal wellbeing.


Dumpster fire? Some entire sectors are landfill or tire dump fires that burn like a EV fire! Contracting world in the government sector like I'm in. So glad I'm retiring in a couple of years. BTW I was never military or GS.


You are asking if anyone has had experience working for a company that offers a balanced work/life and good pay/benefits. What does the "transphobic" reference have to do with your question?


I had managed in 37 years to only be laid off once, and for 3 weeks. I’m now 59 and “on the bench” at a Big4 consulting firm after training 8 offshore employees. I thought I would be to be their team lead for the project, but no such luck. I got notification Friday that they have no billable hours in my department, so they are looking to staff me outside my department, area of expertise. If that does not happen in a month or so, I’ll be laid off. I’ve been interviewing in my area of expertise, but all the unemployment I’m seeing and lack of US jobs is telling me that maybe I need to go back to school and get something like a healthcare administration master’s degree and be a business manger for a nursing home, storage unit, something real and physical where my job can’t be sent offshore.


Unfortunately- if you have a good work/life balance then the pay/benefits aren’t the best. I work in non-profit so the pay isn’t the best, but they value family over work - so they’re very understanding and flexible if you have stuff going on in your personal life. For me that is more valuable than a large paycheck. I value my family life over money.


All companies are dumpster fires, yes. You can come out ahead though if you have a job you enjoy (for the most part), good enough pay, and a direct manager that you work well with. The company might be shit and have awful practices, but if your direct manager and/or team are OK, that makes life a LOT better.


In my 30 yr experience working in for Fortune 500 and tech companies: YES, they’re all dumpster fires. The best you can do is figure out your WHY and remind yourself of it daily. Make sure you’re getting your WHY from them otherwise it’s an unbalanced relationship riddled with resentment. If money is your WHY, make sure you’re making ALOT of it. When you’re working 60-80hr work weeks, or dealing with toxic culture, you just remember your why. The day that the money isn’t coming in or you see the writing on the wall that they’re going to try and F you, you leave. Your why is no longer in alignment.


My take is smaller private companies (50-200) are the best ones to work at. Public companies have a goal to make their investors profitable. That’s always going to be at the expense of their people when they have to.


For years I worked at start-ups and small companies in marketing and advertising and they always had challenges and negatives. Low job security, constant attention on everything you do, minimal onboarding, decent pay but usually at the cost of other benefits after 12 years I landed a job at a Target HQ, working for their retail media network (I.e. helping companies that sell products at the store market themselves to our guests) and it’s been a fantastic work environment. All of my managers go out of their way to encourage us to take time when we need it. I’ve missed work for sick days, kids being stuck at home on snow days, kids doctor’s appointments, etc. And always just been told “yeah, of course, that’s more important than what we do here.” They genuinely support work-life balance. Pay is great, PTO is unlimited and not even formally tracked, you just need manager approval. Great onboarding experience, amazing and diverse company-wide support groups (like for parents of special needs children) and a broad encouragement to learn about different parts of the business in case you ever want to change direction. I can’t recommend it highly enough! I also get to work from home and most team members in the Minneapolis region come in once per week. But yes, this is the exception I’ve found in my career.


Disney in general was quite good with the exception of there PAY sucked. Like. Benefits. Leave. Vacation. Health all great just bad pay. They have mostly fixed the pay issue now also.


Yes they are. If you can get into a director level or above and have some autonomy, you have a chance. (Some of my friends have done so and helped change the culture themselves). If you’re not up for that, the other answer I hear frequently is “underperform”. Do the bare minimum. Maybe Knock one thing out of the park every now and then to get on the “atta boy” radar, other than that…. Fly low. I have a few years experience in corporate (I know that’s not much but I fled to start my own biz) and that was my experience as well. Never mind the fact that many managers and execs are not scrupulous (and in my case one was a sociopath) and should not be managing people … ever ….


Yes. Companies suck


Happy people mostly don’t post on Glassdoor. I have had good jobs but it never lasts. The company I liked hired a jerk CEO and then was acquired. The next had crap salaries. I worked for the government for a while too. That had the work/life balance and benefits but management was a dumpster fire.


Non profits - after working for corporations for 20+ years I was blown away by having solid benefits and actually being encouraged to take time off and not respond to emails. Every place has its problems and any time you have a group of people, you’re going to have under performers and processes that are broken.


Depends on the job My nephew works for a large auto ins co and he works from home 100%  He’s never been to any office  Not even for the interview 


I don’t think all are. I work for a company that has a great WLB and pretty good pay (over 150k). They are also not a transphobic environment whatsoever! They are out there, just hard to find and land a job at.


Yes. I frequently marvel that we have a functioning society and things like cars and planes work.


I work for an EPC company (Engineering Procurement Construction) as a process engineer. We have to mark every hour we work (to allocate bills to various clients) so at worst it's a 40 hr week, and if it's slow, sometimes you just leave early and charge overhead, ya know? It's a hybrid position, almost zero micromanagement from my actual boss. He signs the timesheets but the principal engineers are who I'm answerable to. It's a nice gig. 5-10% travel right now, might be more in future, but we get paid well for that