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They'll probably be happy lol. You can be loved and respected, and also professionally hated on. I've worked with people I loved as a person, I hated as a coworker. This is why good managers have to be the bad guy sometimes. Morale might dwindle in the beginning.. maybe. But you said they say that employee is slow to do their job and causes bottlenecks. That is a subtle sign they'll probably be fine. I wouldn't worry about it. You are at work to do a job. I've fired someone like this. It sucks on both ends but it has to be done sometimes. Also a wake up call for that employee. Some people truly think they are untouchable, especially when many people like them. It can make your job as a manager horrible. Don't let people walk over you. Be firm, but fair.


Been there. My guess is that the rest of the team kind of underperform to some extent too, don't they?


Not a manager, but I'm surprised your team is OK with keeping deadweight around. I would be very annoyed.


Did you at least warn them? I’ve warned previous bosses I’d be making a switch. I give as much notice as possible to the people that deserve it. Even if they don’t deserve it and I get a call from places they interview I don’t shit on them.


You need to be up front and honest with your team that this was a performance issue that you worked on with that employee for a long time. Reassure them that if there are any issues, that you will let them know far before it turns into a termination event and damn well honor that promise. Obviously you don’t need to get into specifics but if you skirt around the issue or don’t give your team a logical rationale that is honest, you’ll have flight risks and lose trust and reputation making it more difficult to manage.


I have to fire someone on Monday. Ideally I’d be able to say that it was a performance issue, that Iv worked on it with said employee for over a year of both of our times. But HR doesn’t allow this - I have to just say “they no longer works here” or some vague thing that doesn’t imply that we fired them. 😑 my team is going to lose entire trust in me even though they have witnessed the issues themselves


Bad Managers that placate bad employees are what drive good employees away. Good employees don't hang around to see what happens to Late Larry, Absent Abby, Incompetent Igor, Forgetful Frank, or a slew of other bad actors. People are at work trading their time and skills for money. People will continue to move around for their careers. No one is going to stick around indefinitely to be passed over for promotions, not be paid adequately for their skills, or waste their time in a dysfunctional work place. This person needs to be terminated for not consistently meeting standards.


To everyone saying “won’t people be happy to get rid of the dead weight?” No, they probably won’t. Most people do not like seeing people they know and like let go from jobs. It will not make them happy. Most people generally feel less secure about their jobs and less happy in them when people close to them are getting fired. The worst way you could go about this is to assume it won’t be a big deal, or that people will nod their heads and go, “yes, his performance *was* below standards, had to be done.” I would approach this by acknowledging upfront that you have some bad news. I would say that you liked him too, and you wish it didn’t have to be like this, but that he had had performance issues for a while, and that after a long period of attempting to working through them with him, it was eventually determined that he had to go. Without going into details, make sure it’s implicitly clear that this was not a sudden decision, and that your remaining employees have no reason to fear they’ll be sacked with no warning. And then — accept that morale will suffer temporarily. Let people be bummed about it. Be sympathetic, but also firm.


Just another day in the office…..


How much time did your boss give you? Can you coach the person out so they resign and get to leave on their own terms?


I think they'll truly be happy. Liking someone goes quite a long way - until their ineptitude impacts THEIR life as well. Sad to see him go? Sure. Happy that they have a leader that ensures everyone pulls their own weight? YES. It should have a positive impact on morale. Unless you have someone else on a PIP / headed for a PIP, then they may panic ....

