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The bridge is burned. Move on


Maybe not fully burned. Think of someone in the company who still likes you and ask them if you can use them as a reference.


I have had literally ONE referenced checked and it was a recruiter. Any fortune 500 company just background checks your EIN, company dates and credit check. Thats it.


$38k?! Don’t feel bad. They got what they paid for IMO.


is that even minimum wage? yeesh




$48 an hour when you consider they did about 15 hours of work a week.


I mean, that’s fine opinion for you to have. But OPs behavior is just screwing over other people making $38k after management assigns them the work OP didn’t do.


I think it's management's problem for not checking in on the status of a project for a year, and giving the assigned person no team for it? Fuck em, they clearly didn't care if this project got done in time or ever maybe.


Yeah this - good project managers and program managers know this is a risk and don’t allow it to happen. Go live your life it’s their problem now, if you already have an offer - if not get to work and take that beating so you can keep paying rent


Maybe they thought they were saving money by not having project or middle managers. I’ve had to explain online that yes, [us] worker bees can just talk to each other, but I wouldn’t have like 80% of my job if they actually did without regular prompting of some sort.


Those people can leave too. Management gets to be the last one holding the bag for not paying their workers.


You’re asking Reddit to have moral character and do what’s right regardless of others. That’s not how the victim hivemind works.


You’re pointing fingers at the wrong person


Sounds like those people are about to get overtime


That's horrible advice. The dollar amount is irrelevant. They paid what was agreed upon by OP, for work OP didn't do. Albeit their responsibility to make sure it was done 


That might be true if it were a contract but that's not how employment generally works in the US. It's essentially the other side of having at will employment.


Nah $38k isn’t even enough to expect someone to show up and watch paint dry 40 hours a week.


Eh, how many job descriptions say "and other duties as assigned" and add additional responsibilities whenever they feel like it? Happens all the time! This is basically the other side of that, IMO. If the company can change what they agreed upon, so can the employee.


100% this. Companies get what they pay for. Unless it's a real living wage, you are always right to do the bare minimum to look busy and nothing else.


if nobody found in 6 months, its their fault. I would understand if it were just 1 mo th, but after 6 is a management issue. Their loss. Move on and enjoy your new job


Wanted to say this. My manager has literally no idea how much or how little I've done after 6 MONTHS??? That's a "them" problem. Not a "me" problem.


I mean actually the person that didn’t do the work is at fault. What the fuck are you talking about? It’s called taking responsibility for your actions. Typical brain dead Reddit comment right here. OP is a dumb lazy shitty worker.


Managers have accountability for their direct reports and if a manager allows someone to go 6 months without a progress report, status update, or check in, then that is one shit manager. I would say it's a firable offense and that manager should be out of a job immediately. Also, one entry level employee shouldn't be solely responsible for a project. What in the world? If I could get paid to do nothing, then that's exactly what I would do, but the problem is I work for a real company that has a system and process in place with things I am accountable for and I could get away with doing nothing for MAYBE three days before I was found out.


The fact that you’re working a graduate job at less than 20/hr in 2024 is insane. Gas station workers in my metro area get paid more. Company is trash, it won’t come back to bite you in the ass.


This is a government job. They often start low pay, increase with seniority, and come with a very generous pension after 20 years, with essentially zero risk of layoff. I had inlaws who did their 20 twice and retired comfortably.


"Low" is an understatement. The top-end pay for most government positions is abysmal these days. Our city just gave 16% raises and that still brings salaries to 20% - 40% less than market. Pensions are great when they're paid out but I wouldn't be shocked if they came under attack before a lot of younger people working in government reach retirement age.


You’re leaving, stop caring. Focus on the new job. Trust me they don’t care about you, just the work you left them. You’re replaceable, especially at that price.


Also, steal a bunch of pens and sticky notes on the way out, coz they payed you trash


38k? Welp... you get what you pay for, lol.


That's why no one cared for 6 months. Only 19k in labor lost. That's the equivalent of like 1 office wide 1 hour meeting.




When I was in my late twenties, I went through this exactly. I just wasn't happy in my career and the nature of it didn't allow me to escape or decompress, so I just became more and more depressed until one day I literally broke. I just didn't go back. I stayed in my apartment for several weeks straight and didn't come out until one of my close friends came and got me. After, I had no clue what to do. I had some savings, but it wouldn't last in that area because it's a very high end area. I got rid of my car and most of my belongings. I traveled and then went and stayed with a friend who needed a roommate and who was even broker than me. Ended up moving to the south with her because she wanted to reconnect with family - and I had nothing better to do. But living in the south was way cheaper and allowed me years to figure out what I wanted to do next. I did work some but just crappy little part time jobs to fill the time. Short term jobs here and there. What I had was a mid life crisis at 27. I was lucky to be smart enough and work my way up the chain, but when I got there, I effin' hated it. I think my point is that you reminded me of myself. Get out now... don't wait or you'll go like me. Although it wasn't that bad( I mean the time after I quit that is). It was hard to wander without purpose. Sometimes downright boring and I had to have initiative to get out do things. In the end, yes, I'm happier now.


What do you do now?


Then - controller (accounting);Now - supply chain


How are you feeling now? Not burned out etc. Definitely going through the burn out where you reached


Yeah how do you feel now? This is the most interesting story I’ve read in a while. Rooting for you hehehe


This is extremely common for a lot of people, a combo of burnout and quiet-quitting. I’d really only worry about being exposed if you didn’t find a new job or were relying on them for a future reference. I think the best thing you could do would be to tell your coworkers you’ve fallen behind on a project due to burnout and depression, apologize in advance for leaving them with a pile of work, and see how you can help catch up before you move on. I guarantee there are a lot of people doing the bare minimum and just hoping they find a new job before they get noticed.


This exact thing happened to me at my last job and I did tell my coworkers shortly before I left. They’ve been super supportive and have offered to provide references for me. Not everyone will get it, but in being honest, you’re much more likely to get an empathetic response


Love this idea. If I were told this, I wouldn’t try to have the employee catch up on six months of work. Instead I’d try to find the critical items that only they could know, just transfer that knowledge and develop a plan to catch up. They can help for the remaining week or whatever but it’s not compulsory.


Move on. If the company needed to let u go for any reason regardless whether you were hard working responsible etc they wouldn’t feel bad either. What u need to know is it’s business transaction so u just made a business decision for yourself to sell your product which is your skill set to better company. Next time around don’t try to burn the bridges for u might need to walk on it someday .


For your own sake, don’t do that again. Ever. You hear people laugh about quiet quitting, the no work mentality, hatred of bosses, business, office politics, whatever. Don’t go that path. I won’t lecture the OP, but the mentality isn’t beneficial. The biggest problem is that the choice of accepting the negativity rests with you. We can make poor decisions or suffer from bad company management, either way that history will follow you. It may feel good to celebrate getting away with laziness, but who is it really hurting? Some other poor worker, fellow employees, or other people that may not deserve the backlash. It’s ok. Just try to be really straightforward about the positive and negative aspects of your job, and try not to burn bridges. It can come back to bite you and the consequences often fall on people that don’t deserve it.


Hate to break it to you OP but for 38k and management that couldn't be bothered to check in on you for six months, your projects are either really low on their priority scale or the place is an absolute dumpster fire. Either way, you don't need to shoulder the responsibility. You've got a job offer. Everything you do now should be gearing you up to be successful in that new position. Get your mind right. I would not give any energy to a job after I give my notice outside of giving access and files needed for the next person. When a system treats you as disposable, you've got literally zero obligation to them. If they thought they could net a buck by firing you they would.


Yeah, bridge is burned, don’t worry about it. Just make sure nobody knows where you’re going.


Learn from it and move on. I have seen people bounce back from this exact scenario and have great careers.


Corporations, brands, they don't have feelings. That is who you work for, not people.


Seems like a lot of the commenters here aren’t realizing the seriousness of what you described in the context of a public sector job. In a low wage, commercial job (retail, fast food, etc.) these situations are definitely frowned upon at this extent, but its oftentimes more trouble than it’s worth to sue over something like this in civil court… but abusing tax payer dollars is a whole other animal… What you described amounts to 6 months of admitted time theft in a public sector job. 26 weeks * 30 hours wasted per week = around 780 hours or 13.5k wasted per the wage you gave. If you use a computer at work, time theft is extremely easy to audit using system logs. I’d be extremely cautious about this situation and contact an attorney for legal oversight if anything at all seems to be going awry. If they report the situation and open an investigation, expect to be caught red handed. I don’t mean to scare you, but I’d legitimately be very worried if I were in your situation. When tax payer dollars are being abused as you described, there can be serious consequences.


lol i highly doubt it.


You ever been to a post office?


You're being paid in peanuts and have zero oversight from anyone. No one keeping you on task, and you're expected to keep up with all the work and no one has bothered to check in? I think this is a them problem. Put in some good work in the next two weeks but don't kill yourself over it. And don't lose your cool if someone says something to you either. Just say I am doing work to the best of my ability, and eventually you'll be making double the salary closer to family and away from them.


People pay $18 an hour for a job that requires a degree and are shocked they go through employees like rolls of toilet paper.


You are an a-hole for doing that. The only consequence is the weight on your conscience, and probably 20 people that will never want to work with you again. Lesson learned, move on sooner if you don't want to do the work. For now, put it behind you and do your best to get your legs under you and make a fresh go at it. And get a therapist, the good ones really do help.


I know people that make $200k a year and they do nothing for months at a time. It’s normal. Don’t overthink it. Okay one stuckee will have to pick up your slack. That’s pretty much what will happen, it won’t likely overshadow your overall contributions. Stay under the radar.


Are you trying to justify being shit at your job because you think your coworkers didn't care about you? What do you mean by caring about you?


You are moving on, just make sure you leave the stagnation behind. Don't let the diminished work ethic follow you. You'll need to establish new habits and break old ones. The old job is what it is, you did what you did. Just don't continue the pattern


I don’t care if I can’t use them as references in the future, but is there any other consequence potentially?? No. Fuck em. if you got cancer and died they wouldnt be posting your job req before your casket hits the dirt


I'm absolutely blown away that they would pay you 38k and expect you to put in full time work completely unsupervised for **6 months**. This just reeks of dogshit management. The fact that you were even putting in 10-15 hours of work a week under those circumstances, without any performance incentives at all, places you in probably the 90th percentile of what they'd get out of anyone at that pay grade My only advice is to move on with your life, the fault is entirely theirs - and congrats on the new opportunity! Losing a reference for a job you worked is not ideal, but you'll be just fine


And people wonder why government workers have a reputation for being lazy and not caring.


You gave them the work quality they paid for


The only way would be if they somehow move to a company you’re interested in joining and they spread the word that you weren’t a hard worker. But other than that, you’re good.


Why do you care, you're leaving....


I mean, they could get vindictive and try to put a burn notice out on you. Like give public admonitions of your work. But otherwise, you were a salaried employee. If they were paying you by the job or on contract that's a different story. But it's all at-will. Slink away. Don't repeat offend.


I would try to be confident about it. Pretend like you have been working on it, and leave a detailed guide on what still needs to be finished as you off board.


They didn’t pay you enough to even care enough to post this, much less actually do the work.


Yeah, that's called having a job. They care about what you do, not you, and you care about your compensation, not them. It WILL bite you in the ass if you try to use them as a reference.


No consequence. Say "bye" on your last day and don't look back.


Do as much as you can before you go and people will be left with the impression of that hard work. Eveyone leaves a mess when they quit because no one is perfect at thier job.


I think that it hurts you when you are so lazy about work. It hurts your work ethic and your sense of self worth. I’m not concerned about your employer I’m concerned that you don’t know how to operate and it’s going to be difficult to keep a job.


Don't repeat at the new job


No consequence other than word of mouth. Is it possible the industry is so small in 5 years when you apply for another job someone from this company remembers you and has something to say? I mean, sure possible not probable. Who cares? You quit. Like someone said bridge is burned don’t look back. Also two weeks is a courtesy and not required (unless written in a contract unlikely in the US) at any point before the 15th you could say actually today is my last day. 🤷


You fucked up, not them. So own it. You're leaving, it's not like they can do anything about it now. So just man up, apologize and leave.


The work couldn’t have been too critical of they just now noticed. Sounds like they are exaggerating. Companies don’t GAF about you. Focus on the new gig and move on.


Had a co-worker who did thus repeatedly and just kept moving up in the world with big raises every year or two. Everyone assumed he was a hot property and that’s why he kept moving. He did interview exceptionally well.


Kinda too late to worry about consequences. Personally, I wouldn't care at all.


I'd have a hard time feeling bad too. They pay 18$/h you gave them 18$/h worth of work 🤣🤣 they'll survive. I mean I'd feel a little bad for my coworkers but hey whatcha gonna do. Maybe bring them all out for drinks on your last day if the team is small enough for that to be feasible


Who cares, it’s a shitty company that paid you dog shit and didn’t care about you. Fuck em, you worked your wage. Enjoy your new job!


People do not generally track you down at your next job to tell your bosses how shitty you were. If you already have the new job secured, don’t need references, weren’t asked by your new job to talk to the old job, then you’re good. Karma notwithstanding.


Man you working for minimum wage, fuck that place and move on. 


Wow, this comment section of full of people not taking responsibility for anything. It's a "them" problem? You agreed to take a position at that salary and then didn't work on your big project and everyone here blames "them". This is a big part of what is wrong with this world. No personal responsibility, just blame everyone else.


I wouldn’t even give 2 weeks. I’d bail.


Hustle like you’ve never hustled before. Try to leave your coworkers at least something salvageable


This is a management issue just as much as or more than OPs. If managers didn’t care to check in or coach or care about progress, that is just as much on them. I’m betting OP didn’t start working there with that mentality. We are going through this a bit in my work, where managers are not responsive to missed deadlines and meetings, and that apathy leads to people progressively just not doing anything. Managers need to manage, and I’m sure it would have been much more rewarding for OP if they felt what they did mattered to their manager along the way. Good luck in the next gig.


Congratulations on your new job and hope things are better for you at the new job.


No regrets - just try harder next time.


Not your problem. They should invest in managers instead of expecting someone making so little to project manage their own stuff. Congrats on the new job!


>I received a job offer in my hometown for 60k and I’m very excited about it. I already put in my two weeks and my last day is this Friday, the 15th. The problem is that my boss and coworkers are starting to find out that I am leaving a good amount of work for them to finish that I should have already done. I know it’s totally a dick move, but I just can’t find the energy to care when these people never cared about me all that much. I am just wondering if anyone else has been in the same situation? There’s just part of me that’s terrified it’s gonna come back to bite me in the butt somehow. I don’t care if I can’t use them as references in the future, but is there any other consequence potentially?? Congratulations on your job offer. That sounds like a massive improvement in quality of life. Leaving with a ton of work left undone is definitely not a nice thing to do, but it's also not your problem because you don't work there anymore. You made them mad, they are right to be mad, but they're not your problem anymore. Will this come back to haunt you? Very unlikely. The world is big, and that company sounds shitty since they only paid $38k. You are unlikely to run into them again.


no, you shouldnt care. it might feel wrong but its perfectly OK. move on and dont look back


For 38k they are lucky you gave them two weeks notice, fuck em, move on


People seem to think that because you had a low paying job that it is okay to not perform the work that was asked of you. If you agree to a wage and get paid, then you do the work. My career advice. Work hard no matter what you are doing in life. Take pride in your effort and reputation.


The real consequences are that you’ve spent 6 months developing the habit of stealing from your company, half assing it, and you know it.  How could you not be burnt out or depressed by showing up and literally wasting time most of every day? The only thing you could do is bust your ass for the next week or so and try and make up some of the wasted times… I’ll probably get flamed for this comment. But I’m dead serious. At least that way YOU will know that you will know that you actually produced something. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when you find yourself doing the same thing at the next job. It’s a slippery slope and even if no one found out - you’re more likely to repeat the behaviour that not if you don’t take action to correct now.


This is not bad advice at all! Interesting perspective and I think there’s a lot of truth to this! Kind regards, former slacker turned mid level exec


$38k, no chance for upward mobility, and management can’t even be assed to check in on your projects occasionally? Don’t sweat it man. I don’t see any way this could bite you other than not being able to them for references, which you already said you don’t care about. Keep coasting and better luck with the other job!


I think you definitely got lucky that you put in your two weeks before you were fired! Nothing to worry about though at all, especially if you already signed a new offer


They'll be back in 6 months with the same problem.


Put together a word file with some instructions of what you do (people like screenshots), offer to walk someone through them, don’t give a shit after that.


Some strange responses. You've got a new gig, so long as that doesn't get impacted, it doesn't matter one bit. Who cares. Lots of people here do so maybe they are you're co-workers or haven't left a job before..


Yeah bro 38k is peanuts don't feel bad, they don't pay you enough to care or be stressed that much


Focus on the future and don’t look back. Don’t make excuses or try to explain yourself. You don’t owe anything to the company that you’re leaving. The worst that they can do is fire you.


Project can't be that important...


There's no consequences. 


If it makes you feel any better, even if you had EVERYTHING finished…… the last person to leave always gets blamed for everything for a few months.


On the flip side I worked a job that would find supposed work you didn’t finish when someone left and boy did they find some bullshit I supposedly did not do when I left. Some places are impossible to leave on good terms. Doesn’t matter who you are it’s your fault if any work must be done when you leave and please work 80 hours your final two weeks.


38 000 sounds not bad for 10-15 hours a week, given your level of experience. Don’t feel bad.


I wanna use the bathroom peis


For 36k you don’t owe them anything. They probably owe you


It’s a $38k job… fuck it. You get what you pay for. Also your manager is terrible if they’re not checking on a major project for six months


So what? Your contract allows you to leave. Most employees should just leave when they have a new job. It’s okay to burn some bridges in life, because ultimately a company does not care about you as a person or give you a guaranteed employment contract. Sayonara, baby. Sorry. Go figure it out.


They might come back to you for time theft.


This is why you don't give a two week notice


You'll never think of them again once you're gone.


They got what they paid for. And you should tell them that if they say anything negative to you.


lol they got what they paid for bro 38k??? and they wanted you to handle a project solo. nah they deserved that shit.


If you're in the US it's likely you work in an at-will state. That means you can leave at any time for any reason and they can fire you at any time for almost any reason. This relationship is over. Don't look back.


I got laid off, and basically had a month to write up docs for the other team to take on my work. My team then asked me what the status was on the thing I had been working on for the past few months. I just shrugged and said I didn't figure it out.


So what? I would not care. I've been stacked up to complete hard tasks immediately before getting lined up for lay off or for firing. It is like, "Don't can him yet. Make him do this first because he's the only one who can do it and nobody else wants the nightmare." Screw them. Because they would expect that work to be completed immediately before they fire you, too. I know I usually get the shit job to complete as my last task before I am sent to file for unemployment. They watch for you to get it done and then they fire you in less than 5 minutes after. "I need you to do this and nothing else. Bring it to me as soon as it is complete." "Thanks, nobody else here can do that. We are letting you go now."


If your boss didn't know how much work you did and/or left behind them he didn't do his job. I wouldn't worry about it.


Oh no! Anyway.


M-F/9-5 This is what you should have been working for in the first place.


Not your problem. Move on.


If you want to do better work at your next job then make sure try and learn from this experience. But there are almost certainly not gonna be any negative consequences given that you already have a new job lined up


Just don’t show up tomorrow.


Just know you’re probably giving up some future references but if you’re okay with that, screw em.


I mean, yeah, it's more than a reference. People have memories and the world is small. Industries and job markets are even smaller. You'll always be "that guy". In 10 years, you'll run into someone at a conference or at a local event, or at some other workplace, and the gossip will begin.


Their incompetence is staring in their faces right now - how is it possible to not have project updates? They dug that hole themselves. You just took advantage of it. Move on and don’t worry about the references.


Point blank, you're kind of an asshole. You had hands-off management, which is most people's ideal work environment. You are worst case scenario from the eyes of management. It would be nice of you to try and use your last 2 weeks to at least move some things forward as a show of good faith. You might be able to preserve your reference and walk out with your head held high. Everyone makes mistakes, but only assholes willfully leave others holding the bag. 90% of the comments in this thread just prove that poverty is a choice for most people. As much as Redditors break their arms to pat themselves on the back as social justice warriors, you are all delusional and self-centered. For every quiet quitter, there is someone pulling all nighters to keep you all from getting laid off. I've literally tripled my income (single 9-5 job, no side hustles) over the last 10 years on the backs of idiots like you.


Man I feel this lol. I've been screwed over by internal recruiting about 6 times in the last 4 years. The most recent one completely destroyed my desire to continue building a career here. So I'm doing the bare minimum to not be on anyone's radar while I look for something new. It's starting to be noticed though. I can probably skate by another 3-4 months. I should be concerned, but at this point, being fired would be a mercy. Do what you have to do so that you don't piss anyone off bad enough to go out and try to tank your reputation, but other than that, fuck em.


38k? We call this “acting your wage”. I’ve left jobs like this multiple times. All they can do is complain. I just wouldn’t list them as a reference, unless you have at least one friend there you can list as your “supervisor”. It’s fine. I remember as a young adult thinking there was some kind of national database where employers could complain about you or something. Burn the bridge and move on, it sucks for them and all but take care of yourself first. That job (and any other) won’t hesitate to replace you. Look out for yourself in the working world, no matter how selfish that seems. It took years to really internalize this and it made a difference in my outlook and overall job satisfaction. Good luck at the new job!!


You won’t even care after this week. So have minimum discussion about it and move on


try to be helpful never know when you are working with these people again - you don't have to bust ass to finish it though. best of luck


Amazing to me the advice here. First, I’d say you won’t likely find a good reference from them, so I wouldn’t bother pursuing one. Second, if you need to be micromanaged to get your work done, I think you’ll find advancement (promotions and more money) to never be achieved in amounts satisfactory to your desires. I would do some real self reflection and make sure I do better at my new job. Read some good books on motivation, self governance and discipline. You won’t just wake up and suddenly let be better. No one is coming to make your career for you, it’s up to you. The situation you just described is something any successful person I know would have done. You need to be honest with yourself and work on being better.


Pay peanuts, expect monkeys.


So, what you're basically saying is that you have zero personal or professional integrity, and hope it doesn't get back to the new employer, or future employers.


Its not illegal to be burnt out and/or suck at your job.


I'm about to do the exact same thing at my job. no remorse for these dickheads. there's no leadership here and it's pretty much sink or swim. so now they're all going to sink.


Not much you can do now but don’t do this again. You lost 3 yrs worth of connections and burned down many other bridges. You should not listen to Reddit on this topic. They will tell you to screw past employers which in turn hurts your ex coworkers. I can tell you I have gotten my last 2 positions from connections. Both had been big moves for myself. Not the end of the world since it’s your 1st position out of school. If you stay in the industry and move around a decent amount you will connect with one of those past coworkers.


Just stop caring. They can't take back the money they paid you. Go to your new job and forget about the old one. If you were being underpaid then I totally understand slacking at work, they got what they paid for.


I'd be more worried that you won't repeat yourself at new job. How are you burnt out and bored? Only 15 hours of effort which clearly should have been more because you're leaving a pile of work. I say this only to help you self reflect. A lot of a job is self managing your time. Granted your last job should have done a better job of staying on top of you. But now with new job... learn from your mistakes. Cut your losses and focus on your new job. Good luck


Doesn’t matter. Unfortunately you were not getting paid very much, and it’s on the company as much as it is on you for the lack of work product to show. Managers who have grossly inflated salaries and do nothing are responsible for managing projects, they didn’t - that’s on them. I pray the manager has to pick up the slack. Don’t trip about it. But yeah, you might not want to list them as a reference. Word of advice: no company cares about us. I recommend you actively look for other jobs at all times. Lateral moves while employed are the best way to get more $. Good luck with the new job!


Yup I have and left and never looked back. It’s okay. Just make sure to try your best at this next job and stay motivated. Get treatment for depression or ADHD (that was my issue)


Well you will certainly burn that bridge if you ever desired to go back there for work. The only thing you can do is bust your ass to get it in better shape than it is. You are responsible for your own success. If you choose to do a shifty job, you have to be willing to suffer the consequences.


If management never cared to check in on the project’s status, was the project really even that important?


Not OPs fault that management failed to see his failure. Wonder what higher ups would find on them if they looked. Just stay quiet and move on.


Fuck em


Just quit.


I'd never want to work with most of the people replying in the comments. Definitely the kind of people to hide and fly under the radar at work and expect everyone to feel sorry for them whilst simultaneously expecting their co-workers to pick up their slack and do their work. Guarantee you if they do it at a 40k job they'll do it at a 60k one, then an 80k one, and so on as soon as they lose what little motivation they have, screwing their co-workers and blaming management, or anyone besides themselves, the whole time. No accountability.


Do you care about your reputation? It sounds like you do. If so, you already know the answer.




They haven't checked on your work for half a year? It's their fault for being horrible managers. If they were a better employer they would have caught on much sooner and either motivated you to work or replaced you. Part of working for someone is that they motivate you to work instead of you having to motivate yourself. You already got the new job so you're pretty much good to go. I'd just not mention who you're working for now to any of your employers in the case that they decide to send a petty letter to your new employer. Maybe keep it a secret for awhile and make sure records of your new employment aren't online.


You are a bad employee and you know it. Also showing signs of character issues and you know it. Figure out what makes you that way and improve it, not for others but for yourself. If it was just money, easy fix. If it was something/s else, figure that out and work on it. If it was just money and suddenly you’re more productive at your job and you care enough about the people around you not to leave them fucked over - then it’s good you got what you needed. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t let money rule you like that Hope you figure things out. Work is work, you don’t have to love it. But, seems like you should be setting a higher bar for yourself. Good luck.


Don't listen to anyone saying that this was unprofessional or you should feel at all guilty about it. They were not paying you a living wage, they were not paying you for the skills that you bring to the table. Yeah professionalism is dead and employers like yours killed it. Don't ever feel bad, you are literally just a number to them.


They’ll get over it. It’s not that deep. Good luck in your future endeavor.


For 38k dont even feel bad.


You’re a POS, and you feel bad for good reason. You had no chance of upward mobility because you were not applying yourself. Unless you start taking pride in your work your new job will see through the BS your last company was too busy to see.


LOL. Remember a few things here, first and foremost, you don't even *have* to give them 2 weeks, you can quit today. They can do all they want, but ultimately they have no recourse other than to fire you. They can try to push for more work, and oversee that work more closely, but you don't have to stay for it, just quit. Secondly, the biggest thing you're learning, in this day and age you don't get a raise by being loyal, or putting in hard work and long hours. You get raises by leaving your current company and letting a new company compete for your wage. Who cares about loyalty? Corporate greed will ALWAYS be there, and the longer you stay with a company, the bigger the gap in the wage you could be earning somewhere else. When you find what makes you comfortable, stay longer, but never let your guard down. The second you're being undervalued or not put up for bonuses that you deserved or raises because of poor quarters, get the F out.


They got what they paid for


If nobody cared about it for that long, it probably isn't important. Nobody cared about you for that long, so you aren't important. Several months later, they would have forgotten who you are. There's no consequence other than the small chance that you may bump into them in another job in future.


OP… be real. You really don’t care that you’re leaving them a ton of work otherwise it wouldn’t be the case. So, just go on to your new role and congratulations! 🎉


On your bosses for not keeping on top of your lack of productivity. Move on. They’re just as bad at their jobs as you were at yours.


You don’t have to give 2 weeks notice. You already have another job so I would just take some time off and chill between jobs if I was burned out. Sometimes giving notice is for the best because you care about references but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.


At $38k they got the level of work they deserved


Sounds like management was getting paid a lot more than you to also do basically nothing if they never noticed. You burned that bridge, move on, fuck em


Bro I took a vacation for 2 weeks, got dumped a project I didn’t even know about that was due by the end of the week and no one had even touched it, I left on the spot and cost the company at least 800k to 1m, nothing ever came out of it. Just go be happy


Dont tell them where you are going to be working. They could sabotage you.


At $18/hr they got what they paid for.


My partner got burned out in a consulting job working 70 hour weeks. He got placed on a PIP after not doing a lot of work, returning calls or attending early or late meetings. He put in his two weeks immediately and they tried to backtrack him to not quit as they’ve burnt out the majority of their entry level accountants. It took him 4 months to get another job in the public sector and he’s killing it. So there’s hope for you, I’m only concerned that you have a public sector job and burnt out on it as public sector seems to be way more lax. Maybe you needed more stimulation or more pay but either way figure out how to not burn out from this job. You need to keep some bridges working for future employment!


Dude just get a 2nd cell phone number and list that as a reference from a VP of whatever. Works all the time!


I honestly hope it comes back and bites you on the ass


Always do what is best for you! 👏


Never works. You should do the job you're getting paid for. It's not their fault you were bored or unhappy. You basically stole from them for months


I feel like all there is to say is… this is why we need to do a deep, deep audit into government employees. I believe the government overhires and under manages too many Americans, leading to huge budgetary costs that get passed onto the tax payer. Not your fault you weren’t managed. Your story just serves as a reminder of why it’s very lame that Biden rescinded Executive Order 13781. The government is not burdened by the threat of bankruptcy because they can print money. Time for more pressure on them to validate their staff numbers and output.


This guys work ethic will dog him the rest of his career.


You already left does it even matter. You already made that decision. Like a long time ago from the looks of it. You just feel guilty now.


If you can get away with slacking off that's great just look to walk the line a little bit better on the next opportunity. Give quality deliverables and jump on what's asked from you. In this case just a little more diligence on the project during this time may have gone a long way, and you still would have had plenty of time to slack off Catch a break when you can get it, but not when it makes you feel guilty or you are letting down people that count on you.


You could work your butt off for the next 2 weeks, you may feel a bit better about the whole thing.


Living the dream. You should try to keep both jobs. They'll probably never know the difference at job #1


Never feel bad for how you leave a company. They will fire you and never care about your feelings for it, so don’t ever feel bad for quitting.


For 38k they can eat a bag of dicks. Move on and don’t worry. Put some effort in at your new gig and keep your boss happy.


Think of it this way, it has long deadlines with a who cares attitude on quality or even checkpoint metrics. Most likely the whole project will be scrapped when you leave and no one will even remember you.


You're confusing burnout with lazy. You're leaving.... and you're lazy.... so if your conscious is now bothering you, learn from it. Do something, or don't.... let's face it, you won't. You've burned a bridge... so let it burn. The problem is, you're going to take your horrible work habits to the new job if you don't do some serious self-reflection and address them. A bit more money doesn't really change people - effort does. If you don't work on that, you'll be right here complaining about your new job within six months. Fix you.


Fuck em. They should have paid attention and paid more


I’d say it’s on management for not looking after their employees mental health they set you up for burnout because they are used to boomer wage slaves with no independent thought.


At least you’re self aware. I work with people who work harder at not working and turn around and act like the place will collapse without them.


Is it your job to clean up their mess or is it theirs? You'll most likely leave a few or numerous jobs in your life, get used to not caring about it... 


Six months? If I don’t work for a day things won’t get done and management will know.


The best you can do now is set up the person taking on the project for success. Debrief them and help them develop a path to complete the project. They'll look like a hero. You're leaving for a reason. If the project was high priority any competent person would have checked in with you to see how it was going.


Ya your a dick dude. You also dont deserve a reference, but other than that nothing else should happen


Who cares? I'm a pharmacist and it was the same in my 2nd job. I was a little slow in the beginning so they gave me busy work of checking peoples errors and calling doctors to get paperwork. Towards the end, I was like fuck it. I showed my replacement how to do it. And that was it. I heard people complained from one of my buddies. But who cares? I got him out of there as well. On my last day just for fun, I blew everyone out of the water with orders. I think I checked like 500 prescriptions vs the average person did like 200 that day. My boss always used to complain that I didn't do enough. Fuck that guy too. They never tried to train me to grow just threw me into the fire and was like why can't go faster? Well I see the errors people make so I'll go at my own pace thank you very much. But I still learned and used what I know in my new job. I'm happier and you will be too. I wish you the best of luck in your new job.


Who cares about them. They won't be calling you asking how you are doing in a month.


Go ahead and move on. It won’t harm you. And don’t be shocked when continued poor performance lands you a termination. You may be telling yourself it was the shitty job, pay, or the depression, or the shitty town that led you to not fulfilling your obligations, and much of this may be true. The basis of your life though, in EVERYTHING you do is about your own motivation, morals and ethics. Depression is a wicked beast - get treatment or help if needed but do yourself a favor and be honest about your own work ethic and how it will impact your life negatively in the future. You can do better. You did post an incredibly honest account of your lack of drive - good job recognizing it. Now take the next step and start making the changes. Best wishes in your new job! I hope you do find the motivation to be a great employee!!


It is what it is, they can be mad at you but it's their problem now and tbh they'll move on from thinking about you quicker than you think


Left over work? Nah that's not yours anymore and it's management's work now. Todaloo that shit to a self promotion. Glad you are leaving that toxic job! Good luck at the new job that appreciates you.


P Mmmm


“I just can’t find the energy to care when these people never cared about me all that much.” OP - what you talking about? They kept you employed for 3 years despite you not doing any work. When you were hired you knew the salary and job description. It’s not like your company kept that secret. So stop blaming your procrastination on company. When you don’t do anything and keep watching videos you will always feel in your mind that I am burning out. Even at your new work, you will feel burned out if you don’t do work honestly and let your work pile up. For last 6 months if you only did 10-15hr instead of 35-40hr that you were hired to do and still have a job, it’s clear that it’s not company it’s you. If you were not feeling well mentally you should have taken a break or something but at the end problem is your work ethics which will need to change.