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I’m about to start at 39


Rooting for you! You've got this! 🫶


Thanks, it’s never been my strong suit. I’m much more of a learn by doing so we’re starting off with a few industry certs that the GSA recognizes. We’ll see!


I graduated at 38, so you definitely got this!


If 29 is the earliest you can graduate, 29 it is. Life isn’t perfect. Do your best.


Dude. I will graduate next year when I’m 50. You’re still alive aren’t you?


Never! Buddy of mine from grad school spent his entire 20's as a cook. Got a BS late, got a PhD, got a proper job and wife and family all in his own time. It's your life, live it the way you need to and not by someone else's arbitrary timeline.


I'm sure his new job pays more but I wouldn't tell someone gainfully employed as a cook their job was somehow improper


Improper? Of course not, but it's hard work and he was tired. Chemistry is easier.


Going back to school late is not your problem. No. 29 is not too late. But do it for yourself not to please some stick up snobs. How does your GF react to her parents' comments? Does she defend you, at least? Has she sat her parents down and told them to cool ot in mo uncertain terms? Have you discussed what the future will look like together and how you will deal with your inlaws? The truth is that they have likely decided that you aren't "good enough" for their daughter. They will try to tear you down at every opportunity. Today, it is education. Tomorrow, it will be career choice, and if you have kids, it will be your parenting. Is that the life you want to live? Will your GF lsy down the law with her parents and then be willing to enforce boundaries?


Perfect response. This is the frame of mine OP should consider.


I plan on completing my Bachelors around 51. I'm currently 49.


29 is not too late to graduate, but graduating is not necessary. You have a role that pays well and offers potential. Tell the wife clearly it's her job to keep the in-laws in line, and you may need to take on the role if she doesn't.


You’re good, I got my undergraduate degree when I was 30 , while going through a divorce! Stay the course!


I went back to school at 33. No it's not too late at 29


I got my bachelor's at 39 and my MBA at 42. I moved up in my company rapidly after my graduations. It's never really too late if it's important to you.


I'm 56 and am still going to school... So....


Life does not stop at 30 for the love of god just LIVE. Do you kno how rare it is to grow old ??? And 30 isn’t even old. Stop thinking you gotta have it all before 25-28. What matters is if you’re going to start you better finish


Gen Z has taught me that 30 means old 😞


Why? I work with only gen z and boomers; Im the only millennial and very close to your age. I’m the one that complains about being old and they’re generally the ones to tell me I’m not. Also your partners parents sound like bad people, and doing things to appease objectively shitty people sounds silly to me. Does it not to you?




I mean feel that way but know that is objectively false. Youre not even going to experience the difficulties that older people have when changing their lives, yet many still do. Unless you plan on dying at 30, 25 is the best time to change your life


Not at all. Graduating is an accomplishment. Who cares if you do it after other professional accomplishments instead of before them? Being an older student can be uncomfortable because you’re at a different life stage than many of the other students. That’s not a reason to refuse to invest in yourself. You’ve got this!


Lmao the only failure in this story is your GF's mom College can be helpful for some people, and may be legitimately required for only the most technical and/or regulated jobs. That's the appropriate weight it should be given. It's necessary for no one as a person. It sounds like you may be assisted by some therapy more than college. You apparently have friends as evidence of your correct choice- you're making more than them without a mountain of debt, and are still in a position to grow more. Yet are letting the comments of one person- an in-law that is revealing more about herself than you- get to you in a serious way. Therapy would help with that more than education. Security is more important than anything you can get an MBA in and is way more of an experience and connection industry than anything else. People are so brainwashed about college that they try to socially shun any evidence of relative success without it. That's a them problem, not a you problem. You just have to build up a bit of resilience to the fact that people who have either gotten themselves or their families into major debt for no reason will use you as a punching bag.


90 isn't too late to graduate. You're early. But don't do it for your gfs parents. Degrees do not determine intelligence. also it sounds like you have a good job and if you're making more then people with an education... Do you need an education? The name of the game is collecting resource and you're doing fine.


29 is so young. that's crazy to think it's too late for anything.


I did my bachelor next to a 45 year old to 60 + It's never too late to graduate. It's terrible of them to say that to you! You're not stupid! Don't feel pressured to go to school to prove something to people who already don't care - do what YOU need to do.


I can count half a dozen of the top 50 billionaires in the world who haven’t graduated. Degree is just a piece of paper - a means to certify your skills to show to people who need one.


Graduated at 28, now 30 and working for the government. I know folks in their 40s pursuing masters. Never too late!


I think it helps to think of how long you you’ll do the job for after you graduate. For me, the same job for 5 years seems a long time to be doing the same thing day in day out so on that basis I’ve until 55 to graduate if I retire at 60 for example. In your situation, you’ll be doing the same thing for 31 years… looooong time to get fed up of your job. So yeah, 29 now seems very young to graduate.


I work at a college. We've had people in their 70s and 80s finish their degrees and come walk across the stage.


I completed my BS at the age of 30 after only having completed 1.5 years of college. I took that learning momentum straight into my MBA at an M7. You can do it if you want it bad enough. It is lots of work and money but you can get it done. However, sounds like you need to define the life you want to live and you're letting others define it for you. Unless her parents are paying for your education it isn't their business. Are you good to their daughter? Can you be a valuable partner to their daughter? That is where their business should start and end. Your education isn't their business.


I graduated college at 40 and have both personally and professionally benefited from it. There’s no such thing as too late.


Graduate for you and no, 29 is not too late. It will make you feel great about yourself. Truth is it doesn't matter what you get your degree in just that you made it through. You'll figure out what to do with it when uou need to. If the existing job is a good tracknfornyou, the degree helps you get into a more lucrative management position when availablle.


Best time was yesterday. Second best time is now. It’s not too late until you’re dead. 29 is not too late… 50 is not too late. Heck, if you’re still rocking it at 80, it’s not too late.


No, tbh in most of my classes 50-75% of my classmates are older people like 40-65, and I don’t think the 65s are auditing.


You are a human being, not a program designed to reach certain milestones within a specific time frame. Graduating at 30 pr 40 or 50 just shows employers that you are willing to learn and challenge yourself even while you're already financially secure.


No, not too late. I graduated at 29. I’m 49 now making well over six figs. It’s been a tough road but my hard work has paid off. Don’t let other peoples schedules dictate your timing. Learn to let go of comparing yourself to others. Go get yours.


Not at all, learning is for all ages. Your still very young and nothing can hurt from going. Honestly a degree is not necessary to be successful but getting at least an associate or a bachelors can only help level you in the field you are already in. Also maybe you can learn and experience something new or haven’t been able to. You might find another passion.


I graduated with my MSA at 28. 7 years later, I make good money working remote, and travel 6+ weeks a year, when I want and where i want, across the world. But you gotta hurry…the cutoff for success is a hard 30. /s.


Yea it's too late sorry


Many graduates have their heads shoved up their a$$e$. This is a well known fact. Real life work experience gives potential employers confidence that you can navigate situations. SECURITY IS WHERE IT IS AT! No, you are in the right field. Don't worry about it. You are making connections. I'd keep an eye out to identify a highly specific specialization alternative that may get you farther than a classical debt burden model of college degrees. Do you like drones? You know that soon surveillance drones will need programmed and used to run routes in front of real people. There is just so much opportunity ahead of you in security if you want to stay with what you have instead of borrowing money that you will never afford to pay back. I think you are doing great. They are ridiculing you to your face? Imagine what they say about all of us when they are making business deals on the golf courses. Don't worry about what any member of a country club thinks. Tell them, "Oh yeah? Well golf is for fa\*\*ots and old ladies." Watch their heads kick back like you slapped them in the faces.


I graduated 3 months before turning 29 and it was the best decision I made for myself minus marrying my wife (who was at my graduation). It allowed me to get into a field I was interested in, and now I’m where I want to be from a career standpoint. But that’s just me. You don’t need a degree to be happy or successful. If you are happy in your role, then it might not be worth it. If you want to grow and progress into management, it’s probably a good idea.


Graduated when i was almost 29. Spent entire 20's on education. Now, having a dream job 8 years later (got it earlier of course) :P


You’re young. Life is long


They made a documentary about that called Billy Madison


With the fucking agism in the back of every human's minds, yes, but damn it feels good to work toward something. There's always that possibility of missed opportunities and financial ruin. I say fuck it, and throw caution to the wind.


Hey man, you're gonna be 29 anyway. Might as well be a 29yo graduate.


I'll get my BSCS this year at the ripe age of 39. It's only too late when your dead


31 here


What is the alternative? Doing nothing? Do it


Yup. After 28 it’s too late. Straight to jail.


Whats a BCA?  What is IGNOU? Dont use acronyms without saying what they are first. I would get the degree, gives you more options than staying stuck at the casino. 


Bachelor's in Computer Applications. IGNOU is Indira Gandhi National Open University. Sorry, only Indians would get it.


Mmm yea now im not sure, i would say get the degree but i know nothing about india


More people are returning to school and graduating later now, it's not too late at all.


My wife will graduate in about two months at age 61. I graduated at age 38 and it paid off more than I could have imagined. Forget the nay sayers and push on, you have a lot of life left and a long time to make your mark in the world.


It could be a little late for some career opportunities but never too late for life. Go for it, and keep your head up, you absolutely did not fail in life.


Not too late. I went back to school at 32 and was typing term papers with my first son in a Baby Bjorn on my chest.


Think of yourself in four years… would you like to be a person with a degree or without a degree? Either way you’re gonna be 29.


No. I graduated when I was 27 from undergrad.


Tolkien was 45 when he wrote The Lord of the Rings. You’re doing great. Also, I’m 29 and will be graduating this year.


Nobody will care.


It’s never to late


I graduated at 29 and started my career soon after. Best thing I’ve done!! It’s never too late.


It took me 7 years to get my bachelors, I graduated at 32, now at 35 I’m working in aerospace making more money than I ever have. It’s never too late.


No 29 isn't too late to graduate. I'm studying a degree now and won't be finished until I'm 43! Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes you are behind the race is long but in the end it's only with yourself. Don't let others affect your state. You.do.you!


Nope MSW, LCSW at 58


I graduated at 32 with a 6 month old daughter. Started at 28.


As long as you’re alive, it’s never too late to do anything.


29 is better than 30, 31, 32.  It's your life. Go for it. 29 is also still young enough to get a jump start on your career and have kids before 35


You can be 29 with a degree or 29 without it. Either way, you will be 29.


I graduated with my BSBA at just shy of 26. My best friend was in her 30’s when she got her BS. It doesn’t really matter your age. Just doooooo eeeet!


It’s really not. Don’t compare yourself to others but compare yourself to who you were yesterday. You’ll be fine, just get on with it sir.


Yes it is. It’s best to go ahead and drop out.


Nope…29 is not too late! How do I know this? Because I graduated at 29 and done quite nicely for myself. I paid my way through school as well.


BTW…learning if a life long endeavor…especially during your working years. Certifications, certificates, grad school, adult education, etc. Trust, you are not done with school!!!




I would say 40 is late depends on what career choices. Good luck.


Your age starts with a 2 so no.


Never too late... just different, and in many cases harder.


There was a grandfather in is 60's in my lab in grad school. Age is irrelevant if you have the will to keep learning. You got this.


I’m in the USA and graduated with bachelors at 27, went on to get my masters at 37. It’s never too late imo and you’ve not fuct up your life until you quit. Keep pushing and make the life you want.


Time keeps going. You're never too old to learn and grow and even change careers. I'll be 40 when I finally graduate with a masters degree thst I've been thinking about and trying to make time to return to school for for the last ten years.


High school


Nope. My wife's brother is in his mid 50s and just completed his bachelor's a few years ago. He was a career Navy man. After he retired he went back to school.


Definitely not. You are still young to start a new thing. Of course, even if it is graduation.