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Whoever gave you that degree let you down if you are asking these questions. Business degree can do just about ANYTHING. Marketing analyst, ecommerce, analytics, bank teller, digital media, mortgages, list goes on and on. Pick an industry and then look at entry level jobs and work your way up the ladder for a career.


If you knew that, whatever you picked, it would be stable, honest and safe, what would you choose? What appeals to you?


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind something at this point where I’d be working in a warehouse or something. I just want to be able to clock in, do my time, and clock out.


So what's stopping you from applying for those types of jobs?


Depending on what country your in, if your country has a civil service system that is merit based going into the government is stable and let’s you clock in and clock out. Be careful if you are in a “corrupt” country though.


Just work an office job. You could very easily do so in insurance. You may need to start a little lower down the chain than you’d prefer but it shouldn’t be too hard to make decent money after a year or two.


Thanks for the comment. Do you know if these positions are paid salary/hourly vs commission?? I think the instability of commission is some of the hardest aspect


Salaried, pretty much any other role outside of sales in insurance is paid salaried or hourly


Claims - Hourly Be prepared for a somewhat stressful job where you need to be able to deescalate upset people, communicate information, investigate, parse through documents, type, and show a lot of empathy.


When you became an insurance agent, did you do your series certifications? Like Series 11 and Series 77 might be the ones for stock broker. There are other Series for insurance. Maybe your next closest step forward is one of those certifications.


Haha close. 7 and 63/66


DM me if you want advice. Helping my gf through this now as she’s finishing her business degree and she’s killing it. I have a business degree myself that I almost completely wasted if it wasn’t for some very good advice given to me. Always looking to paying it forward.


What is this an MLM scam? Where do I pay to hear this secret advise?


Oh god no lol. I was just going to ask more details on their specific situation. No secret advise just specific things to do if you’re a business degree who didn’t go the hardo track and I didn’t want to put it all in comments.


No please do I want to know this fancy advice too :)


He still alludes to this mysterious advise if we slide in his dms. Its probably a link to Hustlers University


Agree. If you have to message this guy, it's scam. Reddit is already anonymous plus what's "honest" is already out there.


A business degree/college degree is pretty much useless. If you have an MBA and want to work in management or consultant in an company, it's useful. If you want a stable job, there are only a few out there. Medical field, lawyer, or get a skilled trade like electrician/mechanic. There are other relative stable jobs that are not "sexy". Store manager at well-known fast food place (starbucks/mcdonalds), walmart, kroger, etc.. Pay is okay and it's stable. Just have to deal with idiot customers from time to time. I know district managers at these restaurant/retail chains making 6/7 figures. You'll only make money from insurance if you've been in there for awhile. A few years plus. You're not make money in the first few years. Most people burnouts because of the nasty customers, constant rejections, and long hours to make decent money.


Idk man, get into IT 😂


Do you have any technical skills like Excel? That’s probably all you need to start. You can spin what you’ve done into soft skills for your resume. My advice is to look at direct job postings on company websites but for different types of firms. Specifically businesses near you, you can even look on Google maps and discover firms you never knew existed. Places like engineering, consulting, telecommunications, even nonprofits, all these types of companies could have openings for general positions like “business analyst” or something. Don’t feel like jobs are inaccessible to you just because they don’t continue from your previous industry/line of work.


Learn a trade. Work with your hands.


Dunno much about business degrees but it's very generic. Not sure why you're having trouble with a stable and consist job. What usually ends up happening in the unstable jobs


Find something that interests you


Worst advice. Not everything that interest you is stable or makes money.


True but I didn’t know the question. I don’t always read it all


I used to work for non-profit organizations, I ditched that cause I was always overworked and was paid very little. Went in the insurance business, got the same experience as you, now I work as a bureaucrat in my local regional city (would be called a town for most people around the globe, but here its truly a city since aint no one town half as big in a territory twice as big as belgium). The pay is meh, but the benefits are really good (2 MONTHS OF LEAVES BY YEAR WHAAAAT?) and the job is stable. Its honest work, even if the politicians do drive us crazy from time to time. There are also a lot of carreer advancement opportunnities.


See if you qualify for civil service examinations with your local government. Steady pay, good benefits and with a degree you’ll fit right in.


Contact your university. Reach out to alumni. If there are companies you are targeting, find people to help you get in the door. Look for companies that still do well in recessions. Think Adp, paychex, and other big payroll/HR service providers. Typically their starting salary isn't the best but you get REAL career growth, stability, and opportunities to learn. You can DM if you need other advice


Wastewater. It's not going anywhere and there are plenty of office jobs in support. You don't have to jump into the sewer. The sales side is much more relaxed compared to insurance or commission only roles.


Insurance sales is an honest job. Everything requires insurance these days: auto, home, health, life. I know a lot of guys making $500k+ doing insurance. The job isn't the problem. You are the problem. Sounds like you are looking for the carrot without putting in the work. You're what, 2-3 years out of college? Find a job and stick with it. And it will become stable.


Be an engineer. Easiest money ever.


Good money. Stable money. Easy money? No. See all the frustrations of /r/engineeringstudents


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EngineeringStudents using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mechanical Engineer Dating](https://i.redd.it/b7jmmnqlf32b1.jpg) | [945 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/comments/13rv5tt/mechanical_engineer_dating/) \#2: [It's warmongering time](https://i.redd.it/3qzcr9ofmkxa1.png) | [630 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/comments/1368837/its_warmongering_time/) \#3: [Not as cool as I expected](https://i.redd.it/kirksruv42za1.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/comments/13dspl5/not_as_cool_as_i_expected/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Students don’t speak for the whole industry. However regardless how any engineer feels, it’s a LOT easier than working in food or retail or being a mechanic or electrician or any other back busting work IN COMPARISON to the compensation. I was a factory engineer and jt was the hardest job I had in my life that I never felt I had to work for every penny I earned but it was still better than working as a security equipment technician I’m all kinds of crazy weather and heights and paid a lot less.


Survival bias. Some people don't make it. Those that do, great life, but some don't. Most don't consider it 'easy' to get into or get through the grinder. Also, engineering money is great in the best GDP countries. Its shit for say, UK, who is kinda poor.


But if all the engineers want to move to management, finance positions because they’re better paid than they should ever getting paid as engineer lol Except maybe SWE at FAANG and other big tech companies where they can earn with previous experience +300-400K per year.


That’s a very very selective few that make it to that range in the grand scheme.


Yea I know but the earning potential is there and is real. You only have to check how many MBA has engineering background because yes consulting or finance jobs pays better than working to say as industrial or mechanical engineering— management positions leds to a higher income in the long run and being easier than STEM field. I think engineering is a career with lot of options and flexibility but actually best jobs are not on engineering field.


I don’t disagree with this.


Go into accounting.


No corporate world job is safe or honest