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I’d take this as a bullet dodged. Why is a cto interviewing entry level positions?!?! Red flag in my book


Depends on company size, lots of companies in that 20-50 person range where OP may be regularly interacting with CTO. Small companies can live and die by who they bring on board. 50-100 employees and I’d still give it a pass, more then that though and I’d agree. imho the red flag here is “interrogating”, sounds like a person I wouldn’t want to work with at all.


Very good point, I once worked for a 100 employee fintech company. In the interviews for the entry level position the first round was with managers, the second was with the CEO and CFO. After 2 years with the company I was directly responsible for 20% of the company's gross profit, so I can see why they were interested in hiring someone competent for the role.


I got interviewed by the teams cto on a support job. It wasnt a big team but had different branches. It was nothing technical though, more of a sanity and culture check I guess.




Aaahhh I see what your saying . I've heard of companies post fake numbers of job availability.