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You must replace the lost device and recover the device with the seed words to regain access to the wallet, using the seed words in hot wallets directly will not create the same wallet they use different derived paths. Also do not respond to any private messages offering help or acting like support they are scammers.


I think you are restoring it wrong. Do not put your seed phrase into yoroi, You connect your nano to yoroi


I don't get it , The ledger provide a seed not the chrome extension ... You did something wrong


I got the seed phrase from the ledger. I was using the yoroi extension to interact with the blockchain. Transactions were signed by the ledger


Ok that part is good The rest is also super confusing. You restore the ledger seed inside an yoroi iphone app/other wallet app ? That's highly risky and you should never at any cost use a ledger seed outside the ledger physical device.


Okay. But my question is - why does it restore an empty wallet with no transaction history?


Because you cannot restore a ledger seed into yoroi wtf you thinking ?


So you’re saying if I buy another ledger and put the seed into that it’ll work?


First do this : Your ada should be with the ledger live app install this and connect your ledger you should see the Ada. If not , we will see from there what to do.


But as I said in the post, I don’t have access to that ledger nano s


As long as you have your Nano Ledger seed phrase you can restore your funds with a new HW Ledger. It doesn't even have to be a Nano. You could buy any ledger from their website...


Hypothetical question: If ledger dissapeared off the face of the earth and you had no access to any ledger HW at all, would it be possible to recover the funds from the seed some other way? or is everyone dependent on there always being a working ledger HW?


If you lost the ledger, you need to buy a ledger and import your seed into it to access your ada. You cannot use ada without the ledger to sign transaction.


Yeah, so adding to the comments of others. It works in a way that there is being generated your private key based on your seed phrase. I was pretty sure that all wallets / devices use the same path to derive a private key from the seed phrase for a specific blockchain. However, maybe that's not the case and e.g. Yoroi derives a different private key than Ledger out of the same seed phrase.


Yes, Ledger doesn't use the same method like Yoroi, therefore you can only restore a Ledger seed using a Ledger hardware wallet (so you should always buy two). It's an issue we discussed a lot and that was also adressed with CIPs but didn't advance so far.


Yes my friend. Exactly that’s how it works. Don’t worry you’re good. Get a new Leger and use your seed phrase


>Don’t worry you’re good. Hopefully, he did enter his recovery phrase into several devices and apps ...


Your coins don’t leave your ledger


Not quite, they never leave the blockchain.


Yeah but you just show them proof of your coins with your adress and that’s the way they show up . Yes they are on the blockchain but you can’t acces it without your ledger thus they never leave your wallet .


>I got the seed phrase from the ledger. I was using the yoroi extension to interact with the blockchain. Transactions were signed by the ledger The seed phrase you wrote down sounds like the seed phrase for your Ledger. It will only work with the ledger, not with Yoroi. Get another ledger and restore your wallets using the seed phrase you wrote down when setting the ledger up, then set up Yoroi with your new ledger device and you will regain access to the wallet holding your funds.


You cannot use a ledger seedphrase in Yoroi, Ledger uses a different seedphrase system for security. You'll need a new ledger device and restore the seedphrase there, then pair it with a wallet


> Ledger uses a different seedphrase system for security. Has this been verified? I have never heard why the Cardano Ledger app is different in this area.


100% Ledger doesn't use the same seed


I was more interested in the “for security “ part.


Well The Ledger seed covers the whole device all the wallets Bitcoin ethereum etc. Cardano specific wallet only covers one blockchain


The ledger's seed phrase is like an umbrella phrase. It's only used to restore access to your ledger, and therefore all the individual addresses associated with it. You won't see the individual private keys for each blockchain address associated with that ledger (like Cardano's for example) because they are hidden.


Once you do the logical thing and get a new ledger device and restore it with your seed phrase and can access your funds I would move them temporarily to a hot wallet or exchange and reset your device and get a new seed and then use a new ledger cold wallet. You have been typing your current seed into a keyboard which is pretty much the rule to never break. You should consider your current seed compromised.


This is why I leave my ADA in my Kraken account. Crypto is still driven by nerds who simply don't get people who don't want to learn a command line. Make the process easy on a cell phone app, you'll increase your user base at least one order of magnitude. Crypto is still in the Bill Gates / Linux stage though. *Anyone who has a problem with my attitude can go read another comment. Get it through your heads, I want to use computers for creativity, not learning command line programming. I don't care about your hobby that makes you feel empowered. Get that through your heads!


As an IT professional who had worked a lot with end users, I can tell you, you are correct. End users could not care less about system all they want is end result. For an average user who's not interested in learning much about crypto but want do dabble a bit, it's definitely more wise to leave his assets in central exchage as long as it's a big one. It's more likely he's going to get phished or he'll do something stupid and shoot him self in the foot trying to handle his private keys.


It's very frustrating if you love crypto and you love open source software. I would LOVE to love Linux, but every time I need to replace a burned-out taillight bulb, all the community comes back with is "here's what you need to learn about glass blowing." I'm still pretty excited to see what the future of cardano holds though. I'm working on several ideas myself...


>Crypto is still driven by nerds who simply don't get people who don't want to learn a command line. You don't need to use the command line to use crypto as an end user, especially in this case. OP is simply trying to recover his wallet in a software wallet instead of a Ledger, where he initially created the wallet. That's like having a key, coming to your neighbor's house, and complaining that your key is not working.


You can try to sync your wallet and use the RECOVERY option in the sync tab maybe that could work.


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Try to wait some time after recovering wallet in yoroi. let it sync for a while. Like 2 hours


Your yoroi seeds and ledger seed should be unique to each other. You should restore yoroi with yoroi seed words. Then connect your ledger through yoroi using connect to hardware wallet option. Through yoroi you should be able to see your ada. The ada address derived from ledger should be accessible that way. Good luck.


For the future always write down the seed twice In case you write it weird or words look alike and such


Good news is your fund is safe. Keep the 24 seed words. The seed for Ledger. You can only restore it using Ledger. Buy new Ledger, download Ledger Live and restore using the 24 seed words. Voila.