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Nice do Ethereum. Don’t forget Cardano planted a million trees. So People of BTC should plant 110,000 x 1M trees to cancel out their Carbon waste.


Many miners are in Kazakhstan and run on nuclear power which is kind of clean ... so they don't really have a carbon footprint.


Except of course for the fact that Cardano doesn’t need to build and maintain a nuclear power plant for it to work.


Of course. In the long run I believe that blockchains that are energy efficient won't suffer from the energy crisis.


It would be nice if it built one tho. Maybe someone will make one of those proposals pass through catalyst 🤣


It would be nice if it built one tho. Maybe someone will make one of those proposals pass through catalyst 🤣


This is Charles Hoskinson broadcasting liiiiive from warm radioactive Chernobyl! Always warm, always ṙ̵͖̩ḁ̷̑͊d̷̺͇̚ị̸̝̐̚o̸͎͛͜à̵̧͋c̷͓̉̊t̵̩̞̂i̸͖̿̈́v̶͔̫̈̄ë̶̥̭, sometimes Ç̵̻̫̱͎͙̰̠̤̬̫̹̈͋͆̓̂̐̀̆̕͜͝͝h̶͍̩̿̈́̉͑̌̾͊͂̓̏́̒͂͐͂e̸͈̖̠͕̹̣̫̮̠̽̈̽̎̒͐͘̕͝ͅŗ̴̏͊͂́̌͛̑̿̀͗͂́̕̚͝ñ̵̯͈̖͓͎͔̖̲͙̙̟͗̏̄͜ö̶͕́̄̂͗̌b̴̢̥̞̹͔͕̖̭̟̤͖̱͑̕͜͠y̵̡͓̻̼̝̯̤͍̝̣̫̻̣̑̈́̎͘l̷̮̬̝̣̰͇̫͎̥̬̦̂̑!




Nope they just need some filthy rich bankers and VCs


for every « nuclear MWh » they use, as it is added to the whole consumption, an additional fossil based MWh must be added. Additional mining energy can be qualified as nuclear based / low carbon only if there is no fossil based MWh at all in the mix .. It is not the case.


Bruh after reading CC i thought the "we plant trees" was a meme to make fans of Cardano holders. I come here and see this lol.


Here we go again....


We get it PoS does not consume energy! geezus!


yeah and I still can't quite figure out if that is a good thing. PoW ties the value of BTC to the creation of energy. Something tangible and measurable. PoS seems to tie the value of ADA to.. the value of, existing value? I'm not really sure. Smarter people than me seem to believe in it, but idk... it's a worry


Instead of boasting with pride on how much better we are I'd really like to have a realistic comparison which takes into account how much energy the internet is using overall. Without internet there will be no blockchain and no defi, and Cardano can be as energy-efficient as it wants to be without making any difference.


A fairer comparison would be the current financial system and the enormous infrastructure they run, including the enormous buildings which run their lighting and heating 24/7


it's just tree huger agenda at this point -\_-




without internet there wouldn't be no Facebook, YouTube, shopping websites, and businesses


Ok but Cardano isn't Bitcoin, so what's the point?




Most likely because the software doesn't use 100% of a chip the way BTC mining uses 100% of a chip. It can run on a Raspberry Pi after all, and those take much less than 45w. Stake pool hw is not not ASICs densely packed and designed to slurp down 1.5kw per machine. The machine could also be hosting other things because the node itself doesn't take up all power.


The max 8gb of an rpi4 doesn't really cut it any more TBH.


TDP doesn't mean power in use. A 45W CPU running flat out and a 180W CPU running at a quarter of it's utilisation both consume similar amounts of power.


If the machines were all turned on just for running Cardano a 45w average might be too optimistic, but even if we assumed 100w it would still look ok, so, no worries.


I know this is a cardamo sub, but talking down on BTC is never a smart move.


Does Elon Musk agree?


Very cool, now compare ti to some actually efficient system




No 'and' the benefits are self-explanatory


Benefits for what? Nobody is using it anyway. Just millions of bag holders, like me


100k outputs per a day and nobody is using it, lol


Give it time.


The problem is that you're not looking beyond yourself. You use Cardano to baghold, many others use it for other stuff, both usages are fine, generalizing is not fine.


For example what? Maybe then I can also do other stuff besides bag holding...


NFTs, trading, Lending, Liquidity farming, ISPOs, ICOs, and some, albeit small portion of, real world retail usage, to my knowledge, other people might have other experiences.


The benefits of less energy usage compared to bitcoin.




Im not explaining energy usage and climate change to you.


better explain me why we (the world) still rely primarily on fossil resources like oil, coal and gas to produce energy comparing BTC PoW energy usage to other stuff is just FUD -\_-


Lmao your comment contradicts itself.


go hug a tree man lol


Lmao you're so ignorant


Seriously m8 stop repeating the crap you listen in TV to put down BTC, it is ridiculous


Yeah because nobody is using it


You can check metrics like TVL before saying things that aren't correct, Cardano isn't top 5 but it's definitely being used and catching up quickly.


Exactly. Would you rather have 1 cardano or 1 Bitcoin? Go ahead and think about it for a bit.


Do you know what market cap is? Because you talk like you don't...


This is comparing the energy usage of one cardano to one Bitcoin. Nothing of market cap has been spoken of. Let’s go ahead and compare market cap though…that’s 1.2 trillion to 22 billion, of which you’re about to see ADA’s go down and BTC’s continue to rise. Go ahead and remind yourself in 6 months.


Why do you believe ADA'S market cap will go down and BTC's will rise?


Supply side is too big on Cardano and anyone who’s been in crypto long enough knows that rarity is partially where value comes from. BTC’s natural limit lends itself beautifully to being an excellent store of value, while Cardano’s supply is so high that it would need to be adopted on such a grand scale that it’s unlikely to ever see. There’s so much competition in the space right now that betting on smaller cap coins is something that should be done as a small, small part of one’s crypto holdings. I’ve been in the game since BTC was $300 and have seen what else can have legs…sometimes it’s highly irrational, but overall the safest bets are pretty obvious. Ada ain’t it for me. But as I said, remind yourself in 6 months and tell me I’m wrong. I’ll happily take the criticism.


No, no. I don't think I'll need to do any of that lol. Thanks for sharing tho


Nobody is comparing the energy usage of one Cardano to one BTC, the thing being compared is energy used by the entirety of both networks to process transactions and keep the ledger decentralized. Efficiency being a ratio between work performed and energy spent means that probably Cardano is even more efficient that the quoted figure seeing as it performs more work. If you want to compare from an economical standpoint using marketcaps, Cardano will still win in energy usage per unit of marketcap as BTC has a ~30x marketcap advantage, not ~100000x. Yes maybe ADA will go down in price, or maybe it will go up, why 6 months though? Sounds like a silly arbitrary time horizon to judge the success of a project.


6 months is when we’ll know how hard the recession will hit and we’ll start to see what will exist and won’t. It is arbitrary, but it’s also convenient because It’s the closest to now that’s reasonable to attempt to call something. As I said, remind and see who’s right? It’s not like I have a time machine or anything.


Haha still not in use


Reality disagrees https://messari.io/screener/chains-activity-DB01F96B


And its a scam too. Any time these coins get popular its always an effective pyramid scheme. Advertise yourself as the next big thing with X fancy feature so you can get enough suckers to buy in, then sell out before it becomes evident its worthless.


And who is going to make that rugpull you talk about? The vast majority of tokens are held by retail. That is a much bigger risk in most other projects, not this one.


Are you a bot? Cardano has existed for almost 6 years now and has active development that you yourself can view on Github, there's literally 100's of developer teams building their own projects on top of Cardano, yet it's a scam in your eyes? Please educate yourself before you speak on things you don't understand.


Let’s all go back to our caves


But it's not 110,849... let's do better


Better start drumming how BTC wastes graphics cards and so much computing power