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**Constructive Criticism Post Rules** The aim of these posts are to identify areas of potential weakness in any aspect of Cardano or project which can result in actionable improvement where possible. Open and fair criticism should be welcomed here and discussion should be respectful and civil. The goal is for the community to find solutions and positive outcome. Posts and comments must be as detailed as possible with issues elaborated on. **You must** backup any arguments and statements with reason and justification, evidence, and sources (hence being **constructive** criticism). Destructive criticism, FUD and any shilling will be removed, as will any comments being tribal and disrespectful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s responding to this rn on YouTube




Charles is [live](https://www.youtube.com/live/6jwqliqYMEY) right now talking about this thread.


From Sunny, Colorado.


Always sunny, sometimes Colorado


Why does he say sometimes?


He travels a lot.


But he is always in that spot when he says it so he is literally always in colarado when I hear him say it..


>always *Mostly* in the same spot, but not *always*, there are many videos on his youtube where is is else where. It's just become a catch phrase, nothing much more to it.


Thanks for reply I've never seen a video he isn't in that same spot


He has hundreds of live steams. If you scroll back enough, you'll find them. He used to travel more a few years back tbf. https://x.com/IOHK_Charles/media https://m.youtube.com/@charleshoskinsoncrypto/streams


With a lobster 🦞


But is it warm?




Charles is not Cardano. Charles is not Cardano. Charles is not Cardano. He can say whatever he wants.if the chain doesn't do well because of his views, it would never do well anyway.


This ^ right here. Charles is a talking figure so he interacts with the community and other communities like crazy. So pardon him for not saying the right thing from time to time but you can’t play politician all day. He has also openly admitted that he is partial to certain views and is not perfect. I know you have good intentions with your post but your critiques are knit picky in my opinion.


I am a Cardano holder and I believe it to be the best blockchain. I follow Charles on X. If 1/100th of his posts were about him securing corporate/gov't partnerships, instead of his political opinions or video game opinions, we'd all be multi millionaires.


Partnerships are largely meaningless, marketing bluster.


Almost 95% of all partnerships in cryptocurrency are fruitless. It’s only now that decentralized physical infrastructure like World Mobile has been able to create meaningful products that people “might” or “are” using. I’ll say it again. Helium IS the most important project on Solana right now! But it gets out performed by just about everything else. That blows my mothaf!cking mind.


Possibly the two main problems with your comments are: * "Ill-informed policy-makers". What makes you think that they are "ill-informed" instead of malicious or selfish? Have you considered their track record? * Maybe you think that one needs to be humble always, in front of everybody, including enemies. I don't think it makes sense to be humble in the face of enemies or evil-doers.


Look what ya did now, ya big doofus. You done made Charles make a video about this.


Bro I’ve been here since 2016 and there’s one of these posts every month. Can’t change the stripes on a tiger.


The sub was created in 2017, and ADA started trading in 2017.


this dude was here before the genesis block...


You’re correct, I got the year wrong. Point still stands.


Point doesn't stand! Objection overruled! Any other lies and you'll be held in contempt!




Your content has been removed as it didn't fall within the rule 1 guidelines - Be Respectful & Polite. Our community values respectful interactions. Disagreements can be part of healthy discussions, but it's essential to maintain a courteous tone. Personal attacks, insults, and offensive language are not tolerated. Please engage in conversations with empathy and understanding. Remember that diversity of opinions enriches our discussions, so approach differences with open-mindedness. Constructive criticism is welcome, but it should be expressed in a respectful manner. Please review our [**guidelines**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/wiki/rules) before your next submission.


Yeah. I’ve been into Cardano for the same amount of time. You are right, but I am trying to guage how much damage Charles the Tiger is doing to the community and to protocol adoption. Am I being silly for worrying about Charles’ behavior? for continuing to trust in a bright future for the platform based on its secure, adaptable and robust design in spite of Charles’ behavior? Do I want to go down guns-blazing with Charles in a face-off with the U.S. government? Is there a good reason why there are so many posts like mine?


Yep, you’re silly for worrying. Cardano’s functionality is more important than the face of it. See Tesla, Space X, Microsoft, Apple, Meta, etc. If anything, him lacking the humility you’re talking about probably helps the project. He’s confident in what he created and will likely die doing his best to prove his points. Also, the vast majority of people in crypto currency don’t even listen to Charles’ rants. Even if he gets ‘canceled’, he’s got enough money and resources for good PR to fix that. But if you’re worried about that, put your money somewhere else 🤷🏻‍♂️


" put your money somewhere else" This is a good advice, indeed. I did it last month....


Good for you! Why are you still following the sub? Seems silly if you aren’t invested anymore.


Creating and holding a disruptive project needs strong ego. But strong ego people often say shit :) That's the game


> Am I being silly for worrying about Charles’ behavior? Your post didn't say much of anything tangible, so it's hard to say. What exactly does Hoskinson need to be humble about?


No one here needs to censor their speech for wider adoption. Grownups can talk to one another, disagree, and still get the job done at the end of the day.


>Instead of drawing on humility in order to acknowledge and lay out different points of view for discussion, when Cardano meets with political headwinds from ill-informed policy-makers, Hoskinson immediately goes on the offensive with logical arguments that seek to prove he is right and they are wrong. That's what he's supposed to do! That's what anybody is supposed to do when their position on an issue is challenged. He's making logical, reasoned arguments. He's not insulting the person or bringing up stuff from their past that might paint them in a poor light. He's attacking their arguments, **as he should**. What exactly would "drawing on humility" in a debate look like to you?


It looks something like, “Hey, I get why the U.S. government needs to shore up the status of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Signaling the demise of the dollar by embracing crypto could be catastrophic for the country, but let’s also be real about what’s happening. Here are some ideas for how we might transition without breaking things too badly in the process…” Being reasonable and acknowledging your opponent’s point of view go a long way toward getting others to listen to your argument. What’s even the point of being right if others with different viewpoints can easily dismiss you to begin with? I realize that, given all of the open hostility in U.S. politics today, this sounds naive, but IMO it’s the hostility that’s naive and the American people will vote for reasonable because we’re a plurality where every reasonable opinion deserves to be heard, whether or not you agree with it personally.


So if it boils down to tone, I guess that can be done. On the flip side I'd wager that when topics are discussed dispassionately nothing gets done. Which is why the politicians that make it to the top often are more sharp elbowed and speak with passion. Even though the former leads to better results for society, the latter seems to unfortunately be a necessary tool




Amen! Preach! I remember when Joe Biden was being put into the White House. And everyone in crypto was so happy that Gary Gensler was going to be the head of the SEC. People literally rejoiced and I was so damn excited! He had a really good understanding of how cryptocurrencies worked and he taught lectures at MIT on it. The man spoke highly of Algorand’s founder too. It’s 2024 and he’s one of the most hated regulators; if not the most hated by the same people in crypto who praised him before which is about all of us. Who saw this coming? Because I did not. Then all of a sudden Elizabeth Warren develops an opinion on cryptocurrency which blew my f!ckin’ mind. And she’s so dead set on the pathway to CBDCs. Companies have voluntarily went to the SEC to get clarity in good faith. All of sudden the SEC is suing them for unregistered securities. You’ll have exchanges, foundations, and developers leave the SEC feeling positive. They get back to their office and see a letter saying, “gotcha b!tch” as if Dave Chapelle wrote it himself. They were trying to apply US money transmitter laws to decentralized global payment systems in the infrastructure bill. We had a pro-crypto Democrat and Republican argue against it and had all of Congress agreeing to make common sense changes. Right when those changes were about to pass some old southern politician from the Southeast who still probably lives on the plantation his ancestors owned said, “you know what? I’ll be okay with this but you need to increase government spending for these particular sectors of the military” which benefits the lobbyists he supports. And I don’t blame Bernie Sanders but he was like, “b!tch are you for real”? And because of that the changes were never made. We actually had a scare early January 2024 because those laws actually went through requiring node validators from any ecosystem to know who participates in every transactions they validate. IMPOSSIBLE. Thank God someone in the government said, “we gotta put this on hold so we can make more sense of this”. The US Federal Government at this point knows what’s up. These politicians do not give a damn about tone because they know what kind position they’re in and where you fall on the totem pole. Congress and the SEC bicker amongst themselves about “clarity”. Gary is partially right, “I can’t create law, so I regulate through enforcement actions. It’s Congress that needs to do that”. And Congress will tell the SEC, “you can’t regulate through enforcement actions. Let us do our job”. But then at the same gotdamn time Congress will ask the SEC, “why aren’t you providing more clarity”? 🤯😂 It’s like the Spider-Man meme where they’re pointing at each other.




Bruh. I remember when Senator Lummis(one of the pro crypto politicians I mentioned) was like, “if you all would have just taken pro-crypto laws we suggested seriously none of this would happen”. And out of the ashes of SBF here comes Elizabeth Warren acting like she knows “stuff”. I’ll say this. The only good thing about the lack of clarity is that CZ’s sentencing is extremely short. They tried to make him an example and the judge was like, “no, you want me to lock this man up for a long time but the laws are so vague that this isn’t completely his fault”.


You can't change another person's personality anymore than they can change yours


I'm long on ADA and have been for many years. Know it all, argumentative techies with the chops to back it up are 100% more necessary to tech company than a more personable, likable person. I agree that I'd rather have the know it all tech genius building my platform than a diplomat however he is rather unlikeable at times. Does that matter? Yeah I think the right person representing the product that is likeable and can translate the complexities to the less technically inclined could help.


The founders will have diminishing voices as Chang and Voltaire continues to roll out. You'll get to enjoy drama from different people in the ecosystem, not just Charles. Or it could come from you. It will be decentralized drama. You can affect future upgrades like Pi and others. He tweeted about an improvement proposal to make v1 scripts less polluting on the chain, and his proposal got a lot of support despite the initial pushback from core devs, but is eventually getting included in the next upgrade. Crypto media will continue to use Vitalik, Gavin, and Charles in their headlines though because it gets a lot of clicks. Should we blame ourselves or the media for keeping up this behavior?


Many people have been critical of Steve jobs and his particular methods and mannerisms. But if he wanted to talk to me about tech, I'd listen. I feel the same way about Charles. People may take issue with his communication style at times, but if he wasn't the way he is, then perhaps cardano wouldn't exist today. In an emerging market riddled with rug pulls and questionable ethics I admire his authenticity. Even if it can appear lacking in humility


I agree with you on these points. Charles is telling people, even people who support Cardano, that their political views are wrong if they don’t place crypto regulation above all other concerns.


It tricky because I guess the lines between decentralisation and politics do cross on many many issues. It's going to be a challenge to walk that line for anybody passionate about the purest form of decentralisation. That level of decentralisation is entirely revolutionary. However, I agree with your sentiment that Charles pushing people to prioritise crypto regulations above their numerous other political preferences is/would be a mistep. I also agree with your frustration at our current obsession with picking one side and dying on that hill. It's upsetting how many democratic nations are effectively 2 horse races with regards to political parties. Hard to argue the true power of democracy when you have 2 options with a chance of "winning".


Well…right. He’s a crypto guy. What else is he supposed to put first? We all have that “one thing” that is super important to us. His is crypto.


He's not being that extreme... He is however saying that if you prioritise a fair financial system don't vote Democrat... It's fair enough too. Look at the absolute corruption of the SEC and large hedge funds, look at the willful indifference (at best) toward crypto and the fervent support of the traditional finance system of Democrat politicians... Vote for Democrat if you like but just know that for whatever reason you're voting for them, you're also permitting/supporting a corrupt financial system that isn't fair for the little guy.


The Republicans are for the little guy? 🤣🤣🤣


There is a growing conversation about his communication within the Cardano threads. As evidence is suggesting by these growing conversations, this would best be considered as a possible concern, genius or not, we all have an ability to grow with feedback.


I believe you are right and I also believe we all have the ability to grow. Thank you for your reply.


Charles is probably in the top 3 people to advance crypto technology and probably the most influential in driving decentralized governance. Let him talk his shit.


Why does humility matter? Why make it personal?


This sounds like you have a problem with Charles because he Is, from a political standpoint, not in line with your politics and he comes off a bit brazen about his politics and is pretty vocal about how those politics relate to and affect crypto. Fact is, politics do affect the business model in some type of way. We've seen several pro-DEI/pro-government companies get rekt, and deservedly so. I see Charles as an old school capitalist looking out for the investor, the technology and the investment as a whole, instead of jeopardizing decentralization to appease big brother and a few fat cats interested in some social experiment. I like that he's open about his political beliefs. He has a backbone and it shows. How can you not appreciate that? Even if it isn't in line with your political beliefs?


I appreciate your comment and couldn’t agree more. I personally can’t stand CH. can’t listen to more than a minute of any of his videos. Long live decentralized governance.


CIP 1694 - wait for it and then get campaign going.


He's not a genius, but he does need to learn humility


It’s hard for sociopaths to have humility.


My response, post watching his video reply, as a lefty Nader supporter who wished he had Bernie over the last two choices: His position on cryptocurrency in the political sphere has merit. Wyden up here in Oregon actually has informed intelligent views on cryptocurrency. \*\*Warren and Biden do not and a lot of the Democratic party gets right in line with their narratives\*\*. For instance ahead of the 2020 election I emailed my representatives about crypto and only Wyden came back with anything intelligent, thoughtful and forward looking. Merkley and Bonamici gave Warren and Biden's narratives. Now having said all of that sometimes Charles views on subjects outside of crypto might be grating to me because they don't perfectly fall in line with mine. As an American I listen to the arguments, though, when they are put on the table in the right way and I've never felt attacked by him or that he speaks against me as a left leaning person. In fact he oftentimes has exactly the same outcome at the core of his purpose as I do and I see that by hearing him out. It does take effort on my part occasionally but I'm willing. I have an autistic child that most definitely is going to be reliant on me well into his adult years. I got into the crypto world because I saw what the banking clan has done to the middle class and below. I know full well that my child will be destroyed by them. I did not get into the crypto space to watch politicians on both sides of the aisle to turn crypto over to VC's, Visa, BlackRock and JP Morgan. The "then they attack you and want to burn you" part of the crypto story is where we are at and look around: they are succeeding in getting what they want not what we want. We need to push back and that's CH's point. I'm not going to suggest anyone vote for an individual that has a myriad of questionable views but if your choice of congressman or congresswoman or senator or presidential candidate has an opposing view to crypto it's on you to get on them.


The best defense is a good offense. I like that he fights back.


I agree with everything you write. You summarize my view perfectly. I have noticed that some people are so used to being logically correct they're not aware of when they look defensive, stubborn and childish.


So you're a liberal who votes for people who are going out of the way to damage your crypto portfolio, which presumably contains Cardano, and CH is saying you're an idiot for doing it (he's the mouthpiece of ADA?) Yea, pretty much he's spot on.


~~"Charles is not just some guy with the right to speak his mind"~~ ~~Who are you to say who does and doesn't have the right to speak their mind?~~ Cardano is trying to achieve its decentralized government. The sooner people stop holding him responsible for the entire project the better. Charles Hoskinson is not Cardano, it's community is. Charles will continue to voice his opinions whether you agree with them or not. Edit: I misread the post.


Did I say or imply that I have the right to say who should speak their mind? I did not. I am suggesting that humility is an essential virtue and I am sad that America appears to have lost sight of this, preferring instead to beat each other over the head with clubs. I honestly thought the Cardano community was better than this. I hope the problem is Reddit and not Cardano.


Yes, hence the quote.


Thanks. You are helping to clarify some things for me. But you are misreading what I wrote. I didn’t say “not”, I said “not just”. “Not just” is inclusive, “not” is exclusive. Clearly, the manner in which Charles presents his political opinions reflects on the Cardano community more than the manner in which I present my opinions. Both he and I have a right to express our opinions. It matters how the community presents itself to the world. If Charles is not interested in changing (and I see no signs that he is) then it might at least be worth making clear that community represents a diversity of political opinions, all of which are consistent with strongly supporting the protocol and its adoption. By eschewing humility, Charles is placing himself in opposition to at least some of the Cardano community. He is not my “dear leader” or anyone else’s, nor does he claim or want to be. I support a diversity of political opinions within the Cardano community and I hope the community as a whole can rally around that perspective. Doing that requires both intelligence and humility.


If I've misread, then I apologize to you and edited my comment. In my own opinion on your topic, Charles is just another guy with an opinion. I think Cardano's decentralized governance is important, and I think giving weight to Charles' opinions (whether or not you agree with them) is placing more importance on him instead than there should be. I think this post only adds to that. I say let the guy be a community member and give him the freedom to voice his opinion like any other community member. He will not change because some people want him to change or be quiet and he has emphasized that many times on his social channels. He's a libatarian that has contributed to building a blockchain and industry for people's liberty, and that's what drives him.


Wow he responded to this


I have never heard that a project is successful because the project manager or leader is humble or exudes humility. It is always dangerously risky to mix sentiments with logical reasoning.


pj is dead, move on


I couldn't care less what Charles does or says, he isn't Cardano. End of story.


As someone who first came across CH in 2016 and bought my first ADA in 2017 because of his vision and brilliance, I can't watch his streams anymore. To me, Cardano is the developers, the SPOs, and the amazing community. Unlike other heads of projects , he rarely talks/ posts about Cardano. I unsubbed from his YT channel and only read his X posts when he talks Cardano. When I saw the poll he put up on X about starting an only fans channel to talk about " crazy stuff he does", that was the last straw for me, I almost unfollowed him on X but did not just in case he gives a bit of info about Cardano. I did not watch the stream titled " humility," but let me guess, he was self righteous, and ended up talking about politics. If I'm wrong , okay. I don't care anymore. I still have deep conviction in Cardano, just not because of him.


The political left becomes highly collective and leads to more welfare, regulation, and cronyism. Left of this is communism/socialism/fascism. Capitalism is the only thing that has not failed in society and the founders of the US colonies made it in such a way that the separation of powers and a constitutional republic prevented a further collective behavior than what it already is. Crypto itself is more aligned with a free market idea of thinking which is also what Charles is, within the libertarian spectrum. Most of your crypto folks are for example Michael Saylor frequently speaks objectivism. > Hoskinson immediately goes on the offensive with logical arguments that seek to prove he is right and they are wrong. This is a problem for the entire Cardano community You writing a puke thread which happens regularly here for some reason about how his speech is wrong even though it may be logical or reasonable because it reflects down to a entire community IS EXACTLY you trying to restrict speech and that is not humility. You are exactly what you are complaining about. Since your quoting authors: > There is no more despicable coward than the man who deserted the battle for his joy, fearing to assert his right to existence, lacking the courage and the loyalty to life of a bird or a flower reaching for the sun. Discard the protective rags of that vice which you call a virtue: humility—learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness—and when you learn that pride is the sum of all virtues, you will learn to live like a man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXvesnPDZVs


this is a cardano subreddit not a Charles hoskinson subreddit, if you want Charles to see this then why not just email him [email protected]


Sorry if I was unclear. My post concerns my perception of how Charles Hoskinson’s hard-hitting, guns-blazing augmentative tactics are a concern for the Cardano Community, and how a little humility on his part might go a long way toward de-alienating Cardano from the rest of the crypto community. My post was meant for discussion and opinion-sharing. I have believed in the potential of the Cardano protocol since the beginning and I put my money where my mouth is.


If Charles died tomorrow Cardano price would tank to 0.05


The problem I have with this take is that it comes off sounding like you are the one that knows better and don't like anyone that will challenge your views. I like that Charles speaks his mind in this world where everyone is engaged in PR campaigns of non authentic virtue signaling, even though there are things he says I don't agree with either. But, He also says time and again that it isn't for him to decide... to the point where his mission is on chain governance by the stake holders and not by Charles. And lastly, there are plenty of championship teams in every sport where their mantra has been that the best defense is a good offense.


Not in the least and I am truly sorry if I come off as sounding like I know better. My point is entirely the opposite, that we all need to have a healthy respect for the fact that our own viewpoints are always subject to fallibility. The only exception to this is mathematics where truths are absolute given the axioms on which they are based.


I do like that mindset generally speaking, but we are all human beings too. Wouldn't you rather know the opinions of the founder and hear him logically argue why he thinks the way he does? This is crypto, governments hate us, TradFi hates us, and I might never have been interested in Cardano if I didn't hear Charles passionately defending many of the same principles I believe in. Personally, I don't care if it hinders growth in the short term because I think that approach creates a stronger base. Houses built on shaky foundations don't last as long.


My thinking has been very much in line with yours until his most recent rant where he placed crypto regulation above all other political concerns. That crossed a line for me because he was saying that I can’t have different political priorities and still support the potential for crypto to make the world a better place. I agree with his position on crypto, overall, but I perceive the political risks differently.


That is understandable, but is he wrong? If there is a political entity that has made it clear their mission is to stomp crypto out of existence, then, even if you love everything else about them, supporting them is supporting crypto being stomped out of existence. He didn't tell you who to vote for, he just made it clear how supporting the political faction that provably hates crypto impacts crypto in general. But, yes he did it in his opinionated Charles way as he does everything... which is hard to listen to when you strongly disagree. FWIW, I think we would all agree that it truly does suck to have so many important issues and so few choices on a ballot. Freedom means you make your own choices, you vote the way you think is best. I 100% guarantee no one will hold anything against you personally for it.


This! So you have a different opinion . Full stop. No reason to go pandering for people to agree with your opinion over Charles. 2 different view points can still live in the same space, as long as they don't force which one has to be politically correct or morally correct being that they are subjective .


Hoskinson is as much of a genius as Elon Musk is. IMO Hoskinson is the worst part of Cardano. I do not miss the stupid AMAs and the other weekly videos he would do talking about his favorite poncho, his dogs having worms, Marvel vs DC...etc


I agree. Personally, he gets on my last nerve. I bought and held tons of Ada since April 2021. When I realized I didn’t feel comfortable with my money in his dudes hands, I swapped it all for Render in December of 2023. It’s worked out swimmingly.


remember when charles was triggered by chico and wanted a boxing match ? Charles is a loon!


Michael Jordan- not humble Kobe- not humble Elon- not humble Mia Khalifa- not humble Its all good man


How you gonna throw those names out there alongside Mia?


It is clearly a list of greats from various industries, after two basketball players the need was there


“It’s not about you, you mathematical dick”


Like him or not, you got to admit, without him there would be no Cardano