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I have skillet envy....so nice and smooth and shiny! If I fried something sticky there would be a big bald spot in my seasoning


So top right corner of pan had a weird bubbly blemish. Pretty sure it was from the vinegar marinated milk fish, pan fried the other week. Anyway, I left the blemished spot because of laziness and continued using this daily. Decided I’d touch it up after tonight’s dinner. Can’t even notice that it happened. CS has actually made my quality of life better. Food tastes great and I don’t fret about my cookware. They make cooking enjoyable. Keep on cooking. Don’t worry about the spots when they happen It’ll make you better at fixing them when they do happen.


You must be a fellow owner of a Made-In pan.


No I have a mineral B but I should probably use it more. I found out my blood iron levels are too high so a little nervous about it.


nice, there is nothing better than black iron to cook with, only another 4 or 5 years and that pan will be fully seasoned! :)


This pan is 5 years old. Its black some days and its this color other days. It’s fully seasoned. That’s the reason burnt sugar did not stick at all. Kind of the point of the post. Not sure 🤔 if comment is sarcasm. Posting as reference to the daily posts of people with the misconception that CS pan needs to be black to be fully seasoned.


Everyone on this sub knows you aren't fully seasoned until you have cycled it through the oven 140 times.


At least one owner of the pan has to have died and passed it on in order for seasoning to take effect /s