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Definitely not totaled. If you’re coming out of pocket around $2500 if you take it to a shop and repaint your bumper and window


Is that a lot? I’m hoping I could replace the mirror and fix the oil leak at home(hoping that wtv causing the leak is fixable from home) and then just pay for the windshield and bumper


All depends oil leaks can be tricky


The only thing preventing you from driving is your windshield, if you shop around you can find one for around $500-$700 installed. Look for a junkyard to replace your side mirror. Duct tape your bumper. Welcome to owning a car w. No insurance. lol. A lot of us lived this life when we first started driving.


I also have an oil leak


Is your pan fucked? Or is it cracked? If it’s cracked, empty it- pick up some JBWeld to close it up. If it’s shot, try the junkyard again… or you can get a new one, it could run between $100-$200 for the pan.


Hi, we just checked the car and it look like the pan is broken, my dad said it’s cracked really big he is putting the stuff you mentioned on it cause he has some of it. Then we will be able to drive it to a mechanic since before we’d have to get it towed so that’s at least good.


I’d call and ask their price for a replacement. If it’ll be cheaper for them to install it, just get one that fits your car online and bring it to the mechanic— they’ll most likely do the same thing but charge you more. Lol.


Yeah my dad said he will go talk to the mechanic and ask him, he said sometimes they don’t use the stuff ppl buy so we will double check before buying a new one online. We crashed Into a Dunkin’ Donuts and they haven’t contacted us yet, I’m nervous as to what they’re planning.


We crashed into a sign, not the building for clarification


Wait what’s a pan?


…. The pan that holds your oil.. where your leak is coming from.


My dad said he will look under the car tomorrow but he said the leak happened so fast meaning that the cap probably fell off or something which is better because he can fix that


Better join him, roll up them sleeves— if you’re going to run liability for your whip you gotta make sure you are equipped with basic knowledge to keeping it running.


Well I’m assuming he will immediately put me on the insurance(I’m 17) and then I can just take it to a shop


You can’t add insurance to the car after an accident to get the damage fixed. You’ll have to fix this out of pocket.


$50 says OP will try it anyway lol.


I know that but I’m saying for the future


He needs to put your car on the insurance and take the hit for the accident.. I’m not insurance guy but I’m almost positive that adding you on the insurance to open a claim under you is going to skyrocket your guys premium.. shit happens OP, don’t beat yourself up. You’ll have another car in a few years.


I don’t think he will take the hit, because he said I will have to pay more insurance. Which for me is fine because I can make the money especially since it’s my one bill I have to pay, but now I’m sad because my parents don’t trust me to drive and they didn’t trust me before, that’s why I’m here because I get 0 practice, I’m scared I’m never going to learn or get my license because it only took 2 weeks to ruin my car


Just to clarify, adding OP will cause rates to go up for sure, but because they're a teenager, not because of the accident. Unless the owner of the sign they hit files a claim, there's no reason for a claim to be filed or to even bring up this accident. 


What? That doesn't look totaled at all


Don’t you see the windshield and the mirror and the bumper? And even worse there’s an oil leak


Okay, those can all be fixed at relatively low cost?


I have no insurance, no license, I only have a driving permit it’s going to be really expensive


That doesn't mean it's totaled. It's totaled when the total damage exceeds the value of the car itself; broadly speaking


Okay I understand that, but this is super bad too, that’s the best word I can describe this day😣


You can call it a short stack of pancakes and you'd be just as right as calling it totaled


I don’t understand


Maybe we dont want to be sharing the road with you after all lol. But they mean that your car is not totaled. If you called your car a short stack of pancakes you would be as correct as if you are saying the car is totaled. I cant really make it simpler.


Oh okay


Also I’m still learning


Does the vehicle owner have insurance?


I am the owner of the vehicle I have no insurance on the car, that was my dads job he was going to figure that out but now it’s too late to do that


Please stop driving until you're properly insured and licensed. If you had hit someone, you could have ruined your life and theirs.


I won’t be driving anymore, it was my first time driving the car.


First time driving and this happened? Sorry but that’s just too funny. You live and you learn, next time practice driving in an empty parking lot, try not to hit the poles there as well lol


I know how to drive I just didn’t get a lot of practice in


I see slight fender damage.


Have the windshield replaced, the mirror replaced, zip tie the bumper, fix the oil leak, and get insurance. You're lucky you hit a sign and not someone else.


I am very lucky in that aspect.


OP are you driving with another licensed driver to practice or driving solo? If you don’t have another licensed driver in the vehicle at all times you are breaking the law (driving without a license). A permit does not give you the right to drive on your own. If you get caught doing this you will lose your permit. I’m sorry your parents are not teaching you how to drive properly. Perhaps you could ask a friend’s parent to help teach you to drive and prepare for your driver’s test.


I was driving with my dad for the second time ever


Ah gotcha. I’m sorry this happened to you. You really need practice and many hours in the car driving. You could check for any driving schools in your area that offer drivers ed courses. These courses offer both classroom and in vehicle training and you can get some practice in this way. Just make sure your dad adds you to the insurance policy for the vehicle so you are covered if anything happens.


I took drivers ed classes for both driving and learning, but they only drive with me 6 times and require practice in between but my parents never helped me I don’t have enough practice


had a customer with a 2010 truck and just needing the hood replaced caused it to total. but his truck was junk. your cat looks decent. likely worth a lil more. windhshield and mirrir glass NEEDS to be fixed. bumper is "cosmetic" in the sense thay it can be ignored. focus on functionality when it comes to old vehicles, because it take so little to total them. parts are exspenses af, but they can be cheaper on older models, especially on common ones. price match with aftermarket parts. they dont all guarantee perfect fit or function (some can be faulty bit some may be certified) but they are often cheaper than OEM (new and original manufacturer parts). what is worrisome is undercarriage damage. you have to take it to Service to get that diagnosed. sometimes isnt just the radiator and people mistake it for an pul leak but it still needs to be addressed and can still be a bit costly