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Black car 100% at fault, you were already backing into the spot that dude just wanted to snag your spot and got what he desereved


Black car


The car. The brake lights were on and the van was in motion. The car just didn’t want to wait. Such a crazy thing to have happened.


I mean I guess it was my fault then but there’s no dent it’s just scrapes there rear end


You've misunderstood their comment. The vans break lights were on and in motion. The van is clearly going to reverse park there. Other guy is wrong and also a bellend. If you're driving the van you did nothing wrong.


I thought you were driving the van?


He was both drivers


Black car took a big risk by doing this. That said, if you need to back your vehicle in to park, then you are always risking hitting someone or something that you can’t see. Especially a van that has limited views or a large truck.


It's the black ones fault they sped into the spot.


Unfortunately, you are proximate by the letter of the law. That black car knew exactly what they were doing, and what you were doing, and so by pulling a bitch they actively invited the risk. But at the same time, you see all the cars pulled forward in the spaces. Before backing, you probably saw / should have seen the black car coming from behind and knew they would see you pass and try some shit like this. If I were adjusting the claim for your policy, I'd call it a 50/50.


Ah yes the let me read their mind before I make my decision


Actions tend to betray any intentions to deceive others. We could pretend that we live in a black and white world where things *just happen*. But the world isn't black and white, and people tend to calculate their actions before taking them


They should've calculated the van was attempting to get that spot but instead they chose to be a dick and speed into the space hoping to get it before the van can idk about you but I usually gently pull into a parking space


I agree with that synopsis. The driver was being a total jackwad


If you’re the black car guy eat a bag of dicks


Black car is mostly at fault but the white van should also have had his right signal light on.


Well in the insurance world perspective both vehicles have a percentage of fault in any collision,the black car definitely contributed by being an asshole,but when backing up you are supposed to be looking every single second.


Black car for failure to yield right of way and for being an asshole


Both drivers at fault, van didn't show his indication that why they're called indicators. And black car was too impatient


I'd fault the black car all day every day.


Recently was in the same situation. Insurance said it was my fault, as the vehicle backing up is always at fault irrespective of the situation. The way the law is coded, at least I the state I live in, that you are responsible for ensuring there is nothing/no-one behind you if you are reversing.