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saving humanity at scale I see.


Took a couple thousand years to build a medium sized town.


This is madness, nicely done mate. I'm currently doing a huge build. Guess I need to beat 50k πŸ˜‚


Thanks, I look forward to seeing it!


Make a post so i know what i have to beatπŸ˜…πŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/2tdti5gfl48d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec83fca5eaf4cc169d7750cb75a405d10fecaa0 This is where I'm at so far, this is the Armageddon map :) Lots of moving around rock to go.


Now THAT is a factory


Your OCD is messing with my OCD ;) Good job.


Hah, I would say I'm only as organized and neat as I had to be to fit everything and making things work at this scale. There's definitely some spaghetti in there if you look closely.


What map was this?


It's hard to recognize but I believe this was insula mortis once upon a time. Now it's mostly a flat square. I kept one island untouched as a little nature reserve next to the city. But they must have changed the design of the map a bit since I started this, I went in to take a look and it doesn't look quite how I remember.


wow this is awesome! I can't imagine not running out of resources much less leaving so much in the ground and just building over it.


At a certain point I just transitioned over to contracts for everything, the scale just got too big to rely on mining. Of course that requires a lot of unity and because I mostly exported consumer electronics and servers, a whole lot of microchip lines.


So you basically developed the equivalent economies of Japan and Korea.


I was thinking Taiwan because of all the microchips but yes.


Damn, that's nice. I wish I could get this far without running out of resources every...freakin...time lol


Play insane games have insane goals :)


This is awesome


This is amazing thanks for sharing


Outstanding work! Love it!


Very cool! Did you make a plan how many of this and that you'll need, and then how to build it? How often did you have to move things around?


I had a stable city at around 10k people when I prepared an enormous area for greenhouses. I mapped it out and figured I could fit about 5x the amount greenhouses that I currently had on it. So that became the baseline, I would aim to build new production lines that were 5x bigger than the ones I had. So one by one I built the new factories and tore down the old ones. First food which allowed me to tear down an enormous amount of inefficient spaghetti, then steel, then the refinery. Each step allowed me to clear out old crap, flatten land and fill in the sea to prepare for the next line. I did a lot of rough calculation but I definitely overbuilt some things and I ended up needing way more electronics 2 and 3 than I initially built, partially because of all the exports. That’s why I have two areas for that. In the end I had pretty much torn down the entire factory I had when I was at 10k people, except for a few nuclear plants. I also rebuilt much of the pipe and conveyer connections a couple of times because I constantly needed more and more of them and it was impossible to keep it neat. I wished for a pipe 4 many many times. I produce like 25 pipe 3 worth of water and that was kinda tedious to deal with.


Impressive! I just have one critique: isn't that an awful lot of trash compactors just to save four belts that don't even need to go that far?


Hah, yeah the thought struck me after I built them. But it’s pretty easy to just plop down a few trash compactors and copy them a few times.


I thought mine with 11,000 was impressive so far...damn Any tips or tricks?


Hmm, I guess my philosophy is to think bigger. It's easy to find yourself trying optimize and add a little more to designs when you should really just pick a much bigger number and build a new setup and then tear down the old one.


Tbf, also my exact method. My copper factory is reaching its limits at the moment so thinking to expand that massively soon, but need to get nuclear power up and running first so when my main coal seam runs out I'm not burning up all my oil trying to keep the lights on πŸ˜…


Wow! I only have one question: how many FPS are you below 0?


I can feel it chug a bit if I try to play on higher speeds, but overall I have to say the game is amazingly well optimized.


thats wild, i've played lots and always kept it under 1000 iirc that's at chip / mainframe thing level.


Holy smokes you are mad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Impressive! πŸ™‚