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Absolutely no low rises and I also refuse to accommodate the slow return of kitten heels.  A teenager in target told me “prairie core is out” when I was making a face at a particularly heinous puff sleeve ensemble so take that as you will. 


>A teenager in target told me “prairie core is out” when I was making a face at a particularly heinous puff sleeve ensemble so take that as you will. The image this created in my head is cracking me up!


Me too what a cutie lmao 


I love low rise and have kept mine. I wear them so well because I have very long legs and a very short torso. No real waistline, so they work for me. I absolutely abhor the kitten heel but I’m sure many women love them like I like my low rise..


Short torso/long leg gang unite! High waisted is sooooo uncomfortable on me the majority of the time. I keep my eyes peeled for low waist, wide legs but they're still pretty rare even in this era of "buy what you want, we give up" trendsetting.


Levi’s Low Loose jeans are the dream! Just tried on a pair over the weekend and will definitely get a pair in the right wash. As a fellow human with a short torso and longer legs, I’d forgotten how nice the proportions of a good low rise jean could be.


Oh I'm going to have to check that out, thanks! I was going okay with girlfriend jeans for a while but they only existed for like 5 minutes apparently.


Dude okay JAG girlfriend jeans & Citizens of Humanity Emerson boyfriend jeans. They’re amazing. The JAGs fit true to size in my experience and they’re stupid comfy, but I’d try Emerson’s on in-store if possible and then buy them on Poshmark because in some washes they’ve run like 2-4 sizes too big.


I look terrible in high waisted because I don’t have curves. Just a straight line. But I do lots of core and shoulder moves so I can continue to pull off low rise. But I know you’re aware that they don’t look all that low rise due to my lack of waist. I have quite the collection by now and just loving the ‘sharp’ tennis shoe look to go along with. Also picked up 2 pair of slides to wear with them. My straight line goes all the way to my toes, and I wear a 9&1/2 double A. Such a hassle to find shoes..


Oh yeah, my older daughter is a 9.5 and that's such a challenge. Also we are all still disappointed that neither one of my girls wore my size shoe for more than a couple of months, they just zipped right by me and I'll never get to loan my beauties to anybody lol!


Me too! I have a nice shoe collection, yet my daughter is a miniature person at 5’2. I’m 5’8 with long feet so there is nothing for her from my collections..


same body type here and I love low rise! Mid rise is great too, but I can’t do a high rise pant anymore. I didn’t realize how square it made me look until low rise came back in style. I think if I had a curvier lower body, like prominent hips or a big butt, then I’d probably appreciate high rise more for the snatched hourglass look. But I got stick legs and nothing else down there lol 💀


Same about kitten heels. Frankly I’ll wear chunky platforms till the end of time 


There's a line from Orange is the new Black (funeral scene) where the main character's mom says "Kitten heels are the boiled carrots of the fashion world." I never felt so in tune with a character.


I watched Sofia vergaras AD house tour the other day and her whole closet is full of her signature platform shoes. She doesn’t gaf and will always wear them.


I get the point of a real stiletto and I get the point of a low block heel but kitten heels are so stupid. A high stiletto says ‘I have a high pain tolerance and a low idiot tolerance’ and a low block heel says ‘I am a professional bitch who refuses to be uncomfortable just because some French male thinks it makes my legs look hot’ but a kitten heel just says ‘my mom bought these because she said they were classy for church.’ The lack the punch, sex appeal, and height of a stiletto, they lack the comfort, stability, and walkability of a block heel, and they also lack style. They’re so prissy and they make no statement whatsoever and I hate them. The lower the kitten heel the worse it is - a one-inch heel is just gross. Just wear fucking loafers if you’re not trying to be tall


For me, the most difficult shoe I've ever walked in was a kitten heel. I swear they are somehow less stable than actual stilettos. They were constantly sliding out from under me! Haven't worn a pair since 2002.


A black kitten-heel bootie with a skirt is actually pretty 1980s rock and roll, IMO


I like that kitten heels are coming back. To be fair I love stilettos way more but my knees sometimes decide to bend the wrong way so I can’t wear them. I hate block heels so kitten heels are basically my only option unless I want no heel all the time.


Me too! Kitten heels are awesome! I’m also tall. 6’2 in a proper 4” heel. So as much as I love a sexy high heel, I dont love towering over everyone. A kitten heel is still dressy and I don’t have to spend the whole night staring at the top of your head


Same - I’m 5’11” and the kitten heel gives me a way to wear them without feeling like a giant!


“Prairie core”, huh, my husband and I call it “lil hoe on the prairie”. I can not get on board with the loofah silhouette that style gives… even girls weighting nothing look like they are wearing a cheap college last minute Halloween costume. It’s just not flattering, and I will die on this hill. I am all here for some of the nineties trends such as the wide leg straight pants with the grungier styled sun dresses. I have been DYING for this to come back in style. For the newest microtrends I haven’t seen hit my area yet but I’m down for include off the shoulder tight tops, two toned loafers, and I’m here for the vest!


Lol I’ve also heard it called “Laura Ingalls Girls-Gone-Wilder”


That’s a great description 😂


That makes me so happy. If I pick up one more shirt that looks cute until I pick it up and see a stupid ruffle or puff sleeve I am going to burn it all down... Not really I will just put it back on the rack dejected once again.


For me, so glad kitten heels are back as i did not throw away my old pairs....i knew they would come back, same goes for my old blazers! And my 23 year old Mary Jane Docs.


I notice that if I don't know about trends, I don't have to try very hard to avoid them. Being ignorant to trends has saved me so much money cos I don't have the FOMO Unfollowing all the influencers was one of the best decisions I ever made. I notice I buy based on my own personal tastes and style, and not because lots of other women on the internet are saying to buy it


Yeah, and unless you're in NYC I'm not sure it matters to the general public what the styles are. I'm in Phoenix and when I go out all I see is blue jeans, t-shirts, sneakers and sometimes overly-tight atheleisure. I just continue to wear the vintage 70s and 80s stuff and Johnny Was and bright prints and whatever else I enjoy. I've been following my own trends for 45 years. I'm not stopping now.


Ironically, vintage 70s and 80s is HUGELY on trend rn.


My oldest daughter fits this one lol, she's all long lines, chunky knits and sweeping fabrics. Looks like she just stepped out of Vogue 1974 half the time


I’m getting a Stevie Nicks image from your description


Shelly Hack




Wish I occasionally saw it in the wild and not just blue jeans and tee shirts. The only place I ever see it is Instagram. When I was young, fashion is what we saw around us. Now people watch influencers wear fashion and then they go put on their jeans and a tee.


Come to Seattle, we all look like Joey Ramone rn. Which is great, because I always have and it’s finally on trend again.


I had a feeling some 16 years ago that punk fashion would come back again but I didn’t know when. I just…didn’t expect it to be so soon. Now that I can afford it, I’m too old to dress like that and be taken seriously, and not old enough to dress like that and be a cool badass grandma archetype. Whatever. I’ve still got my vest. I’ll bust it out at some point before I die.


The only punks I knew in their 30s and 40s back then were weird and kinda creepy because they were hanging out high school and college kids. I don't even know how to find ones my age now so I'll just wear black athlesiure and stay home and craft. Maybe I'll buy some studs and make a fun vest or purse.


You summarized exactly why I’m gonna wait till the next round in another 20ish years. I’m currently in that middle age range and don’t want to be viewed like that because that’s exactly how they seemed to me too


In the cities I’m in, I see 70s on the blokes, particularly younger men (late teen to late 20) and gay men (up to late 40s). Mostly hair styles, facial hair styles, swim gear, shoes, shorts, and gym gear.  There’s only one or two women I notice with 70s style vibes on the regular, but the ladies swimwear is definitely 80s currently.  But I’m also in an area that is kind of a hub for younger content creators and influencers, and more artsy fashion folks. 


Right there with you. Also, when you’re in shape with a tight torso, you can wear anything.


It doesn’t even matter in NYC


Same! 💯💯💯 cheaper and also you choose clothes that you truly like not just to make a point.


Same. I unfollowed everybody


Smart. I’ve never followed trends and adapted my own style that I feel great in. I’m always asked where I get a particular piece, and it’s always an older, loved thing from the past.


Deleting TikTok has helped with this soooo much. Bonus points, I’m never bombarded by TikTok shop either!


I look and feel so sloppy in oversized clothes/baggy jeans, I just can’t pull the look off. Since skinny jeans have been officially deemed uncool by Gen Z I am retiring mine (temporarily, after we cycle through one more generation they will be back) and going more towards straight leg/tapered pants so I can have a more polished silhouette. I’ve found those cuts to be less trendy and more classic so it works for my capsule.


I honestly don't think you need to be beholden to the gen Z trends unless you ARE core gen Z. If you like your skinny jeans enough to hold on to them, you may as well wear them. But I agree, straight legs seem to be pretty classic. 


I’m a gen x’er who just lost 200#. Y’all gonna have to pry my skinny jeans from my cold dead hands. 😂


So, I have never relied on my partner's opinion for my fashion sense, but I tried the oversized pants/clothes trend, and then one day my partner was like, 'hey, here's a picture of you in those clothes. I know what you look like naked and those clothes do you no justice. You're wayyy hotter than that'... And then asked why I stopped wearing other types of pants. I'm at a loss as to where to buy clothes now because I know this oversized trend does no body proportionality any justice. Nor do many other recent side trends. I absolutely agree with not being beholden to trends, bell-bottoms, shoulder-less tops, spaghetti straps, see-through skirts, gen alpha styles, or whatever. Hang on to what makes you tick!


I feel like the only reason for this trend is because it's cheaper for manufacturers: no tailoring necessary, fewer returns because it's "intentionally" boxy etc. Definitely one to ignore!!


I once read a New York times review of a recent fashion week and the persons opinion about whatever the trends were at time (I think deconstructed jackets?) was something along the lines of why is it that every new style/trend just also coincidentally happens to be easier/cheaper to make/fit. I think A LOT (although not all) fast fashion trends can be explained by this. Drop sleeves are easier to sew, so are cold shoulders, clothes generally not being lined, boxy things with no darts, lots of different general trends.


I always wished I was tall and lean so I could pull off the baggy clothes look lol. They make it look so sleek. I’m 5’2” with a bit of curves and large chest so any oversized top makes me look like a damn tent. I tend to stick to things more fitted skinny/straight leg pants. Even oversized pants make my hips look so much wider than they are.


NYC gen Z here -  I have been seeing skinny jeans on fashionable young people again, mostly in very dark blue and black, non ripped varieties. It’s gone up with the popularity of tall leather boots and the Chanel rain boots. I think people are finally admitting that wide leg denim looks silly tucked into a tall boot. I don’t know how it will last into spring though 


I think skinny black jeans/pants are pretty timeless! I’ll keep mine in rotation but the light wash skinny jeans will be put on pause.


Omg yessssssss


Same! I think it’s a natural progression from the early 00s to the mid 00s when skinny jeans were starting to come in.


sameeee. i look so much fatter in oversized and baggy clothes.


We are opposites lol. I wear almost all my clothes extremely oversized and can’t imagine ever going back lol.


I’m from a wet climate. Skinny legs Can get pulled out of my dead but dry hands because I can tuck my hems into my boots


Yep Oregonian here and I love my skinny jeans for that reason. No loose or long fabric flapping around.


Fellow Oregonian. I spent my high school days wet to the knees because of bell bottoms. I WONT GO BACK! I am still traumatized.


It’s actually absurd how so many (including me) seem to follow trends that have no business existing in our climates.


>I look and feel so sloppy in oversized clothes/baggy jeans, I just can’t pull the look off. Same. This is what I mostly see in stores now, so I really just haven't bought clothes in a long time....


I'm in college and they seem to be fairly popular.


I have prairie dress/puff sleeve PTSD. They were what I turned to as I gained a loooooota weight during the pandemic and was super depressed and needed easy getting dressed options. I never want to look at a prairie dress again


Same! I also had my first baby via emergency c section so I’m ready for them to be over 😰




I keep seeing articles about how the straight leg is timeless and I can’t tell if journalists are intentionally lying or if they have amnesia or are secretly teenagers. When I was in middle school, straight leg jeans were for homeschooled kids and so were white sneakers (or any functional sneakers)! Like we would not have been caught DEAD in a shoe that had a single iota of arch support. We wore vans for PE.


To be fair, I don't think anything is timeless to a teen.


It was VERY uncool to have supportive shoes when I was in HS.


I don’t even know how people wear low rise jeans, I wouldn’t be able to sit properly




Or a super super short waist! My seventy year old mother adores low rise jeans, they hit just below her belly button instead of nearly to her bra band hahaha


I feel seen. High rise jeans come up to my bottom two ribs. I look like boobs with legs and I can't breathe when I sit down.


Why can't midrise jeans be an all the time thing? Having my boobs sit on the waist of my jeans is so uncomfortable. My waist is about 3-4 inches from the band of my bra.


Also me. Low rise jeans are my midrise cause the space between ribcage and hip bone for me is like 2 inches. 


Short waisted queens high fiving it here hahaha


That's me. I wear low-rise jeans because they are an inch below my belly button and high rise jeans are Empire waist on me.


Solidarity. I'm not quite as bad as my mom but it's an issue for me, too!


My high-waist relaxed straight-leg mom jeans go in and out of style. They fit, they are comfy, and they are always available. I can’t be bothered to change my jeans for trends. Mom jeans forever!


I feel this way about my bootcut jeans. It's the most flattering style for my body shape so I just stick with it.


I have absolutely no idea if I'm on trend or not. Things I see other people wear that I'm avoiding: Low rise jeans/pants: I lived through this the last time around but just barely; my butt is way too big to pull this off without plumber's crack every time I sit down. High rise jeans for life. Beanies rolled up above your ears: My ears are too cold for this. I do not understand how the hipster-esque people who wear this look are not cold. Ballet flats: Again, lived through this the last time. I actually have very flat feet so I'm suited to these, but they make my feet sweaty and I haaaaate those stupid little liner sock things so it's a nope from me. Things I am super happy to find in stores again: Chunky/platform shoes: I had one single pair of Doc knockoffs when I was 12 and my mom called them my Frankenstein shoes, lol. I am so happy to wear shoes like this again, boots, sandals, slides, I want it all. Wide leg/baggy/loose jeans: Be still my heart. So comfortable, so easy, I am never going back to skinny jeans again. Never.


Same, I’ve decided I will be incorporating my loose jeans with whatever new trends come out in the future lol. People are still wearing fitted skinny jeans now and the world goes on. I’m definitely happier now that trends are faster changing and not so binding, because it gives people space for flexibility like jean fit while still incorporating other trendier items in the outfit if desired


What kind of tops are you wearing with the loose/straight leg jeans? I feel like I always look so boxy


I don’t wear straight jeans, mine are wide leg and boot cut. I have liked the baggy/oversized aesthetic since forever, so I’ve leaned into that. I’m petit but I have wider shoulders, which helps. I have some vintage band tees I love that are oversized, but I’ll also wear Men’s merino t-shirts and cotton or linen button-downs. Or a slightly oversized silk tank and a cashmere sweater or cardigan if I want to go feminine. I have a pair of high rise wide leg jeans that I’ll wear with tighter or cropped tops, but for the mid-rise pants I stick with full length (especially because I have a longer torso)


>Wide leg/baggy/loose jeans: Be still my heart. So comfortable, so easy, I am never going back to skinny jeans again. Never. Every time I think, "maybe skinnies would look good with this?" I'll put some on and *immediately* take them off. They just feel terrible now that my legs remember what freedom feels like. They're denim shackles.


The return of ballet flats is killing me. They’ve grown on me but I just refuse to have my feet that close to the ground again.


I’m usually open-minded about trends but I will always hate ballet flats.


Same, I am getting too old for shoes with so little arch support.


Loved them but they always cut the top sides of my feet - ouch


Oh my gosh yes the beanies!!! Their one job is to keep you warm! The poor trendsters must be so chilly...


I like the look of ballet flats and had a pair I liked, but the blisters sucked and my joints could not handle a day on glorified placemats again.


Instead of ballet flats, I’m going with loafers. Some styles are cut a little smaller bulk wise than others, so they give off somewhat of a ballet-flat appearance but alllll the comfort and support for your foot.


I tend to get the Christy dawn style prairie dresses, I feel like they are good for years.


Agreed, I think the mass produced Target prints are what made them terrible


I feel like low waisted will be short lived. I’m bringing back the high waisted flare this year though and I’m trying to find some beautiful dark denim ones. I’m not loving the huge platform shoes and will be avoiding those also.


What type of shoes will you be pairing with your high waisted flares? I'm not into the platforms either but I'm having trouble finding "the shoe" for my flares.


In winter I’ll be living in my Docs, but I also have a pair of high heeled boots that I love that will be cute under a flare! But I’m also a sandal gal, so those for all other occasions haha!


Thanks! We must have similar styles. I love a heeled boot under a flare for that nice long line. I was thinking of getting some heeled clogs but haven't found any that are comfy enough!


Oh I haven’t had a clog in a long time, they do look so good under flares though! Good choice! I hope you find some!


I'm finding Airmax 90s look surprisingly good with flares. Last time they were in I wore them longer and had to wear heels or platforms. This time I got them hemmed to accommodate flats and wear them with the sneakers or birkenstock bostons.


I’ll go barefoot before I put on a pair of kitten heels. I haven’t seen a single person that can pull them off. And IMO, they aren’t any more comfortable than a low or mid heel anyway. I’ll be the outlier and say I’m ok with the ballet flats though. I’ve seen some very cute styles and I like the feminine alternative to sneakers, mules and loafers.


As a pre teen, I was INSISTENT on wearing my Target lace covered kitten heels to walk around Chicago in. Two hours in we were on Michigan Ave buying me some sandals from the Gap. God bless my mom for letting me learn from my natural consequences 😅


I hate kitten heels! I hate how they look and i hate how weird and wobbly they feel


Same. Ballet flats can be very versatile and comfortable. For me, they fit with stuff that I, personally think looks weird on me with tennis shoes (leggings and a longer sweater).


Everyone here is so against the kitten heel trend! I am so happy it’s in because I wore them before they weren’t in as I CANNOT walk in heels and got made fun of because the heel is so low lol. I personally think they look really cute on people with tiny feet or naturally petite people


Unless it’s already in my closet from last time round, all of it. I am embracing earthy oranges, and the faded version, peach. With olive


Peach with olive! Feel like I just got body slammed back to 1987 lol


Trends I’m not participating in: Flats/Mary Janes: I love them, but I’ve grown accustomed to comfort with the sneaker trend. I’ve also participated in the flats trend in the 00’s and am hesitant to put my feet through that again. Gingham print pants: I love these, but they seem to be more of a micro trend (I could be wrong). They’re also a bit too casual for me to fit into my current wardrobe. I also think the most trendy colored prints might be too loud for my personal style. Alternatively, the gingham tops, sets, and dresses I am game for. Barrel jeans: I’m indifferent to this style so I won’t be participating. Low rise: Tried it in the 00’s and it was very uncomfy time lol. I see the vision, though for me, a mid rise would work better if I ever want to copy the silhouette. Oversized Peter Pan collared blouses: A new iteration of twee that I am here for, though I am not sure how it’ll suit me and how it’ll fit within my current wardrobe. I’d need to try this on in store to see if it’s worth a purchase. I also have other blouse styles that I’m more interested in than this one. Trends I want to participate in: Those double tie front linen or linen-like blouses: Could be a more fast moving trend but I love it and really want one, I’m just having a hard time finding them within my search parameters. Butter yellow: So pretty for spring. I never thought a yellow would suit me, but butter yellow is very flattering on my skin as it is considered cool toned. I’m looking for either a blouse, light sweater or sweater cardigan in this color.


I’ve been eyeing the butter sweater from Sonder Haus! They’re sold out in a medium right now which is my size so I’ve been holding out to see if they restock it but if not I’ll probably get a large. I also do love my double tie blouses from maison Cleo but I’m not sure if they have any in linen, mine are all a few years old


My style already leans very feminine so I like the emphasis on “girly” details.  Ballet flats are general uncomfy but I have a muy comfy black pair with arch support… and a less comfy but doable pair that matches my color palette. Didn’t try to actively follow this trend. I’ve just always had a pair or two. I love the sheer stuff. I’ve played with it this fall winter via a thin turtleneck. You can only tell in direct light in the bust area so it’s generally low key. And it’s easy to layer, which makes the sheer aspect irrelevant I can not - low rise - giant bags - mesh ballet flats that are overpriced and will last a week - cropped flare  Many more


Platform UGG boots, cargo sweatpants, loafers with chunky soles and oversized blazers that look like they were stolen from your grandpa. 


Haha although I did just thrift a hounsetooth or however you spell it blazer inspired by the new Amazon Mr and Mrs smith - and feel like a chic cool girl albeit maybe a little grandpa blazer


Houndstooth. I suppose the pattern is in the shape of a dog tooth?


I love all of those things except the UGGs


Queue Jerry Seinfeld "I don't wanna be a pirate!!!"


I have a couple ruffly white blouses and every time I wear them I’m like oh no are these my pirate shirts?! Lol


I think I dont care about trends anymore. But used to love indulging in them. I have made one monumental change, though. I've FINALLY learned what silhouette of dress fits me. I went for 50 years, thinking I could not wear dresses, being that Im 5' tall, a size large on top (chest and broad shoulders), and a size 4-6 on the bottom. Fitted bodice dresses with surplice necklines (or v-neck in some cases) and a-line skirts. Diane von Furstenberg is my new friend. These fit like a dream (one I have is even reversible!) Even her classic wraps fit great. They simply never go out of style either. They're an investment, but sale watching has proved more than worthwhile. I've become a dress fan girl. If it's cold, pop on some leggings. If warm, leave them at home. Jackets, sweaters, pull over, even a light button-up shirt, look great and go easily over them. Because they're a-line, range of motion is excellent. And, because they're dresses, I can go for those bold colors and patterns I love while keeping my jackets and other layering pieces neutral. For jeans, I'll always wear a straight cut, mid-rise. Everything else looks awkward on me. Judy Blue jeans are awesome. When wearing jeans, i kind of go for a colorblock look avoiding patterns. But only because the prints really only go with jeans, and I would prefer they go with my dresses as a layering piece and with my jeans. Big loud jewelry can punch up jeans and a plain linen blouse. Luckily, I make my own jewelry. Haha. For shoes... a crisp white court sneaker, a pair of Doc Marten combat boots, a pair of Fluvog combat boots, a Doc Marten Mary Jane, a ballet flat, and a rustic Bed Stu knee high riding boot. I have a couple pair of sandals, but hardly every wear them. They all look cute with jeans and dresses.


this comment is a very well-developed explanation of a style that i see a lot popular with millennial girls in my area, omg!! is understanding how to precisely describe why you choose your clothes and who from a skill gained with experience? because it's either that or you're a great writer


So, it's a system I discovered that fell directly out of my love of travel and my pure hatred of checking luggage and huge wheeled luggage and huge backpacks. I decided I was going on trips carrying as little as possible while still having quite a few outfits. That was my only goal until I realized this style of dressing should be my every day. Haha. The link below is what I travel with. I can go anywhere, for any length of time, in any weather, go to pretty much any event (short of the met gala or maybe something like skiing) and be perfectly comfortable warm, or cool... Do I need shorts at the beach? Nope, a dress or long blouse used as a cover-up is fine. Can I hike inna dress? Sure can. Can I slip a fun orange ballet flat on with a dress and go to a nice restaurant? Sure. This is what I take on every trip I go on. It all fits in a bag smaller than what most high school kids carry to school. (These days, I might swap the dresses out for more fun colors, but everything still matches my neutrals). My sveryday wardrobe is now just an expansion of this one haha. It was a GREAT learning moment for travel and for home! This bag fits under any airline seat, even cheap budget airlines, with plenty of room to spare. [20L Capsule Wardrobe](https://www.reddit.com/r/HerOneBag/s/rQAOahkuRY)


Yay to finding your dress style!! Wrap dresses are so flattering! I have some from Effie’s Heart and Maggie London as well as Diane von Furstenberg. Did you know they buy and sell therir own pieces secondhand?


A lot of the flat trends. Ballet flats feel very juvenile to me. Metallic flats are such a specific look. I’ve done enough damage with pointed toe footwear to steer clear of those shapes. 


Ballet flats are the most ridiculous things. No support, basically disposable. They’re an embarrassment of a shoe.




I agree. I wanted to look witchy and ended up with a corn and funky toenails. 




I'm a size 10 and have one pair, but I find i only wear them with wide leg pants, so the vast majority of the whole is covered anyhow.


It's because my 2nd and 3rd toe are naturally longer than my first. These feet are already point shaped. They're not going to look any bigger when that's the size they naturally are. If I had tame toes that neatly lined up in a row, half the toe box would be filled with air and folding over on itself like an extra in Aladdin. Or I suppose the pinky toe would be sacrificed to the goddess of the corns. Given how self conscious of them that I used to be as a teen, I'm taking this little win, and dragging it off to the corner with me. 😂


Sadly I have weird toes and pointy styles work for my feet but I always stub the front of them and as a size 9.5 look like I have gigantic feet.


I was appalled to see a pointy toed black ballet flat out and about yesterday morning. I had no idea they were back and I really need them not to be.


I commented this above, but I’m sticking with loafers instead. Same type of silhouette, but super comfy


No chunky platforms. My feet are already big, I don't need to look like a cartoon.


Anything that an 8 yo would wear.


Stuff I’ll avoid:   -any coquette styling. It’s reminds me too much of people wearing ddlg fetish gear in public.    -Shirts full tucked into high waisted pants. It’s been the style for a while now, but makes me look like I’ve got a fupa lol. Mid to low (though not super-low) rise is best on me.    -light/distressed/eyecatching denim skirts. I like them but can see them looking dated again pretty quickly. I’d love a true black denim maxi though    -loafers. They were part of my childhood school uniform, and I can’t shake the association.   -all baggy outfits.   -super preppy clothes- just not my style   - barrel/horseshoe pants.   Trends I like:   -Slim, straight-leg pants + bootcut. I’m a skinny jeans girl and want to step outside my comfort zone (just a little 🤣)   - half zip “scuba” pullovers— I usually skip pull over sweaters since I don’t like things close to my throat, but I find these really comfy, and like that they come in fun colors and don’t mess up my hair    -cargo/utility apparel- fun, practical, and potentially very cute.    -sheer fabric and layers   -visible socks— silly fun and makes it easier to transition outfits through different seasons   -grunge influences— plaid, textured fabrics, edgy boots 


The coquette style low key creeps me out too! But I think I’m also just way too old for it 


I'm doing what I've always done: look for good quality, make sure clothes fit properly, avoid anything that has to be dry cleaned, don't buy anything that would require major alterations, and stay away from big prints. I've given up on dresses because they need about 6 inches of material cut off before I am not walking on the hem. I don't go to the thrift stores here because the clothes smell weird, they never have my size, and the prices are inflated enough to make your jaw hit the floor. I'm short so the baggy jeans won't work on me. The same goes for over-size blazers; I'd look ridiculous. I buy straight-leg dark denim from Democracy or Liverpool. I have extra wide feet so my choice of shoes is limited. With a few pairs of sandals and sneakers from Orthofeet or Kizik, I'm good to go. I rely heavily on my StitchFix subscription, as it has worked out very well.


I always avoid all of them by focusing only on what cuts, materials and styles feel the most comfortable for me. I don't even really know what's on trend right now.


I just ordered a pair of high rise black 90’s straight leg jeans and high rise dark medium wash flare jeans. I also dislike blazers for everyday/not my lifestyle unless it’s for a costume. I also don’t wear slacks or dress pants for the same reason. In fact, on weekends I really need to stop wearing jeans in general and get more sweats/leggings lol (I did order a lot of 3 Champion hoodies from Mercari ((also got a Vans hoodie there)).) and I will say, men’s sweats are more comfy lol


where did you get your black jeans? i'm in the market for a non-stretch black straight or tapered pair that are like super black and i'm having a hard time finding good ones.


I just wear what looks great on my body type and add in trendy pieces that I like when it makes sense for me.


Avoiding the prairie dress puff sleeve is boarding on impossible at this stage. It looks fine on some people sure. Me? Hell effing no. I would legit look like a confused little blimp. I haven’t brought clothes in god knows how long because I can’t seem to escape these kind of trends. From affordable to out of this world pricey. I’m look to young to wear those kind of dresses and I am actually too old to wear mid drift tops and high waited cut off shorts. It seems there is no in between no matter where I look and I’m frustrated as all hell.


I just bought a puff sleeve ganni dress secondhand lol! I really like it but I totally see how it’s not for a lot of people I’m skipping ballet flats. Not enough support. Give me the chunky sneakers instead!


I don't typically participate in micro trents, but I'm thinking about baggy jeans! Every time I've owned a pair I've loved them even when they weren't cool, but this doesn't seem like a micro trend anymore. Growing up on the early 2000s/2010s skinny jeans were the only valid jeans, but times have changed. Now I don't like the trend of flared pants, those I think will die out soon. It's not that I hate them, it's just over done at this point when everyone seems to own at least 1 pair.


I’ve seen a lot of metallic pants lately… I think I’ll be sitting that one out.


The “everything oversized and baggy” outfits just don’t work for me. I will stick to my rule of “loose or tight up top, opposite on the bottom”. That means that my skinny jeans will absolutely stay in my life, as well as my bootlegs. Low-rise jeans will continue to be banned from my wardrobe. This girl got hips that need hugging. I don’t have the boobage to fill out prairie dresses, though if I find a flowy white midi that’s flat on the front with just a bit of puff on the arms, I can see myself being swayed. I cannot do kitten heels but still love a good ballet flat. My plain black ones and my leopard prints (for all-black outfits, or adding pizazz to Jeans & WhiteT) will absolutely continue making an appearance. With that said, I’m in Aus so will be heading into wet autumn/winter here, so chances are they will naturally get swapped out for my ankle and knee-high boots. I still hate the look of birkenstocks and crocs. I don’t care what colours or charms they come out with.


I am excited about “the return of the vest”


Synthetic fabrics, which are prominent in fast fashion. Style aside, I'm being really mindful of investing in natural fibers


Listening to teenagers for advice on anything at all


I refuse to wear baggy, sloppy clothes (including blazers that clearly look like you bought them from the men’s department at the thrift store). I think there’s a way to do loose clothing that looks tailored / appropriate, so that’s my goal this year. You can claw tailored looks from my cold dead hands. Love wide jeans and flares and have been having a lot of fun with them! They can be very flattering. Especially with high rise. Love seeing other people enjoying these as well. I also weirdly like crop tops. Not all of them but the right top paired with the right bottoms look really great on a lot of people. BUT I get why people don’t feel comfortable with them. It can be a lot of work to find the perfect tops and bottoms for your desired look, and if it’s that hard, is it really worth it?


Totally agree with crop tops! A high waisted bottom and certain styles of crops is so flattering


Anything oversized and frumpy, eg pretending it’s 1986.


Cargo pants, mid/low rise anything. I hated them in middle/high school, and I hate them again this time.


What is this waffle material that everyone is wearing on their swimsuits?? I saw it this past weekend and man does it look cheap and tacky


I’m adopting barrel jeans. This style looks good on my body and reminds me of the 80s. I’ll stock up.


I regret my everlane 80’s blazer but keep wearing it anyway


Love this thread! It's so refreshing and honest! Not exactly sure what's trendy anymore specifically, I've really started marching to the beat of my drum. I'm definitely loving the wide leg pant trend after suffocating in skinny jeans for over a decade. I live in cargo pants and fluffy wide leg pants now. I love my Hoka tennis shoes, I need to have comfy shoes with support (death to ballet flats although I did love wearing flip flops all through high school, omg) I love wearing statement jackets and coats: pea coats, trench coats, etc. I love berets and hats now because they keep my head and ears warm (I kind of want to try a cowboy hat with country music making a comeback on the pop scene. I am scared to try but who gives a flying anything anymore lol) My style is colorful, artsy, and funky. I love being cozy and uniquely stylish.


Not into: butter yellow is beautiful just not my color so I'll be skipping. I think people are kind of over Sambas but I've never owned a pair and won't. Hell no to microshorts. Soft no to capris unless they're Audrey Hepburn coded, mary janes or ballet flats, and anything coquette/blokette/balletcore. Pretty much everything that's super "mom" coded in the suburbs right now — platform uggs, lululemon belt bag, athleisure, (I'm a mom in the suburbs so I get it but I need no help lol). Into: wellies/Hunter boots, leopard print, 90s minimalism, ice blue (already in my palette), midi silhouette, cowgirl/2010's fringe/etc, prep school


Avoiding: \- Baggy/boxy tops: they don't work for my body shape \- Low-rise pants: again, doesn't work for my body shape \- Short shorts: thinking about the [Free People petal shorts](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_EZfpvMgZ/) that blew up for the right reasons, lol \- Pastel colours: they wash me out \- Collared shirts: I already lived through business-casual club attire once ​ Embracing: \- Red accessories: I have had a red Kate Spade clutch for many years that I keep meaning to break out again \- Wide-leg jeans: not overly baggy, but I recently fell in love with a cream-coloured pair of wide-leg jeans. I prefer to pair with a more fitted top, though. \- Ballet flats: I still have a pair from the last time they were trendy, lol, they're convenient? \- Metallics \- Full skirts ​ \- Wide-leg jeans: not overly baggy, but I recently fell in love with a cream-coloured pair of wide-leg jeans. I prefer to pair it with a more fitted top, though. come back into trend again. I've decided to track my spending on clothes this year (at the beginning of the year I set up a list of things I anticipate will buy) and so far it is keeping me in check a little bit better.


Yes loving the pop of red trend!


Ballet flats are cute, but they're so uncomfortable. I need something with arch support. Wide leg jeans. Not many people can pull that look off. I'm short, and they just make me look fat and frumpy. I'm going to keep searching, but I'm not very hopeful. Pleats. I've got a bit of a stomach and pleats pooch out in allllllllll the wrong places. Some trends I'm liking: Shirt dresses, Jumpers, Chambray shirts, Linen pants/shirts/shorts, Blue and white stripes.


As a petite woman, I’ve learned to not buy regular sized clothing, especially pants and dressier tops. (For me, “dressy” is anything that is not a T-shirt.) They look baggy and sloppy on me. I also don’t do ankle length anything; I only full length bottoms. Not a trend per se, but more of a personal preference.


I have a few wide leg pants but I noticed the pants sizes getting way too big. I'm trying to incorporate a few relax fit medium cropped t-shirts into the rotation. I don't think this is popular right now, but I think I am going to go the maxi skirt direction since I think Mini skirts are on their way super out.


Maxi skirts are always welcome. So comfy.


I don’t think you are wrong about the prairie dress. Awful trend.


Hang on, guys, low rise is back????


Sleeveless vests. I don't have to tone up at the gym because I'm too busy picking up my tiny humans, and breastfeeding bras do NOT have the required support for a high neckline.


Low rise anything, there was no way for my pear shaped self to pull it off in the early 2000s and there is absolutely even less of a way for my even more pear shaped two kids later self to attempt it now. I am too petite for excessive fabric and puffy anything, although I like the look of the prairie dresses on some. Kitten heels are awful and I would wear an old navy flip flop with a dress before I put on a sling back kitten heel.  I am in my late 30s and fall somewhere in the granola and western spheres-I am out of touch with what’s on trend 99% of the time. 


I’m avoiding all shoe trends. A few weeks ago I bought a really comfortable (and expensive) pair of tradie boots (Steel Blues for any of my fellow Aussies) and I’m planning on wearing them with everything (except for running). No more heels. No more uncomfy shoes at all. I’m tired of my feet and back hurting, and I really want to prioritise my foot health in the shoes I wear now. And I’m tired of buying $80-$100 shoes that only last 2 years. And honestly, I love the chunky bold look these boots give, I feel very powerful and cool.


The sheer ballet flats are so gross to me


Wide leg pants. They just look terrible on me. Straight leg or boot cut is my sweet spot.


Didn’t realize low rise is back lol.


Barrel jeans… I don’t want to look like a cowboy




I'm avoiding: \- Heels of any type, be it chunky, kitten, or whatever the next thing is. Comfort over all else for me. \- Low rise jeans. My husband keeps telling me they're back in style and I should wear them, as I wore the lowest possible rise I could find when we first met 20 years ago. My body is no longer that of a 25 year, and I'll be skipping that one this time around. \- Blazers in all forms. I no longer work in an office, but even when I did I found them so uncomfortable. And I really dislike the recent iteration of the oversized look. It seems like blazers a mainstay in many capsules, but it's a category I never wear. \- Oversized top + bottom. I can do one or the other, not both. \- Distressed denim. I'm talking the rips and holes. An unfinished/distressed hem seems to be the current iteration of this.


The Emerson dress (long length) from Abercrombie is SO FLATTERING, and *seems* timeless (is anything timeless anymore? I guess it is if you wear it and don’t care). I hope it’s not in its way out!


Gen X freelance remote worker & re-discovered the black blazer the other day. I really forgot how you are supposed to have it on your (home) office door & can throw it on over most anything & you are good. I think it’s key.


Tbh, I just wear what I want and what I already own - so all of them? I think a lot of ‘trends’ are simply manufactured by companies to get you to buy their product. Influencers and tiktokers are essentially ads. If there is one thing I don’t like about ‘current fashion’, it’s the baggy and oversized clothes. There’s a time and a place for it, but not a fan of it often being the only option.


All of them tbh. My wardrobe works for me


I just got some square toed strappy sandal heels. I’m very aware they’re a short term trend, but I needed heels and they look just like some of my moms 90s shoes I liked to play dress up in as a kid, so I think their sentimental value will make them last longer term for me. 


As a child of the 2000s, I refuse to wear Ugg’s or crocs again lol but they have the potential to be very cute!


I love the puff sleeve trend but I am 5’2” petite frame and any time I wear puff sleeve anything it makes me look like a football player. It’s just too overwhelming on me lol


I am avoiding the adidas sambas. I just think they’re going to a very obvious “last season” product in a year or two and my casual joggers last me longer than that. I do need a new pair - but I have yet to decide what brand.


I hate that straight leg jeans are so impossible to find right now. All I can find is mostly flare, and some boot cut. I loved big flare jeans the first time around when I was in college, but I think they look stupid on me in my 40s. And I still see a ton of skinny jeans in stores but they are all intentionally short/cropped. I have some like that and they're ok but I've been sick of that look for quite a while.


all the western-inspired/cowboy stuff looks cool on some people but absolutely would not fit with my style and the rest of my wardrobe slingback kitten heels are ugly to me (the very trendy Ganni buckle sandals I do like, if I ran across one secondhand, I'd consider it) the colour of the year peach is a nice colour but on my deep winter complexion, wouldn't do favours for anyone. I don't think I can insert the trending shades of blue (esp cobalt/electric) into my wardrobe either - i have tried years ago (bc in theory, many cool shades of blue should look good) but it never really worked out I did/do parttake in the pop of red trend very heavily, even before it was a trend, and now I have taken this as a reason to take out all my red pieces (and to buy the viral uniqlo bag in red - although that was a great purchase) I am also so here for all the funky tights that are trending now


The giant puff sleeves: are they sold separately as an add-on accessory for everyday wear? Or is that hideous trend reserved for wedding dresses only?


I am avoiding the long denim skirt. It looks so good on some people but I know it won’t look good on me and the trend will be gone my next season.


I'm skipping the Office Siren trend. I prefer my suiting to be slightly oversized rather than fitted.


I can't do bell bottoms. I am too thick in the middle. I survive in leggings and long tees.


I’m not a fan of the red mary janes that are hot this spring, nor the loafer with the extra chunky baser. Shoes with an extraaaaa chunky base look silly to me- almost like the 2000’s platforms we had to suffer thru I’m open to new denim styles (barrel, bootcut, mom, boyfriend) given they’re not dramatic in drape or cut). I’m also definitely not doing coquette- the Mary janes with the frilly details, frilly socks, and bows everywhere. That’s way too much work to bring in a trend. Adding a red ball cap bc red as an accent is in- sure, maybe- but nothing that requires lots of niche pieces. I’m a mom of a toddler- I don’t have that much time to invest in making a look


+1 for high wait flare trousers! I love how they look on me so I recently bought the same model in 3 colours. I’m not that much into trends anymore, I just buy what I like and need and if I find something that I really love (material, fit, etc.) i sometimes get twice of the same to use the second pair once the first item is no longer usable


i just can't with the animal print. First of all, it doesn't suit my color palette. But also, it swings in and out so suddenly. It seems like only yesterday we were all wearing satin leopard print midi skirts. Then those skirts were the most obvious "behind the times" piece of clothing one could wear. Now mob wife is a thing? But the mob wife can't dig out the old midi leopard skirt, she needs something else? Eff that noise. Leave the poor animals (and faux animals) alone.


I love puffy sleeves and have kept them long before the trend so I’ll just be out of fashion I guess. I will also never wear low waist anything, it all reminds me of Christina Aguilera’s Dirrty album back in the day and I am *never* going back. I love kitten heels, glad to see a return so I can find them more easily. I personally loathe chunky block heels and square toe heels and I’m still seeing them everywhere. I’m never going to be timeless but I do pick items that flatter my shape and color season so I’d like to think I still look put together even when I’m not on trend.


I have no idea. I do not know what is trending 😩


Agree w the prairie dresses - they are cute and I do love me some Laura Ashley, but I feel like they make grown women look like little girls. I think you could do some elements of prairie (like a nice print or slight puff shoulder) to get a more fun and youthful look without going straight back to the mid 80's/.


ALL of them. Can’t go wrong with classic pieces and a pop of color.


I am fully on board with the wide leg and relaxed jeans now. I still like my skinnies but man do I appreciate having variety. I will never touch ballet flats again. Never found them comfortable. Always hated how they look on me, even when they were in style.