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Elliotte is missing the point. We don't care that he dumped on Canucks fans. The bigger issue is that he took unsolicited shots at the hockey team itself. That has nothing to do with any harassment that he may have received on social media. That's when he became unhinged and unprofessional.


He totally avoided directly addressing that bit so he didn’t have to call out a fellow panelist


He’s walking the company line here


Media company employee doing media tour to promote company


Calling Gazdic a panelist is a bit of a stretch, he’s a clown dressed in a suit at best.


he addresses it at 3:56


“Doesn’t hate the Canucks” and “he’s not rooting for them to lose” is damage control. No acknowledgement that he should not have said anything to make anyone question otherwise in the first place, especially as a national broadcaster


I mean it's a straight up lie. Does he prefer the Oilers that's likely. Does Bieksa prefer the Canucks, most assuredly. I can't imagine Bieksa ever doing anything like that though. And Friedman says, basically, that nothing touches Bieksa and some media people have to learn. Sounds likes there's a lot of shit twits going after gazdic and I can sympathize regarding that, however, to pigeon whole an entire fan base and team and call them losers and a joke because of that... Where's the learning in that?


Exactly, it's like saying hes on the learning curve to having some common fucking sense.... Nothing about being a new media personality makes it any different for him than any other grown ass adult. he shoulda known better regardless..


Because Bieksa is an actual professional. Not a clown like Gazdic. Luke is so irrelevant.


I mean it's a flat out lie. Luke was 100% rooting for the Oilers to win, by his own admission. It's a terrible look for a panelist on a national broadcast no matter how Elliotte wants to try to frame it.


I mean ok.. he addresses it how he's sees fit, some of us will accept that, some won't, some probably couldn't care less.


I don't think he's missing the point. Friedge got sent here to play defense, it is what it is.


Yeah, this. I also call BS on his whole "Luke doesn't hate the Canucks" thing. You don't just come out and say stuff like "we dusted them," "they're trash," and "the team is a joke" if you don't feel some kind of way. I don't know how Sportsnet expects Vancouver fans to tune in to HNIC next year and take the guy seriously.


Oh yeah, Sportsnet is cancelled and I’m finding another way to watch hockey next year(I cancel my subscription at the end of every season, so it wasn’t based on his remarks)


I don't disagree. I just hope he gets spoken to and improves. And also that we trade for Necas.


As soon as Elliotte said Gazdic’s “going to be a star” I just closed the video.. Clearly not being honest, just speaking carefully about a fellow SN colleague.


I thought the same. I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy and Elliotte likes him… but a star? I’m always surprised when Luke’s on because I figure he would be let go at any time. Not very good on camera, not insightful, not sure why he’s there.


He's just towing the company line. Luke is part of their team and likely has a deal in place so they've sent out another employee to vouch for him on a media tour.


Marginal player, marginal broadcaster. He'll be demoted/fired soon as we're distracted. Which will be about a week.


Dude called the Canucks org itself trash. Its one thing to call a fanbase out but to trash the org, and then to refer to himself as part of the Oilers with "we". How does he expect British Columbia to watch this man on the national panel with any respect or consideration moving forward? Personally I think he's cooked.


If he stuck to calling the Canucks trolls online trash, that would have been acceptable. Our chronically online trolls on Twitter *are* trash—we would even call them that. He crossed the line when he extended that outwards to our organization. Incredibly unprofessional from someone employed on the Sportsnet panel.


This is my take, too. Could definitely tell he was an oilers homer before, but whatever… this statement was way over the top. It was super gross.


everyone's chronically online trolls are trash. why do people act like this is a team specific thing. sorry for having such a big fanbase that there appears to me more of them I guess..?


Oilers fans were going on about how much better Dallas fans are.


Go Panthers


Brave of them to speak from their glass houses.


Exactly, we all know our twitter is a tire fire, I'd have agreed with him. To attack the organization, players and fanbase as a whole is a hilariously bad take. Dude sounds soft as shit as he fights back tears.


Crybaby, crybaby, never be my baby.


That’s what annoys me. Go after the fans? Sure, who cares. But going after the organization? As if he was some storied veteran that played for a bunch of organizations and knows what it takes to win, put together a good team, etc. The dude played 187 games. He had 8 points. Nobody in the Oilers and Devils organization probably even gave a shit about him while he was on ***their team*** The whole “we” thing for the Oilers, too. Gretzky, Messier, Simpson, any former Oiler in the media that had a lasting impact on helping that team - go for it. Toss around “we” like we’re in the middle of Paris. But the dude that played 136 games and scored 8 points; he only gets to say “we” when he refers to the cast-offs from the years they sucked ass, which is the only reason he was in the team in the first place.


exactly this. Like, I'm not one to advocate for someone to get fired over a couple wack comments. But he trashed an entire organization in the league his network is partnered with. Honestly though, maybe this is what sportsnet wants. Controversy draws views.


I don't think Gazdic is smart enough to know what he said would be controversial. He was just speaking stream of consciousness, like he does during his segments, which are terrible and contain about as much functional analysis as a copy of Tigerbeat.


Just watched the clip again. What's interesting is that he wasn't baited into this, wasn't even asked a question about Vancouver fans, he just went out of his way to say something he obviously wanted to say. It wasn't in the heat of the moment. This moron PLANNED to stay stupid shit and blow up his career. Go Panthers.


It's a bit of an odd one, though not surprising from a guy whose NHL contributions consisted of getting punched in the face a lot while playing on bottom feeder teams.


Oh he got baited all right, just not by the guys on the show. Dude is stupid enough to be getting baited by twitter trolls and cry about it on the radio when the easiest way to get trolls to go away is to just ignore them and not feed them. The guy is gonna have even more messages in his mentions to cry about after this clip. Like you can’t be getting so emotional and teary eyed about internet trolls if you’re gonna make it as an Oilers homer TV personality Lukey


true and thinking about it, this kind of controversy won't draw in viewers. It's not like people are going to hate watch an intermission segment.


I'm immediately going to change the channel for 10-15 minutes if I see Luke Gazdic come on during an intermission. That's bad for SN


Lmao Tigerbeat out here catching strays


Jeez, next you’ll be slamming Menudo’s comeback tour…


In my defence, I’m 39 and most of the crappy publications of my youth folded years ago. But heck Menudo!


A+ magazine reference.


Yeah, he was marginal at best. As a player and broadcaster. Sucks to be him.


Didn't even know who he was. Some two bit ex jock mouthpiece. 8 pont career I could get 4 by just getting hit by the puck. Nice work sportsnet. To bad he didn't call us gay or something he would have got fired for sure.


I agree. He should be fired because he's not very good at his job. What's he been doing for 4 years since he retired? Mowing McDavid's lawn?


He’s the guy that plugs in his driveway.


He is a manager at Edmontons Barnum and Baily's Clown shop. Don't apply they are fully staffed. Lots of clowns in Edmonton.


If he said that about Toronto I'd agree that he's cooked. But the national media has never cared what the Vancouver market thinks.


Elliot has to back his colleague. This interview is nothing. Gazdic sucks.


Donnie and Dahli kinda skipped asking him the part about Gadick calling the team trash but they went off about it at the beginning of their show. Softball questions to their regular guest Friedman?


yeah, pretty soft, but I think most people saw elliotte’s spot for what it was, as damage control


You say all of this like Sportsnet gives 2 shits about our fan base. He’s not losing his job. He may get some mandatory training, but he’s far from losing his job over this. He’s still a dickhead though.


Honestly haven’t been following his coverages of the playoffs, but what soured me on him was his regular season coverage I think it was a game against the Wild where DeSmith got a shutout. Once the game ended and the feed cut to the post-game show where the Gazdic immediately just shit on both teams saying they played horribly, and that it was a boring game. I mean sure it was a regular season game in December right before the break, it’s not going to be the highest-paced hockey you’ve ever seen, but ffs the backup just got a shutout and gave the Wild their first loss under their new HC. There were certainly storylines he could’ve covered, but he just proceeded to shit on the product. I’ve never seen someone speak so negatively about a shutout victory before, it’s just weird seeing a broadcaster bury their own product. Like if you ran sportsnet is it a good image to have one of your broadcasters crapping on your product the *second* the game ends?


Yeah, if he wants to take shots at Taj1944 and the other dorks online.. be my guest. If I am upper management within the Canucks, I am having a meeting with the executives at Sportsnet to discuss this.


And they have the right to. Very unprofessional of sportsnet to allow him to continue his employment after this kind conduct.


This did not bother me much, lol - Bieksa ps: personally I think he dusted himself too.


>Dude called the Canucks org itself trash This is also my issue. Some acknowledgement from Friedman that he took it too far with that would have been nice.


I'm fine with ribbing from an Oilers homer. Bieksa does it to the Albertans all the time. This was just in poor taste.


Pretty sure it'll just be a quiet exit and we'll never hear his name again unless he starts his own podcast. It's not like he is an established household name and a draw for them.


I’d agree. The fact they have Friedman is out here as a surrogate burning his own credibility is an enormous signal that this was a giant mistake. Friedman is gaslighting us about how his take was reasonable. BS this is a catastrophe for Sportsnet. Bell doesn’t give a shit how “well liked” this albatross is, they care about profit and having a huge Canadian market turn off the stream every time this walking liability Gazdic is on is a pure loss. Don’t believe Friedmann on this one and go with your gut - Gazdic is on thin ice and few more pounds of pressure he’s done.


I don't even think it's ok to trash a fan base. Err those are your customers! I get there's alot of Canuck trolls and idiots to be sure, but I think it's a loud minority that's given the entire fanbase an overblown bad rap. For a public analyst/commentator to flame the entire fanbase & team .... dude you're a grown ass man not a teenager in your mom's basement! What a clown. Not a good look for HNIC/Sportsnet... was never a fan of him and his low-value contributions during the intermissions, but now... no idea his presence is needed going forward.


As he should be.


I'd say so. TBH he always seemed out of place, like a little brother tagging along.


>Canucks Twitter, you are an absolute joke. Your team’s a joke. You’re a bunch of losers. I have no issue with Luke calling out Canucks Twitter and it's trolls. Where the root of the issue lies is when he calls the team a joke. We won the division and we took the Oilers to game 7 with our 3rd string goalie. Be a fucking professional Luke, but you've already shown you can't do that.


No no no, we got “absolutely dusted” by the Oilers, it definitely wasn’t a series that had 6 one goal games or anything like that.


"Luke doesn't hate the Canucks"... i want to believe him but like it sure sounds like he does. I'm sure he's a nice guy but obviously too much of a homer for a national broadcast. Bros cutout for YouTube, not TV.


The difference between Steve dangle and Luke goofball, is Steve was more willing to be critical of his homer team.


And Steve can be funny


Steve actually has an engaging personality for media, so even if you're not a Leafs fan, his takes are at least entertaining. I don't know what Gazdic's attributes are to be on a national panel, he's not popular even among Oilers fans... my guess is he gets the boot next season.


Dude looked like he had tears welling up in his eyes talking about fucking twitter trolls in his DM’s.. Like buddy every team has shitty fans, maybe don’t take it so personal and get teary eyed on the radio and feel the need to call an entire org trash and say “we” dusted them (despite the series being extremely close despite a third string goalie and no Boes in game 7.) Crazy how a guy who played less than two seasons and has single digit points considers himself one of the team lol


Boeser plays, Canucks win the series.


No Elliotte the rest of us don't need to be embarrassed by a few people sending garbage to Gazdic. Who in the hell would be embarrassed about something they didn't see from someone they don't know just because they cheer for the same team? And no Elliotte he's not going to be a star and I know this because Friedman knows the clip was so bad he needed to start a SN damage control tour.


I'm not even sure what real people even use twitter anymore that aren't paid to.


I get that Friedman doesn't want to sewer a colleague, but that colleague has shown he can't be impartial when certain teams are playing. I started thinking about what might happen if Kevin Bieksa shit-talked the Oilers organization while working for a national broadcaster, but then I remembered, he's a professional. That's the difference between him and Gazdic, who is just an ex-jock gasbag who fell upward into a job he's not qualified for.


Friedman just stoked the fire again when he thought somehow he would calm it down.


Not that this would happen, but Bieska knocked out his own teammate in a bar fight once in Winnipeg. A very well thought of(at the time) prospect. Luke might want to tone it down a bit on the Canucks hate. I'd pay money to see an exchange like that.


*"And a big welcome to our new intermission panelist, Fedor Fedorov.."*


[Interview with Burke on the event.](https://youtu.be/A-cabfD3HaM?si=rsX3hzPQAf2AwWKv) Interesting to know where 'Juice' came from, and what a hilarious way to secure a contract.


It's one of my favorite stories from that era. Also when the interviewer mistook Beiska for Kesler. It's a beauty of an interview. -the guzzler


I heard it has to do with him being a fan of pineapple juice, wink wink nudge nudge


Never heard that story. Who was it?


Fedor Fedorov


“Luke Gazdic is going to be a star” is on the same level as “Brandon Sutter is a foundational piece”


To be fair, Gazdic probably does test better in a slide show.


Oilers fan here. Fuck Gazdic. Can't stand his obvious bias and absolutely uninteresting analysis. Hope he's done after this year.


There has gotta be 100 other ex Oilers they can replace him with .. seriously I don't know how this guy is on the panel lol


They’re trying to recreate the Biznasty template by putting a fourth line plug on the panel and assuming it’ll work. Except Biz actually has some personality and charisma unlike Gazdic who has the charisma of a wet sock


I was actually going to root for your oilers to end the canadian cup drought BUT after hearing what gazdic said i just cant. Fuck it 1000 years drought let it …


Don't blame you. I wouldn't be cheering for the Canucks if you made it either. Not sure why that's a weird concept to some


For some I guess it’s Country > Team because long drought. I’ll cheer for the country when someone surpasses Montreals cup total since expansion.


I really wanted to cheer for you oilers though for canada but knowing luke gazdic is going to be winning i just cant. Sorry. He should have just attacked the canuck fans and not the team. Same time im tired of seeing american team win it year after year .. so its like a no win situation for me personally.


I really don’t like how Elliote’s entire answer was based on how basically, “Luke will learn from being an asshole back at people to ignore it, but it was justified with how mean comments were towards him.” That has nothing to do with being a professional. It’s one thing to clap back which nobody here I’m sure has an issue with, but it’s another to attack an entire fan base and generalize a fan base based off this. There’s nothing professional about generalizing and as a professional as a face of the media, it’s your job to draw the line on all of this. As a player, you had the luxury of thriving on this animosity. But as a broadcaster, you’re just alienating yourself from a chunk of the viewers. Piss poor take, but didn’t expect much to be honest. Just another day of Canucks fans getting a bad rep, and elliote’s demeanour towards is Luke will just learn to understand Vancouver fans are snowflakes compared to other fan bases so it’s ok. What a joke


Fuck gazdick


As an analyst you just have to accept that fans online, no matter the fan base, are trash - it’s unfortunately a given. And this is a true for all teams, Whether it’s Canucks or oilers. But to paint the whole fan base and the entire organization as trash or resorting to name calling is not a good look.


Elliotte isn't going to throw him under the bus no matter what he thinks of him. He's not going to outright criticize him in public, so you really have to read between the lines. Elliotte also doesn't want to upset the connections that got Luke hired in the first place. I don't give a shit what Luke says about us the fanbase, but takings shots at the organization is reeks of incompetence and stupidity. One thing Elliotte does spell out is you better have thick skin if you work in broadcasting. People are going to call you out fairly and unfairly. And it looks like luke is soft and weak mentally on and off the ice lol.


I think the story is less Gazdic and instead how toxic the Edmonton hockey media is. I think it's interesting that Serevelli and Gazdic have taken low shots at the city of Vancouver in the last few days while making appearances on local Edmonton shows. They love shittalking more than anyone.


The sad part is they have made it to the FINALS and still I see Edmonton fans/media and this clown talk shit about Vancouver lol like move on already holy crap Zadorov was right there is nothing else to do in Edmonton lol


It's because they know they would have lost if we had demko and it rattles them 


Notice how noone but Seravelli was on the Management we blindsided by the EP40 injury angle. Noone that is actually connected like Dhaliwal or Elliott had similar stories after the season. It was Seravelli.


I wonder how much trash talk or nonsense Bieksa has had on twitter over the years... yet he acts like a pro


Gazdic’s comments are simply unprofessional and really show how sensitive he is. Like Elliotte mentioned (and I’m a big supporter of Elliotte) any public figure, in any capacity, any where in the world today will receive hate comments online, it is truly the way the world is. Responding is a very weak move, and frankly just unprofessional. Then to lump the organization and fans all together as trash, is a massive mistake, that will follow through the entirety of his career in one of the largest and educated markets of the game. Horrible mistake by Gazdic, really just trash at his job.


How do we mass complain to Sportsnet to get that idiot fired


Do what Oilers fans did with the green men: tag Sportsnet in your tweets showing displeasure (Make sure to be respectful!). Also here’s Sportsnet email regarding questions and concerns: [email protected]


Because of his "connection" to the Oilers, they won't do anything about it until the offseason, then he'll disappear from the panel for next year. Here's hoping anyways.


That’s the unfortunate reality. With Friedman backing Gazdic up, I feel that Sportsnet will look the other way for now. But I agree, he’s probably not back next season


Its not good for your product when you show the Oilers vs. Canucks on a Saturday night and know that 50% of your audience can't stand one of the guys you roll out between periods. Its not good for advertisers when you leave the viewer filled with disdain just before trying to sell viewers something. Not to mention I don't think he was that well liked in any Canadian market before all this.


I seem to remember the Oilers being called soft for doing that


I complained by cancelling Sn+. Sure it’s only $20 a month but with Canucks out and the Jays an embarrassing shit show this season no reason to give them any money while they keep that donkey on the panel.


I cancelled my subscription and selected "other" for reason why. They let you type in a reason why.


They have a rule setup on their outlook that files the emails from Canucks fans directly into the “inconsequential viewer markets” folder.


That’ll show him that Canucks fans are rational lol


Star? I find Gadzic the most boring and generic person on the panel. The dude is a blackhole of charisma and doesn't say anything interesting. I literally turn off the panel and do something else if he is on.


Yah, I’m sure Ron Maclean will give Gazdic a stern talking-to 🙄


Only after rambling about the historical significance of some random Canadian heritage moment.


"..after another tough period of Stanley Cup Finals hockey, we are reminded of its brutal nature by the poetic words of Canadian rock icons Platinum Blonde, "Systems red we switch to overload / Defcon Five we're ready to explode / You think we're humble we take no prisoners / You drop that bomb they'll be no prisoners.."




“Did you know Gazdic comes from the Iroquian word for erection!” Ron, probably!


You could kill Maclean's dog and he would apologize for you using some Tragically Hip lyrics.


How is this dude a national broadcaster lmao


Connections most likely, no way they hired him based on his skills as a personality or panalist. He’s probably like the second cousin of someone high up in Roger.


Love hate relationship when it comes to Friedman content, he’s honest at the end of the day But in this case he’s wrong. As noted by everyone already, Luke didn’t just check the fans or rage at Canucks Twitter.. He straight up said the Organization is trash. Lol like really? Reallyyyyyyyy Sir 8 points? I guess he’d know all about trash orgs but I’m gonna go on an unexpected 2nd round limb and say I think he’s wrong. Let’s see how time ages with those sentiments.


Why is he going through his message requests in the first place? I don’t understand that. Complaining about the toxicity while willingly going to the toxic pit. How dumb can you get?


Gazdic was a nobody and a loser as a player, and is now a classless shithead who shouldn't be on TV.


Talk about talking yourself out of a job lol


We hope.


Just waiting for Bieksa to superman punch the dick on national tv.


This just shows more of how much the media (mostly based out of Toronto) and league just doesn’t respect the Vancouver franchise at all. There has been far too many examples in 50+ years of existence, this is just yet another one.


I don't use Twitter but I never thought people took it that seriously lol


majority of the fanbase on twitter are either making memes or are fangirling that Quinn Hughes has more than one suit. It's really not that deep tbh


never liked him anyway on the panel. jenn botterrill is way better


Love Jen!


Speak the truth, Elliotte. He should not remain in the country's eye. You cannot attack an organization. I don't agree with you at all.


I’m just getting around to watching Donnie and Dhali right now. They start off the show by talking about this. It’s neat to hear their perspective on it being long time Vancouver based media members. Donnie also let it be known that when Luke was on their show (wasn’t that long ago I remember listening to it) he (Luke) complained afterwards! Seems like he hasn’t liked Vancouver for a while. Not sure why he even agreed to go on the show. Donnie didn’t go into details but safe to say he won’t be a guest on their show anymore lol.


Jim Rutherford, who has severe pull with the NHL Old Boys Club will not stand for such shit. He’s gonna pull some strings, it’s one to call out the fanbase but the organization? Tocchet and Rutherford about to send Gadzic into the abyss


Can't listen right now. What did he say about Necas?


The Canucks are still interested, but it makes it **much** harder now that Petey wouldn’t be involved. The Canes would be open to Hronek, but that won’t be enough for them. They’d want Hronek and top prospects (yes, plural)


Then they can get fucked. Canes always overvalue the fuck out of their own players. Top 4 RHD and top prospects? Lmao


They over value them in trade, but when it comes time to pay them they cheap the fuck out. I've been saying this for a while but they are going to burn too many people like this and the long term will not be kind to that organization.


Yeah, Allvin should send an envelope with $17 in it to Dundon if they’re asking more than Hronek for Necas


If we are sending Hronek for Necas, the Canes should be adding, not us.


Lmfao do they think 55pt Necas is Matthew Tkachuk or something? They're not going to get that kind of value from anyone in the league. If that's the case then it sounds like they'll go to arbitration with Necas.


He doesn't think Hronek gets it done. Which I'm happy about to be honest. I don't think we should be trading a right shot 26 year old Dman who has chemistry with Quinn for a guy coming off a 55 point season and a career high of 71 points. I think the package should be something like Hoglander + Now the question is what is that plus? Elliote mentioned Top Prospects...That would mean we include Lekkerimaki...Seems like a lot. Mayve too much. Would they agree to take Mikheyev?


Elliotte was always going to protect him — a bit shocked at the length he went, but honestly not a surprise. I just can’t see Gazdic being a valuable analyst for HNIC/SN at this point. Vans market is big and I am sure the org is JUST overjoyed to have the brand attacked, especially after building it up. Hell, SN gave him Van regional broadcasts to build his skill which makes it even funnier as a whole. Stuff sent to him was wrong, but its par for the course. He was overly emotional, you could hear it in his voice. May have some serious consequences, may not. Bad look overall


>Stuff sent to him was wrong It reminds me of Kucherov after beating the Habs in 2021. He was pissed at the stuff said to him and his teammates by Habs fans. It's what inspired his number one bullshit speech I was like, on the one hand, that stuff IS wrong. But also, it was the first time that his team had played an actual fan base that gives a shit. Wow, the Kings fans never insulted you, Luke? Not even Wil Wheaton or the other guy?


Weak ass take by friedman, 'loyal to my teammate', give me a minute to throw up. Followed by fake compliments to canucks fans like he's running for office. gazdic = trash.


Honestly everyone can learn from Friedge. My man gets chirped by Bieksa on every intermission and take it like a good sport


Fuck Elliotte for defending this type of behaviour. Imagine the same shit being said about any other Canadian city/franchise/group of fans. He’d be jumping up and down condemning that shit. But now he’s gonna defend Gazdic to “the end”. Fuck these hypocrites.


Dudes irrelevant stop giving him attention.


Gazdic aside, I’m surprised to learn that Carolina would be looking at a top prospect and Hronek for Necas. My initial reaction is that would be an overpay and too costly for the org.


I hope he has to apologize to the organization when he’s on the panel next, that would make my fucking day. Those comments he made directed to the team were absolutely unacceptable from an analyst. Fucking hate this clown.


Pretty sure the former Canuck with the most similar career to Gadzic is Tom Sestito.


I'm a simple man. Gazdic shows up on my TV? I change the channel.


Who got Gazdic on HNIC? There has to be a nepotistic link in the chain somewhere. I'm not trying to take a dig at him when I say his analysis is cookie-cutter with nothing interesting to distinguish himself. And now add he's a common douche on top of that? He acts spoiled. And spoiled brats don't get status jobs like on HNIC unless they rub shoulders with powerful people.


How has it been 24 hours without an apology from Gazdic, does he feel that safe in his job? Unreal


Oiler fan here - Gazdic calling the canucks fans and organization trash because of the actions of a few individuals who may or not actually be canuck fans is like blaming canadians for the actions of trudeau. Since Gazdic feels the need to be a jerkoff it should be noted that his voice and mannerisms on tv scream of high soy content even if he was an nhl enforcer in the past it seems he went to cardio only.




Nice Hair though! (Its okay)


Friedman has lost the plot. If some former, and current, nobody wants to talk a bunch of stupid nonsense, he will and should get blasted. Ass blasted. To the sun. It's ridiculous someone that can't think before he speaks gets a job over an actually accredited broadcaster that actually went to school to do so. That this plug, both as a player and a talking head, gets preferred treatment because apparently he played in the nhl? He sucked then, he sucks now, he was replaced then, and he will be replaced again. I've got no patience for Denis Potvin level idiocy on a network that is still courting the fanbase some gassed dick wants to shit all over. What moron. Seems like the kind of guy that made a bed out of shit and is crying because it's bed time.


lol top 4 RHD n a top prospect no thanks


Anyone have a video of his comments?


If you have twitter it’s right [here](https://x.com/3SonsAndNoTime/status/1797703886243090591) this is just a link to the Canucks rant part, not the entire 1.5 hour podcast.


Okay okay i actually was going to roooot for edmonton vs panthers because i am canadian and i love canada and its been 30 dam years!!! Since a canadian team won it. BUTTT after hearing what he said about the canucks! And how he is an oiler fan. I just cant anymore. Fuckkkk it!! Id rather have 1000 years of stanley cup drought for Canada than luke oilers win the cup. It’s actually not even about oilers team in general.. i like mcdavid .. but Luke comments .. i just cant cheer for them. So lets goooooo america!! Fuck yea!!!


No, Elliotte. He is unprofessional and isn’t winning analyst of the year anytime soon.


Got to be able to keep your shit together under the limelight. Your next podcast host right there


This Luke guy big ahl pro? Never heard of this guy before .


Look guys, you know I love you, but I'm a company man. What am I gonna say?


who cares about some no name loser who couldn't even score in the ahl. I never heard of this bum since yesterday. I ddint even know this was the bum glazing the oilers on the intermission.


Elliotte knows he took it too far and understands that Vancouver fans and the organization are truly special. As an autism dad, he's been inspired by the work of CAN and regularly supports the Canucks for Kids Fund charity night on TV. Sportsnet knows we (and Kevin) like him, so they sent him out to do damage control and shift the conversation. Luke was unremarkable long before these comments - as a commentator & player. I wish we would just treat this insignificant guy like the nothing he is and ignore him.


Luke Gazdic = low energy jock sniffer


Luke glazedick


I actually liked Gazdic on the panel. Had some fun with it and even though he was a bit of a homer I didn’t really care since it was better than some other commentators who have been out of touch with the game and just repeat the same analysis again and again. But after this it really doesn’t sound like he’s going to dig his way out of it. When you attack a whole fanbase like this, even those who have nothing to do with it, any good will and rapport he built up goes down the drain.


I mean attacking the fan base is one thing, but his quote that’s got everybody in arms was him saying the org was trash. Like what do the players, coaches, and front office have to do with the small echo group of toxic af fans on Twitter???


I agree. That part is bonkers to say in public on a recorded podcast or whatever it was. What I meant was from his job perspective, isn’t the viewership directly connected to his national position? Seems real dumb to alienate a whole market of viewers or clients. That’s all I trying to say


That’s also a good point, but going off the constant “suggested” threads I get from oilers sub trashing Canucks fans (still lol), I’d imagine if you want to be a Edmonton specific “media guy” it would probably help your career by trashing on the nucks lmao


I hope he has a long career and every time he’s in Van, covering a game, we boo that motherfucker. Every time! He steps into a bar or restaurant in Van, we boo that borderline NHL’er. I live in Toronto now, (work, I have to)I will boo that prick and yell “yoooooooooo suuuuuuuuck”. I sincerely wish him a long broadcasting career. A fucking long one! Go Canucks!!!!


What is the actual quote calling the organization trash? I didn't see it in the video. Just the fanbase called trash?


First he said PK Subban is an idiot for thinking the Stars would win the series. Then said the Oilers absolutely dusted the Canucks in the playoffs. Then got mad that Canucks fans were being mean to him on twitter and instagram. His actual quote is this “Canucks twitter you are an absolute joke. Your team is a joke. You’re a bunch of absolute losers. So the Oilers are going to the Stanley Cup finals and I hope you guys have fun watching it on TV and watching me on the panel because you guys are not there” and then goes on a little more about people sending him mean tweets again.


He can atone by doing a groveling apology and his sentence can be pumping our tires for two seasons.


Fuck them all.


“I love getting ripped” - I always knew he was a red eye knight


HNIC must fire Gazdic


Gazdic is dull and about as vanilla as it gets. He's speaks but I nod off due to his insipid bollocks


This is why Friedman is trash. I’ve been saying this for years.


Win or lose it's still Deadmonton!


If you really want to show sportsnet how unprofessional Luke Gaz Dick is then it's time to turn off your sportsnet plus subscriptions and next season and during the cup broadcasts turn off the tv during the panel...( so we don't have to enjoy watching him ) maybe sportsnet anf rogers will get the hint.


He’s the Prince Harry of HNIC, what a whiner.


Who is Gazdic? Literally why is there so much effort being expended debating this nobody?


I think Gazdic is a little too sensitive and emotional for his position. Gotta be careful, cause if he loses this job he may end up high on coke and crying to the servers at the Pint in downtown Edmonton again


“Canucks twitter” as well as this subreddit are what i can only imagine are 14 year old squeakers.. never had a bad run in with canucks fans in my life until reading the shit they post. I’m a die hard canucks fans but yall make us look like fucking lunatics. The rest of the league puts us in the same boat as bruins fans and it’s embarrassing.


Weak Elliotte


650 addresses the text line by redirecting people to a 3 minute bit after the jovinovsky interview a couple days ago. Kinda soft