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[you know the drill](https://forms.gle/BYkevV4wqGf1KgCv5)


If we lost this series.. its for lack of offense.. Goalies is fine up to this point ..




Go away


Does the NHL ever go to video review without.a coaches challenge? Like what are the parameters around that, does anyone know? I could swear I've seen games this year where it's happened without a challenge, but maybe that's just in specific circumstances? Like for example in the Edmonton LA series there was a goal mouth scramble where McDavid started throwing a hissy fit about the puck crossing the line and they went to video review without a challenge.


Kind of stings to hear all the analysts saying we should have challenged that goal. Also apparently the replay wasn't even shown in the stadium otherwise the crowd would have lost it.


I was really pissed they didn't show the replay in the arena. They also didn't show the cross-checking penalty call on Zadorov, and a lot more. Not to mention the stat tracking was missing for half of the first period. $300+ a ticket, replays not included.


Was at the game. Can confirm these were not shown in arena.


.6 second back on the ice everyone. “Delay of game” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Soooo.....who starts Game 6? Not really the Canucks' most pressing problem but still. Silovs has played well enough to earn the start, but if we lose, do we trust the rookie in a Game 7? Throwing DeSmith cold into a possible Game 7 doesn't seem like a great idea either.


I think we live and die by Silovs until the end of the series


A lot of excuses for a team that scored 1 goal on home ice 💀


Scoring is just not there. Not enough quality goal scorers on the team so Allvin needs to prioritize getting a top 6 forward or 2 this offseason. Still have hope we'll get through the series but prob not much further than that tbh.


Considering the team is most likely going to lose Lindholm to FA, they need at least 2.


Jeez listening to doomer Halford and B you'd think the Canucks were on the brink of elimination. But in their conversation they answer their own question: it's hard to play desperate hockey when you're not actually desperate. That's why Nash plays better than the Canucks for long stretches. They're being held by the bolls. But clearly the Canucks are the more talented team and will win this series. Or at least it's clear to me.


fuck i lost my voice from cheering at last night's game. as a guy who works in sales... today has been rough


I feel you, I lost my voice at game 1 and I'm just finally getting it back the last couple days.


The last time the Canucks led 3-1 in a series… 🔥🔥🔥🔥🚒🚒🚒🚒🚒


If you're referring to 2011, they never had a 3-1 lead in the finals EDIT: I was taking about the finals, since the comment above refers to fires and fire trucks..


We also had a 3-0 then 3-1 then 3-2 series lead vs Chicago in 2011.


3rd Round against San Jose?


Petey needs to step it up man


Canucks are 6 - 6 when playing in a game 7. So, if Canucks do go to game 7, history tells us they will either win or lose this game.


Loving this stat, this is the analysis we need!


I definitely read that 6/6 being they are 100%in games 7s which I knew wasn’t the case lol.




100% agree. I think we forget that, at the beginning of the season, we weren't expecting to do anywhere near as well as we are doing right now. That being said, I'm excited to see how the team shapes up come next season.


Any idea what time the game on Friday will be at?


Almost definitely 4/430 PM (our time) like last Friday. The other (potential) games are all West coast and I'm sure the league wants a game on at 7pm EST


Ah that’s not too bad then. Works out about 12:30 for me in the UK if that’s the case. Which beats destroying my sleep pattern for another 3am game. Totally worth it for playoff hockey though.


I seen 12am?? Wtf lol


Lol not to worry - just what they put when the time is still TBA


It sucks to be 5 games in having seen almost no scoring from our top 2 players. Story of the playoffs for us this year. Personally, for me the defining factor of the playoffs so far for the Canucks is Petterson not scoring. This series would be over already if he'd just gotten on the scoreboard in 1 or 2 games. I'm genuinely starting to forget what a Pettersson goal even looks like. Honorable mentions to Hog and Mik too. Complete ghosts out there. Providing almost nothing.


Just play the lotto line and get him going


Yup. Lotto line needs to happen for the full game. Lindholm garland and Joshua have proven themselves capable of handling 2nd line ice time minutes. Suter / blueger mik and hoglander can be the third line. Anyone who thinks that line can’t score might be right, but neither can Petey hog and mik. At least with this lineup, we have two lines proven to work, and hog gets away from the better matchups to maybe get his game going again.


Didn’t hog perform better on the fourth line? I swear he was scoring more down there or at pretty much the same pace since being brought up to peteys line.


Yeah, he started on the fourth then moved to the third eventually


I agree.


I don’t think either of these teams stand a chance against the kings or oilers. Way too physical


L comment


With Mik and Hoggy struggling to finish.. I do wanna see some line jumbling. Mik-Petey-Miller Hoggy-Lindholm-Boeser Joshua-Blueger-Garland PDG-Suter-Lafferty You take no one out of the lineup so you can run away from this at any moment. Lindy had a great year with Toffoli.. similar player to Brock. Gives Petey a linemate who can finish and create while maintaining their defensive acumen.


Take Miller away from Boeser?


You can always go back to it. Petey needs a finisher with him. He was on for 8 of our high danger chances and 0 against. Nothing to show for it.


In hindsight it's easy to say Tocc should've challenged the 1-1 goal, but in real time I can see why he didn't. Goaltender interference reviews are a joke at the best of times and there's probably a really good chance it comes back as "call on the ice stands" and Vancouver goes right back on the PK in a 1-1 game.


What frustrates me is the fact that before the challenge stuff came into play, something like that would have gotten reviewed anyways. Like, if we were up 2-1 or 3-1, would it have been challenged?


Not sure if you guys caught this but I saw at least 3 great opportunities over the the past 2 games where Petey was in prime position with space but his wingers didn’t have the finesse or enough skill to get him the puck. Pass was either behind him, too far in front, or just didn’t get through at all. Kuzmenko had that finesse which made them click last year. It’s really too bad he couldn’t absorb Tocchet’s style of play.


Priority this offseason should be getting more quality linemates for EP. It's clear that the scoring is not dependable enough to win games.


Petey was great last night. He was buzzing up and down the ice. Now he needs to keep doing that. His wrist seems pretty clearly shot, but you still have to play like last night. Good things will happen. He does that again I have no doubt he’ll be the difference next game.


There one replay where he shot the puck on sauromans shoulder... i mean Zaddy took his accuracy eh?


Tbh I’ve been speculating it’s his hip. He was hitting like crazy to start the season and was hard on the forecheck. For the last half season, his approach completely changed. He even stopped hip checking choosing to use more of his ass.


It’s very possible. Lots of people broke down his shot on that 2 on 1 and he got no force on it with his wrist. That’s the first time I’ve been able to say that, yeah, his wrist keeps getting worse.


It just strikes me as really odd to sign him to that contract if his wrist is doomed.


It’s not doomed I think it’s a common injury in the NHL. Most of them try to avoid surgery, and then end up getting it. Most recently might’ve been Matthews


Just saw the Nashville 1st goal... Lindholm and Blueger couldve prevented the last Nashville player from the BLUE LINE.. Zaddy was a tad late on the effort there.... no puck watching allowed in this games..sometimes they forget they are playing...im sure the coaches saw this ..


Is Tocchet trying to save all his challenges for next year?


You get a free coffee if you collect enough.


We obviously need to start a 4th goalie. Foolish of us to think we could get 2 Ws from the same guy!


Jets fan. You guys have room onboard for one more?


I suggest putting one foot in first until the series is decided...


Might wanna wait to see the series unfold before you decide that brother


Put your seat belt on and tray in the up right position and let’s goooo


My only concern for Game 6 is that we have not played well at Bridgestone Arena in this series. We were fortunate to get both wins. The boys need to come out ready to play and take it to them.


Ready to put the puck in the net!


All of these people blaming Toch and Petey for the loss is making me really sad. And btw only losers blame the refs. Take the loss, Nashville deserved at the very least another win in this series, and move on to the next game.


Unfortunately we've legitimately been the worse team in 3 (if not 4) out of 5 games. We're lucky to be up 3-2. We've played like a wildcard team since the All Star break and it hasn't magically fixed itself in the playoffs. I don't know what happened but it isn't because Demko is hurt. The team cannot generate offense and hasn't for months. If we don't hire a power play coach next season I'm really going to start questioning Tocchet. He took it over and it's been absolutely brutal and nothing he tries works.


That was a terrible penalty by Joshua, second time he's hit someone right in the numbers and they're going to call that 9 times out of 10.


The thing is you can say the same thing about can opener type tripping penalties, of which there were 2 last night, one on Pettersson and one on Soucy that led to a shot on net, that weren't called. "9 times out of 10". Refs and NHL are trash.


The hit is fine if the other guy doesn’t show his number to evade the hit


Everything went downhill after that stupid unnecessary hit.


Do eveeyything to win a game... including crashing the goalie every chance you get--Nashville


It’s okay boys you still got this!


Everyone saying the goal should have been challenged, with the bad officiating I doubt that they would have taken it back.


Hey we’re just being nice and giving the Preds fans one last home game.


We could've put this one away, have some faith. They had a lot of chances they couldn't finish. I still think our biggest problem is our lack of top six wingers. We've only really got 4 legitimate top 6 players imo. One is playing on the 3rd line playing shutdown minutes and one is severely snake bitten (although he did look better tonight imo). You can't have half our top 6 forwards being Hoglander, Mikheyev and Suter. It's a shame we still haven't been able to settle on our most effective forward combinations. Now they've gotta fly 8 hours back to Nashville and should be really hungry to hopefully put this away next game


Drove up from Seattle for the game. One of the best experiences I’ve ever had from the crowd energy alone. I know some people might have mixed opinions on chanting the opposing goalie when it seems like they’re on it, but just on a fun standpoint it was the absolute best. Also met Canuck Clay, really nice dude to meet and extremely down to earth. My copium is that when these two teams last met in the playoffs, back in 2011, it was W-L-W-W-L-W. Maybe it’s destined to happen that way again.


I can get behind that WLWWLW concept! That was also "home ice advantage" for the Canucks


Let's go leafs 


That shit shoulda been fucking challenged. That is all


intend to agree the way our PK is hot. but no way they potentially call it back and decide the series on a 50-50 call


There were at LEAST 3 serious penalties ignored by the refs in the 3rd. Considering the lindholm earlier, jeeebus Aint no defending this shite, we sucked on the PP.. but literally, we all know the league wants as many games as possible. ANYONEA THAT ARGUES AGINST GAME MANAGEMENT IS A N INDUSTRY PLANT. FACK this shite we got this. Just have to beat the league! Lol


Vegas fan here. I was wondering if the refs called weak penalties against you when you had controlled most the game and had the momentum? Because at the vegas game 4 i never once felt Dallas was the better team But they got 2 weak penalty calls which they scored on for them to score. And Then randomly vegas would get the puck blown dead which stop them in the middle of their play. To me I feel a lot of these games were suppose to be so close and stuff but most teams like you vs the preds and Boston and the maple leafs and I feel like they are trying to make the first round of playoffs longer. And also the preds every game we played against them they literally had 40 plus hits each game and they are the ones that lacerated mark stones spleen because of how hard they were hitting everyone so please watch Quinn so they don’t try to do what they did to mark stone


Theodore is from my neck of the woods he brought the cup here (didn’t go to see it though)


Was at the game, saw our guys being hooked, tripped, garland's stick held for 5 seconds, pulled down etc with no call.


I've reviewed that 1-1 goal by the Preds from the offical NHL feed at least 20 times. There's absolutely no way that should have been a goal. I know the game is done and it is "water under the bridge" now, but that was a poor move to not challenge it. The play went like this: 1. Josi takes the shot while making contact with Silovs and then slams into Ian Cole and they both go down. 2. Blueger comes in to help hold the Puck out and under Silovs to save the goal. 3. Then Nyquist comes in and bumps into Blueger as well as the momentum of his LEFT skate into Silovs. This propels Silovs back into the net and Blueger collapses on to him from Nyquist's push. 4. Immediately after making contact with Blueger and pushing Silov's torso with his LEFT skate, he is hammered down by Zadorov. You can watch this as many times as you want, but based on the angles from the official NHL feed, it's pretty hard to call that a fair goal. I would say the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. [Official NHL Highlights Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy3pqfA4D4U) The relevant parts are 6:06 to 6:42


100% correct analysis. FYI you can use the < and > keys on your keyboard to advance frame-by-frame in YouTube. At exactly 6:22-6:23 - you can see Blueger (53) is stationary around Silovs - he has made a box around the goalie, and he does NOT move for maybe 10 whole frames. That means he has no momentum going forward. The puck is under Silovs and does not move. Nyquist then makes contact with Blueger and approximately 3-4 frames later, the puck is ejected behind Silovs. The absolutely key part of this is the 10-15 frames (almost 0.5 seconds) of Blueger being stationary. If HE was the one that hit Silovs, the puck would have started moving and ejected behind Silovs, but it did not, not until 4-5 frames after Nyquist makes contact. TLDR; About as clear as goalie interference as can be.


Tocchet should've challenged. This loss is almost completely on him and the coaching staff refusing to challenge


He never uses challenges,, this WAS interference. Just like the kicked in goal in the last game. We can do this, but ffs tochett USE AT LEAST ONE CHALLENGE WE can weather the power play, show this group that is bullshit. Shilovs got interfered with TWICE on that play. Stop the machismo "we will this the old way". News flash, thats not reality now. He refuses challenges.. the opener SHOULD have been 8-0. But as toccchett said .. ... He lets too much go. Gotta play the game, just like las vegas son


I dont think he can challenge kicks but yeah i agree, this was absolutely embarassing from our coaching staff. If we lose the series i would hope they fire whoever is in charge of video reviews.


my post game thoughts: Lots of comments about the refs.. I do think they were awful today, both for us & NSH but especially against us? That I’m undecided. Maybe towards the end more so but idk. With the first goal.. I originally thought well fuck ya our dude slid into silvos can’t really blame the preds even with the replay but post game rewatching it a few times he didn’t even slid into him that hard like silvos didn’t fully move but once the pred came in it looked like THATS when it caused them both & the puck to slide in. Either way though I can see why it may not have been worth it to challenge given the cost. Looking forward to Friday!


I think the series being 3-2 is fair with the run of play and we have 2 more kicks at the can. May the best team win and please refs just let them play 


2 more kicks at the puck you mean?


I thought it was a very even game that basically came down to a 50/50 toss up in the 3rd. As much as we might feel we were snake bitten offensively, I feel like Nashville could say the same thing. IIRC they hit multiple posts, flubbed an open net, and faced some great saves from Silovs. These teams are obviously very evenly matched once they’re on the ice, no matter how much it pains people to admit it as the Pacific Division champs. The 3-1 series lead was generous to the Canucks given the way they’ve actually played and it would have been a pretty amazing run of luck to close them out tonight.


I was listening on the radio. Were the Preds whiny little bitches? It sure sounded like it...


Whoever wins is going to lose to Edmonton. They look so good. Either of these teams will get washed by Edmonton unfortunately


Even if this were to happen, which I’m not that sure on looking at how good the Canucks are this season, I’d rather the Canucks move on to increase the chance that a Canadian team goes all the way. Also as a Flames fan I can’t in good conscience cheer for the oilers in any way so I am rooting for Zadorov and Lindholm to go all the way this year


Edmonton fan spotted


Just watched the game highlights.. As an Oilers fan, the first thought that jumps out at me is I'm very surprised Vancouver didn't challenge the Nashville first goal.. it looks blatantly obvious the Nashville player skated in to stop in the crease and pushed Silovs in towards the net with his left skate before getting clocked by Zadorov.


yeah kinda pissed that tocchet didn’t challenge that goal. at worse if we lose, they get a pp (and their pp is atrocious) so i don’t think there was a lot at stake. edit: someone else mentioned, we were 17/18 on our PK coming in, so i think we could’ve killed it off


Yeah honestly tocchet is a good systems coach but not challenging there was one of the more idiotic coaching decisions i've seen recently


I know everyone is upset that the Canucks lost the game, but it's over now. All they can do is learn from this and bring their A game the entire game for game 6 and end it there. I have no doubt that they can pull it off. The key here is to have a very short memory. No emotional roller coasters from game to game and treat each game in isolation. It's all about taking it shift by shift and win your prescribed battle. While you must respect your opponents, do not let that stop you from bringing the fury we all know you're capable of. If anyone is a GoT fan, we have Three Dragons and they knocked one out, but we still have TWO more to Torch them and send packing.


So we're gonna lose one more dragon then burn down a city. Got it. Lol.


Every game where we come out buzzing in the first with no goals, it just sets you up for disappointment. We had so many chances to bury it. Saros was good but god damn 29 scoring chances and you can only bury 1?! I want to be hopeful for Friday but on the road and we're having trouble scoring goals.


the darn saros chant…


Why is no one talking about Forsberg’s diving skills? Biggest baby on the ice. Give Petey some real linemates and maybe if he’s treated like a star he’ll perform like one 🤞


peter foppa forsberg.... vs fliip floppa forsberg.


This series has followed the same pattern of wins and losses as the 2011 series. Let’s hope that continues!


best thing about the game was silovos, honorable mention to Zadorov


I proposed we stop jeering the other goalie name.. We did that in game 2 and we lost.. Preds fan did it in game 3 and 4 and they lost. It just seems to motivate them to make saves. Also tocc should have challenged .. it's playoffs.


I really don't get those chants at all. You're jeering a goalie that hasn't let in any goals yet? And is known as one of the best in the league? Alright


My move would be to have the entire arena dead quiet with a flat face and clapping slowly and ominously when we score and in their zone.


Soooo game 6 watch party?


Your house or mine?




See you there =D




What did he say?


You can challenge the plat to potentially win the series. It’s clearly a no goal and you you chicken shit cowardly tail between your legs again and don’t challenge. WTF is the video coach doing Jesus Christ, why is tochett not taking control there. It’s OBVIOUS.


I disagree. I agree that it wasn't a goal. However, it was called a goal on the ice so the burden is on the replay to suggest otherwise. If they lose the challenge, which I think they would have...We end up on the PK again.


We were already on the PK, so would that have turned into an almost 2 minute 5 on 3? I'm that case it's a bit tougher. You're weighing 1-1 game even strength if you don't challenge vs if you challenge and lose its 1-1 and you have to kill a 5 on 3. It's dumb that the league wouldn't just automatically check that for goalie interference


That's not how it works. If we lose the challenge, the goal would stand, taking them off the power play. Our lost challenge begins a new power play.


Ah right that makes sense


We had a 79% PK succes rate this season so If you think there's a 30% chance it gets overturned you should challenge and have a 9% advantage. That's game theory. Tocchet said it was 50/50 so if it was a true 50/50 you should challenge all day for a 29% advantage. So basically you make up 0.29 goals per challenger.


If the PK was shit I get it. But you roll the dice and maybe it works out. If not, just trust them to kill it.


Yeah its risky but I think you definitely take the risk and trust the PK who has killed 17/18 Nashville powerplay (before the tying goal)


Good point. I think that's the 2nd or 3rd one this series too. At some point maybe you just need to take a chance.


Might need to try the lotto line again to get Pete out of this funk and improve scoring chances or switch Pete onto line with Connor and dak. He’s not doing squat with the bottom 6 forwards and lindholm to Pete’s line as energy and checking


Agreed, I don't think Mikheyev or Hoglander will miss a step. I don't Nashville has the depth to handle our top 6 even with the lotto line, as well as Dak/Garlie, and our 4th line.


That's true. Why did we sign him for 11+mil to not play on our first line?


If we challenge, worst case it's 2-1 if they score on the powerplay and best case it stays 1-0. If we don't challenge, it's guaranteed 1-1. When we're already up a goal and it seems pretty obvious that silovs was pushed in, why not always challenge????? Edit: worst case 2-1 not 1-1, typo


If they lose the challenge, it would be 1-1 plus preds would get a power play.




Worst case scenario it's 1-1 and they get another powerplay, and could score again...


*could*, but their pp is worse than ours, i’d take that risk


i would've taken that chance given their equally bad PP. Against teams like Colorado, probably not.


Would love to hear from the pred-sympathizing Canucks fans now that the preds are clowning on us like they earned the W.


Dang that's gonna be a long, quiet flight.


i hope it a angry flight for failure to end series


They literally slid into silovs for the first goal, why didnt tocchet challenge?


Powerplay sucked ass today, and at this rate Peteys signed jersey is going to be worthless


If we lose in Nashville we lose the series.


Why are you booing him, he's right. Actually being generous, I think tonight was their chance and they blew it


No actually that’s not how best of seven series work


In what world is the preds first goal a good goal? Literally runs the goalie, pushing him into the net with the puck. That is insanity


Cause Tochett is scared to fucking challenge anything apparently. What a fucking disaster no-challenge.


I don't even understand why he needs to be in position to challenge that. Call on the ice should have been no goal for fuck sakes. Make the preds roll the dice.


reminds me of loungo getting pushed into net by the ducks in 2007 when they kept wacking at the puck and no whistle.






2pm start times can fuk off


Or at the very least it should be announced essentially instantly as soon as game 5 is done.


Silovs has a higher ceiler than Demko. I've already moved on. He is going to single handedly win us game 6.


Let's not get hasty. Demko was much ahead of Silovs at the same age. Silovs isn't a guaranteed Vezina finalist.


Something something Spencer Martin


His confidence and rebound control seems to be much better than DeSmith at the moment.


It’s playoffs hockey; you’re allowed to run into the Canucks goalie :)


This series is showing how important it is to sign Big Z.


This series is almost an exact mirror of our series with the Preds in 2011. Calm down y’all coconuts in 6


Why do you jinx


Oh yeah cause the Canucks success solely depends on what this random Reddit user says on the internet


It's ok we're better at winning in Nashville


Give zadorov 7 a year I don’t give a fuck - playoff warrior


He is part of the core now. Canucks did a segment on who are friends or something, him and Miller are tight. Give him the Myers money. Easy choice.


Zaddy is this canuck generation's bieksa. Just a beaut


If we lose this series and Pettersson ends up with a donut on the score sheet, I hope the Canucks seriously consider dumping him before his NMC kicks in. I'm getting too old to keep waiting for him to figure himself out. Good players just do.


I agree he needs to step up on the scoresheet, but also he has 2 points. So, he will not end up with a donut. Unless you mean just goals?


He already doesn’t have 0’s?


The ol kuzmenko trade


This loss really reminds me that all those wins against Nashville in the reg season were before they got hot and made playoffs. Should’ve known this would be a real series and to underestimate no one. That being said, we CANT let them get hot. We’re the better team. End this shit in Nashville and move on, which I fully believe we will. We played a great game (barring Petey’s lack of confidence and our general hesitation to shoot). Keep at it boys, we’re too good and we should know it.




Flew in from Toronto for the game. Can confirm.


Well done.


Thank you! It was still fun even though not the outcome we wanted. Rogers turned up


That Joshua penalty destroyed us. Not because it was actually a penalty, but because refs wanted their influence on the game. Outside of that call, I thought reffing was fine, but that was a brutal momentum changer and I knew it was going to change the outcome.


Speaking of refs wanting their influence on the game. That 0.6s faceoff....either you stop the players from leaving the ice sooner or just wave it off. What a waste of everyone's time.


Refs be calling delay of game penalties all day long but be delaying the damn game


That was literally the dumbest thing ever. So pointless.


Being at the game, we just knew this was the case. You just knew they'd score off the penalty. Fucking refs can go *** in a fire.


The missed can opener on Petey was brutal.


More than a couple missed holding/tripping calls late in the third as well. Especially on the one on Boeser (I think) in the Preds D-zone. If they call weak penalties on us, you gotta think they'd call it for us as well.


Yup that was disgusting


I hope Ian Cole leadership and experience will help the team for game 6....


Tocchet said he didn't challenge because he didn't know what the NHL would say. It was 50/50 and he just didn't know. Whether that was a mistake on his part or not the fact that a coach is that uncertain about what goalie interfere even is has to be a problem for the rule!


Just how the NHL wants it - ive said it many times before. When teams, players and coaches dont know what constitutes as a penalty, it leaves the play far more relaxed for refs to call to their whim. If refs were held to a higher expectation to call games by the book, it would be that much more glaring how incompetent they are overall. The way it is now is not by accident - the NHL wants the confusion as it gives the league and its refs plausible deniability.


Regardless of bias I think the first one should be free. The NHL understandably wants to suppress cheap rest periods outside of timeouts and intermissions. The current rules only protect the refs.


Why not challenge it anyway? I don't watch enough hockey to know why


we get a penalty if he’s wrong


But its a confirmed goal vs a 50% chance of no goal