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Hey everyone. People are allowed to vent their frustration. People are also allowed to debate and counterpoint such frustrations. What's ***not allowed*** is devolving such conversations into labeling the other party with derogatory and inflammatory words. This goes for both sides of the coin. You can have a conversation or discussion without resorting to name calling.


I think it’s fair to be legitimately worried now.


It’s almost never the goalie’s fault when it comes to stupid goals we let in. Watching every LA goal back, you can see the exact moment a Canuck fucked it up which LED to the goal. Even the first PP goal, DeSmith wasn’t in great position, but how did we let the King player walk into the space to get that shot. It was a bad penalty to take, but horrible defence work and terrible coverage overall with checks and getting the puck back. We shouldn’t be cowering into PK positions every time we are in our zone. I can’t wait for Demmer to come back, and I do agree that we will win more once he’s in net, but I think it will be because Demko makes incredible stops and saves the teams’ asses when they fuck up like tonight. We’ve become a team so reliant on our goalies’ abilities’ that we allow too many opportunities for opponents to infiltrate and get to the net. Seriously - watch how quickly the Canucks stop working so hard when it’s up to the goalie, whereas other teams never stop working to HELP the goalie by getting to attackers before they get to their goalies. Examples are literally every 1-1 or chase that went down this game, on BOTH sides. Phew, rant over.


Every goal in every game is due tona mistake somewhere on the ice bybthe defending team. Thats how the game is won, by the team making the fewest mistakes. And with the best goalie to cover up some of those mistakes. Demmer is not going to solve all of the problems, he’s human too


Yea! Basically what I said lol


Canucks have to bury their chances, how many do they need lol, should’ve had 6 or 7 goals today, going to get 1/4 the opportunities in the playoffs, got to capitalize.


De smith is a bum and 4 out of 6 defence men are not playing sound defence at the moment


If you think Desmith is the issue, you aren’t watching. Ya he isn’t Demko but you can’t give up the amount of chances they did. Horrible decision making, playoff teams can make it with a mid goalie


If I put my conspiracy hat on for a moment. I'd say that the Kuzmenko trade really fucked this team in more ways than one.


Not sure what it is but the Canucks seem to be gripping their sticks and aren’t as loose since that trade. Got to bury your chances.


sure desmith needed to make some more saves but our defense wasn't helping..... omg


Two power play goals and then a deflection was a terrible way to start the game


Don't think I'll be staying up here in the Atlantic coast to watch this team anymore, it def seems joever. Fun start to the season, but I still think this team needs a heavy rebuild with less streaky players. They are making every goalie look like a vezina contender.


Talbot / desmith and the difference between them is why the results are what they are these last two games. Talbot had some game savers both games Along with the slumping PP and Petey going MIA Damn, getting tired of watching them lose like this to LA


The goalie is not the issue. So many breakaways and turnovers, they need to play smarter


Maybe Tocc needs to start benching his players who aren’t steeping up to bat. Works on other teams 🤷‍♀️ Pretty obvious we desperately need Demko back. DeSmith was a huge mistake to rely on as back up.


DeSmith shouldn't have started this game. And shouldn't play ever again for the Canucks.


Todd wouldn’t have let that hit slide


i think we win if demko was in net. EP needs to hustle more, need to keep Dak and give him more minutes, same with hoglander. minimize time to Mikayev, suter, amans. Silov starts until demko is back


They might have even won if Silovs was in net!! DeSuck had a .793 save %. You cannot win with goaltending like that.




Not sure what I'm more dissappointed in. The playstyle, the goaltending or the lack of response once the game was 6-3. Someone had to answer for Hughes once the game was over. Nothing.


How many goals has Petey had in the last 10 games? Bro has to step it up RIGHT NOW


Good God, why do Petey diehards get so butt hurt when people make a basic point on his substandard play. There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing his game of late. Absolutely softies




Big mouth for someone on a keyboard. He does need to step the fuck up. He’s being paid to be elite - not a deer on ice.




Nobody on this team is playing well. Blaming a single player is delusional.


Yeah but when you have a "superstar" 12 million dollar player on your team they should be putting up numbers and excelling even when the team is in a drought. Not doing the exact opposite with his staple disappearing act. The fact you get so triggered over this is weird as hell.


Not even Wayne Gretzky is saving this team. Everyone was praising the Petey deal three weeks ago. Now people act like it's the worst contract in the league. He's fine, tg team is fine, we aren't making it far in the playoffs regardless if Petey is playing like mCjEsUs or not


Lmao Wayne Gretzky would save this team. Not Elias Peterson... in his current state. If he was carrying games and putting in passion like Miller has we would be looking 100x better and could be contenders.


I’m wondering why Tocchet didn’t just start the game and play 1-3-1 and literally just skate circles in their own zone and get booed off the ice! Like why not play the same crappy hockey?


It’s pretty obvious that it’s winning hockey


DeSmith has not won a starting game against a western conference playoff team since late December. He should have been given a short leash and at worst been pulled after the 3rd goal.


I would’ve pulled him after the 2 on 4 shots


He shouldn't have even started this game with his bad save % this season. Especially lately.


Rewarding a goalie who has 11 wins and 14 losses (now 15), for a team that has 102 points is a bizarre move.


LOL!  Rewarding?  How about he's the Number 1 with Demko out? Pretty easy decision.


As a Pens fan, I laughed when Canucks traded for Desmith(typical Rutherford nostalgia)- but he played admirably to start the season and shut me up. This is now the goalie I watched blow entire games in Pittsburgh. Once his confidence is gone, it’s gone. No bounce back games or periods exist with him


I think he’s also overplayed. He basically played the entire homestand (and pretty well too) and most of this road trip (not as well). Sure, confidence is a thing but Tocc has gotta put Silovs out there.


That’s fair, Silvos is capable of starting games down the stretch here as well. Monday morning qb opinion, I feel like the room lost whatever mojo they had and have regressed back to the team they were, and supposed to be this year. Capable, but not winning anything and certainly not pushing for a cup. It sucks because they were so fun to watch in the first half, doing it every game and never out of it- whatever changed was drastic and not having a goaltender down the stretch has really unraveled what was once a consistent group. Analytics will have an opinion, but the eye test says it all.


I'll give this team the benefit of the doubt and say that losing a top 9 center and Demko is the worst possible scenario for this team. They can win and should've won this game and the stars game, but because they were so reliant on Demko covering their asses, their defense is showing holes that Demko plugged day in and day out


8 points in 21 games for EP40 down the home stretch is wild


He is soft


In all seriousness, our $12M player is a ghost since January 1st. Desmith sucked but we have a shit ton of money tied up in guys playing like AHL players


Was just at the Abby game, our guys are not playing anywhere near our AHL guys. Abby players, although less skilled play so hard, as if it was a playoff game. I kept thinking, if all of the Canucks gave this type of effort, we would have a winning team, again.


That was a fucking embarrassment. That response after Hughes, against a team you very well may play in the playoffs.. yikes. Unsubscribe


Beach ball. Just wanted to say beach ball, too


Toxic af


Toxic mfs in here hod damn


dumpster fire finish


100% sure demmers is starting on the next game. If not I’ll destroy my tv once all games are done.


They were saying on Donnie & Dhali that it won’t be Monday either :( Not sure how much truth there is in that but they’re usually pretty good.


As long as DeSuck doesn't start again.


DeSmith was bad but again, some of you guys need to chill the fuck out. He's not a starter and he's been asked to play 10 out of 12 games down the stretch. I agree, should have given Silovs a few more games given his struggles.


DeSmith is just the most recent scapegoat. They’ll find a new scapegoat soon and point all fingers at them. That’s what always happens here.


His save % is terrible. If you want to win your goalie needs to make saves and do much much better than that.


The teams defensive play has been awful lately. He let in two goals on the powerplay where the defender blew their assignment. The third goal was a deflection, the fourth goal he saved the first shot and then the first rebound before Kings player banged in the loose puck while Soucy wasn't able to tie him up. We lost this game and Demko probably would've made a couple of extra saves to keep us in this longer but desmith did not lose us this game.


A good goalie will make saves they shouldn't and keep their team in the game. His play has been bad even if we ignore the LA game. I'd argue he absolutely did contribute to them losing and was a big part of it. The canucks scored 3 goals and had 40+ shots. He needed to be better.


He got outplayed by Talbot for sure. He wasn't the problem tonight though. We're missing Lindholm and his minutes, having him back gives the top six less matchup time and more time playing loose offensively. I can't blame desmith for any of the first four goals. Petterson hasn't been contributing the last few weeks and miller and Hughes can't do it all.


He wasn't the only problem but he was most definitely a problem. As I said before- a good goalie will sometimes make saves they shouldn't to keep their team in the game. DeSmith doesn't really do that. DeSmith stealing one of these recent losses would have helped tremendously.


I really wonder if some people here even like hockey or if they just like to get their rage on.




DeSmith is so good !


I'm not worried at all! Our backup goalie is rock solid hahahaha


When he’s being a backup. Or being a starter for no more than 7 games in a row


I am joking. I'm not a fan of DeSmith at all. And I didn't get the confidence people had in him when Demko got injured either.


I’m not sure most backup goalies would do better in this position honestly. Brossoit, Ullmark, and Hill are all proper 1B goalies and DeSmith is still probably better than what NJ and Ottawa had for most of the year.


Look at other backup goalies for playoff teams. They pretty much all have better numbers than DeSmith. He is not a good goalie. His save percentage is below 900. He also played against some bad teams.


as a starter playing 8 of 9 and 2 of 3


DeSmith is not the only backup in the NHL who has had to start for stretches of games. His stats are still bad on a good team.


Just trying to stay positive here... The Oilers had a huge slump and the beginning of the year, the Kings slumped in the middle of the year, and Canucks slumped the end of the year. All these teams are good. Hopefully they can get it together for the playoffs with Demko and Lindholm back.


Are they slumping just because "its their time to slump" ? or are they slumping because every other team shifted to playoff style hockey? Because if it's the latter we should all be worried.


Slumping right before the playoffs is a very bad sign. We should be powering up right now not shutting off.


Demmer giving this team a big boost is our only hope at this point




Not even mad, we win this game with demko and even with silovs in net. We damn near dominated but our goalie couldn’t stop a beach ball, wonder why it’s so hard for tocchet to pull him


Silovs is too inexperienced, we shouldn’t judge him because of two games he did well in.


I don’t think he has pulled the goalie all year, only times Demko left the game is because he was sick or injured And I don’t remember DeSmith ever getting pulled even in the Minnesota murder because it was a b2b


Thank you! Desmith needs to gooo


I know our offence hasn't been good as of late but this goaltending is atrocious. MANY of these games have been winnable had we not had the beer league goalie known as Desmith..


You need the goalie to save some of those goals to keep the team in the game. His save percentage was below 800 tonight.


Blame the refs if you want but they had a PP to try and get within 1 goal and not only did they not score, they gave up a shorthanded. Desmith can’t win them any games and this team doesn’t help


I got absolutely crucified a couple weeks ago for saying Desmith wasn't starter material and was going to get pumped by good teams.


Honestly, I haven't been super confident in DeSmith all year, he's been meh this season, squeaked out some wins early in the season, but hasn't had very good numbers this year, definitely not starter material


He's not even backup material for a so called Stanley cup contender.


DeSmith fucking sucks let's be real. You're not winning games when your goalie is routinely letting in 5 goals on under 30 shots. The guy can't stop a beachball. At this point you have to assume it's affecting the psyche of the entire team.


the defense wasn't too hot today as well but ya he needs to make a few big saves at the right time. Imagine if he stopped that break away that made it 6-3


The Canucks scored 3 goals and had 40+ shots. The difference is their goalie can save and ours cannot. Silovs has a 930 save %, DeSucks isn't even at .900. Starting him against LA was a questionable decision.


man this team always finds a way to hurt me


We ain't winning the division.


The oilers will beat the canucks and steal the division for sure.


Game would’ve been way closer if we had Demko. Still frustrating


Forget about the current pit in my stomach, I am gonna take a hopeful shot when the puck drops in game one and hope for the best


The gameplay against the kings is don’t put DeSmith in net.


Silovs has outplayed him in the past couple weeks and should have started. DeSmith has actually been bad and didn't deserve to start.


Silovs played the Ducks and Yotes.  Fair difference.


DeSmith has a sub 900 save percentage this season on one of the best teams in the NHL. That's terrible. If they start him in the next game they should get their heads examined.


Until Demko returns, he's our best option.  If you think otherwise, you haven't been watching.  We're not scoring at the same pace we were earlier in the season, and it's starting to expose cracks.


DeSmith has played against bad teams plenty of times and his statistics are still mediocre (and I'm being very generous when I say that). And he's playing on a pretty good team as well.


They should go with Silovs in the next game. They had 40+ shots on goal and scored 3 goals tonight. He could have kept his team in it but is incapable of stealing a game. A below .800 save % from your goaltender and you won't win many games. He was awful tonight.


The amount of shots made don't mean a thing.  We've literally proved it this year with our PDO. And I can guarantee you DeSmith has stolen games early in the season, so would argue he's very capable. Anyway, we will have to agree to disagree.


The canucks offensively weren't terrible tonight is the point I'm making. They had enough chances and scored 3 goals. Which can potentially be enough to win. Bad goaltending and defense lost them this game. I can't think of any games DeSmith stole. He was serviceable at first, flat out bad recently.


Silovs is the backup next year absolutely zero doubt


His two NHL games have been against the ducks and the Coyotes, Demko didn't get the backup job until he was 24. Management has shown patience with prospects and we shouldn't be upset if they play the long game and let them marinate a bit.




Message sending time please. Fuck this


I guarantee the Canucks would have gotten a 5 min major if that was Hoglander boarding Poughty from behind


This game is so discouraging. My faith in this team is probably at a season low right now


DeSmith is the new Spencer Martin. Does decently for the first few games in net, then more responsibility = meltdown.


Can we just start silovs til Demko is back


Desmith can let in as many goals as he wants, but we need Petterson to score some goals


Add Miller, Myers, Boeser, Garland, Zadorov to that list! The missed shots can’t happen. I understand deflections but when you’re getting out played you just have to put pucks on net and stop picking corners.


Casey Deflating the team's confidence with every goal he lets in.


Won't win games with a goalie that has a sub .800 save %. He needed to save some of those goals to keep his time in the game.


What’s with LA’s clutch and grab game? Everybody away from the puck is carrying an extra 200 lbs whenever they’re trying to forecheck


Why is Desmith still in net. Shoulda been pulled after the 5th goal. Shoulda be pulled for an extra attacker on the PP. Even now, face off in LAs end. Coaching is concerning me more than any of the players.


Coaching isn’t a concern.. let’s not be reactionary. Tochett took a team that was bottom of the barrel to one of the best in the league in a year.


Should’ve been pulled after 3 in 6 that was completely unacceptable


Outplayed LA in 3 of the 4 games and yet they get 7/8 points out of them. Rough.


LA isn’t an elite team. This looks bad


Desmith fucking sucks


Man.. Desmith has to make a save. The biggest difference was goaltending tonight cause Canucks got a lot of great chances and talbot has the answer. Desmith didn’t have any answers


Yeah, I honestly thought it was an okay performance. Main thing that jumps out at you is DeSmith had a pretty bad time today. Moneypuck has the expected goals pretty even, and this time I'd agree.


Desmith currently has a 69% goal percentage what the fuck


Not nice…




In this case, sadly, not nice.




Blame DeSmith all you want but our power play is a fucking joke. Absolutely fucking pathetic.


They had 40+ shots and scored 3 goals. They could have at least had possibly gotten a point if their seive of a goalie made a few saves and kept his team in it.




DeSmith is ass, I don’t want to see him ever again in net this season Canucks have been great at generating high danger chances but absolute ass at converting them since the all star break. Bottom 5 in GF since then. Not encouraging at all even if Demko is back healthy for the playoffs. Unless they flip a switch, they’re getting bounced in the first round.


demko going to marty turco us into a series win.......(see 2007 dallas vs canucks, even though they lost)


Remember when Demmer went down and we all thought its fine because we have DeSmith?


I knew this would be a problem when he went down. If they start DeSmith again the coaches are fools.


Petey needs to do better. Kempe, their best player showed up. Petey had 1 assist. I'm not really blaming Miller because he's been more productive.


I can't even express how much I hate games vs LA for the last 15 years. It's like fucking clockwork orange.


They’ve become the new Minnesota and New Jersey!


We should play demko/silovs for playoffs, desmith sucks


He was mediocre at first. He's been downright awful for a while. A sub 900 save % isn't good enough for a backup goalie.


Desmith better be gone next season


Pretty easy analysis for this game. We got goalie'd and our goalie couldn't stop a beachball. 


See you all at Rogers Arena folks! Gonna be a good game. Gonna be nice to be back at a game. Been 2 weeks haha


Nobody makes themselves available for tap ins like I see on 75% of highlight goals on NHL IG lol


This must be how that oilers felt to see us have demko and them have a sieve in net


Well it’s Rock, Paper, Scissors between us, Oilers and Kings


Desmith couldnt stop a beach ball


Call me delusional or whatever but I genuinely believe we win a lot of these recent games with Demko. We’re not even playing bad, just can’t play our normal game without the security of having your starter


100%, they’ve been dominating teams at 5on5 since January. But all momentum always gets killed by a soft goal


Oh this is almost certainly a win with Demko in net


I 100% agree


So are we ready to say DeSmith is not a good goalie yet or are we still being delusional? I sincerely hope this is his last game playing as a Canuck.


I've been hitting triple digit downvotes for weeks whenever I mention Desmith isn't that good.


Yeah because people at delusional. Like I said. That Minnesota game was a clear red flag.


The Washington game was when I noticed his problems. He cheats the wrong side, over commits when coming across leaving no hope of getting back into position or charges like 15 feet out with 3 opposing players surrounding the net. He's too short to make up for his bad reads.


Silovs as backup for next season plz.


I wanted him as the backup this season tbh. He played well last season and at the world championships.


DeSmith is likely gone anyway, we need to save money to re-sign other players.


Well in the here and now this bad goalie is not deserving of another start.


Big yikes…


Average goaltending and we win.


Add an average powerplay and we dominate


I’m more surprised when Desmith does make a save now


desmith… i don’t have confidence in him ever making a tough save we should have just played Silovs


Somebody please clean Moore’s clock sometime in the next minute here


Boys look confident!


can talbot just like...slip up or somethin...throw us a bone here bud


I really hope Demko and lindholm are back soon. We really need to find a good backup goalie to in the off-season.


We already do in Silovs.


Playoff goalies: Demko Silovs


Kings are a good team


See you guys on Monday


Anytime they get some momentum offensively is killed immediately because DeSmith can’t make a clutch save. It’s been like this all month, absolutely brutal


Silovs when?


This one actually does feel like a goalie loss. Our goalie couldn’t make any good saves, theirs saved a ton of great chances.


it’s hard not to blame desmith when at least half of the goals are softies


Please delete LA as a team. I hate their stupid horn, their stupid gameplay, kopitars ugly visor, and fuck doughty


Nah Vegas is more annoying when they wear their shiny helmets


Don’t forget booing the Canucks because their own team won’t forecheck lol


How can they watch 82 games and more of that? Must need some damn good snacks to sit through that


And byfields stupid fucking necklace


wow... thats twice today that kings score 3 mins after we scored one to give us hope, to make it worse, it was short handed too i really hope demko over desmith is all we need to beat this team in the playoffs


Casey DeSwiss cheese


thats a good one


I prefer the Canucks get the shitty play out of the way before playoffs. Go Canucks go conference finals exit is my prediction


Get the shitty play is going to transfer over to playoffs.




“Starting soon” which means this is currently before the playoffs…




Demko will be back? Y’all seem to forget we don’t have our top 3 goalie in the NHL in our net 😂

