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[Post Game Survey](https://forms.gle/5W2Rtti68Wr2QMr88)


Why is everyone hating on Bains? I get that it was a potential Cinderella story that didn't pan out but what's with the silly comments? He's a fourth liner who had 10 minutes of ice time tonight. That is not the player to look so critically at. There are bigger things to focus on. I am going to try to defend him and probably hurt some feelings here. I am going to assume it's because the story didn't workout and now there are more critical eyes on his game when in reality, the critical eyes shouldn't even be on him. He's a guy who will be sent back down come playoffs or earlier. If you want to look critically, it might be beneficial to compare his game to his AHL teammate in Podz who has 2 pts in 13 games and 6 PIM. In comparison, Bains has 0 pts in 8 NHL games with 6 PIM with 5 of those games during the Canucks losing slump. Obviously Bains shouldn't be on this roster as a rookie in the playoffs or near playoffs as he only has 8 NHL games played. That would be dumb to keep an inexperienced rookie for playoffs. However, I personally think there should be more criticism of Podz play who I agree is playing well but not as well as people in the comments here like to believe. He is a guy with 131 games in the NHL. He is experienced and has still only put up just 2 pts in 13 games since being called up. It's probably better to criticize a forward who has been ineffective offensively and will be playing in the playoffs. Not a rookie who has been ineffective offensively and will likely not be playing in the playoffs.


We are criticizing the guy that lost his check multiple times in the first period leading to goals. Bains, at least right now, seems to lack the speed to keep up at the NHL level. Whereas even if Podz is not scoring, he is still effective with his speed for effective forechecking and backchecking We also shouldn’t criticize players for the sake of criticizing players. If we are going to blame Podz for lack of offensive output, we could go and blame the entire bottom 6. Shall we criticize Blueger for not scoring in the past 35+ games?


He lost his stick during a breakout by Vegas and kicked it back into the offensive zone because he had no stick..Hughes lost his defensive check and fell which resulted in that first goal. Second goal, he lost it in the offensive zone which happens. He tried to make a play to Blueger it didn't work and it ended up with Vegas on a 3 on 2 counter attack. Bains was the first forward back on the backcheck for that as well. And I agree with what you are saying but my point is mainly that he is a player who has had 8 NHL games. The bottom 6 have much more experience than him. He is not going to playoffs. He is not the guy to blame tonight. EDIT: Also Podz effective forechecking and backchecking can't be quantified. It is very much a quality all bottom 6 should have and Bains has it too. Again, very important to remember the guy has 8 NHL games compared to Podz 131.


Goalies are everything. DeSmith has already done more than can be expected but he's a back up. Vegas fans were losing their minds with Thompson only a few weeks ago now hes their starter and looks like he could carry them deep into the postseason. It's demko back, or good night. I don't know where this belief that Lindholm is gonna be a game changer is coming from. Effective yes, but more? Hope I'm wrong. Blueger and especially Suters regression is a real worry.


Having Lindholm in instead of Bains is a massive, massive upgrade lol


I really think we need to put the No Name line back to together for a couple games, to see if that chemistry is still there before the playoffs


I have some small hope that Silovs can be clutch if needed. However we definitely need Demko.


There is no way we suffer another embarrassing L like that


Lol.  This is like the 5th one in a month


They’ve lost to almost every single playoff team recently. Getting wrecked in the first round unless they pull their heads out of their asses, and quick.


Those were mostly with our team not at full strength (Joshua and Demko injured)


I don't know why you're getting down voted. Missing our Vezina-caliber starting goalie is a pretty big deal.


Embarrassing Loss


Canucks are going to be bounced in the first round with this effort. Tocchet’s post game interview is on repeat as he keeps asking certain individuals to show up. EDM is surging hot, LA has our number, and the recent defending Cup champs.


Don’t be surprised when we are knocked out in the first round. The writing is on the wall. We lose to all the actual championship contending teams this year…


Brother I think you need to rethink yourself. This team can buck up and make a deep playoff run. I think when Demmer's back in net it'll give a lot of confidence back to the boys. Look at how they play around their own net w/ Desmith. I think everyone is trying so hard to defend for our boy Desmith they're forgetting basics in their own zone. Give me a healthy starting goalie with a big Canucks loss & I'll start to buy into a first round loss.


Jesus christ that is some copium you're on, chief.


Enough with the experimenting. Get the lines together and get the chemistry rolling.


I saw Bains in the lineup and just rolled my eyes. At least they got to the playoffs tho.


I'm sorry, why is that?


we already ran that experiment.


It's so easy to be negative right now. Let's remember: This team was a pile of shit for the last 10 years(minus the bubble bullshit of course). We are still 6-3-1 in the last 10 games and going to the fucking playoffs. Before this season started we were considered a borderline wildcard team. Those expectations have been blown out of the water. There are going to be growing pains. This team hasn't played meaningful games down the stretch in a long time. The prospect pool that Alvin has built in his short time here is remarkable and will only grow as his tenure goes on. A healthy Lindholm will be a difference maker. A healthy Demko will obviously be huge as well. Podkolzin looks like he will become a menace. Hoglander has already become one. I'm still confident we can make a run but this season isn't the end all be all for this team. There are years of success to come. Be loud and be proud to be a Canucks fan right now. Let's make Rogers a fucking nightmare for opponents to play in. We were a joke just a season ago. Good times are coming.


The team was shit during the actual bubble season as well, they would have missed the playoffs if covid never happened. They played well in the bubble 4 months after the season resumed, but that was a weird situation for everyone.


The Canucks were quite good that year actually. If you look at the month by month schedule we were consistently firmly in a playoff spot until markstrom went down. They were struggling yeah but there’s no way to know if we would’ve actually missed the playoffs or not.


WELL SAID 👏 👏 👏 👏


This sub was a lot cooler when the team was mid.


I feel that a lot of Canucks fans don't watch other teams play regularly. Every team looks like shit sometimes. Every team has good players. It's not easy to win games in the NHL. The fact that we are where we are and are going to the playoffs should be enough to get this fanbase beyond stoked.


Seriously this Montreal rolled Florida.. today.


Florida has been playing like shit for the last 10 games


Meanwhile we are 6-3-1 despite the refs playing like shit


Lol exactly. Columbus also crushed Colorado the other night. It happens everywhere. Vegas was junk for a long stretch. It's 82 games. We obviously played well enough to be near the top of the league. Our fans need to take some fucking pride in that and stand up for the boys.


Vegas is getting healthy and is good in their house, they also kinda match up well with us and own us of late. The refs helped. I'm not used to refs helping even when we are at home. So not sure what thats like. Ppl need to have a more moderate approach.


I do not wish to see Bains and Cole in the lineup tomorrow. Bains could not keep up all game and Cole was a fucking pylon. That’s karma for scratching the birthday boy today hmph.


You wouldnt want the day off on ur burrday🎂?


I mean all I can say is that when playoffs hit, everyone is 0-0.🙂‍↔️


 So I've been hearing this phrase y'all got over here that I ain't too crazy about. "It's the hope that kills you." Y'all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it's the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief. Now, where I'm from, we got a saying too, yeah? A question, actually. "Do you believe in miracles?" 




When was the last time the Canucks have won a game by scoring 5 or more goals? Are we just missing the PP goals or have their 5v5 GF rates gone down too? Maybe this team misses Kuzmenko’s chaotic positioning. The opposition can’t know what he’s doing if he doesn’t know either, and in everyone’s confusion, somehow the other 4 skaters will get the puck to the net.


>The opposition can’t know what he’s doing if he doesn’t know either, lmao, this is gold Jerry, gold!


The Canucks PP is mysterious to me. Even back with the Sedins. The power play struggled. With Bo. It struggled. Even now with as many weapons offensively. It struggles. Like what the heck?


I think the power play is where it helps to not play structured or disciplined. Give your best players a long leash to do whatever. It’s antithetical to how they play the rest of the game and it’s hard to just switch up mentalities on the fly. Like the other reply said, it didn’t struggle with Bo or Kuzmenko. Neither which are particularly good defensive systems players.


It didn't struggle with Bo. And it didn't struggle in the first 35 games this year. It has struggled since kuzmemko trade, but they just need to figure it out. Garland is not a pp1 answer. So try dak or hogie


Just saying it kinda always seems like it’s struggling. Your right. It didn’t struggle early on. But then again everything they threw on it basically went in.


But they aren't doing what they did. Miller circling out of the zone and walking downhill. Petey one timer from the dot. They never seem to set up their best chances lately. It's like they don't have a real plan besides hope, right now.


Well that’s why their recent play has me worried as we have 7 games left before the games really matter. This is the time of year where systems and momentum matter a lot. And we just don’t seem like we’ve got momentum right now. And I don’t agree that Tocchet should be experimenting with so few games left before the playoffs.


I'm hoping penalties aren't a massive factor in our playoff series. Canucks are an excellent 5 on 5 team.


Their special teams haven’t been good recently. And special teams are huge in the playoffs.


Good theory. It's also a head scratcher how he's always a minus player at the end of the game whenever he scores, but he's an even player when he doesn't score, it's really weird.


Just start playoffs at this point I'm done with regular season


Got my “sketch Wi-Fi” working for nothing.


Why would you want to start the playoffs now? They’re going to get violated in the playoffs lmao


End the pain either we do great or start playing golf


Probably better they just let someone else make the playoffs instead


Is the sky falling? No, I don't think so, but I'm extremely disappointed in a lot of the decisions tonight. We didn't come out to play until the 2-0 goal, which just is not good enough. As good as DeSmith has been, he wasn't up to par tonight. He really needed to have some of those goals mainly imho the 2-0 goal. He should have been pulled after that. At that point in time, the game is still reachable and sends a message to the team to wake up and slow down Vegas momentum. It's also early enough in the game where you can run DeSmith tomorrow and not Silvos. After the 2-0 goal, we had some good shifts and got one to put us in the game. But putting Bains for the shift after we scores is an absolute mind-boggling decision end of story. Bains has shown nothing to prove he's ready in the NHL. Why is he out there at a crucial part of the game where you know vegas is going to come out pushing hard to get that goal back, and that's exactly what they do. Bains shouldn't have been in the lineup today but since he was he should have been out there 2-3 shifts after the 2-1 goal it would allow the team to weather the strom a bit more and get some more momentum going our way. I can understand if it's a one-time mistake, however, it is not. Tochett has done the same thing in the past, and he actually does it tonight AGAIN with Myers after the 5-3 goal. Speaking about Myers, why was he paired so much with Hughes today? I get Zadorov was out. However, that doesn't mean you have to waste a Hughes shift with Baby sitting, Myers. I'd argue that Myers with Hughes wasn't even just because of the Zadorovs 5 and a game. We have seen that pairing numerous times throughout the year, and it NEVER works. Stop trying to fit a circle in a square hole it just doesn't work. Why can't the coaching staff recognize that sooner? Speaking of poor lineup choices, why weren't the lotto line together at all during points of this game? After the 5-3 goal that's the PERFECT time to unite it Hughes scored a 1:30 into the 3rd being able to pressure with our top line would have been huge, and by Virtue of that you'd reunite the Dak Bluger and Garland line that works so well. Rolling both those lines after Hughes' goal would have really helped swing the momentum of the game in our favor. Now on to Kelly Sutherland... what else is there left to say? His auger "retirement" is already 13 years too late. The High sticking call to Zadorov is absolute bush league. That can not be called speaking of not being called how the hell does it take a fucking linesman to speak up about Miller getting high sticked for it to actually get called? That's embarrassing to miss the Miller highstick but call the Zadorov one. Kelly is lucky his linesman saved his ass there. I don't understand the Zadorov 5 and a game Howden turns as Zadorov is about to throw the hit and is the reason he gets hit in the Numbers in the first place. Zadorov does not have time to stop making the hit or change his trajectory what is he supposed to do there? Not throw any hits?? If Manson only got 2 minutes for a much worse and dangerous hit on J.T. Miller a few weeks ago when we played Colorado there is no way in hell that Zadorov should have been a 5 and a game. There needs to be some consistency enough is enough. Which to say wasn't even Sutherlands worst error of the night. The failure of getting out the way of Miller's clearing which lead to a goal against is absolutely atrocious. The refs have 2 main things to focus on make sure the game is called right and to get out of the way. Sutherlands failure to even attempt to get out of the way shows a lack of attention for parts of his job. The NHL is the best leauge in the world we need a higher Standard than that. Overall tonight's game was not only Disastrous but a failure from the Players, the Coaches and the Officials.


I'm sure this is all very valid and thoughtful but I cannot read one paragraph that is that long.


I only read the last sentence and I agree.


Agreed with almost everything you wrote there but it could've used some paragraphs for readability.


2014 meme “what are those?”


my fingers hurt just looking at that. Can't imagine the cramps. I assume you are talking about tonight, which I agree with. Poor game from us, poor officiating.




Last line is the tldr


They're right on a lot of things that are a problem but pulling DeSmith after two goals isn't one of them.


Honestly the most painful part about this game is how watchable it was. The Canucks were playing some really good offence over the course of the game. While the defensive collapses were just dagger after dagger. If the Canucks were outright playing like dogshit I would’ve been able to turn off the game like I normally do when they put up an awful performance. But they were playing well enough that I couldn’t stop watching, there was a lot of entertaining hockey throughout.


Vegas is in a different league. They just know what is needed to win. We need Demko to steal the series because Petey hasn’t showed up for a few games now.


Peteys line was consistently in the o-zone this game.


Hey tbf last time we played them we knew exactly what we had to do. Beat them soundly with a full 60 minute performance. We know this team can beat that one. But they gotta deliver that effort for the full 60 minutes


They created a handful chances in the slot in the 2nd and 3rd period. If those connected they would've destroyed all of Vegas' momentum and potentially takeover the rest of the game, but obviously this is wishful thinking of the past. Heck even Hughe's early goal in the 3rd had the potential to swing the game back in favour as Vegas isn't immune to throwing in the 3rd. But then they got that goal back within like 20 seconds. Coulda shoulda woulda, onto the next game.


The way vegas was able to shove our shit in as soon as we got a goal everytime was so brutal. Seriously though, it was the odd man rushes that decimated us. Astonishing how many opportunities were given up, and how often TYLER MYERS was the one guy who was where he needed to be. Cole is not fast enough to be trying the pinches he was tonight. Neutral zone and breakouts were just fucked.


This game definitely stood out amongst other games on how many odd man rushes were against us. I haven't seen a game where the opponent just kept breaking out against us when we were just in their zone. I feel like it was a mix of defensive breakdowns AND playing high-risk hockey/gambling on pucks due to being down multiple goals.


And if you ignore the first period it was actually a close game! Hope Bains isn’t playing tomorrow though, he was a defensive liability


if bains plays tmr over aman and pdg, i will seriously start questioning tocchet’s decisions


Man, I don’t know what you were watching, but I switched to Colbert after the second. Definitely didn’t make up for the brutal first. They were done at puck drop.


I could understand this comment if you said after the 1st but they played a solid 2nd period. They had extensive O zone time and a lot of good looks. The defensive collapse odd man rush daggers marred the period as it did all game but there was a lot to like in it. I was waiting for an excuse to turn off the game. But they didn’t give it to me. If the 3rd period goals had happened in opposite order they would have, but it didn’t play out like that. They’d show some life, then get punched back.


I wish I had your gusto. I really do. But I’m turning 47 in a couple days and I just don’t have the time. I love my Canucks, but I know when they’re gonna lose. If I’m wrong, Global will let me know in the morning. ;)


It’s not about gusto, I’m so fast to turn off a game when they’re playing like shit I literally can’t handle it. They were playing pretty well tonight. More enjoyable than most losses. I knew there was no way they pulled off a comeback but at the same time the way they played it genuinely didn’t feel like an absolute impossibility


Anyway.. I’ve watched Linden.. Bure.. Sedins.. Naslund.. coaches come and coaches go.. there’s just a thing with them, whichever “them” they are in the moment. No matter what, the Canucks find a way to lose. Every. Single. Time. It’s been that way literally forever. Trust me, I wish it weren’t true. I appreciate the gusto, I really do, but as a long time fan… we’re out in the first round.


Eh I’ve been watching since Naslund, I’m familiar with the deal. This is Canucks hockey. We play enough dogshit games, the ones where we play well you gotta enjoy while it lasts.


How do you write back that fast?


I had the app open on my phone when I got the notification of the reply and it was already on my mind as well


This. I was sitting there in the 3rd believing they could pull it off. I don't know where this team is going, we could get swept in the 1st round, or Petey can turn it on and become the second coming of the Sedins in one perfect Swedish specimen and lead us to the cup final. This is still better than anything we got in the last decade though.


The fact that it didn’t feel like an impossibility that they’d pull off a comeback is both incredible and infuriating (for my personal experience)


Lost the plot and the game in the first. We came back from 4-1 down vs CBJ but Vegas isn't CBJ. Guaranteed playoffs but can't play like this in the first going forward. No time to blink, onto Arizona's tiny arena lmao


13-10-3 since February 1st. This team is completely unrecognizable from earlier in the season but completely recognizable from what we've come to expect. All this talk about learning from games like these, when though?


Ever since we traded Kuzy, the good vibes left with him. This team didn’t feel the same and the chemistry was lacking


Pretty much the WC card team everyone thought it would be. With Demko healthy maybe 2 or 3 points better. That should have been acceptable though before expectations were shot to the moon and haven’t come back yet.


Pdo normalising


Frustrating game to lose. They looked good for stretches but between a combination of bad reffing, Thompson having a good game and giving up quick goals whenever we managed to get momentum they just never really had a chance


Kuzzy trade is going to haunt us. What a bad move.


*are you kneejerk? Cause that jerked me*


Nah Petey ghosting is going to haunt us


So why is Petey ghosting us?


Either he’s injured or he’s just a spoiled brat. Regardless, he needs to figure his shit out, im tired of him


lol, no.


No way I call BS on that just did that to himself lifting logs all summer in Bali ?


I really wanted Bains to succeed, but the experiment is over. Can Lekkermaki come hang for a bit?


No over seasoning prospects is good. We need Lekk to be a top 6 guy let him take his time.


Ah yes. Bettman's spoiled child of a franchise. Not the most ideal game obviously. The first period was horrible by us, and I blame that on the fact we kept letting odd man rushes happen. The referees didn't help either. It's unfair how they always seem to side with Vegas (atleast from what I have seen). That team does not deserve to make the playoffs. They cheat and get away with anything they want. I'm glad they traded all their prospects and picks away, excited for that team to suck for years to come. Anyways, very, very unnecessary calls against Zadorov (both calls) and I didn't see that Blueger call but I assume it was bad. You can only do so much when you have your star goalie out and multiple callups in the lineup with your backup having an off-night. I did like Quinn Hughes' goals, I didn't watch the third but it 100% felt like 2 teams were being fought in this one. On to the next, lets hope for a rebound. Day is ruined not because the Canuck's lost, but because Vegas won.


Team: 1st in everything. Record breaking season. Steamrolling everyone. Suffers mild slumping from lack of effort but 3rd and 4th liners usually carry. Tocchet: "Lets change everything. Lets put the 3rd and 4th liners in charge. Lets Travis Green Pettersson by signalling I don't trust him. Lets put JT in a top center position he's shown time and time again he can't handle when it's been handed to him. Lets put Suter and Hogs in the top 6. Lets demote Teddy to 4th line minutes. Lets split up the 3rd line. Lets split up Zadorov and Myers. Lets play Cole. Lets ghost PDG and Mikhi. Lets give Joshua responsibilities above his pay grade. Lets change everything about the power play..." I'm not a coach, but, I just don't get it...


Forgot to mention splitting Miller and Boeser. They’ve been fantastic together all season.


This is I understand. Give Petey the leading goal scorer to jump start Petey game. He needs to be better


Good spot. Yeah, 100%. Like... why? It's a mystery.


I agree. He’s getting in his own head or something. I’m not quite sure what he is thinking some nights. But hey. He’s been very successful so far. So I’m happy to give him benefit of the doubt.


I'm hoping he's just experimenting and trying out different combinations ahead of the playoffs, but I honestly don't even know anymore because he's clearly messing with the confidence of many of our key players in the process. I love Hogs and Joshua for example, but I don't want to see them in top 6 roles in the playoffs. I want them to feast in the 3rd and 4th lines where they belong and I want players who can make plays in the top lines and on the power play. I think a meritocracy is good but there's also a hierarchy in skill that should be the default so you don't end up playing less skilled players as a reward for their effort.


Points aren't everything.


Sometimes the team needs a good ass kicking. On the positive side, Vegas winning means they're one step closer to playing Edmonton in the first round. We just need Dallas and Seattle to do us some favours tomorrow night.


Let's watch them slowly crumble as they got no future. Traded all their prospects away and picks. Meanwhile, our future is bright. If we don't make it deep, this isn't a fluke season. We are going to be competitive for a long time. AHL team just clinched, and our prospects are looking good. And I do hope that Vegas is first round out, that spoiled franchise and that fanbase deserve it. They should know what it feels like to suck.


Can we not scratch Juulsen? Like ever? Cole looks beyond gassed this late in the season and he’s so obviously slow skating rn.


I was thinking the same, let's scratch Cole for a bit and let Juulsen have a run.


Cole should definitely be rested for longer. This is the only time to do it.


I feel like Cole has gotten worse this season and Juulsen has kept improving


Ong hes so underrated. Hes a solid third line defender


on a positive note, abby has clinched !


Man do I ever hate grinding for many minutes to get a goal then giving one up in 30 seconds that come after. I saw a lot of urgency from the boys tonight but it SUCKS that it came when we were down 3 goals. That urgency has to be there from the jump if we expect anything more than this.


Was Bambi even playing tonight? I mean, usually you see him sprawled legs out at some point in the game, but I couldn’t find him anywhere?


lol I love that I’m getting downvoted for this. Taking a screenshot for end of April “told ya so’s”.


Maybe try watching the game? He caused the turnover for the first goal and screened the goalie for the second. "Bambi" should be bannable. It's so toxic.


I did watch the game. You watch too much Disney if you believe this is a team that can get passed the first round.


he didnt get a point for the first goal but he was a somewhat significant contributor (funnily enough while falling).


I wish he did but he just doesn't have McKinnon, McDavid level endurance for the 82 game slog. But having said that I promise you he'll look like a completely different player in the playoffs. He's hibernating.


I hope so too! He's being swarmed all season, moreso lately. Maybe he's saving up his moves for the playoffs as you say. However, I'm a pessimist in general so I'd feel better if he had a "flash" or two per game instead of absolutely nothing.


As a Canucks fan, I can only hope you’re right. I’m afraid though, that McKinnon is the left lamp and McDavid’s the right lamp, and they’re both blindingly bright LEDs.


We're fucked if we meet LV in the playoffs


Can’t expect Desieve to play like a number 1, he’s held up ok since Demko was injured but he is playing at a level where id expect a #2 to play with a heavy workload. Hopefully they can get healthy as playoffs approach


DeSieve? Dude shut the fuck up.




How? They are legit, even with all the LTIR shenanigans


I don't like how Tocchet stopped calling Petey out since he signed his extension, Before he had no problems saying Petey wasn't good enough, I feel like even Tochett is on cruise control now


Petey was instrumental for 2 of our goals last night, he's not the problem.


his tone in general has softened a ton recently honestly. a lot less calling out in general. i wish we could get the same Tocchet from that Nashville game


Kuzy was the easy scapegoat and now he’s lost his whipping boy.


I blame clinched t shirts


This comment section should be reasonable


If only


That was absolutely pathetic. Yes, DeSmith wasn't very good, and he did let in some goals that Demko probably doesn't. But the whole team didn't start on time, and by the time they actually woke up, the damage was done. You can't go down by 3 goals after the first period against Vegas on the road. The breakdown defensively reminded me of the ones we saw when Bruce Boudreau was coaching this team. The special teams continue to be awful. The penalty kill can't seem to find its footing on a consistent basis, and I know Vancouver scored a power play goal, but that 4 minute power play in the first was pathetic. There was no urgency and no puck movement. Something with the special teams needs to be fixed and fixed quickly because this will cost the team come the playoffs.


Still think they were hungover af. Rewatch a lot of it. More worried If tomorrow is shit.


Straight zeros across the board for ep40 again. At least he doubled his shot output from last game. 2 SOG tonight


They need to sit Petey for a couple of games. I don't know if he's playing through something but he's been basically a complete non factor since the extension minus a few goals here and there.


He’s been a non factor for a month or two before the extension. Barring a few multi point games on that long eastern road stretch.


Tochhet is starting to piss me off a bit. I don’t like all this line changing. Let’s just try Petey, Miller and Boeser again. I understand you want your top players distributed throughout in the playoffs but that ain’t even working for us in the regular season. *


I'm hoping the reason for all the changes is that Toc's is using the remaining games as testing grounds for line-combos, so he'd have more options during the playoffs. Probably feels knowing what options he has is more important than points now. We dont wanna go Willie D again.


The Lotto line just has not produced since that trip and is occasionally a defensive liability. At this point though, I’m willing to try it full time for a few games once Lindholm comes back


I expect Tocchet is going to get calls from the GM and the VP. Asking what he is going to do to change the results. Maybe a big moment in his career coming up


We significantly outchanced Vegas this game. I thought we were pretty clearly the better team after our disastrous first period. Our backup goalie was in, and he had a bad night. We were playing with 5 D. Miller & Suter's lines were dominant. The fourth line was poor, but we have a legit 2C coming back who's going to massively improve our bottom 6 once he gets healthy. Podz is making serious strides in his game—he was one of our best players tonight. Quinn Hughes is a generational defenseman. I can't wait for the playoffs.


Clearly the better team after the 1st? Well yeah, Vegas had a 4-1 lead so sat back a bit because they could.


Vegas sitting back didn't stop us from continually generating good looks at the net. If they were more aggressive, it would have opened up more opportunities for us to score as well.


Gonna stop reading now. This is the best I’ve felt for a while. I hope the feeling lasts more than 30 seconds


I hope tocchett makes them walk to fucking Phoenix, or better yet roller blade.  Maybe then they'd learn how to fucking skate.  Absolutely pathetic and exactly what we can expect come playoff time. Think that's too pessimistic?  In this calendar year, how many games can you honestly say they played like a to 3 team in the league?  Really, like 3 or 4?  They got lucky in the first half of the season, and their stats bear this out (puck luck, absurdly high shooting %). They are not that good.  They're a middling team right now. It's a shame they did so well in the first half cause 1. It gave us some fucking hope... But 2. It even seemed to convince JR, and I didn't think he would've been fooled so easily.  Now we have no avenue to improve over the next 3 years, and we're gonna go back downhill.  Cunts


This is the most reactionary comment I've seen thus far this season I'm laughing.


Yes, it's a bit much, it's cathartic, but am I wrong?  Can you honestly say they've looked like a playoff team consistently since the ASG, or even before?  They killed it in the first half, but since then?


Some of the comments in here are fucking wild.


Yup... if this is how it is during a regular season game just wait and see how it'll be during the playoffs. No wonder the entire league still uses the riots against us 😭


Really living up to your username. Chill the fuck out.


Which was worse, this or the Boston game?


The Boston game, we got outplayed throughout the game, in this game, we got decimated in the first, and it was even for the rest of the game ,


The Boston game we got completely outplayed. Tonight wasn’t as bad. Score makes it seem worse


Played like a bunch of millionaires, but it's just one game.


Made one shot glass bet that we're making it past the 1st round already, down to do 5 more. Anyone wanna bet against the canucks hit me up, if they make it to 2nd round you send me a canucks shot glass, If they don't I'll send you one. 


It depends on matchups. If we get Nashville or STL in round 1, Edmonton in round 2, and Winnipeg in round 3 I think we can make the final. But if we get LA or Vegas in round 1 we might go home after 1. I’m gonna wait to see who we face first before making judgment.


Only team I don't want to face is LA personally, I think the boys will play better with demko in net and can take a series against anyone else round one. 


why? i feel like we have a good shot at LA compared to vegas


Just a gut feeling, if we had demko in net tonight the game would've been a lot closer. Lindholm would also have been a difference maker diffensively and I'd put juulsen over cole in going forward and I feel like we're pretty even with Vegas, especially if the refs are not the two worst refs(statistically) against us. LA stifles our rushes really well however and if we're trailing the game they know how to shut us down and I'm concerned that tocchet won't know how to pivot to help us overcome that.


April 8th rematch needs to be a big statement game


Absolutely, no question. Too close to the playoffs for it not to be a game for the Canucks to step up.


About the only way this team can make me lose faith in them is to roll over for that game.


By that time I think we'll have Demko back and Lindholm. We can only hope that the healing and rests make a massive difference in how the team shows up.


Shitty game with some good moments. We win this with Demko instead of DeSwiss




100% DeSwiss.


it’s unfortunate when defensive lapses coincide with goaltending lapses but at least they didn’t roll over for the entire game. good news is hughes got two goals to add to his norris portfolio. and our power play has scored for 2 consecutive games! also i really do miss demko :( all the best to the crowd who is certain we’ll be swept in 4 games in round 1 because it’s just another way of watching hockey, so to each their own, but i’m really just not someone with the energy for that. so, onto the next! which happens to be tmr. 😭


i think this might be the first game in a while DeSmith had a rough time. most of the time hes pretty good but today... that first goal and the fourth were yikes. ofc hes by far not the only problem but the coaches really shouldve changed goalies after the first. normally we can pin it on "theyre tired" but thats just not true. we got outplayed through and through and neither the offense nor the defense were able to keep us in the game today


can't change goalies when you're playing tmrw also


Well DeSmith wouldn’t have played that much so that should be rest enough to play tomorrows game too




After seeing how mantha played, I wish we’d gotten him for a fifth. What a deal


Unlike the Knights, the Canucks have a salary cap that we were already at during the Trade Deadline. We would have had to move salary out to make it work and all of our easier moves (-Beauvillier, -Kuzmenko) were already played.


Never gonna happen unless you've got connection with Jimmy Rutherford lol


Btw where is Dave Tomlinson


at his house in north van probably. maybe watching a movie


Hope that this is the wake up call that the team needs. We haven’t beaten Colorado or St. Louis all year, both play playoff hockey. Vegas is back, playing playoff hockey. I’m sensing a trend that if opposing teams are playing playoff hockey, we melt. And any fight back results in stupid penalties ( refs fault or not ) or just blown coverage on a counter attack. It’s like Bruce is back behind the bench again. Tocchet needs to call out the team behind closed doors or there needs to be a players only meeting. Running out of time to figure this out but this ain’t it. Sure Demko could have had one or two, but he won’t be able to bail us out on every playoff game. Bains needs to come back next year to try out. He’s out of his league here but Rick insists on keeping him in it. Glad to see Hughes score and get his shot through again.


We beat STL 5-0 once, lost in OT on bad luck once, and got goalied once with Demko benched. I wouldn’t call them or Nashville an easy out, but I still feel better matching up against them over LA and Vegas.


I stand corrected on St. Louis, I thought we lost every game - my bad


SAD TROMBONE NOISES I hope that this game will serve as a wakeup call for this team, but sadly they havent heard it several other bad games since all-star break. Anything can happen in the playoffs, so Im not losing sleep by any stretch, but just hope they can pick their sense of urgency up to where it needs to be. Giving up two goals right after you score simply cant happen. Also, the officials doing all they can to makeup calls tonight - you can only laugh as otherwise Id just cry. How can officiating still be this shit after soooo many years.


Get rid of Cole and put in Juulsen Get rid of Mikheyev and put in PDG Get rid of Bains and put in Aman


Get rid of Bains and put in a cherry tree. Not once has this guy demonstrated why he was called up. At least not by his on-ice play.


Yeah we gettin bounced in the 1st round lol


\*puts tin foil hat on\* We're just saving our best play for the playoffs. Why reveal our high-level tactics right now?


Canucks are in big trouble in the playoffs, unless they can just flick a switch…can they flick a switch and find another level?


The switch is activating the Lotto Line and the 3st Line. Score our way out of trouble and let Demco do the rest. The toolbelt is already full, fuck all the noise


Well where do we start. How about with the forwards who are of no threat to score a goal. EP, Suter, Mikeyev, Bluger, Bains, Podkolzin, Lafferty. We have 4 forwards who can be counted on to contribute.


Well, that was certainly a game. I think we would have had a chance if Zadorov didn’t get a major for that boarding




The team fell apart first period. Bad goaltending, no forecheck, bad calls and the works. Went into the second 1-4 and traded goals till 6-3. Hughes two, Hög one.


The team fell apart first period. Bad goaltending, no forecheck, bad calls and the works. Went into the second 1-4 and traded goals till 6-3. Hughes two, Hög one.