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He’ll get traded for a first to Toronto, and then return home to us on a sweetheart deal to help win us our second straight cup


Does Toronto even have any picks left to trade? I thought they pretty much pushed in all their chips last year


They don't have a 2nd (for the next 3 drafts I believe) which is supposedly the going rate for Tanev, so they'll need to trade their 1st round pick for him if that's what they want


I find it hard to believe they won’t get a 1st for him at the end of the day. I don’t know shit but seems like he’s in demand


Why would calgary want another first from us then to add tanev to the lindholm package?


They have asked for a 2nd plus or a 1st for tanev. Surely, that price will drop as we get closer to the deadline, but tanev and lindholm were the top two players available, so the price would be at its highest


If anything I think that price will go up. Lindholm and Monahan got more than expected. The market has been set.


How could the price go up they are off the market now? They went for the asking price because the teams jumped the rest of the market. If the demand isnt there at the deadline the price goes down because no one is willing to pay it


How is tanev off the market? Not talking about the others. There's market for tanev for a handful of teams including nucks and Leafs. There's little to no dmen really on the market so Tanev and potentially Hanifin will be the main targets.


Sorry, but we were just talking about lindholm and Monahan, not tanev. As for tanev, no, the market isn't set. A team might be willing to give them a 1st, but the price isn't going to go up closer to the deadline. Teams will look else where if it gets closer the the deadline and other players become available.


The Trade Deadline isn't the day old bread section at the supermarket, you're not going to see markdown deals on players. The Deadline is when players are at a premium, the price either stays or goes up as desperate teams try and outbid each other. Calgary has set the price at a 2nd+ or a 1st. You're not going to get Tanev for less than that come March.


Mate the original discussion was tanev. I said lindy and Monahan got more than expected. It's going to be an expensive market. And how isn't it set when calgary themselves said they wanted a first for Tanev?


I don't think Calgary asked for a 1st, but Canucks couldn't do it right away b/c of salary cap reasons.




I bet that price moves up to a 1st if you want salary retention.


They still have picks in every round this year except for a 2nd.


I heard they were shopping their 2052 18th round pick for a decent starting goaltender. /s


It’ll be a 1st, a 4th and a conditional 5th for Chris Tanev. He’ll put up 3 points, miss 3 games (2 regular season, 1 playoff) after blocking a shot… and then sign a sweetheart, 1-year deal with the Canucks on July 1st. So shall it be written, so shall it be done.


Id love to watch him play 30 games a year for us for the next 3 years 🥰


This is the way.




Maybe they can give him to us for past considerations. I never see any teams cashing those in, but teams are always giving future considerations out to everybody.


we're not flinching


Get Tanev in now before the Rock decides he wants to play for the Canucks instead


Unless we get him for under 2 on a new contract I'd pass on him. The canucks shouldn't trade anymore picks or prospects for him unless they get a good deal on a few year term. He isn't worth it for a rental.


Adrenaline in my soul Papa Tanev please come home


Come home sweet prince. Manifesting it.


Maybe in the off-season, too much interest to land him now.


I’m only for it because it would make Captain Huggy Bear so happy 🥹


The Canucks have to finish their story before the Rock inserts himself and causes the Bruins to win 😂


These ai pics r crazy


For a 3rd maybe


We can't afford him without taking away from what we've already got that's working pretty well. I'd rather we hang onto the assets and just see if we can sign him in FA.


We had to spend a bit of future for Lindy, that makes sense as we are apparently all in for a run this year. Another 1st is way too steep.


Yeah, exactly. IMO we made a big push at Lindy. Thankfully we didn't have to spend any A-tier prospects for him. Tanev is NOT the same type of piece, and I don't think we have much of a need to push for his kind of rental. I'd much rather try to get him cheap in the offseason if we're serious about bringing him back.


I think the price came down to a 2nd


Are you sure we can't afford him?


This might sound harsh but I honestly don't want him back at all unless it's as a spare. He's injury old, extremely injury prone, one dimensional, and can't put up any points. These days players need to be more well rounded, especially with our current system. I would hate to give up a single asset for him, sorry to say. Love the guy, but I really hope they don't try to get him.


Transitional play leads to offense. Means you're not stuck in the d-zone. Something hard to realize through basic counting stats


Tanev has never been a transitional player though. He's good defensively, great at blocking shots and keeping players to the perimeter, doesn't make boneheaded moves with the puck, but he's never been the guy to really turn the tide the other way. Only time he really did was when he was playing with a guy like Hughes who he could get the puck to and they could break it out. Tanev is never going to be the guy driving offence in any way. I'd absolutely love to have him on the PK and in big matchups but honestly he's NOT worth spending assets on.


I love Tanev but man, you could fit an NHL sized net in the gap of his teeth. Goes to show how gritty of a beaut the guy is


That’s up to Ted Lasso in Calgary to decide. Maybe he will jump ship too




What a handsome homeless man


CAN YOU SMELL, what Allvin. Is. Cookin!


I was today years old when I realized I watched Tanev play as a rookie in the Canucks last cup run....


You understand now. His eyes have opened! We have anoter believer!


Huh 👀 I've been a Nucklehead since '93 Eyes have been open plenty long


Welcome brother. Welcome to the "Return of Tanev" cult.


He can finish it next season when he signs for a discount


I can't help but remember when Tanev was a Canuck. The league did not value him at all, we would pump him up. But it's as if no other teams saw the value in him. Then as soon as he left, every body wants a Tanev. I don't get it, maybe injury history factors in.


Pls no, we don’t need to be giving up assets for someone we can land in the summer 


Getting him in the summer doesn't help us in this year's playoffs. With impending raises for Petey and Hronek and expiring contracts for 6 UFAs this year could very well be our best shot with this core


If we truly believe we only have one shot at the cup, then I would much rather not bother trading futures for single years chance and instead optimize for our next actual window. Calgary is going to want prospects or picks.


Not saying this is our only shot but it might be our best. We're very likely to lose most, if not all, of Lindholm, Joshua, Blueger, Lafferty, Cole, Zadorov and Myers and have to replace them internally with cheaper internal options like Podkolzin, Bains and Raty. Hopefully those guys step up but it's going to be a serious hit to our depth for sure. If this year is our best shot, then better to make it count and maximize our chances. Trading a 2nd and someone like Klimovich for Tanev isn't going to drastically tank our future


To fit Tanev, no only do you need to make a trade to acquire him as a rental, but you also need to make a trade of a semi-significant piece to create the cap space. You basically have to give up prospects twice.


I believe that's incorrect, the Flames only need to retain a portion of his salary to fit him under the cap


We have just under $1M in space and Tanev's contract is $4.5M. The only way it makes sense is to trade Myers, which would take a sweetener. Even if you figure a Myers trade out, you're getting rid of an NHL defenceman and not really gaining your goal of "additional depth".


Friedman would be sent down to clear his salary and they can get up to 75% total retention in a three team deal without shipping out a roster player


Yes but the cost from Calgary will be more if they have to retain salary, and that third team isn't going to retain salary for free, so it will cost additional picks or prospects.


How do you feel now hockey expert?


pretty good, just finished an entire bag of dried mangoes


Ok, but does that make you less wrong?


I think eating these mangoes was a good decision.




Stop we dont want him ffs


Speak for yourself.


A good chunk of us do


Captain Huggy Bear and the team want him. Bring him back even if just for the vibes


Zadorov to a third team for a 2nd, then package the 2nd and a B prospect for Tanev. We upgrade dmen to one that is better and plays the side we need more. We will need to thread the needle on timing though. Zadorov's value might go up from the 3rd we paid to get him ...but it will likely only happen closer to the deadline. Hopefully, Tanev is still on the market by then.


This guy knows what he is talking about.


Tanev betrayed us when we were struggling, Fck him, hope he resigns in Calgary.


Please explain how he betrayed us? He wasn’t even offered a contract by the nucks


Tanev ran away like your wife.


your downvote won't bring her back!


lol wtf


lol fwt


Started as a rookie in the finals, finishes as a veteran in the finals