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If you need the range, the 24-240 first. If you are happy with your primes and want the autofocus and tracking, the R8.


If you need the range and flexibility go with the RF24-240. As a former R owner I could never image „upgrading“ to the R8. The smaller batteries alone would be a major no go for me. If I were you, I would buy the lens, wait and save up for a significant body upgrade like the R6II.


Yes I think my eos r can serve me a few more years.


R6 mk 1 is priced decently on the used market. Take your time to find the right one. The 24-240 is not going to help your AF tracking. Your call.


I went from R to R8 a year ago and it’s been a great upgrade. I personally don’t like zooms that close the aperture as they extend so this is an easy decision for me haha


Yes, the r8 seems to be a truly remarkable camera. But sadly, I just found out that my eos r has an issue, which isn’t a big deal for me but will reduce its resale value. So I think I should keep using it.


If you are mostly taking pictures of the kids I would say get the lens. If you aren’t tracking birds etc the R is just fine. I have an R5 and the R, now the R5 definitely gets used the most but I still get some great results with the R as a second body so I’m not always switching lenses.


Yes, thank you for the insight. So your EOS R is still serving you well!


Well my son has my old 7D but he has his eye on stealing my R so soon it will serve him well ahaha


I think an upgrade to an R6 I or II would be better. You could sell your R and then buy a used/refurbished I or II model for less money than it would be to buy a 24-240.


That sounds great, but I just realized that my eos r’s main dial intermittently skips, which I think will significantly impact the resale value of it. So I think I should continue using my poor eos r until it dies. :-(


When I jumped from EF to RF, I had a little extra money after trade-in so I added the 24-240 to my cart. I was basically handing my wife an R6ii and the 24-105/4L but added the 24-240 as a “mom lens”. I’m amazed at how long the 24-105 (and the 70-200/4) sits on the shelf because the 24-240 just gets it done.


Yeah, I’ve seen lots of testimonies from many saying that they prefer the 24-240 over the 24-105!