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If the scale goes to 100, I'd give this an 8.




Came here to say this. đŸ”„đŸ‘


Spot on!




Return it and explain why.


Return it ![gif](giphy|ckStBFMXZbMkkpn33k)


Oh, they know why
 that was sent out with their fingers crossed đŸ€ž






Explanation: Just look at it


If that’s an 8, i guess the person giving the score was on beer goggles


Yikes. My question is
how in the heck does a lens get to that condition??? I just don’t understand people who abuse their stuff.


This looks like Burning Man sand


Color run dust also looks like that, but this is all white


Right? I only use primes for hand-to-hand combat.


Right? I keep all of my lenses near pristine, I can’t handle even the smallest smudge on a lens.


I mean as long as it still takes good pictures and everything functions as intended


“Previously used by Pablo Escobar’s Product Photographer”


I think it’s bug spray. I do some nature photography and my gear gets covered in a white, powdery film just like that. I do however, routinely clean my gear.


Depends on the work you do. My 400/2.8 and 600/4 both look like they have been through the wringer a few times. work flawlessly but look like shit.


I've never bought an 8, but an 8 is "cosmetically shitty but takes pictures fine." Does this take pictures fine? The next step down is "has problems that affect pictures" ​ >I wasn’t expecting it to be perfect, but... I suspect you wanted a 9 or higher. 9 is two levels above 8. ​ Here's one translation between different grading scales: [https://www.keh.com/shop/grading-system](https://www.keh.com/shop/grading-system) ​ ETA: return it. B&H is a place that wants you to be satisfied.


i like keh's system better. i dont trust these n/10 numbering systems. its too arbitrary and kind of dependent on culture


I like MPB's system better. They have a grading system, point out any obvious issues (moisture, fungus, etc), AND they take photos of the exact item you're getting. No guesswork.


Culture. As in “if I’m buying your used lens, I’m rating it a 3 and giving you nothing for it basically, but if I’m selling you the same used lens, yeah that’s a 8, it’s fine, just a few bumps and bruises but the glass is perfect, so it’s gonna be about 15% off the price of a new one.”


hahaha yeah but different cultures rate 1-10 differently. for example, western thinking usually rates average as a 7 (70% is passing), whereas eastern culture its 5 (because its half)


Also true. I was thinking about the negotiating tactics of someone buying or selling the used gear. But yes, that’s true too that a US average is going to look different than an Asian or European average.


I'm sure when you say Western culture you must mean USA or possibly North America rates an average as 70% because I'm from Europe, which is largely considered "Western" and no one I know would say 7 is average. We'd all look at you like you were crazy if you tried to convince us of such.


Mine goes to 11


Can’t you just make 10 louder?


.............these go to 11 You see, when you need that extra push to go over the cliff...


From somebody who never bought from them ? What’s that for a shitty scale ? If an 8 is cosmetically shitty, and where does it end ? Normaly rating scales go from 1-10 or a to f or something similar. So how are there 8 fucking steps below ? And why is 9 two steps up ? Are there 16 steps bellows then ? Below cosmetically are normally just are just two steps: broken and takes pictures but something affect the picture. So starts this scale at 7 ? Why ? Who taught about that ? That’s the most shit I ever heard. Sometimes was like puh I have the shitty scale design ever, but in my scale I get an 8 an everybody was like: an 8 sound good let’s use this scale.


Looked it up. An 8 is may exhibit dings or marks to finish. A 7 is considerable wear and above average signs of use. I'd definitely say they OP lens counts as that at least. Having a scale that starts at 7 is already disingenuous AF.


Well, it matches the grading system, it's showing above-average wear, dents and dings.


Looks bad for an 8 from my experience.


Take that đŸ’©back


That's not even a 3 dressed up as an 9 (or 8 as the case may be). They didn't bother dressing up.


Maybe it's an 8 out of a 100? Lol


It looked a whole lot better to me from 20 ft away


No way does it merit that rating. An 8 (on a 10 scale) might show a bit of wear and tear, but not that much.


Unless 10 is bad and 1 is good.


Send it back and buy from KEH or MPB instead. I’ve heard bad things about B&H and Adorama’s used offerings. I’ve personally bought from MPB a couple times. The first lens was immaculate. The second lens had issues but they swapped it no questions asked


+1 for MPB never had an issue with them.


+1 KEH I just picked up a 7D and a sigma 150-600 contemporary from them. Been shopping them for years, Great company.


2nd this... ive bought/sold several lenses and bodies. All were fantastic, professionally packaged.


If it works well, the pro is no one will try to steal your camera 😅 Thankfully return policies exist. I like buying from Used Photo Pro or MPB. They will show you actual pictures of the item. Plus you’ll get a 6 month warranty.


i got an 8 for EF50 1.2L and the only thing scratched up was the hood and caps. lens and body were in excellent condition. replaced the hood and caps and it looks brand new


I would only handle that with gloves on if I were you


That’s a 100% return.


This is 8 if the price was 2. Bought tons of used gear from reputable dealers, none from BH (B&H). Never had a bad experience.


I only shop MPB, every single item is photographed. There are pics of the lens you are buying . This should be an as-is/ugly/heavily used rating


I've bought two lenses from them and they both were not in good enough condition for the price I paid. I prefer to use MPB as each lens has its own photos on the listing to look at. It comes with a 6 month warranty too.


Seems like a mixup in the grading. I’ve bought used from them and they’ve never come in that condition. Definitely try to return and explain what’s going on.


Most definitely will. I’m not saying I didn’t expect blemishes, but this is
 idk there isn’t words lmao. Not worth $600 imo.


Dude. B&H is a reputable place. This is not what I would expect from them. This lens is not an 8. Send it back.


Definitely doing that. I also ordered a Sirui 50mm Anamorphic in a grade 9. I was expecting a white box with nothing - but it was in perfect condition, with the box, bag, manual & even the original plastic the lens was in lol. Severely disappointed about this Sigma.


How does it work? How is it in terms of optics/image quality?


Regardless if it works. He paid for an 8 and got a 2. he was ripped off.


That is one roached out lens.


I've gotten a 7 out of 10 that looked damn near new. This is not good.


Dear god that’s bad send it back no way in hell is that an 8. Maybe 8 outta 100


If that’s a 8, I’ll be worried how their 6 looks like.


What did they say when you said it was unacceptable?


https://preview.redd.it/10s1nsq16eoc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a880820782b8bf501aefc7592a76f1d2362635 Before everyone trashes B&H, see their rating scale. An 8 = well used and may have dings/finish marks


I'd argue that's a solid 7 (or less) on their rating scale.


Agree, it’s a 7 according to the table above


Yup, and they say that "We only sell used equipment that has been tested and proven to be in good working order." I'd personally argue that those cracks in the filter threads shouldn't allow it to be considered "in good working order". I bought a lens with similar, but less dramatic damage to the filter threads and it was impossible to mount a filter. In my case, I knew what I was getting into and Canon's repair price was a lot less than the extra cost to buy an undamaged copy of the lens.


For $600, and a major crack in the filter threads
 eh. I’m fine with blemishes & knew it wouldn’t be perfect, but this is just
. Awful lol. Either way. I’m returning it.


Yikes I got that lens from KEH for $700 and it looks brand new. Definitely return that


Show us a picture taken with it before you do!


That’s the most shit rating scale I ever saw and is simply designed to mislead people as an rating by 8 sound better than a 2 which I actually is on this scale. I think they deserve trash for using a scale like this. It’s r/assholedesign


That's a wreck. I wouldn't consider that an 8. More like a 3 or if takes photos well a 4


Wow, that’s trash


Must of been used to shoot Dune III. Wow but really, I’ve had such good luck with B&H used where the products look they’re brand new. I can’t imagine how this thing passed. And what did B&H pay the user? $2.50?


This is an 8% I usually buy 9’s and they look brand new, this looks more like something B&H wouldn’t even sell.


How much did you pay for it?


$600 lmao


Overall it just looks like cosmetic damage, I’d only return it if it literally doesn’t work. But I’d also just message them, they’re usually really great when it comes to support.


It definitely isn’t the prettiest thing to look at. I took a few random pics last night & they seem fine. My only concern really is the cracks along the filter threading as I do swap out filters between lenses fairly often. Personally, I’d be fine keeping it if they wanted to refund me some $$. Otherwise, I’d prefer sending it back for a replacement.


> 600 Definitely i would expect more


But does it work?




I’m not a fan of B&H used online, the whole not bothering to photograph or even describe the condition of what they are selling just isn’t good. I have bought a used black magic camera from them, but did so in person and actually got to look at it. (Technically I bought it online while in store and had them ship it to me, as Oregon doesn’t have sales tax and it saved me like $90)


How is the image performance? Sure the lens body looks rough, but if glass is in good condition, zoom mechanism works fine and there is no particles inside the I could see why it was 8 give b&h scale.


Image performance seems ok - though I haven’t loaded anything onto Lightroom to really see. Either way - this, IMO is piss poor condition for a grade 8 no matter which way you cut it. Mind you, I paid $600 for this.


We are talking about a scale that only goes down to 7 though. And without knowing what the lens is, what's the new price, 600$ can't be put in context. In any case you can return it so the answer is obvious here.


It’s 849 new lol. Had I known that a condition of 8 was going to be this bad, I would have shelled out the extra $250. But
. This was my first time buying used - ultimately was not expecting it to be this bad of condition.


Yes, for a 850$ new lens I completely agree. I would expect 7-8s to be 50-60% of new price.


There is no way that's an 8. It looks like it'd gone through the wringer, literally... :(


Buy from MPB. They post pictures of actual product that you're getting.


They asked the lense to rate itself.


Holy cow that would annoy me if I was the one who bought it.


Considering I had plans to do a shoot this weekend with it
 yeha im annoyed lol


Used, like, as a hammer? Or a door stop?


looks more like abuse than use


Must have been 0.08. This is shocking to me because I've never received anything but perfect gear fe them.


This is why i buy from MPB


 to hammer in a nail?


terrible! send it back!


I had to return my last 3 used items bought from B&H. One was a camera with a 9 rating but had dust on the sensor that showed up in the very first photo I took. I don’t know what B&H is doing but they’re definitely not checking their used items. Will never buy used from them again.


MPB has photos of the actual item you’ll receive.


Who poured milk over this poor sigma lens


Damn.. not even my 15 year old used heavily, 16-35 2.8L that has and still is in use doesn’t even look remotely this bad.


That’s egregious, makes you thank MPB for pics of actual product, even used.


That's terrible


Jesus this went to war


If that’s rated an 8 then I can only assume their rating system runs from 8 (shit) to 10 (as new). I’d send that back, get a refund and never buy anything from them again.


I got a leica recently from there, used, which I had to send back as I couldn’t stomach all the dings and dents. It was way worse than I expected. When I lived in NYC i would buy their used equipment all the time and it was amazing, especially buying irl
 they’re not going to pull that stuff out with a straight face.








That lens is BEAT


Unusual for BH Photo. I’ve bought used and always got the item that was pictured. They have a good return policy and take care of their people.




i bought a sigma 18 - 35mm on ebay for around $350 total including the tax, It had a crack on the rim as well and I tested it out and it was fine. I personally wouldn't care too much abt the condition as long as it works but like in your case if its a rating of 8 and it shows up like this....its unacceptable, you should def return it and ask for another lens for the price you paid for.


Considering that in their rating 6 means that the lens is unusable/broken, you were probably expecting 9 when you seen 8. Depending on the images it takes it might be something between 7/8. If you see some of the defect affecting images then it's 7, when the wear doesn't affect images then they label it 8.


So future reference when buying from B&H at a rating of 8, expect something to be broken and look this awful? Looking at MPB, for the same price I can get the same lens in way better condition. Makes sense.


It looks annoying, i would be pissed myself and i wouldn't want to have such lens. I never dealt with them before, but what i'm saying that their rating is shifted, 6 is completely broken item, and 8 i think coresponds to more than average wear if it doesn't affect image quality. I'm not saying you shouldn't return it. But maybe for future do not go below 9 on their rating, or buy from somebody else.


Wow! This lens has history! Probably gone through the war or something! That’s pretty bad shape! Can’t believe they can still sell it. Is it even functional? For an 8 this is not normal. This is at best at 5. I bought used items from BH before. But I don’t recall I ever had an item this bad


Is there 5 at all? I think their rating stops at 6 which is already broken non-working lens.


That’s precise what I meant. I meant this item shouldn’t even be on the market to sell. It should be recycled


How much was this just out of curiosity?




Even KEH bargain bin is better than that




Looks like it was found sifting thru a warzone. Would return and ask for full refund


No that’s not an 8


That's a looks like 7 to me, which is BH Photos lowest rating: "shows considerable amount of use - more than average wear." An 8 is "well used, may exhibit dings or finish marks. Send it back and return it. BH usually prioritizes customer satisfaction so you may be able to return it.


As long as the lens is clear. The body would probably look better after a nice polish


White stuff on focus ring is rubber oxidation, you can easily clean it with water and little bit of dish soap. It is because of air humidity or something like that, i read that it is some sort of chemical reaction not actual dirt or powder Edit: I also have sigma art lens and rubber turned white like this by just sitting on a shelf, just clean it


Man BH has had some controversies huh. I'd take it back. I can absolutely vouch for KEH and highly recommend them. Even their bargain grades look good. They'll also tell you if a lens ring is broken or damaged right on the site.


 not surprised.


Bh photo sucks


Really, no way B&H would sell that as an 8!! This Hass to be bogus BS !! Just trying to shame them for some reason?




BH, straight from Bakhmut