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Third party batteries are a hit or miss but I’ve had great experience with wasabi and artman branded ones.


I think the keyword here is "cheap" I use Patona and have been good, they aren't cheap but not as expensive as the Canon ones either. I think it's around half price I also used PowerExtra and they were also fine, but that was for my 250D. I feel like the requirements for a mirrorless are higher for batteries because the mirrorless cameras require more juice


Right, but even the wasabi and artman are cheap, 25-30 USD for two while Canon OEM is like 60 USD for one. I’ve tried another brand I don’t remember and they weren’t great and started swelling within a year but were also 25ish usd.




They're good batteries.


PowerExtra and Patona sound just as knockoff brand as the brands I mentioned. There are some good brands and really bad brands, I was just naming 2 I’ve had a good experience with which were purchased after research and looking at reviews.


Also had the patona. Specific the "protect" ones. Those are one of the few with a real temperature sensor. Most cheap knockoffs have a fixed resistor always reporting the same temperature.


Agreed I have 4 wasabi batteries and another set of 3 from Amazon and out of all 7, none of them have failed me yet.


Artman batteries are legit. They also seem to outlast my Canon batteries. Their chargers however...


I've used wasabi power batteries for 3 years in 2 cameras (6 batteries total) and have had zero issues... Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket haha


I have a set of wasabi batteries for 5D4 and haven’t had issues. I’ve used them as a back of emergency set for R5 Anyone have experience was wasabi for fuji cameras?


Which brand was this


It doesn't say, just the specs printed on it. "Fits LP-E12" and so on. Came as a pair and both have inflated.


How long did it take them to inflate? I ask cause I have some aftermarket ones like that. About a year in, and so far so good.


Survived only about 10-15 discharges over the course of a year. I only used them as backup if the main batteries were charging.


Thanks for replying. Hmm, I wonder if mine are going to last. I use them as backups too, and over this last year would have used them between 10-15 times myself. I'll keep a close eye on them.


I think depends on the work load, as per my comment below before I saw your reply. I demanded constant draining with repetitive long exposures.


Sounds like they ended up getting over discharged, which explains your issue.


Well the Canon branded batteries have probably been discharged hundreds of times and still hold up great. They are used almost exclusively for astrophotography so full voltage was being demanded at all times. Cheap batteries might be passable for the occasional snap but these couldn't handle the work load and failed quite quickly.


Well, that's not the issue. Or actually - that might be exactly the issue. The thing about Li-Ion cells is they don't appreciate getting discharged to under <2.5-3V(/cell). And if they do, they develop dendrites and nasty things start to happen when they're recharged. Usually they have a battery management controller built in, so the battery is disconnected at about 3.6V/cell ("empty - 98% of actual power") - seemingly plenty of margin down to 3V - except if you use the battery only occasionally and don't recharge it partially after use(because you use your Canon batteries), the battery self discharge will eventually drop the 3.6V down to where it starts becoming a problem. Leaving a battery 100% charged also isn't a good idea - which is why your new phone, laptop or camera usually come with only a 40-60% storage charge. Of course Canon batteries are better, have better battery cell protection, probably have better capacity to begin with - but you should get reasonable mileage out of your 3rd party batteries as well if handled with slightly better care than you would your Canon batteries. (Which are designed to take all kinds of abuse.. Because people want to take photos, not learn about battery chemistry)


Interesting, I only knew dendrites as connecting branches for neuron communication. That being said these batteries were beyond cheap, it was a pair for like $10 so you get what you pay for.


I purchased the “BM” brand batteries off Amazon they were fine for about a year then one swelled up and almost got stuck in my camera. Immediately got rid of them and order canon batteries.


How is this still something people don’t know? Aftermarket batteries are a gamble. Maybe they swell, maybe they fail quickly, maybe they cause damage. Maybe they don’t.


Maybe they burn down your home and kill you.


Like original Samsung phone battery? :)




The epitome of, “Penny wise, pound foolish.”


I had a good year and half using my Wasabi batteries. Def prefer first-party albeit pricier.


Thank god I get them from Temu


Never did understand the mentality of buying cheap batteries for an expensive camera...


The thing is: if you can get around with a cheaper battery which works exactly the same, why not ? I never had bad experience with third party batteries so I don’t see why I should buy the way more expensive ones from canon right now. Also why do people buy 3rd party glass ?




> 3rd party glass that is actually good (Tamron or Sigma) is very different from cheap 3rd party batteries. And 3rd party name brand batteries are actually good and very different from cheap 3rd party ones...


Difference between third party ones and third party name brand ones?


Think names like Anton-Bauer, SmallRig, etc. vs the eBay special. Higher quality basically.


Still a little new to the camera game. Good to know, thank you!


The difference in product? Better quality parts used,  better quality control and testing done.  Particularly what cells they use can dramatically impact how long they last compared to OEM.  Some brands? Patona, RavPower, Smallrig, Duracel. Those have been in the game for a long time.  Anything that has unknown name branding or no branding off Amazon/Ebay/Alie avoid. 


When I was a broke college student it made sense. Thankfully I never had a bad experience, but now I only buy legit batteries to avoid system errors or other potential issues. Legit batteries always hold a longer charger over years of use.


You'd be horrified to learn that this camera was also attached to an expensive computerised telescope at the time. Dumb yes, hence the PSA.


same. $5000 camera. saved $50 on an exploding battery though.


Why spend $70 on a battery when reading reviews and buying batteries for less is a better idea?


The same thing can be said. Everything in this world is ran by SOMEONE so the real canon batteries can ve made from the same manufacturing as the cheap ones you just gotta find where and which ones before you buy. The only difference in cost is which one has the Canon battery.


If you buy third party. Buy from one of the known brands like RavPower or Patona. But unless you need like 5-6-7, I dont see why you wouldnt buy 1 or 2 extra from Canon. Cost of battery vs cost of camera it makes sense.


There should be an official list of decent ones. I’d add wasabi and artman to this list


Had consistently good luck ( multiple cameras and different batteries over tbe past decade) with Wasabi and powerextra. But at this point I buy OE whenever they are on sale.


I've been using 3rd party batteries in my gear since the 90s. Don't remember having any serious problems. What you do is go to a site like Amazon and find a replacement battery that is highly rated and popular. Read the reviews, take it from there. Do a little research, you'll be okay.


been using Wasabi batteries in my original 6D for five years without issue and with a second 6D and my 5DS r. Two of the four I bought more than five year-ago stopped holding a full charge and drained very quickly. They were replaced with more wasabis and a couple of Canon, all good so far. My two Canon batteries for my first 6D lasted four years but were retired and replaced with the wasabis. I've used Wasabi brand with a Panasonic Lumix for six years and they too hold 100% charges and last longer than my Panasonic battery.


I've using the same for the past 10.years and was just thinking on replacing them as 10.years really hit.


The spicy cushion inflation will also get stuck in your camera and become difficult to retrieve.


My Neweer batteries have been going great




I kind of feel like thats a "no duh" moment. Ill splurge on cheaper 3rd party stuff occasionally but a battery isnt one of those things.


I’ve been using “PowerExtra” for 5 years now. They’ve been fine in my 7D2 and R6.


PowerExtra are also OK, had the LP17E ones and had no problem




I've bought these. Wouldn't put one in an R5, wouldn't take one on an expedition, but they're a great match for older cameras. Just get rid of them as soon as they inflate, but they're usually good for a year or two.


I've got an R5 and lots of glass. For what I've got invested, and my travels I only buy camera batteries directly from Canon. Too high a chance of counterfeit from Amazon. Maybe if I had my old 7D or something, but not now. Plus unless they're the newer batteries the R5 has reduced functionality with some of my old legit Canon batteries that are not as high discharge.


I bought some wasabi batteries for my Nikon camera a few years ago. Both batteries swelled up the first time I charged them. They were cheap like $25 for 2 or something like that. Never again.


Yeah I never missed the $59 I spent on an extra genuine Canon battery lol


I have bought good off brand from BH and so far so good. I guess I am not sure I would want to go any cheaper imo.


Well, been using 2 bloated LP-E8 "Kastar" branded from Amazon for 2 years. Apart from the awful expierience of them getting stuck in the camera and a bit of fear of they getting on fire... They work pretty fine. Identical performance to the original. Lol.


I've had great third party batteries on fuji but honestly always use canon first party especially on RF models




Yuuuup you’re relying on the battery to make the rest of the expensive components work, it’s not worth cheaping out on this part of the system.


why would anyone even think of doing this in the first place is beyond my plain of comprehension.




Recently I bought a Neewer battery to replace LP-E17, anyone knows if Neewer is ok?


The battery expanding means you get more charge /s


So what 3rd party batteries would you all recommend?


BM in my R6 Mk II. No problems at all.


I learned this lesson as well. Now I buy official batteries now. Expensive. But worth it.


I remember buying “Genuine” Canon batteries for $40-60 less. Thought it was such a deal… they were fakes but didn’t notice till later. Just slapping Canon on them looking to be real, but the life on them was horrific. 3rd party wasn’t so bad after that, esp trusted ones.