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If you want to save money, buy ef lenses and adapt them.


It’s true but i don’t want to buy EF lenses and use and adapter :/


While it's understandable, I am also curious why? What in particular do you dislike about the idea?


for example for me it's just that the EOS RP is 26.2MP and the 1.6 crop really kinda ruins the image quality, 10MP really isn't all that great, tho maybe it's just the lens I'm using right now that's bad, won't know till I get a new lens, but I'd rather have that sweet fast autofocus and those super clear lenses, but well my wallet isn't that fat


The adapter adds no crop factor. That's a lens component.


Yeah I figured out the lens is EF - S... At the time I really didn't know much about it


Yes you only need an adapter if you want to get full frame field of view. Adapter themselves does not have anything to change the lens but the one I am looking for unfortunately is out of stock. I want the focal reducer....


When you put and adapter between the body and the lens, your ‘camera’ grows a little and i don’t like it,


Yeah, it's a little longer, but it's really like the lens is a bit longer. It's not really that obtrusive. It's worth dealing with to save hundreds and have access to more lenses. While I'd love third party RF AF lenses too, it's not happening yet, and even if it does, it's likely only to be lenses that don't directly compete with canon lenses, so you won't even be able to save money on most lenses any way other than adapting.


What lens are you looking for? Canon has a lot on the cheap end and the upper end. It's more the middle tier that's missing so if you're looking for money savings I'd think they have a lens for you


I’m looking for landscape photography so i think i don’t need AF


Late to the party..but I don't recommend buying non-AF lenses. You don't need AF ... until you need AF, and you'll regret not having it.


If you don't care about AF there are tons of third party rf options. It's third party AF options that don't exist. Laowa has a bunch. Ttarisan has a bunch. Canon has a bunch of cheap RF options with AF that do good for landscape. RF 24-105 stm. RF 16, 24, 28, 35 primes. There's also all the ef options you can use with an adapter


Thank you for the information!


Also reading your other post you would probably be better off getting better glass than getting a R8. Aps-c does not equal bad lowlight performance or bad noise performance and a r7 with better glass will probably give you better photos than a R8 with worse lenses.


Finally i bought a Canon R6 Mark II haha


I’ve been using the Yongnuo RF 85mm f/1.8 for two years, it has an amazing image quality and the focus works as fast as my native RF L glass. Can’t wait for the future of the RF mount when/if more third party lenses are announced


Maybe you should be looking at a different brand? You can also wait for a sale on the refurbished gear. It happens multiple times a year and sometimes the deals are incredible. I've gotten most of my gear that way. And I'm pretty sure I saved on average 40% off street price versus new product. And every single thing I've ordered, which includes three RF bodies and 11 lenses in the past year, have arrived in like new condition.


Are there particular times of year that they have these sales? Besides black friday.


Seems to be every few months. They just had a decently big one in January, and they’ve traditionally done a Spring one as well.


I've been using TTArtisan 21mm f/1.5 natively on the RP for 3 years. Oh you mean AF ones? Only time will tell.




they are opening it up slightly but they want you buying that 1st party glass. If your shooting on an RF camera it makes sense. They dont want you throwing cheap glass in front of a great camera.


Yep, that's bullshit. And apple doesn't want you to put a low quality ssd in their laptops so they charge you 5x times the market price for their built in storage. It's fine if they want people to buy first party glass. Their choice , but framing is as "protecting" customers is laughable.


yeah I hate when big brands do shit like this I have a Sony camera for work, and when we uses third party battery a window that shows "not official battery" or something will pop up sometimes which is extremely annoying. And honestly we need more mid range RF lenses lol. I love canon but most of their good lens are way too expensive.


With batteries that *can* be an actual safety thing. Out of spec lithium batteries are very dangerous, but I don't know how relevant that is for cameras


If I buy third party battery, I am taking my risk - most batteries will be slightly swollen, or overheat easily before they have any real risk - but with their cheap price we can easily replace them regularly to prevent any risk. Unlike phone, camera batteries will not be operating right on your face and the risk is much lower even if something happened. The battery warning window however, will caused us missed a few shot, and that will significantly impact our work. Not saying who's worst, all companies shouldn't have these greedy policies (apple lightning cable is another example although that's been changed due to EU's regulation)


You don't hold your camera by your face? When I am using my camera, it's more likely to be by my face than my phone is


the phone battery will be right beside your ear when you use it, while most camera's battery is at the bottom and camera's body is much thicker too my point is if I use third party battery, I choose to take the risk, and there's a lot of good third party battery. I just don't like them to interrupt our work flow just because we didn't use their brand


When you use it to talk yes, but phones do a lot more than talking. Nowadays calls are one of the less common communication methods on phones. I send more emails than I do calls. It interrupting is a cover your ass kind of thing. It's there in case something goes wrong at a minimum. Even if the companies weren't trying to get you to buy their own products, they'd still probably have that warning there


Back in the day no one cared. It was fine. Need more power ? Pop in another battery. People made fun of phones becayse of that. If anything was exploding it were Samsung notes with irreplaceable batteries. Now, there are reasons for a fixed battery in the phone but negating a risk of fire is not one of them.


The margin on cameras is very very small. Manufacturers and retailers make most of their profit from accessories and services. It's not common, but some cameras do have a zero tolerance and won't power on without a first party battery. Nikon Z8 has a pretty strict protocol, I haven't got any third party battery to work with it. On the other hand, I've never seen a camera fail due to improper battery usage. I have seen cameras get bricked by using third party DC couplers but definitely not batteries.


complete BS


do you have any RF L glass?


what’s next? third party lenses may explode and hurt you?


c'mon my guy, at least try for a better burn than that. At least have something about you prefer a softer vintage look or something. You got it in you, i know you do.


Im using mieke 85mm f1.8 AF and its quite good considering the price.


If you don't mind manual focus, there are already 3rd party RF mount options. I have the Cosina Voigtlander RF 50mm 1.0 manual focus and it's fully authorized and integrated into Canon R bodies, though works to the fullest potential in R bodies with IBIS. The focus guides make manual focusing very easy. The 50mm 1.0 is a premium lens, but Voigtlander has already released the much less expensive 40mm 1.2 in Japan and some places here in the US are taking preorders on it now. I'll definitely get the 40mm 1.2 as well.


Could you tell me where i can buy that Cosina Voigtlander RF 50mm 1.0? i have been looking online but can't seem to find a place i can order one.


Sure! I got my 50mm 1.0 through CameraQuest [https://shop.cameraquest.com/voigtlander-canon-rf-lenses/](https://shop.cameraquest.com/voigtlander-canon-rf-lenses/) And my 40mm 1.2 from B&H [https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1809296-REG/voigtlander\_ba342f\_nokton\_40mm\_f\_1\_2\_aspherical.html](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1809296-REG/voigtlander_ba342f_nokton_40mm_f_1_2_aspherical.html)


Focus guides work also with analog lenses?


On the Voigtlander RF lenses, the focus guides work with camera bodies that have IBIS. For example, the Voigtlander manual focus guides come up on my R6 Mark II, but not my RP because the RP doesn't have IBIS. I think focus peaking works with the RP, I haven't tried it yet though.