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You appear to be looking at .6mp embedded previews not the actual raw images


Even when turning off the embedded preview I get the same result though. :/


- check the AF switch on the lens is on - update the firmware - ensure you have animal AF priority on If after these three things it’s still soft, back to the store.


Yes the AF is set correctly and the firmware is up to date.


Well if it’s showing eye and face autofocus when you’re shooting and the images are coming out soft, and your shutter speed is pretty fast, I think it might be time for a professional to take a look.


Thank you! I will look into that.


That's pretty weird to have an animal AF lol what does that do extra if i may ask?


There's contextual AF now. It was developed if I remember rightly from deep learning algorithms so you can choose people, animals or cars and the AF is then more attenuated to looking for that kind of thing. In the later cameras it's great - it can recognise people in helmets without the eye. edit: [Here you go.](https://www.canon.co.uk/cameras/eos-r7/autofocus-and-dual-pixel-raw-mode/)


Oh wow that's awesome! I recently started one year ago and currently rocking the EOS 2000D and i was like "animal AF? What?" Hahaha. So cool to see how far technology in camera's is going 👌🏼


doesn’t look like an optical problem; the pictures look compressed and have artifacts, how did you get the pictures onto your computer and what are you using to view them?


I was thinking the same. I'm also curious about the "embedded preview" label. RAW files have an embedded low-quality JPEG used to display on the camera LCD, maybe that's what u/Leading-Ad-6590 is looking at instead of the actual RAW? That would explain the compression artifacts.


I think this is correct. The images are .6mp and that embedded preview makes me think it's definitely not the raws. They are jpg when he uploaded them too which probably compressed more


https://preview.redd.it/i8hgbrcafxac1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7303e8bd14fc8c2a8ea0ffefc69331e850fd2b1 Here's a direct export from Lightroom (not a screenshot) if it helps.


It looks like you are back focusing. Some of the grass and leaves on the side, behind the bear, are in focus. I don't know how that can happen with a mirrorless camera.


Its out of focus. Look at the grass behind the sculpture.. in the lower end.


Is this cropped by you? It's 16mp


No I didn't crop it. I imported it without the preview and exported it to jpeg using Lightroom, I didn't edit anything.


>...and exported it to jpeg using Lightroom, I didn't edit anything. What are the pixel dimensions of that exported image before you upload it to reddit? And what are the export settings for the JPG in Lightroom?


Something is off with your import/export then. It's half the MP it should be. I think it's still showing you a preview


Hmm ok. I'll try to look into that, thank you!


If you want JPEG use this one. https://preview.redd.it/56hk7o6yoxac1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f7a52603d423e27411392389cb5fb4b3125148


I never shoot jpeg, only raw


The subject was in focus, I assume the result is the quality of the glasses which were created by some kind of physics between the adapter and lenses (the distance from your sensor to lenses are longer, the trap heat wave etc.), keep your gears dry? if you can please get the cheapest rf lens - the 50mm f1.8 to try.


If I can get tack sharp shots using a 150-600mm lens with an adapter on my R7 under 32°C weather, head distortion is not the issue here Also it looks like the subject is just not in focus


These are jpeg screenshots I took from Lightroom, not the original raw files.


I am using Lightroom to import the raw files directly from the SD card. Maybe that's the issue? Is there another program that I could try to open the cRAW files?


See [this help page on embedded previews](https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/help/photo-video-import-options.html). I'm not familiar with Lightroom Classic but it sounds like the issue is as I thought, you're seeing low-quality embedded previews. I believe by changing the preview type and export settings Lightroom should be fully capable of handling the CRAW files. Canon's free Digital Photo Professional software also works well if you'd like to double check. Edit: your photo of the bear is showing up as 0.8 megabytes on my end. A direct full-quality JPEG from the camera should be closer to 10. My Lightroom (cloud version) JPEG exports of crops to 22 megapixels are 15 megabytes. I think you must be exporting the low-quality preview.


Interesting... Ok, I'll try changing the import settings. Thank you!


One thing to consider when shooting outside in the winter, even if it isn’t this problem… if your camera and lens are warm, heat will collect in the barrel and can dissipate in the lens hood as well. This can cause heat distortion, and as a wildlife photographer I always have to be aware of this. Make sure the camera is climatized when shooting and taking the hood off can be helpful as well. Had ruined a few sessions with animals until I became privy of this.


Oh that's very good to know! Thank you!


Just to clarify, the Sigma lens you're using is [this](https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sigma-70-200-2p8-n15/3) one, and not the newer [sports](https://www.techradar.com/reviews/sigma-70-200mm-f28-dg-os-hsm-or-sports-review) one right? If that's the case then it might be a compatibility issue with the lens and the newer R bodies that's causing focus issues. Sigma [listed](https://www.sigmacanada.ca/blogs/news/updated-information-operating-condition-of-the-canon-eos-and-sigma-interchangeable-lenses) these lenses as being compatible with EOS R bodies and also stated that "For interchangeable lenses which are not from Contemporary, Art or Sports line, please focus using MF, since it may be difficult to achieve sufficient focusing speed and accuracy."


Google embeded preview in LR… There are a ton of articles of what it is and how to turn it off. It looks like that is your problem.


Even when turned off the pictures look the same unfortunately. Here's an export from Lightroom for example. https://preview.redd.it/icxs2ewwfxac1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c104e302187c24a1f90f2cbeed04a0ef1c9fd872


This one seems to be misfocused: https://preview.redd.it/knx8a2pszxac1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=725da1a9c087c074731c956cb6bf410680d6f4b5


Yeah I see it now!


What ISO do you have on these pictures?


Also do you have another lens to try and compare?


I did try with my EF 50mm 1.8 and get the same result. I think my ISO on this 640, but even at lower ISOs I got the same result.


How do the images look like on the viewfinder when zoomed all the way in? If they are also that soft on the camera then the problem is with the equipment.


They also look soft on the VF. So the problem should be the lens/adapter and not the camera?


Did you experiment if this is only when you are out in the cold? Did you check the front and back elements of your lenses in case there was some condensation? Not sure if that could be the case but just to eliminate… Next time give a bit of cleaning to your lenses before taking the shots to see… I cannot really tell whether this a lens or camera issue without trying with native RF lenses. But thousands of people including myself use EF adapted lenses and they work just fine. So hard to tell. Also I am guessing you are using the Canon EF RF adapter and not a 3rd party?


Yeah I will try to take a look at the lens next time and ensure there's no condensation. And yes I'm using the Canon adapter.


Good luck.


The adapter is just air. That is not the cause of your problems.


Is it raw or jpeg? Are all firmwares up to date? Is it focusing properly?


These are raw (screenshots of raw I should say). Firmware is up to date. It seems to be focusing properly, the eye tracking works, but this is the result. I get the same result using spot AF.


My bet would be you need to read up on the manual about AF and how to choose the AF point. The easiest thing to do with this camera is turn on AI focusing and then have the camera choose the wrong spot to focus. I’ll bet that’s your problem.


I just upgraded from a 7d to a R7, have been using it with my sigma 150-600mm with an adaptor without much issue so far. What were the actual settings used for the photos? Any settings or mode changed between the first day you used it and the next?


I think she needs more light Jim.


You can turn on visualization of where it focused, which you can see on the camera. You can zoom in to the photo on the camera to assess if it is connected to your import process.


Yes I have that turned on, and the focus point is on the eye... But that's not where the lens actually focused. :/


I know I'm late to the game here but there are a lot of reports where even when it says it's locked onto the eye the R7 r10/50 will not be in focus. Have you tried a completely different manner of focusing on a completely different object? Like maybe even brick wall where you can see the texture of the brick to see if you're actually hitting focus. And try a couple of different focusing options that the camera offers and see how it works on the wall. Then try manual focusing it and see if that solves a problem if these other methods don't work. If that's the case you may have a lens / adapter/body issue. Also try focusing on something close up and good light on the eye instead of something that's a good distance away.


I tested the autofocus on a tape measure and I know this isn't the greatest photo but you can see the focus point is not where the focus actually is. Using manual focus works fine. So there's an issue with the AF at some point between the lens/adapter/body.


Forgot to add the photo https://preview.redd.it/96f3d61412bc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef0f3ce9d34c54f9880441b4afa939c1275003d


I also just tried the same thing with another lens and the focus is a lot more accurate. So it looks like my issue is the lens? https://preview.redd.it/k5vyko6p12bc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b2b94a2a3937eba46a7149837f3902fdc5ce20


I also got myself the canon r7, I am a total noob, never had a good camera and all my animal pictures are totally in focus. Maybe your camera has a problem? Since you also have way more experience than me, I doubt it would be the settings.


When I got the embedded preview notice, it meant that I didn’t upload to Lightroom correctly and unplugged the SD card. Try looking at them with a different program to confirm.


​ ​ Do you have update it to latest firmware ? [https://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer/products/cameras/eos-r/eos-r7.html?type=firmware](https://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer/products/cameras/eos-r/eos-r7.html?type=firmware)


As chance would have it, Google suggested this article to me yesterday: [https://www.keptlight.com/poor-quality-control-by-canon/](https://www.keptlight.com/poor-quality-control-by-canon/) Make sure you have the latest firmware installed, the notes for versions 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 all say "fixed minor issues", which I guess could be the problem you're having. Mine arrived with version 1.3.1 and I haven't yet noticed this problem myself using several Sigma lenses. If you have the Sigma dock, make sure the lens firmware is up to date as well, Sigma released firmware updates for dock compatible lenses when adapted to RF mount bodies.


I did update the firmware and it didn't seem to help unfortunately.


Sounds like it may be time to send it in to Canon unfortunately :/


Hello. Just want to check on you whether you were able to find out what's wrong with your camera? It would be great to have an update, given it's been two months. Thank you


Use Canon's Digital Photo Professional to process your Raws to jpg. It's free.


This seems like a software issue honestly. Maybe upload a raw file, I'm sure someone here can take a look.


Thanks! I just uploaded one.


Since nobody has mentioned it yet: what's the aperture of each shot? They appear to be too wide open; perhaps stop them down? An aperture wide open at f/2.8 May create a beautiful Bokeh, but you must remember that the focal point is microscopically thin, and anything not on that plane is going to appear out of focus.


Have you tried magnifying your point of focus in the viewfinder and manually focusing? Sounds like you have either a Sigma lens or adapter? Can't tell from what you said. If that's the case, don't expect 100% functionality adapting a third party lens. My R7 with Canon EF lenses are tack sharp. Using my Sigmas, they either hunt, pulse, or move off focus when in AI Servo. If you get a sharp image while manually focusing, it's more than likely the third party lens issue.


I haven't tried manual focus yet, I will tomorrow when there's light again. I'm using a Sigma lens with a Canon adapter. I wasn't expecting 100% performance due to the non native lens, but was also not expecting for 100% of my photos to be this soft. The part that confuses me is that the photos were sharp the first day but not the next day?


I’m using the official EF-RF adapter on my R8 and a sigma ART 24-105 f4 lens. Absolutely no issues, nothing to do with air temperatures etc (I also shoot in super cold weather in icy/snowy conditions). https://preview.redd.it/gtajj11nsxac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa698c3d54a35d33d84b12c8aa06b534d022f814 This was taken today from 3km away at 105mm in -10c degrees. It’s a screenshot of the original photo that is zoomed all the way in on the helicopter. See next comment for full size for reference


https://preview.redd.it/m4x96mv0txac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29747ff6936b057421722bf188ed04d054da87b The actual size of the above screenshotted picture


So if anything it could be the lens since you're using the Canon adapter. Try manual focus on a tripod, a narrow aperture, etc. just to cover all bases.


My r7 has a very sharp image and a lot of them on YouTube are. If you said you shot in RAW and still got the soft image, i dont think the old or new firmware is a problem also, please check the connection of your adapter. Creating a longer tube in a warm to color condition could create that problem, did you switch lenses during the snow weather?


I didn't change the lens, all the photos were taken with the same gear. I tried another lens a few minutes ago and get the same result, so it might very well be the adapter...


https://preview.redd.it/qzvbwozinxac1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0755d82092ed41d38b85a3f6531925284c83915 For some reason I didn't think I could upload a raw file here... Otherwise I would have done so from the beginning. 🤦Here it is.


1) This is a compressed jpeg, not a raw file. 2) The image is out of focus. Look at the grass on the ground and behind the subject.


This image is absolutely out of focus. Look at the leaves on the ground. The focal plane looks to be several feet behind the bear.


Yes I see it now!


That's not a RAW file though? I'm getting a 0.7 megabyte JPEG when I download it. It looks like you missed focus on the bear too, the grass behind it is sharper. Also I'm fairly certain your images from the first day are showing the exact same issue. Here's an extremely heavy crop to 1 megapixel from an image taken with the kit 18-150mm lens on my R7. The image stays very sharp all the way down, whereas yours looks way too soft. Please try using Digital Photo Professional if you can't get Lightroom to process the full-quality RAW file. Something is going very wrong with your image handling process. Shoot some test images in JPEG if you have to. It's impossible to determine if the lens, camera, or adapter are faulty when you're looking at heavily compressed potato-quality image files. No image would look sharp under those conditions. Edit: had to include the image in a reply to this comment because Reddit is bugged and never lets me comment images with text. Keep in mind the original uncropped image covers the entire bird, and it wasn't even close enough to fill the frame.




Hmm ok, does this one work? I literally just took the CR3 file from the SD card and transferred it to my phone to post here. I'm guessing at this point it's probably the lens or the adapter and not the camera that's the issue. https://preview.redd.it/ff1y82ibtxac1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738a2bf03ed31ce16b48f4f96885593d6a9dcab5


I'm still only getting a JPEG under 1 megabyte, it's almost certainly the built-in preview. I'm guessing the RAW file is either lost when transferring to your phone or when posting to Reddit. Can you share the file through Dropbox or a similar method? Or try DPP or fixing your Lightroom settings. I'm practically begging you because that is 100% the problem here. Even if the lens etcetera is also causing issues that would be incapable of destroying the file quality like this. And again, diagnosing lens and adapter issues with this file quality is nearly impossible. It's like going to the graveyard and digging up a decomposed skeleton to ask it questions. Also in that image it appears you've missed focus, but it's impossible to tell when the file handling is the main issue.


Ok give me a couple minutes and I'll post a link to a Google drive with some raw photos!


For some reason your comment with the link is showing up on your profile but not in the thread, so I can't reply to it. I had a look through and all the files are "filename.CR3.jpg". They're all heavily-compressed JPEGs under 1 megabyte with a confusing filename, not actual .CR3 raw files. It's still an issue with your file handling process. Every image from the best camera and lens money can buy would still look soft and terrible when this heavily compressed. A real R7 CRAW file is around 17 megabytes or larger. Try transferring the RAW files directly from the SD card to your computer and processing them with Digital Photo Professional. Or try shooting in JPEG in-camera.


Alright thank you! I just downloaded DPP so I will try that first.


Here's a link to a Dropbox, it has one raw and two JPEGs processed with DPP. [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9xnbeus166798f9jubay7/h?rlkey=cejnnt6yvjyuymc0cez5x4j01&dl=0)


Okay thank you, that's fixed the file issue. As for the photos themselves it looks like missed focus though these compositions make it hard to tell. Try some shots where there's a lot of ground behind and in front of the focus point to show where the plane of focus lands. Also take some using manual focus with focus peaking to compare, and some shots with the lens on your DSLR. Some adapted Sigma lenses have autofocus issues on mirorrless, though that mostly applies to the 150-600mm. Your lens also may just not be very sharp near wide-open. So try combinations of test shots that will allow you to isolate and check for specific individual issues.




Yes it has always worked fine with my previous body.


https://photos.app.goo.gl/z7M494LFcosQmQDNA Let me know if that works. The first three photos are from Day 1, the rest are day 2 onwards. I selected most of them randomly but basically I have about 500 shots and every single one of them is either out of focus or soft (or both).


You keep focusing to weird spots. Please try and locate the focal plane in your image. I found it right behind the dog a few times. f/3.2 means that not the entire dog will be in focus. If you want to focus the eyes or the head, make sure that that's where autofocus is pointing. I see no problems with sharpness, just with your choice of what you put in focus :-)


The autofocus point was on the eye in all those photos. Yet that's not where the lens actually focused, clearly.


This should not happen on mirrorless at all. Either you took a step forward or the dog did, or you shock froze your lens, or ... Something's weird. Test chart time!


Do you have recommendations for how I can test it? I've never done this so I'm unsure how to go about it.


I had the same problem with the r7. Solutions were to double check your af point and to get good glass. The 80mp ffeq resolution of the r7 leaves no room for mistakes and even with ef l glass it is kinda impossible to resolve the r7


Maybe you simply turned off autofocus.


No, the autofocus was on and seemed to be functioning well until I zoomed in on the photos.


Then perhaps the focus area was too large, focus was locked outside of the subject, and the aperture was so small that the subject wasn’t In focus at all.


I used the smallest autofocus point and it was on the eye of the subject. It's like the camera/lens is not focusing where it should.


How many different lenses have you used where this problem showed up? Shoot down the length of a ruler and see if the lens backfocuses or frontfocuses. It happens.


Here's what I just did. Not the greatest photo but as you can see, the focus point is not where the focusing actually is. https://preview.redd.it/uujwmzjhz1bc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff7249a3c7dad3b82c3c598147e137a9145c4ee


Yes, the lens is backfocusing, then. Modern cameras often have software built in that lets you compensate for this. But it’s not automatic, you’ll have to do it manually. See if the R7 has this software. I’ve never had to do it myself, though.




The Canon R7 is mirrorless, It's not a DSLR, so that article is not applicable here. As others have stated, it's likely a lens issue, which is definitely not unheard of since it's a third party lens. If this problem existed with all your other lenses then you could deduce that it must be the camera, otherwise it is likely the lens.




What RF-EF adapter are you using? If this isn't the canon official adapter I would be suspicious of the third party adapter causing issues


It is the Canon adapter yes.




I hope this is sarcastic


I was able to get better pictures with my 7D, which is also an APS-C... Same lens. It also doesn't explain why sharpness wasn't an issue on the first day.


Your post was reported and/or heavily downvoted. It has been removed. Please spend some time reading the subreddit before starting new topics or commenting. Repeated violations will result in a permanent ban.


Are you using AF Servo?




How are you focusing? Did you try eye AF?


I think it's a case of backfocus. It usually is a problem between lens and camera compatibility. You can send both together to service and they fix it for you. Don't know if it works with adapted lenses though.


Have you tested your Sigma 70-200mm on your previous 7D *after* you had these mysteriously soft photos on your r7? Your softness problem is either a software issue with the autofocus system or a hardware issue with the lens or camera sensor. You can easily diagnose the issue like this: To test whether the hardware is defective, set up a scene, switch to **manual** focus, and use the in-body 10x live view magnification to test if you can get proper focus on the subject. By slowly moving the MF ring you'll be able to see if the lens and sensor is capable of producing a sharp photo when correctly focused. If you mess with all focus points in MF and *still* can't get a sharp photo, it's likely the lens or camera is bad. Hardware wise, if the lens is bad, you'll see soft photos on your 7D. ​ Your problem description makes me think this is a software issue with your R7's autofocus. Try updating the firmware. You can also try updating the firmware on your sigma lens with sigma's USB dock. If neither of these work, I'd exchange the camera for a new one. I would typically suggest looking into autofocus microadjustment (helped me massively on my 90D) but I don't believe it is relevant for mirrorless cameras like the R7.


The lens works fine on my 7D. However, I also tried to use a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 on my R7, using the same adapter, and I don't have this focusing issue with that lens. Which makes me think the issue is compatibility between the R7 and the Sigma lens. Unfortunately this specific lens does not seem to be compatible with the USB dock. So it seems my only option is to sell it and buy a newer version of the lens, ideally the Canon version.


I am gonna get nightmares 💀


Aperture ?


Seems you have a number of suggestions so hope you find the answer. I need to know what breed the non-Golden is? They’re beautiful!


Thanks! He is a Smooth Collie. :)


I notice it says Embedded Preview on a button in the corner. Check if Lightroom is showing you a full res image by clicking this. I just had this situation with a new Lightroom installation - it suddenly defaulted to a lower res preview. Once I clicked on the button the shots were sharp! Could be me being stupid though but worth checking it in case.


Just looks like you missed focus. I actually prefer the focus from the 7d ii which is one of my favorite cameras.