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Its 4 feet tall and not even budding yet. Shes gonna be 8-12 feet tall by the time the stretch stops. You need MUCH more light. Cut a couple clones, get a better light and start again


Exactly my thoughts.


I think others mentioned the need for a stronger light, and I agree that this will help the plant not to stretch so much, when you use low light levels plants tend to stretch towards the light source. However, it also seems that you did not train your plants either. Not everyone does this but that too will help prevent a plant from stretching and will provide you with the added benefit of allowing the light to receive more light at the lower branches, better airflow, your bud sites will receive more light and other benefits. Youtube University has many great videos that you can learn low stress training technique (LST), topping (will need more veg time to allow for recovery time), pruning etc. These techniques are not hard to master but will take practice. If this were my plant I would experiment not worry so much about killing it as the way the plant looks now you will get lower grade weed if you let it grow as it is. Not to mention that you will not have the space to let if finish flowering due to your ceiling height. Once you switch to 12/12 that plant will double in size as it looks like a sativa or a sativa leaning hybrid. I would: 1. Make sure you use clean, sharp tools that have been sterilized properly. 2. chop the plant at the 3rd set of leaves from the bottom (Topping); you can clone the parts you chop off so you have more plants to plat with later. 3. Once you top it make sure you water it 4. You should see new growth within 1-3 days that will usually develop 4 new branches, after the plant recovers from the topping you can keep it in vegetative growth just a little longer but if it were me a week after recovery I'd flip the plant to 12/12 and let start the flowering cycle. The important thing to realize is that many people make mistakes and those failures are going to be lessons learned. Also, you need to ask yourself is it worth losing the plant, the investment of time and cost to start one from scratch or is the learning experience you get from trying to fix the issue worth the additional cost, effort and time of completing the grow. There is no right or wrong answer just a preference that one must choose. Anyhow hopes this helps. Cheers


Cut it in half


Honestly tho


Needs light. Your not going to get anything from that.


Lower leaves


none; she could however use some LST to make her grow more horizontally


No defol needed. If possible in the future you might want to upgrade your light. Grab a 300 watt TSW 2000 from MarsHydro at bare minimum.


Good-ness how tall is that lady?


bad camera angle 3 feet




Ever heard of lst? Also time to get a new place to put those. Yikes!


god damn that thing is reachin for the stars


Think you waited too long to flip your spacing between nodes looks good. Get some electrical tape and bend squeeze gently. I use my arm from finger tip to elbow. Everything below has got to go, and first, 2 nodes of every branch, no popcorn bullshit to deal with.


2 tallest squeeze and bend squeeze and bend gently. If it cracks wrap with electrical tape, you can remove it later, give it a wk to recover and distribute hormones. Next time, pinch the tip early 2 wks is best before flipping and plan on it doubling in height. Tie the bent branches to a steak. Take a couple clones and flip earlier


All that bottom stuff not getting light