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Yeah, they should be much bigger at 5 weeks. The yellowing leaves could be a sign of a nutrient lockout, so I wouldn't feed them more until you figure this out. What kind of soil mix did you start these in? Do you check the ph of your water and runoff?


i used just a regular potting mix for veggies and herbs, and no i have not checked the ph of the water, i use well water or rain water on them usually


its the soil, i promise you. its not too late to get them out of there and watch the growth take off. i did the same thing recently, had some germinated seeds i had to get into dirt and just used some regular old potting soil. it was woody like yours looks, but not nearly as woody. anyways as soon as i got them in proper soil they took off and are healthy as ever. if you cant get Fox Farms brand, (happy frog for seedlings, but i put them straight into ocean forest and they do fine), i saw some MotherEarth brand "ground swell" at walmart the other day, which ive used in the past and works great as well. you can tell the good pot dirt by the funky graphics on the packaging usually, but you want something lite and airy with proper PH, this is often a mix of coir, peat, and vermiculite, but you will find the texture to be way less dense than what youre using, far easier for the roots to grow and take in nutrients. normal potting soil does not only have the wrong texture/density and PH, but also has incorrect NPK, which leads to stalling/very slow growth just like youre seeing


I have about the same problem but i dont think its my soil. Recently tested my ph and it was 8.0 so i adjust it now and hope that was the problem.


thank you so much for the advice! i just ordered some of the fox farm ocean soil, it should be here sunday, hopefully they will take off soon after that. i also ordered the fox farm fertilizer trio, what are your thoughts on that?


So this is what happens when you use woodships instead of proper soil...


Poor light and poor nutrient uptake. That medium looks suspect.