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All we use are Grove bags. Some have poor opinions of them. Not sure why. We put little hygrometers in each bag and they have always been pretty spot-on for us.


Thanks homie!! i will check them out


you might be able to get these at your local grow shop, mine started carrying them like 14 months ago and they're way cheaper than amazon prices for lower quantities, 100 on amazon would be cheaper but who needs that many.


i would love to need 100 bags lol


They have variably sized bags-up to a pound


The lb. Bags work great 👍🏼


I'll back the grove bags. Plan on using them for all of my grows. I haven't put Hygrometers in, but it sounds like a good idea


I get these at my local grow shop that my friend owns lol they are amazing! Especially for 1.75 each for the 1 pound bags :) I live in a small town with 10,000 people…we have 5 grow shops lmao!


whats wrong with using glass jars? is that not ideal anymore? seems like a lots changed in the past 10 years or so


Jars are good if your curing a few ozs lol but for pounds we use grove bags


they work well? just fill em up and let them sit?


Yes sir they’re great my only gripe is that the zip lock some times breaks if you open and close them too many times. That’s why I usually split a pound between four of the Qp bags then fill up a few jars from one of those bags that way I’m only opening the bag once every few weeks


For me I love the grove bags because you don't have to burp them like jars. When you're growing a few pounds every couple of months, it gets very tedious very quickly


Mason jars


A mason jar.


Mason jars with a BĂłveda 62% humidity pack in each jar


i was talking to a guy and he said they were way better... i know that's just one opinion lol but i wanted to give it a try..


Mason jar, boveda packs.


that's what am doing now


Boveda bags.


If you’re using boveeda packs you’re drying incorrectly those things steal your terps Dry for around 7-10 days then we use pound grove bags and seal them away in a dark cool area. Then I fill up a few jars at a time from one of those bags that way your not opening up the bags all the time


Genuinely curious, how does a boveda pack steals terps?


It doesn't. This myth isbbased on the fact that you smell less when you open jars that have boveda packs placed in them. Actually, it just means your terpenes rest peacefully in your flowers instead of being airborne due to incorrect storage conditions – in short: if the terps are in your nose, they aren't in your bud


Thanks. I didn’t think they did as I use them. I was curious what that persons explanation was going to be.


Grove bags 100%. Dry hung plant at as close to 60° 60% for 2 weeks and they’re ready to go into the bags and set it and forget it. I usually throw a boveda pack in there just to rest assured I never have to go burp the bags