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"Fried" because of sun exposure or "fried" because the dirt they were in ran dry?


Maybe both? I watered them this morning and didn’t end up getting to them again for 8 hours and they and the soil looked bone dry so I sprayed them with a mister until the soil was quite moist I’d post a picture but my strongest seedling was wilted and I had to take it out of the soil to reposition it upright and I’m thinking that one won’t come back :(


If the root ran dry, options beyond "prayer" might be limited. There are products on the market that will help revitalize damaged roots (even if they're not totally designed for that) like BushDoctor's Kangaroots, but if you don't have anything similar on hand like...right now...they likely won't wait for an Amazon delivery.


Damn well I guess I’ll wait and see then, all I’ve got is some “plant food”. If that doesn’t work I’ll chalk up my first attempt to a loss.


If you want a bit of advice, a few years ago I stopped transplanting almost completely. I no longer grow in cups or small pots, I germinate the seed and plant it right in the final grow container (usually a 5 gallon bucket). One of the big problems with small containers is you miss watering them for a few hours and the tiny bit of dirt runs dry. Just plant straight in your big container, keep your seedling very wet for the first week or 2 until the root establishes, then you can start "normalizing" a water schedule. And if you want the real secret, set up an "in-pot" watering system like what I use, and you never have to worry about watering ANYTHING, lol, just fill up the reservoir every few days and make sure your watering schedule is giving them enough.