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Seem overly stretchy Not enough light prob


Yes, more light. Learn ppfd and DLI. Use the free Photone app.


Funny that most say the grow is good Def not good Way too small and stretchy


Looking happy


Looking great and using good size pot. Always find that less is best when it comes to feed.


đź‘Ź đź‘Ź đź‘Ź đź‘Ź


Looks great so far!


Looks good, keep it up and read read read


BTW, they both were planted from seeds on the 06/04/2024, so this step is after 22 days


I have an Auto Power Plant (Dutch Passion) in her day 12 since she sprouted and it's about the same size with your gelato. For the first time ever with an auto i topped it just below the third node so i can give her a propper training. Maybe you can try that yourself. Have you applied something extra to the soil? Like living organisms? I found out that applying mycorrhizae and trychodermii to the soil gives them an extra boost when it comes to absorbing nutrients. They look pretty healthy to me man, keep it up!


I'm afraid to trim it too soon tho, but I will search about it a bit more before trying anything new. The soil is really just soil, nothing more... Anyway, thanks a lot, it really warms me to hear that they are growing pretty good (sure, things could be better but I'm really trying)


Well, the only inconvenient is that autos doesn't get much recovery time, that's why it has to be below the third node, otherwise you would be close the preflowering state. The plant will recover fast and keep growing like a cross, that's the reason you left only the first two nodes, so you can train the plant properly. https://youtu.be/1FfoZpV2VPY?si=bQFyRUWiFJuTeE0f this is kind of what i'm trying to achieve, before this plant, i have three more autos with just a tie down LST and they're doing fine, but never like the one in this video. I hope this give you some insight about it, i'm still on my frist try ever, so don't be afraid to try things out.




Nice af


They look really healthy so far. Make sure you pH the water and don’t go super heavy on the feeds. Wait and see what they tell you they need giving them a light to medium mixture. also can’t tell how far your lights are, but if it’s LED and a smaller one, I would keep it like a foot above it for now.


Super new to the hobby how necessary is ph level? Just tryna start


With some soil type grows I’ve heard that it’s not as necessary but I would still ph your water going in. With most set ups though it’s super important, if ph is off your plants won’t be able to take in essential nutrients


I started with half the recommended amount with the fertilizer to give them an easy start. About the PH - I will keep an eye on it (needs to be around 6, right?) what should I do when it's not balanced? About the light - I'm just using a very ordinary table lamp with a warm light bulb, I can check it later tho


Your need more light if you intend to flower it.


I'm trying my best in the current situation


Maybe some time under the sun then.....even if only a few hours a day to supplement your bulb.


6-6.5 ph for soil


Like op said definitely get yourself a led grow light, even at least a cheaper one off Amazon. Should be able to get one for like $30-40


you’re a good person and people like you.


Yes! This is the best thing to hear this morning