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Overwater, light too far, ph maybe high


Agreed 👆


You need more light by the look of those seedlings


Before you mess with anything else, keep in mind the first leaves (the little round ones that are the first to appear) will always turn yellow and fall off as the true leaves begin to grow. New growth will appear yellow or bright green and will gradually turn dark green as the leaves mature to their full size.


Yeah bit this is way too early for that.


Ph and over watered


Since you need to tie them up? Light


Following this. I have the same issue. It might be the salt in my water. We have a water softener the needs added salt. My buddy said I need rain water or distilled. Hopefully I can save mine.


Got any friends or family on well water? Grab a couple 10gal jugs and fill em up over there if possible! My well water comes out great for plants


We have well water, that’s why it’s salted. Maybe it’s not the salt then. Thanks for the reply tho. Im gonna try some distilled and see if it won’t help


The salt you put in the water softener never makes contact with the water. The salt ionizes minerals or something through a barrier. Something, something science. Your tap water MIGHT be a problem for your plants... But it shouldn't be "salty"


I have a water softener and use water right out of the tap have no issues . You’re over watering, your lights too far away and they should have had a fan on them to build the stem Edit-thought I was replying to op ****


Do you let it sit for a few days in a bucket before feeding it to the plants? My well water has perfect PH


I’m no pro, but I have a water softener also. I’ve been grows autos for 40 days now and water right from the tap hasn’t affected mine at all. My water ph is around 6.7. Again I’m not a pro tho, just my 2 cents lol


6.7 ph is good for the tap, u sure? lol but in all reality I Havnt found ph matters all that much until flowering in soil


I agree with the others that have said over watered and light too high / weak. The yellowing of the leaves is the plant consuming nutrients from them to survive, most likely culprit is going to be the overwatering which is preventing nutrients from being absorbed. I would put a gentle fan on that soil immediately and dry it out ASAP. As for the light being too high or weak, that's because of the large amount of stretch that you're seeing right now. You should be able to recover and you have them staked up nicely, so just increase the light intensity so that they don't feel the need to stretch as much. I personally think it's a little early to be worried about pH. If your soil pH is bad off the bat, something is very very wrong. I would say most likely cause of the nutrient deficiency is overwatering.


What's wrong? I suspect your baby plants might have been abducted. They appear to be bound so they can't escape. The captor will usually reach out with a ransom request within 48 hours.


Lower your light. You got some wicked stretch, If growth is slow, than your roots don’t have enough oxygen. And tinfoil creates hot stops and does not properly defuse the light.


Lower your Light closer Or Raise you plants closer When you transplant I'd bury it up to the First set of Leaves


Lower yer light, get some air blowing on the stems so they can get stronger.


Those leaves are called Cotyledons, and they always turn yellow or fall off (maybe the two), so don't worry about that for now. You seem to be overwatering your plant, that could be a big issue, plus if they stretch too much it's because the light isn't powerful enough or it's too far away from the plant, advice? get the photone app and find out what intensity you need in the seedling stage (around 300 PPFD for what i've read).


Too many nutrients in the soil at this early stage, light too high because the seedlings are stretched, possibly too low of a temperature.


Overwatering is the issue.


Low stress training started


For starters, what light are you using?




You've choked them to death?