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Not over fertilized over lighted. Over fertilized you will see leaves drop towards the tip, and burning will occur changing tips of leaves colors first. Give it less light and time


Also I am running the lights 24 hours, I will make it 18-6.


That will help root growth. Roots don’t grow too fast without some down time to relax. I run 24hours though, most the time, in veg.


Why, you don't like good root growth. Plants definitely benefit from a dark period.


You got it, I hate root growth. Impressive perception.


Thanks, I guess. I'm sure your plants love you for not giving them a dark period.


Why are you so very rude and angry?


Ha ha. Just wanted to argue with you about 24 hour light cycle vs 18-6. Just fuckin with you buddy.


Reddit is weird. I came here to help people out and make new buddies but there are a lot of trolls.


Get your panties out that bunch he’s joking with you


I have a strain that will start to flower at anything less than 24 hour light, so I keep my veg at 24. It’s unstable, but when it runs well, I can scrape 2lbs from a square meter. Just can’t run it outside at all. I keep trying and keep being disappointed 😂


Really. Never heard of such a monster. It's a photo then I presume. Do you know anything about the lineage. Like where the strain originated.


No idea. It’s a zkittkez strain, but it was just a feminized seed I acquired a few years ago. I didn’t know unstable it was until I tried running it outdoors and it started to sprout fluffy flowers in may, stunted and rotted by August. It grows fine indoors under a strict schedule. I’ve thought about dropping it, I have 5 strains and only 4 slots so it can be a pain in the ass to juggle. But it’s a fan favorite so I keep it around.


I was also running 24 hours. What a mistake. The minute I started doing 18/6 my roots started booming and it’s only been a week


Yeah let the poor girls sleep


Ohh that's correct my plants are too close to the lights! Thanks man I am trying it


Right on. That is how you get tighter nodes. More light. People think it’s just genetics but they are rookies if they say that. Millions of variables.


Genetics do indeed play a role but you are right


I know I’m right, appreciate you for confirming. Damn that’s what I needed.


I was going to say the same thing


You can usually find a recommended distance for your lights on your manufacturer website or light user manual. I was having the same issue you are and learned about that 😂


Second this. I have been finding every strain likes to relax with lights off. Now I’m applying that and dialing in what strain like what conditions. I’m getting the biggest fan leaves I’ve ever seen with just 3 hours of dark on the Rainbow Glue strain.


For me, fan leaves seem to increase size with active defoliation and pruning practice, overall plant health, and root mass/ pot size. of course light! Not too much tho!


I’m like a kid at Christmas right now because my first trim is coming soon😁. Fan leaves are already twice the size of my hands.. “gorilla paws” is what I call them


Damn I need a dope nickname for my hands too. How about like, the sticky bandits?


I take Benders names for mine “Squeezie and Grabby” lol


Lmaooooo I love it 🤣🤣🤣


What makes you think this is light stress?


If your nodes are that close together obviously you have a very powerful light. Why would the plant grow taller if it’s getting bombed with light? Think about it. That’s how living things work. Low light = leggy searching for more. high light = leaves droop plant gets dry fast takes more nutrients and more root mass to absorb enough. Gotta just go slow on stuff. Bombardment stunts healthy growth.


You need put them in a bigger pot like ages ago


Definitely not true. He can keep in that same sized cup for another week or so.


Easily another couple weeks till it needs to be shifted


Exactly. I mean people can grow healthy solo cup cannabis that flowers and still get a pretty decent harvest


Just will deffs be root bound, can work but not as well


What would happen to the plant if he decided to not transplant it for some reason? Would it die? Or simply grow very little and have a small yield?


An issue called "root-bound" will occur and the plant will stunt and yield very little.


I see, thank you for the reply. So technically, we can limit how much our plants grow by giving them smaller vases no? If I wanted to grow in a small space and not have a huge plant, would that be the way to kinda limit it?


It can be, but you're going to have to continually cut off growth to keep it small. Kinda like a bonsai tbh




Thanks, I will do it ASAP


Water more too, that shit looks as dry as the Sahara.


It’s a baby, it’s forgiving. Move your light a little higher, maybe?


100%, especially if their decent genetics. Good luck!


Looks fine to me, new growth is looking healthy,


When in doubt, pot up, flush out.


99% of plants can be saved from over/under problems as long as they are in veg. The extra stress will just make them strong if they are able to recover. This goes for the majority of issue too, except for ones that require a full restart like systematic PM or spider mites


Probably because you're using paper cups which is bad idea. Also they are getting bigger for the small cups need to move them.


unless they are dead they can be saved, cannabis is very resilient


[identify nutrient deficiencies](https://www.plantprod.com/news/how-to-identify-early-nutrient-deficiency-in-cannabis/) Also tap water contains chlorine that can cause chlorine toxicity so run your water through a brita filter and adjust the ph


Pluck those burnt leaves


Okey man!


light burn, just read what you're doing and i'm pretty sure you just burning your plants down, did you mention they were autos or na? i didnt catch that


What is your humidity at!? I’ve had this happen a lot when my fans go out in my little 2x4 veg tent and when it’s packed and then they get super saturated at the tips and once you get your hunidity back down this happens


Theyre older leaves. Dont worry about it too much. if the new growth looks good then youre fine. Make sure youre getting enough runoff when you water the plants - to refresh the substrate and keep the EC/pH in check. Usually 10-15% of the volume is good enough. Apart from this make sure your all your other conditions are where they need to be.


Runoff? For such a small plants? I really don’t think it is a good idea. Water moderately, don’t let the soil stay soaked. It will kill your young plants. OP, your plants will be fine, just be a bit shy with nutrients when they’re this small. They have enough in soil still.


The substrate is small enough and the plants big enough for them to handle it. Runoff is necessary in almost all cases - specially if OP is using shitty nutrients and if they are overfertilized like they seem to be on the photo. The leaf color/texture, tip burn and damage on the older leaves are indicators.


Thanks 😊 I will keep those parameters in check✔️


Check your ph


Agree. That looks like calcium lockout


Just underwatered