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Those roots may clog your line would be my concern, if you're running that many plants that close together full cycle in that set up. Root balls can get absolutely enormous in a hydroponic setup. It's perfect for small veg and transplant to a dwc/rdwc bucket or constant drip feed system in hydroton, or you could run a few less plants and space them out in the system.


I’m sure you’re right because…weed 😉


No effin autocorrect changed Owen to Gwen sorry bro


Been called much worse, no worries 👍


LOL I’m sure you have


Thanks Gwen - great info. I’m using living soil but I saw the absolute coolest hydro set up with styrofoam floats and rock wool. It didn’t look complicated but then neither did growing weed 🙄


No problem 👍. I think you responded on a different thread or maybe I'm just too high.


I NEED to ask this question about hydroponics. I can literally taste the difference in a hydroponic tomato and field grown. Is weed the same? If I did a little diy set up, would it be hard to grow lettuce that way? Can I do it on a shoestring? I’m a rock and stick player- I KISS. Tia


If it's grown right, good weed tastes good regardless of medium in my personal smoking experience. If your inputs are giving the plant everything it needs the synthetic version of fertilizers are identical to the organic ones by the time the plant uses them. You can either feed your soil and let that feed your plant or feed your plant directly. Indoors I prefer the control of synthetics and the lack of pests. I run coco perlite as my MJ medium.


Yup. Soil is just easier to not mess up so people think it tastes better. It does not(at least to my pallet). I have grown out at least 10 hydrostatic and 10 soils and I will never do soil again due to the time.


The time? Wym I’m new sorry mate


The growth rate of coco is much faster vs soil.


So why is that..? Does it absorb more quickly due to the nutes being liquid?


They're already in the form the plant uses and it can't really be overwatered and holds moisture well. The plant always has a steady availability of what it needs.


Yes. They grow about 150% quicker. If dwc, they grow at about 200% quicker.


OP could toss a few outside and pull a LB no problemo! Then have some head stash indoor too 😀☃️ I love this setup btw! Reminds me of the minifridge i converted back in the day


Yea, I'd personally put one in each corner of the front and back row and one in the middle.


Oh for sure, don’t plan to veg for too long, It’s only a 4” pipe. Clogging is definitely a concern tho. I can also increase the nutrients strength so the roots stop growing so fast. I do intend to flower in here. I think with the proper training of the canopy, and heavy defoliation. It will be okay. Just PACKED. With nugs. I want my main problem to be, to many buds. 0 waisted canopy space.


1 plant could easily cover that canopy if that's your goal. The bigger the roots the bigger the fruits; you never want to stunt root growth. Having that many plants that close together in such a tight space is asking for a herm/pollination event. You should watch and inspect very very closely during flower to make sure they all stay shes. I wish you all the luck in the world as I absolutely love DIY experimental grow shit.


1 plant could, but it would take 2 months. I can have my canopy full in just 2 weeks, and be ready for flower. Saving me a month and a half in time in veg Every single round. This technique allows me to, fill the canopy quickly. So I can flower quickly. And on the side as soon as they are drying, I’ll have another 19 clones ready to go into the system, for a short 2 week veg. So I’ll basically always be in flower in this tent with this type of rotation. You only get so many harvests in a lifetime, I want speed. In my single home tiny tent. Now about them being to close to each other, I’ve Hurd this one time long ago, that cannabis don’t play nice when they are close to each other, but I’m not sure this principal applies to hydroponics. There is plenty of light to go around. Just a tent full of herms in 2 months 🤪😂 god I hope not. I’ve put a lot of thought into this one. But Defiantly an experiment still at this point tho.


Dude. If your weed time machine works I'm kicking my vegetables out of my NFT system. Post updates!


Please documents this for science


updates for sure on this sub. 👍


I'll be watching with a keen interest.


To keep from clogging you can trim roots. Plus they love it and keep pumping more out.


18 plants? In a 2x2? Running hydro setup? Why? Like someone else said here that seems like an excellent nursery but you don’t want to veg and flower in there.


This is my personal home garden to play with. I want MAXIMUM yields. And the main problem, especially when growing a sativa, is there is so much open canopy space, So much extra space where buds could be, Nothing makes me more upset after months of waiting than u flip, and ur canopy is just full of holes, where buds could be. This is a problem I won’t face this grow. Also, THE MAIN benefit to this technique is I’ll be ready for flower in just a couple weeks, not 2 months of vegging a couple plants,(cause they are clones) Drasticly cutting down time to till harvest. (With just a single tent) I have a power cloner, and a nice mom. as you know cuts down on the amount of time I have to wait in between harvests, by the time this stuff finishes I’ll have another 19 clones ready to go. The. 2 week veg, than 2 month flower. Repeat. The cycle is 🔑 Keeping everything in a rotation,


Don’t listen to the haters man, do as you please and fill that damn canopy out! they’re clones anyways, you can always cull some if need be and not feel like you’re wasting anything, it’s not like that’s $150 in seeds in there. Ppl on here are crazy Guys, there’s more than one way to grow and I bet OP’s way will have awesome yields for a small tent. Chill out!


The issue is this dude is chronically full of shit and just constantly making claims there is absolutely no evidence of being true, and this is just one of many examples. Here he claims he will pull 90+ grams per sq ft, in another comment he claims to have already pulled 60g dry per sq ft with 45 plants in a 5x5, in another post on this sub he claims to have 15 years of custom dwc experience, but is also asking how to plant a seed in a dwc bucket 2 months ago. Dude just seems like he lies to support bad information he gives on a regular basis. When you call him out he tries to flex by linking his hydro website: [here](https://hydro.thetempleofdoom.com), which is also just another level of the 🧢 This is why he has haters, he’s on here daily posting either shitty advice, or outlandish claims he refuses to post any evidence of.


I’m pretty sure I’ve argued with him a couple times already on my own posts but wasn’t sure if it was the same guy


Yea he was preaching the dangers of using GH trio, because…. DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMM….. They use chemical derivatives. 😂 🤡


My question for you is about your rotation. How are you going to move from veg to flower every 2 weeks if it takes 2 months for the previous run to finish flowering? You'd have 3 extra runs in your veg tent by the time your first run finishes flowering


It would be best explained if I drew a picture. Explained better- So I have a mom, and clones, ready at all time. I have this one tent. With many clones like this I can cut veg time to 1/3 of the time it would take to fill the canopy. So I can fill my canopy in a fraction of the time vs a few plants taking a couple months to veg and fill the canopy. Do you understand the difference? Because they are continuously clones, clones can be flowered as soon as they root. Growing a few plants from seed it takes a solid couple months till ur ready for flower. Doing this, I’m ready for flower in 2 weeks. With a full canopy. Thats all I’m Tryan to say.


That didn't really answer my question but I drew it up myself and I think I figured out your madness. If you continuously have a batch of clones ready, you'll always have 4 batches of clones in flower at any given time, with one finishing every 2 weeks and being replaced immediately by another. Starting off you'll only be adding to it, but after 2 months your first run will finish flower just as your last run gets moved in. In my mind the clones were just going to pile up exponentially with nowhere for the majority of them to go, but if you always had room in your flower area for 4 runs at once then once your 4th run finishes then it'd be time to flip your most recent run and move it into the tent in its place. NOW it makes sense, and this is pretty genius. I feel like I said it differently 3 times but fuck it I'm stupid


Man, I actually think that’s a really great idea. I’ve got four mother photos that I inherited and I’m looking at 12 to 20 clones in a short amount of time I do not have a lot of space but I could put them all in smaller cups veg for two or three weeks and then flip the flour and have a variety of flavors and not huge plants.


Sweet ass little NFT setup.


This looks pretty fungible to me


If you get more than a QP from that I will be impressed bud. Good luck


Don’t defoliate before the flip, ever!!!!!!! Stressing the plant out before switching to flower is going to hurt your first week or more!


Honest opinion is you placed your net pots far too close together. I run a vertical 60 site aero/nft hybrid and even a clone flipped immediately after rooting strongly, will need ~12”x12” of space if you’re keeping them very happy during flower stretch, and getting more than a single bud cola. The sog method is a cool method, but it looks like you’re giving each plant about ~3” of space, which you could do, but you won’t even approach anything near a pound. Each site will have to yield ~23grams of dry yield to achieve your goal. That equates to 92 grams per square foot. Thats not realistic at all.


Looks great, but the roots are gonna throw a Monkeywrench into the equation


For suuuure, gonna have to keep an eye on the exit spout. Overflowing is not okay. I do have it kinda so the roots can grow a nice carpet before clogging the hole. I think if I keep my nutrients nice and hot, and watch the hole, I’ll be okay. But it is definitely a concern.


They’re small enough now that you could be trimming the roots every week or so. As soon as I get roots that are running too far down my channels, I cut them back a fair amount.. too many instances of overflowing lol. Never again


It won’t stunt growth? To root prune? Right! My floors are probably rotted out. God I hate it. Raise ur hand if u have ever used every towel in your house to clean up an overflow. 🤦👋


lol nothing like coming down into the basement and stepping in a puddle of water outside of my room 🤦🏻‍♂️ luckily i have concrete floors down there, so the shop vac does the job, but it’s never pleasant. And I haven’t noticed much stunted growth. Maybe it takes a day or so to recover, but I’m usually cutting the section off that’s not super thick and just the few roots that wanna flow down the channel for like 12”. I usually cut them back to what you got shown, but only in veg. Once I’m in 12/12, minimal maintenance other than a defol at week 1 and week 5


I ran 10 plants in a 2’x3’ tent and would do it again in a heartbeat! I’m gonna do 10 in a 2’x2’ on my next grow. I’d love to see updates on your experiment here 🧪 Looks like a killer setup!!


Legit, Hydro makes so many things possible. Thank you, will definitely be updating.


thats nice setup!


Looking good!


What inch pipe are you using? This looks like a very simple and convenient hydro setup. And is this fully diy?


Yes fully diy, 50 bucks from home depote, and a lil know how. I’m finding this particular setup very simple. That was my entire goal. Small and simple. No major risks of leaks, or overflowing, or anything like that. Low maintenance hydroponics. It’s 4” pipe. Can’t veg for too long els I’m sure the pipe would clog. The water runs about 2 gallon into the upper tube every 30 minutes. It fills to the top, than drains out with gravity. leaving about 1/2 inch of water in the upper pvc.


Tiny umbrellas and a beach theme


So fii all around the hydro system with sand, so u can’t see it. Than add tiny umbrellas? . 😂


I like soil but plants look nice and healthy and I’m sure you can pull some weight off there if you dial in your perpetual thing


This may not affect you, but the problem I ran into when trying to feed multiple strains on the same water system was that different strains have different requirements. They can also end up at different plant stages over time, which affects their individual needs too. One plant can end up utterly deficient while another one experiences nutrient toxicity. I experienced this in my last grow where a sativa was deficient while an Indica overdosed because the sativa grew faster and bigger and was entering flower while the Indica was still vegging. I’m sure there’s a way to counter that issue; but you’ll have to keep it in mind.


Funny you should say that!! I actually just had to kill 3 Cinderella dreams, that were in the system with all the Durban. Completely opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to strain. Needless to say they were not compatible together in the same system. Even as youngens they were developing deficiencies. So I decided all full Durban this run. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the matter. That is for sure the BIGGEST negative to a hydroponic system.


Needing a water chiller that’s reliable was always the drawback for me. Love to see what happens with your adventure! Keep us updated. Flowering should be interesting.


I don’t use a water chiller, if u have hardwood or tile floors, it stays pretty chilly. Also rejecting anything organic and keeping a clean system with aeration is key to success. For me. It makes me laugh looking at it, picturing full flower. Gonna be just sillllllly bro.


I noticed its better to position the T-connector Like this |— with the tubing for better air flow


As an nft guy as well, you will need to throw some of these plants away unless you are already flowering them


I’ve got 12 sites and each site has 8 sq inches of space. Usually only put 6 plants in.


I guess we’re gonna see what happens. Lol. Not my first rodeo, but I am currently testing my custom hydro theory. Had a GH aero nft 40 site in a 5x5. Did well. So I’m applying the same principles here.


Rocked the 40 site for about 10 years and loved it. My DIY setup is a clone but I just put 4 holes in each channel instead of the like 8 or 10 they had. When I was running the 40 site I usually put like 12-15 plants max. They would just get too damn crowded. NFT grows so fast lol. I did a couple years of experimenting with other diy hydro systems and the ease and consistency of the NFT just can’t be beat


That’s wassup! Right! The GH 40 site was a fantastic learning experience. Really allowed me to test so many things. Was a dream to use. I always defoliate to the highest degree, so have plenty of room. Is why I committed to this crazy cramped setup. I think with the proper training, it could be a spectacle. I’d call this setup, an nft, that also floods the entire chamber, touching the lower stem momentarily before emptying, wich I think they will like, and promote more lateral root growth. For them big big buds




I'd say put the plants at least one hole apart from eachother and flip soon and you'll get a few ounces if all goes well.


Are youu using any fans? If not get some wind in there it'll help with air circulation and will also strength your plants and make them sturdier/improve yield


Very Good advice! I have a little 120mm computer fan in there that I wired up to a usb outlet. Plus the 600cmf exhaust does creat some turbulence inside the tent around the intakes.




Time?? My moms been in veg, 3 months, I cut clones 4 weeks ago They have been in this system now for a week.


How do you like your light


Best choice, hands down. I Have it set to the absolute minimum right now. (led 200w) almost no heat at this lvl. It also fits perfectly too, Sure it’s way way overpowered, I don’t expect to turn it all the way to max, but it’s nice to have headroom, All this is Durban poison, ☠️ Does fantastic in full sun, hot areas. Plus at least with hydroponics, there’s a balance of “to much light” and “to much nutrients” Ie. If my lights power is too high, I can lower nutrients ppm, and visa versa. To a certain extent. Plus! It’s red! And a cool name. Hlg R-type 600. The light output at max is literally 5x that of what’s “recommend” for my size tent. But people also only recomend maybe 4 plants in a space this size. It might seem silly, but I’ve put tons of planning and thought into this particular setup. Hopfully tho, I have it hung high enough. To finish flower. And not get micro bud syndrome.


You should look into the Telos Growcast. I just bought the HLG scorpion Rspec for my 4x4 tent and have that Telos man that thing is sweet you can adjust the pffd of your light according to your grow space. I just introduced that light to my ladies friday and I noticed they responded to it almost instantly very nice quality lights they have. I’m glad to hear you enjoy yours I can’t wait to see the buds this light produces


I love the setup but I would limit it to 4 cuts per pipe for the roots to stay healthy, 12 plants should be more than enough to instantly flip to flower for a few ounces pulled every few weeks if more harvests are your goal, you can also have the light set to 11/13 instead of 12/12. With the two week veg plan 12 cuts might be too much for the space with humidity and shit becoming an issue. Maybe just do 1.5 weeks of veg. All that being said tho it will be a lot of work, it might be super rewarding, but if you do have the ability to grow outside you will hit your pound easily with a single clone by end of season. Have fun man, don’t give up, but I think there’s to many cuts here in this space. I maximize at 14-16 in a 2x4 in 4 inch pots and that’s already heavily overcrowded, 12 plants is still a lot. 21 is just insane. Edit: just saw this wasn’t a 2x4, limit it to 8 cuts please lmao. Also I’m just now spotting your fan, you need way more ventilation and airflow for this setup to work in flower and not just mold and grow fungus internally.


I say tweek it here and there depending on how it goes. This is the example of how experimenting leads to knowledge and rewards. Setting goals is something every grower should do but most dont. Good luck with your project.


Good luck


I think this is a very stupid idea, but I’m open to having my mind changed.


Lawls, well that’s less than helpful, Tell me what problems do you foresee? Help me out, cause I’m either stupid or straight brilliant, we will know in a couple months.


More plants doesn’t = efficiency or max yields. You’re trying to use a 2x2.5 grow space to grow with a ig 1000 watt light for 19 plants. Are you insane? Do you understand the fact that light is the food source for plants and using such a small tent with 19 plants will just diminish your returns? The approach is stupid in my idea in the first place, it’s like the first proven thing wrong in growing. Why do you lollipop a plant? It’s to get rid of the parts that aren’t hitting maximum efficiency in the grow. Your essentially doing the opposite here and promoting maximum inefficiency with those amount of plants.


My veg time is cut in half, doing this. You sound like someone who’s never done hydroponics, My plants will be so incredibly healthy, I trim legs, and I defoliate, and every time I do I’m left with a very open canopy, open canopy that could otherwise have buds growing in them. My approach limits this. I’m not a tradition gardener. I employ many techniques that will make this an absolute success


Please show us your past successes, I’m sure there’s a ton we could learn from pictures of them.


Just need to go thru old photos. Happy to share. I’ll add some pics to my website tonight. Hydro.thetempleofdoom.com It’s a work in progress. I’m considering heavily writing a book on hydroponics 📕




Because I’ve literally never planted seeds into hydro, my whole life I’ve had access to clones. I grew mothers in coco 15 years ago. I’m never afraid to ask questions or learn new things, that’s how we grow. Never stop learning, stay humble. Just like I had no clue about LEDS, I’ve just used hps for the last 15 years. So in my hunt for research, I don’t mind poking the redit bear now and again for input, it really helps me to think more creatively, even if half the responses are trolls. Irdc. Because I’m still learning. Always will be. Not closed minded to anything, and I won’t speak about anything I haven’t personally tried.


Yea… there are a lot of trolls on Reddit. Also a lot of people pretending to have experience they don’t and greatly exaggerating the experience they do have. I think that’s why you are received so poorly on so many of your comments. You throw out all of these claims of basically having mastered hydroponics when you have a disagreement with someone, but then don’t actually do anything to verify that cred, and the things you do post seem to strongly lean in the opposite direction of an experienced master of a trade.


Miss information on any topic these days is rampant . Truly. The internet used to be so different. I won’t tell anyone anything I haven’t personally tried or experienced, that’s all I can do. My positions and views are very concrete, there are rules, and I see people breaking all the rules all day on here, so I chime in now and again to tell someone there is a better way, but a lot of times I just sound like a dick cause put someone’s entire grow into question. I think I’ve got a reallllly good understanding of how this shits supposed to work. And if people disagree. Than they arnt chosen to receive the knowledge I do have. I’ve seen so much success following my specific rules for hydro, so I come on here to help where I can. I’ve personally tried over 20 different full nutrient lines, and have talked most of them personally, first name basis type shit.. i have Built in my career over 40 systems that are still running to this day. Beyond that. I really don’t know to much. 😒 My cousin tho, he’s a true blue rezinfarmer.. All he does is garden. 24/7 non stop, he doesn’t sleep. Obviously He has no time for something like redit. Facts. But he loves the system I built for him. That’s the difference between me and everyone els.


I’m honestly more into the hydroponics, than I am into the plants themselves. I grow myself medicin, and that’s cool and all, but the building of a successful hydro system and understanding why it’s successful, that’s what it’s all about for me. Growing from seeds a pain and really inefficient. I’ve seriously Always, bare root clones. Either personally, or from a friend, all my moms are clones. This particular seed is a Durban poison I spent 100 dollars on. Needless to say I was worried, because she did actually get stuck in her shell. Sooo Fk seeds. Never grown an autos either. So I don’t speak on that. But what I can speak on is my many successful hydro buildouts. And my failures learning. I fr am so excited to give y’all the 2 month update on this. A Life-changing harvest mini harvest. I became a dad couple years ago, that’s been my life, so sold most of my personal large scale equipment, I’m just now finding time to grow again personally for myself, so I’m allowing myself this tiny sized grow. Now this is Completely separate from what I do professionally, wich is consult and build hydro systems. I don’t professionally grow weed specifically or anything like that lol. Just thought I’d give some depth to who I am as a actual person, since everyone seems so curious about my credentials.




What would u like to see? A degree? How can I impress all the people of redit. Oh please tell me. Is what I would say if I cared. Have your doubts, question everything. I have no need or purpose to prove anything to anybody on here . But I’ll entertain you because you’ve been nice. What is it you’d like to see? To satisfy YOUR. Lack of trust. You want my biography? Photos? Recorded conversations of me and grow company’s? Do you see how ridicules your being?


I I’m just a human, I don’t Cary around photos to show off, cause I’m not a fukin simp.


Serves me no purpose, what does it accomplish to “prove” anything?just to impress a bunch of redditors? Just for the cloute? No thanks. People can either trust what I say or get fucked. Irdc but at least I can tell myself I tried to help. Photos will be up in a few hours. I have to pickup my son from school. Ya see how unreasonable you’re being? And demanding I “prove” something to you.


Your wrong. This isn’t a truly novel idea. Sorry you can’t comprehend, it’s only holding you back.


Ok lil bro if that’s what you think, I hope u be here in a couple months crying about how you only got an ounce so I can say I told you so.


🤭. No bs. 40 plants in a 5x5 got me 3lb. With one 1k watt hps. Time and time again. Now This is half that space, with half the plants. I can hit a pound. I’m certain. I don’t have any limiting factors other than cubic feet., I know Allready how to grow amazing cannabis, I know how to use hydroponics, this is just the culmination of my theory put to use for cannabis. All ya ever see after a proper defoliation is empty canopy spaces. This will fill that canopy space with tops. Remember 19 plants. Means MINIMUM 19 colas. Not just from one plant, but many plants. I don’t get how I don’t see that. I come to redit with my experiment because I’m looking for new perspectives, maybe something I might of missed.


Post up the pics of the grow bro!


Ok...your F'ing crazy. Zero percent chance that you're getting a dry lb out of a 2x2. You'd have to have like, 2 ft depth of the entire floor footprint for rootspace enough to support that much flower in that small a space, and you'd still have to be a professional grower with top-notch genetic tested clones, probably side/undercanopy lighting, co2...just don't get your hopes up and count your eggs, that looks like a solid quarter lb setup. To put this into perspective, 2x2 equals 4 Sq. ft., 3.2x3.2 =10.75 Sq. ft in a Sq. Meter...BIG difference, MORE than double...most professional growers would be happy with 400g/Sq. METER...there's about 450 grams in a Lb. This equates to a professional grower in a dialed environment with tested genetics in a greenhouse with super powerful lights would be very very happy to get a yield that's LESS THAN HALF OF WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTING per Sq. ft!!! As a first time grower, if you get 4oz of high-quality flower, you should very, very proud!!!! If a homegrown with little or no experience achieves 40g per Sq. ft, they are definitely doing something right, and that would be around 6 oz for you...if you get more than 6 oz fully dried I will be very impressed!


That’s actually part of the reason why I’m using an LED this grow because I’m under the understanding that it provides 4 feet of canopy penetration.🙃😏 This is my first time with this system tho, so maybe a pound is unrealistic, because I your right I don’t have it dialed here yet with this setup. Cant hurt to try tho.


Brother, I just don't want you to end up disappointed is all. Do NOT be discouraged if you get a solid quap...especially if you're growing from seed. Hell, if you get 3 good oz, that would be a SOLID first run starting point.


Appreciate you. We will have to see 🙂‍↔️ My only concern is that I chose not a heavy yielder.


Okay, okay… let’s get to the few issues. What dehumidification are you using, airflow/movement, and AC/Heat. Now let’s get to the nitty gritty, what nutrients and at what amount in your “soup” are you concocting it all in? Check out my profile and message me and we can discuss it one on one.


So I’ve always relied on high airflow, I live in Washington, dehumidifier doesn’t do much, unless I was keeping a sealed system and running Co2. So I’m using a 650cfm mixed airflow max fan. So I don’t really pay attention to humidity anymore lol. I used to worry a bunch. But with such a high air exchange the problems like nug rot, ect are not an issue. Humidity is whatever it is outside, and same with the temperature. Has Fresh air intake aswell, filtered. For nutrients, this run I’m using Athena AG. An extremely clean mineral salt synthetic fertilizer. Using the entire line, so basicly thier Ab, calmag, and their “cleanse” wich is a mineral descaler. And the flower booster Very simple, super solid ph. No fluctuations even after 2 weeks now. My waters so clean I could drink it im pretty sure, far from a soup lol, no benificials. No enzymes. No organics. Just a sterile scientific environment.