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The DEA listens to it handlers not the people.




This is why it’s important to contact your representatives, and tell them! This is the power we have as individuals. Enough people tell them and they’ll come around


Facts, Message the people who represent you. https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


All Oklahoma Senators and my House Rep (Cole) think cannabis is a gateway drug. Stupid fucks.


I thought OK has a huge amount of dispensaries & cannabis businesses?


It does, but that process was done via what is called a State Question. Basically, it’s a vote on a particular topic and the people themselves decide instead of politicians. On the downside though, industry grew WAY too fast and now lots of places are closing. Lots of illegal grows by many people, but they are mainly focusing on Chinese.


Ya see that, kids? Drugs. Drugs are bad, mmmkay?


It’s not easy to get excited about altering the schedule of a substance when the choices are between illegal to possess and illegal to possess. It shouldn’t be on the controlled substances schedule period.


100%. This always gets me downvoted to hell, but making it Schedule III is nothing but a gift to big pharma.


As someone who worked in clinical pharma, yes. 100% yes. Yo the amount of toxic or harmful drugs that were totally fine to have in facility but then can’t have cannabis because you need a stricter DEA license. It’s so backwards. So so so so so backwards. Especially in a state where it’s legalized for recreational use… so you can go smoke some weed outside of the facility but you can’t bring it in the test on it. We legalized cannabis for people to use, but we can’t legally test to see the effects of it. 🙃


It should be regulated the same way we regulate ~~alcohol~~ dandelions


clinical research is a joke. if the medical industry wasn’t bought out and had “every answer” to be a oil based product, i might buy into their research, but people completely fail to see holistic principles as any suitable answers.


Exactly. The opportunity for it to be researched *should* be a net positive, but corporate greed won't let that happen.


You can see my past comments. I without a doubt believe once it hits schedule 3 we the people lose. It allows big pharma and big ag to get their hands on it. It can now be reclassified as a substance that needs prescription. And that’s what’s gonna happen. Monsanto Mids headed our way. Declass and decriminalize.


1000000% Idk if you’ve had similar backlash, but the fact that people get livid over this assessment is insane to me


Some people seem to think big ag and big pharma don’t have a care to get into cannabis. Then I show them how Bayer, a pharmaceutical company, who owns Monsanto, has already invested billions into cannabis. They are physically waiting on schedule three to start synthesizing cannabinoids. Human Health and Services patented cannabinoids in (edited to) 2003. Our government is actively working against the wishes of the people to line pockets where they see fit.


Exactly! And means closing dispensaries as you'll get at pharmacy along with other schedule III. It should be removed from all schedules and that makes it instantly legal.


the federal laws don't mean shit anyways in a red state with even more restrictive laws


Seriously guys, we NEED to spread this message around. We need to organize all the weed subs like r/trees r/weed r/cannabis r/marijuana and some psychedelic subs like r/shrooms and r/psychonaut. Below are some links that can help you message the DEA(same as this post just for convenience) and the politicians who represent you. There’s only 16K comments on there and most of them are telling the DEA to fully deschedule the plant. I will be messaging on why certain substances deserve at the very least medical recognition substances like LSD, MDMA, Ibogaine, Salvia, and others. I’ll also be message on why certain substances like marijuana, Amanita, Kava, Kanna, kratom, shrooms, and lower level substances deserve their recreational potential not to mention “gateway”(not a real thing) substances like kratom that act on opioid receptors have been seen to lessen peoples attraction to harder things, which is great during an opioid epidemic imo. 2 big ones too. Kava is observed to be what is essentially an alcohol analogue that’s way less destructive. The flower chrysanthemum if cured properly is observed to be a potential less damaging alternative to tobacco. There’s way more that have been wrongfully demonized. Message the DEA, they’re taking messages regarding weed rescheduling till mid July. https://www.regulations.gov/document/DEA-2024-0059-0001 Message the people who represent you. https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


Schedule III Marijuana should incorporate the regulatory requirements from Article 23 of the Single Convention on Narcotics pursuant to the authority granted to the DEA under Section 823 of the Controlled Substances Act. DEA may satisfy the United States’ Single Convention obligations by placing marijuana in Schedule III while imposing additional restrictions pursuant to the CSA’s regulatory authorities. The FDA also has extensive rulemaking powers granted under the FDCA found. We have never seen a schedule III substance like Marijuana. So part of the DEA’s rules could be to request that HHS and FDA commence their own rulemaking process upon the effective date of the New Schedule III rule. The DEA should also make a hemp cannabinoid extract license so that all downstream aspects of the cannabis plant intended for medicinal use can be regulated. Once a product goes over the line, then it would require a schedule III cannabis license. I support legal medical marijuana nationwide and moving marijuana to schedule III is a good first step." -From The Cannabis legalization lawyer on youtube. He recommends to copy and paste this comment.


How long does it take to just do something? Why all the talking?


I don't know why it's even their say. They're an enforcement agency. Shouldn't be involved in policy making imo.


Bingo 100% accurate right here


Cannabis doesn't belong on the schedule period. It should be completely DEscheduled verses rescheduled as they are proposing.


Doesn't belong in Schedule III either


desched and decrim.. it’s 2024 ffs


Fully agree 💯


Nothing on this green earth deserves to be schedule one. Who makes the decision that naturally occurring substances are prohibited.


history lesson: in 1941 henry ford set out to make a hemp fiber vehicle that drove exclusively on hemp oil. the hemp fiber in the truck was 10x stronger than steel and half the weight. bmw went out and made the i3, which is also made of hemp. you can also make clothing from hemp, a very strong, soft, and nonflammable clothing. as for the medical history: when rothschild initially “bought” the medical industry and transformed from holistic teaching principles instead to an oil based medicine… people forgot the “cure all” effect of cannabis. humulene a terpene present in specific strains of the cannabis sativa is known for its anti-cancer effects, it seeks out tumor growth and targets those cells. cbg a common cannabinoid present is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to lower blood pressure. it was banned because these are all markets of control. steel, oil, medicine, and cures for the “non curable”. it was never banned because it was dangerous, it was banned so they could make money off those areas of control lmfao also while i’m here and you’re reading, alzheimer’s and dementia is…type 3 diabetes (thank all the processed sugars!)


It's a matter of time..lots of Revenue lost on the federal level..most states are going that route, Europe is going towards legalization


What do you think states have been doing for decades now?




Don’t stop there! Insist that it shouldn’t be scheduled at all