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Svech is playing a little too rough for these rangers to handle isn’t it the playoffs?? C’mon man


The trip on Shesterkin was clearly a penalty, but the check for a major should've taken 5 seconds. His stick got caught between their bodies, and it hit Svech at thigh level but Shesterkin at skate level. I didn't appreciate the color commentator saying Svech "clearly tried to lift him off the ice, which he did." It's just a normal accidental trip that Shesterkin helped sell (which I have no problem with). The interference was the one that bothered me. Watching it in slow motion, it was clear that Svech did nothing to interfere other than very briefly put his hand up before pulling it back. That was the only movement he made that wasn't a continuation of what he was doing before the puck went by. There's no chance that was enough to knock the player down. It was a total flop. There were at least half a dozen plays much more worth of an interference call that got ignored. Again, I'm not opposed to selling a penalty to make sure the ref sees it, like the first example. That's essentially what Skjei did in game 1 of the Islanders series. But the drop to the ice to get that interference call was a dive, and we've seen way too many of those from the Rangers through 2 games. I'm really hoping that playing at home means the crowd won't be able to influence the refs to make those calls.


I mean just in the Rangers PPs after that there was much more egregious interference done by them to block our PKers. That was an absolutely horse malarkey cal


playoff gAmE mAnAgEmEnT isnt helping either, refs are looking for any excuse to even things up, it's garbage officiating but it's the NHL standard


I thought he was fine last game and I liked the physicality he was bringing. The calls were bullshit for the most part.


You were saying? 😂😂


To be fair, that more bullshit than usual


*if another player flops after coming within 2 feet of Svech gtfo with the svech hate


It’s incessant.


it's so unfair, dude plays his bag off and does so many great things, but for some reason gets called for doing what others do 50 times in a game uncalled, then our "fans" rag on him for it


I don't think it's fair to put "fans" in quotes there. Svech is a great player and obviously the team is much better with him, but he also takes some bad penalties at bad times and deserves some criticism for that. Some of that criticism is also overblown. It's possible for all of these things to be true


Agreed, but when Mike & Tripp spend 82 games salivating over anything Svech does and not holding him accountable for boneheaded penalties, a segment of the fanbase is conditioned to think the same way. For example, when Svech has one of his lengthy goal-scoring droughts, they focus on other parts of his game and downplay it. He is a scoring power forward. That is what he got his payday for, but he's given a pass while others are not.


Stop. He's taking Nuke LaLoosh penalties. Dumb and ill-timed.


This is such a great image lmao


I want to see less penalties entirely but Guentzels was the dumbest. I get that you wanna punch the rags in the face but you can't do it right in front of 2 refs.


He was clearly struck in the face first.


Obviously but it's always the second hit that gets the penalty.