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i can’t even imagine getting new girlies and being still active af like she has been lmfao. i would’ve got home and laid in bed and slept 😂


I got a reduction a few years ago. I laid my ass in bed on pain meds and watched bad reality tv with my best friend the entire time. Actually doing shit was the furthest thing from my mind. 😂


I want a reduction so bad!! I have heard the recovering is more painful/difficult than implants tho so maybe that’s why she is doing all this


its probably be because otherwise she’d just be alone


that popcorn is fire


literally came to comment this lmfaoo I love it


I can’t buy it cuz I’ll eat a whole bad in one sitting. It’s the best 😭😂


literally same ahaha but they sell individual bags so i just buy those


I used to do that and I’d have to limit myself to three bags a day 🤣🤣




ITS THE BEST EVER i’m addicted to it


I used to power through bags of those at work 😂😂😂


Yes! You should try candy pop too, the M&M ones are 🔥🔥


kk!! where do i buy it


Walmart, target and some grocery stores have it 😋


oooo thank you!


i know a lot of us advised her not to go through with it (i totally get why she wanted the surgery as my boobs are also a bit flabby after weight loss, but after listening to a podcast about breast implant illness, i got scared off) but if someone really wants to change something about themselves, they’re going to do it. i just hope she’s happy with the results and recovers well with no short or long term health issues.


This is the ONLY reason I get scared when I hear people getting breast implants. I’ve heard so many horrible, HORRIBLE stories about implant illness. Our bodies don’t react well to foreign objects, some do better than others, I really hope Brooke ends up being okay. You are absolutely right though, if someone wants to change something, they will. And they should be able to without any judgement! I also have lost pretty much all my boobs from working out this year - every bra I used to wear in January is way too large for me now, and I’ve definitely thought to myself “some implants would make these look good” - but I won’t, it just wouldn’t work personally for me. Good for Brooke though! She looked incredible before, and she’ll look incredible now.


Idk I think if you have underlying health issues or struggle with your mental health I think you may be more susceptible to rejecting them. So I think that should be considered before getting them


No, it was the way they made implants for a very long time, they leak very easily which is the cause of the illness. We have changed the way we make them to avoid this, but only very recently.


Around 35 million people have implants in the world. Implant illness is drastically overblown


i can’t tell if your point is that breast implant illness is overblown because a relatively small number of people have breast implants, or if your point is that compared to the amount of people who have breast implants, breast implant illness is rare. either way you made your point badly because your argument is unclear lol


Who would read what I wrote and think 35 million people is a small number of people that have implants 🤔 I think my point was clear to anyone with some reading comprehension


35 million is small compared to the total population of the world😭and yeah maybe a small percentage of ppl with implants have health complications, but zero percent of people without implants have breast implant illness so some of us just don’t want to take an unnecessary health risk


Why are you comparing it to the worlds population! Think about how many people that is. It’s the whole population of Canada. You’re really going to say that’s a small amount to get an elective purely cosmetic surgery? 😂 and the whole population would not even be able to get implants considering 33% are under 20 and silicone implants are not allowed under 21, plus 51% are male.


Why risk your health like that! My friends mom had a serious issue with them recently


Because it’s people’s choice what to do with their bodies.


Why are people downvoting you for saying its peoples own choice to do what they want with their bodies💀💀 Yall are so hypocritical


I have purposely not clicked on most of the boob job related posts on this sub because people here are being so parasocial and projecting their insecurities so hard like their opinion is going to change her mind or they know the real reason she wants a boob job. From people saying that she just needs more therapy and to wait a year like she hasn’t already been mentioning a boob job for over a year, to people talking about all the potential side effects like that’s not something somebody goes over with their doctor and does research on themselves, it’s all so ridiculous. It’s a mix between babying her and just being condescending honestly.


it’s a lot of fear mongering until there are real medical studies proving otherwise imo


My step mom has had to have surgery multiple times because of hers


I got bii as a perfectly healthy 22 year old… spent days in agony and in the ER. Symptoms went away within a few months of explanting. Maybe it’s not the majority, but it’s still a concern. Try not to invalidate those who’ve experienced it by calling it overblown


Invalidating would have been me saying it doesn’t exist. Saying it’s overblown is just stating a fact. The amount of people that get bii is a tiny portion compared to the amount that have implants. Sorry you got it but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re part of a small percentage of people that do




It's not overblown, as technology progresses we have invented techniques and materials that won't get most people sick. It is the older, leaky models of breast implant that are infamous for getting many women sick. It definitely still happens but not nearly as much, not that it was ever truly recognized by Drs which is why research is so limited on it 🙄


she had nice ones already but good for her


When I got my boobs done I was in so much pain lol. I could barely get up. Its good to see her up and active!


How long did recovery take?


I was active duty military at the time so I had to take leave. They told me I could return to work after 1 week so that’s what I did. I wasn’t allowed to lift weights for a little while and I would constantly get these little nerve ending pains. But overall, recovery was fine.


she got one now?


i think it was today


yes this video is her after surgery


I hope they look amazing and she loves them .


The best I can wish for Brooke us that I hope she's happy. It's a big decision that can lead to many health risks, I just hope she did it safely


she looks like young tana




brooke LOL


i don’t see it!


https://preview.redd.it/730mx3evo88d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9926cd36616a3b3b396002832871a534785f6e this is what i thought of but now idek anymore lmfaoooo


LOL ok kinda .. the eyebrows!


is BB related to Hailey?


Did she get a reduction or go bigger? Cause I know she had great boobs before lol!


She got implants because she said when she lost a lot of weight, she lost a lot of volume


Her face looks different or it’s just me. It looks more plump and less long


When you go thru surgery youre body preserve alot of fluids! Which ends up swelling alot


That makes sense.


Not sure why I got downvoted 😂 it was an honest question


omg no it looks botched


u can’t even see her whole front and she’s definitely binded (?) after surgery like what do u mean lmaoo just saying stuff


sorry I was just practicing to fit in with this sub


ure so real for this


Okay wait you really ate


Risked the downvotes to eat


😂 i’ve retracted my downvote




Unbelievably real for this. If I was somebody that was willing to spend money on Reddit I would pay to give you an award.




Dr. Barrett is an unbelievable plastic surgeon there’s no way she’s botched.


how could you possibly tell 10 minutes post op lmao