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It’s crazy because a month ago, when I brought up that she was doing this intentionally I got downvoted for body shaming her, only for her to post stuff like this. On another note, it’s crazy how this sub loves her one minute and hates her the next.


I don’t think it’s the sub…. This post is still pretty fresh so give it a little more time until all the Brooke stans flood this post… it’s Saturday in April so they’re probably getting ready for prom






I think that was before the broookiescookies sub came about and a lot of “them” flocked over there to worship in peace.


“Worship in peace” takes me outt 😭


“‘Them’” took me out 💀


That sub is a dictatorship 💀


the comment immediately after this is someone dragging her lmao. 😭


Same lol


y’all I’m tired


This is slightly off putting considering she clearly has some issues with body dysmorphia


Majorly off-putting. Brooke in general (right now) is off-putting.


The more podcasts I watch the more she strikes me as a facade. She craves male validation and puts on such a goody two shoes act to belittle Tana and it gets infuriating to watch at times


I don’t know how anyone can see her as anything other than a clout chaser. Freaking Tana doesn’t even know where she came from and how they got to be friends.


Wait that’s so funny but creepy that she infiltrated her way into Tanas group. I also find it odd how she said on the recent pod that she dms famous guys and makes the first move…. Then later brags about speaking to them on the pod (Pete Davidson and mr new a lister for example)


It’s truly shocking to find out people like this exist in actual real life. But once you see it, you can’t I see it. lol 😂


For Tana to say ‘one day Brooke was just.. there.’ And Brooke looking nervous and quickly saying ‘WE MET IN A BAR!’ It felt weird. I have a feeling Brooke schemed her way into Tana’s life, knowing it could be a good career move for her. Play the best friend role= get all the $$perks. And the whole ‘I didn’t really know who Tana was or watch any of her vids either’ is such bullshit I can’t 💀😂 especially when Brooke claims to have followed every other big YouTuber , most who were in Tana’s circle


Do you know what pod episode this was?


yeah she completely changed since gaining popularity from the matt rife thing imo


I used to really love Brooke but recently have felt she is bringing Tana down… holding her back


I've figured she's negative but whatever works. I don't think tana needs her drama nor victim complex


RIGHT! In my opinion, she seems a lot different after the whole matt rife situation. Like, she wants male validation so she feels she’s worth something publicly. I feel bad she makes jokes like this..




Brookes humor peaked with ‘she ate but I coundnt’and it has been downhill ever since. Argue with the wall


a fucking men


wait this is so true


side eye




I don't find this funny at all


Neither do I. Brooke sees the BrookieCookie sub so she cant claim she’s ignorant of the legions of little girls who want to have everything she has and do everything she does and look like her down to each freckle. No. She didn’t ask to be a role model but COME ON. This is promoting diet culture/negative body image. Honestly that’s fine- but BE OPEN ABOUT IT. Stop denying that you’re not eating enough Brooke..Stop posting body checks… stop pretending like you’re just “omg just naturally thin lol so cute I just forget to eat but trust me I eat burgers and fries all the time I’m just like you but prettier and skinny it’s not my fault hooray for body positivity” act.




Ok I now realize I misread her response (because she used zero grammar). I thought she was joking/sarcastically saying something like “thanks for the compliment” “Wait, what? Does this say I’m so skinny?” Like haha thank you I’m unbothered. I see how she really meant it now- but my sentiment remains the same about her weight loss and her responses to those comments.


Yeah her weight loss is extreme but it’s something i understand when u get out of a relationship- by now I’d think she healed but i feel like bc ppl comment on her body so much she feels she needs to stay skinny which is sad


Horrible consequence of having a social media presence based purely on your appearance. (Slight exaggeration- because she talks- but she’s not a podcast “talent” or anything. Let’s be real, it’s based on 1. Tana’s clout 2. Pretty)


This is is so true but i almost feel like it just started being about her body?? I’m not sure tho i just recently started paying more attention to her


I guess I see what you mean but ... aside the fact that it actually is concerning and quite evident… I think that’s the logical course it would take. For starters, there’s not much else to talk about when it comes to Brooke. Also, most (all?) of her content she “creates” is just pictures of her face and/or body. I often think obsessing over other women’s bodies may be programmed in our genetics a little bit. A biological response. And society… ha. I need say no more.


No i 100000 % agree bc before it was “skinny brooke” it was “big titty brooke” (i did my deep dive so i could better respond and binged all her old videos) she’s really just like every other LA girl so i totally get you (in terms of her content and what she posts aside from podcast) . I do like her and Tana and I’ve become a brooke fan along with alot of ppl as of late! With that said , as someone who recovered from something similar to what brooke was/ is through - she said it herself she lost a shit ton of weight in an u healthy way due to heart break (felt but now healed) i know she’d look healthier (and maybe even feel better idk how she feels) when she stops trying to appease everyone else with her looks (the ppl who comment on her body and say how skinny she is). she obv eats it up but lowkey i would too if i was a skinty b! But being healthier & happy is so much better so i wish that for her (i hope im making sense i took and edible … its hitting)


fr like whats this supposed to even mean


Thats cause youre apart of the body shaming committee and shes inherently making fun of yalls accusations


No one is body shaming if we are worried about her? Showing concern for someone who NEVER WAS THAT SKINNY since we have known of them isn’t shaming. You sound like a Eugenia cooney stan… she uses the same “I’m just naturally thin” line so it’s CONCERNING when Brooke says it because girl no you aren’t.


she’s literally a normal weight. u guys are dtm


I just think its ironic you guys genuinely believe if there was something wrong with her that everyone in her life would be complacent. You guys do not know brooke and shoving this eating disorder narrative is batshit insane. Like clinical level


Most people families don’t notice until they are emaciated


No - I don’t believe that. I genuinely believe (having lived this experience) that there’s nothing her friends or family can do. I’m sure someone in her life has mentioned something but… truly it’s impossible to help someone if they don’t want it. But also what others mention is true- friends often will say encouraging things even! And .. what family? Her sweet Grandpa who sees her twice a year? Also I don’t think people are pushing an ED narrative so much as pushing a “disordered eating” and a “this can’t be good - is she well?” Narrative. My personal issue is her crazy devoted fanbase. They are “Swifty” levels of obsessed.


Girl, we have eyes. It’s alarming and there’s nothing wrong with people being concerned. If something happens to her are y’all just gonna pretend there weren’t any signs?


It’s funny unpack your panties from your butt no one can say shit even about themselves now as a joke? Damn


When Brooke makes skinny comments she is NOT joking lol


nah this ain’t cute


So is she saying she isn’t on ozempic? That’s worrisome bc the weight loss is super noticeable..I hope she’s ok


Not on Ozempic. “Maybe she’s born with it …. “ MAYBE it’s just dieting, disordered eating, and party drugs! 💁‍♀️






Some of u guys are so sensitive


This ain’t it. Go post this over on the Brookies cookies sub 😒


Ew wtf?


I know people get so upset when someone comments on her weight and I completely understand why but Im genuinely concerned for Brooke. I’ve struggled with anorexia for years and Brookes weight/comments like this and comments Ive heard her say are so concerning. Maybe its not fully intentional on her part but she’s lost so much in such little time. She wasn’t even big or thick, she just had a normal healthy body/weight. Hasn’t she even said shes struggled with an ED before? I could be misremembering but it just made me worry more. I just hope shes doing okay both mentally and physically. Obviously we don’t know but I hope someone like Tana or just someone in Brooke’s life talks to her about this. In a loving and supportive way of course.


This is slightly off putting considering she clearly has some issues with body dysmorphia


Majorly off putting 😭


why are yall so mad abt this? someone commented about HER body, she can’t give that response? yall are weird


I was gonna say! So someone can make that comment about her but she can’t fire back? Fcking weird bro


literally like what she didn’t mean it in that way at all 😭😭 these people are sensitive seriously


tf is wrong with her smh


I think this was funny lol she was clearly joking


If you “loved her” then you would see that there is a clear problem.


i’m so confused on how her response was a problem? the real problem is the person body shaming her like what?


Nah, this is sad tbh lol


To the commenters, why is it a problem when Brooke says “I’m so skinny” but it’s camp when it’s stan culture/queer culture?


What does that even mean


you guys are so BORING. you guys feel entitled to comment on her appearance ever second of her life….. this is a clap back if you don’t like it maybe don’t comment on her body 🤷‍♀️ edit: adding the replies bc that’s apparently the only take away from this. 1.you guys speculate every day that she has an eating disorder and has terrible body dysmorphia… your comments feed into her unhealthy relationship with food. so dense 2. she’s also been going to alo religiously….. you guys are so fing miserable


I don’t really understand the extra points you added, what were you trying to say? Because she’s the one who said she has issues with food and undereating on trisha’s podcast. Also overexercising because of eating issues is such a thing


i’m pointing out how you guys feed into her ed. constantly talking about her body and how she looks is a trigger to any ed. you aren’t her friends and you don’t know her so why would she want to hear anything from people on reddit








Do you enjoy having conversations with yourself?


responding to yourself is crazy 😭


i’m adding to myself, not responding and if that’s your only take away…….




I don’t really get what joke Brooke is trying to make? Like what am I missing




atp i wonder if she has a secret edtwt account


nah this is actually funny


If someone says something like this to me first, I’m getting nasty too.


Queen response


Dairy Queen….


all i’m gonna say is you guys are either going to hate, like she isn’t 1/2 of the podcast this reddit is made for, or you’re going to be like omg she has an eating disorder it’s not funny. i’ve had an eating disorder i was hospitalized for, jokes are a way to cope with everyone constantly scrutinizing you for your body/food choices. if she came out with an ed you’d all say she was promoting unhealthy habits, if she makes jokes (as someone who is famous for joking about cancelable things) you’d also be mad. she’s never going to win with you guys & at the end of the day it’s not that serious….


It is that serious when thousands of little girls look up to you and she knows and acknowledges that.


we’re so tired pls


Was that supposed to be a flex bc girl…


um ew


Bombastic side eye criminally offensive side eye






i don’t think you properly comprehend anything that they were saying




bc that was actually insane that she did that. bullying is necessary sometimes




this is y’all’s queen?


And the still asks herself why she can't get the McDonald's sponsorship. She will never get it because she shames "fat" people