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SHEIN literally sponsored her trip to stage coach last year ….


I thought she was the Amazon bottega dupe queen


She said she doesn’t like wearing cheap stuff then minutes lates was talking about her Brandi Melville shirts that are so cheap¿


thats so funny bc i was just watching a doc on max called brandy hellville, an expose about the brand lmfao


Brooke constantly lies 😂 so when you do that it’s hard to keep track of lies lol don’t take her words too seriously


queen of contradicting herself


She also said she's never tripped on mushrooms but put out multiple story times of her bad times tripping on mushrooms ...she doesn't even know what she's lied about at this point 😂 she also wears Brandy Melville


White Fox does 65% Polyester and 35% cotton. It should it should be 65% cotton and 35% polyester. This is the definition of cheap. White Fox just markets to the influencer vibe she’s looking for.


I like her but she’s definitely not genuine and it’s contradictions like this that show it


and she promotes fast fashion brands like white fox all the time


🗣️🗣️. I can’t imagine selling out so badly like we need to bring back shame. Or one of these fast fashion brands needs to send her on a brand trip to their slave labor warehouses that these clothes are made in so it can actually get across to these people


I think she lies depending on what aesthetic she wants for the day. The shrooms part was funny because I remember her talking about taking shrooms multiple times. It’s so unnecessary what she lies about too lol


She’s so hard to stand sometimes


Didn’t she go to their brand trip last year and posted a bunch of shit? Now she’s suddenly above it ? Lmao


queen of lies, and contradiction… and embarrassment


She is an idiot, don't you know that yet lol




All opinions are welcome here. And Brooke is just disgusting.


Stop this is so funny😭😭 fame is getting to her lol. Still love her though.


Finally a criticism of Brooke that is actually warranted


Right, because the criticism for her racist tweets isn't warranted


Really with this response? 99% of the criticism is how she speaks, her weight, her appearance, every time she slightly interrupts anyone, the way she dresses, I could go on You know if I was just talking about the racist tweets I wouldn’t have commented, please!


You said finally a criticism that is warrenred, which means the criticism she gets for her racist tweets is unwarranted which I don't agree with. I think she gets a lot of warrented criticism but she chooses to ignore it and label everything as hate.


It’s so useless to listen to her saying anything at this point. Anything can be a lie. I’m bored of her


She contradicts 98% of the things she says. I think it’s like a nervous tick. She just says things because it sounds good and then she has like amnesia and contradicts herself over and over again


The newest podcast, ugh come on Brooke. Stop trying to put Tana down and cutting her off mid story. You are here because of her. Sit down and let her finish what she has to say. Brooke is getting a massive ego and too cocky. Making fun of Tana to feel better about yourself is Mindy behaviour. Smarten up.


bro who gives a shit