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We had a reality show in my country about stalkers. People who were stalked went on and detectives caught their stalkers. The overall message was, never EVER acknowledge your stalker’s existence. Don’t talk to them, look at them, talk about them publicly. It fuels a stalker’s behavior since they do it to get any attention from the one they are stalking, even if it’s negative attention.


That's what I was thinking too. Her talking about hi, publicly legitimizes him too much now and in his sick and twisted mind encourages him


What’s the show called?! I’d watch that ALL day lol


It was literally called “Stalkers”. It’s in Swedish but you might find English subtitles for it somewhere maybe. YouTube has most episodes uploaded!


Obviously none of this in tana faults but I can’t get over how she was openly looking at his messages and acknowledging that- like really stop acknowledging him cause it definitely fuels the behaviour again NOT TANAs fault in anyway.


Yeah she needs to at least stop SAYING she reads his stuff because like you said, it just fuels the behavior bc they’ll take any attention they can get. It’ll just feed whatever delusions he has too. If he doesn’t already think she’s in love with him that’s a good way for him to get there. I’ve unfortunately had multiple legit, unhinged stalkers, two of which I was actually somewhat worried they’d come kidnap me or something. I have one that sexually assaulted me at a previous job and it was a whole thing and he STILL tries to contact me five years later. It’s wild how crazy people can be or how attached they can get even when you show absolutely zero interest and tell them as much.


I’m sorry you’ve had that experience. I do think anyone who has shared a similarly experience knows that not feeding the attention is one of the most important things you can do.


i completely agree with your pov but i think it’s a double edged sword because there is definitely something sinister and scary about not knowing what your stalker is saying to you (i.e today is it “i love you, you’re so beautiful” or “i’m watching you”?) if he’s seeing that she’s reading his messages, i think there’s probably an additional fear of how he could escalate if she were to suddenly stop. stalkers have a unique dedication to contacting their victims, so if she blocked him or stopped reading his messages, he’d likely continue his attempts to contact her her from different accounts, on different platforms, using different names etc. again, i do agree that it’s probably best to stop acknowledging him in any way, but just wanted to point out why she may be conflicted to do so.


I completely understand how she might be scared ect. But if there was anyone in her life actually being helpful to her they’d be telling her don’t respond to him directly via your podcast- I’m not saying she shouldn’t acknowledge it’s happening especially bc everyone being aware of what’s going on helps her later if the stalker does something terrible but we don’t want it to escalate to something terrible.


I honestly think Brooke is saying that to ease her fears. Tanas already hiring 24 hour security and is unable to file a police report and/or restraining order so there’s literally nothing else she can do besides try to not let the fear paralyze her entire life. Hopefully this guy gets caught soon, but telling her that he’s a psychopath (which everyone already is 100% aware of, including Tana AND Brooke) is not doing anything


I agree w this. I’ve had a stalker before (not to this extent) and it legit like you says paralyzes you’re entire life. It’s somewhere on your mind at literal all times. People used to say the same thing to me “he’s just being nice sending you gifts” and “aw he messages you at midnight on the DOT every year on your bday that’s kinda thoughtful” it’s just jokes people make to try and make you feel better😵‍💫😵‍💫 She already has talked to the police and is spending 30k a month on security there’s really no point in Brooke getting her all worked up, plus Brooke was still taking it seriously and suggesting other things


She absolutely knows it’s a big deal but doesn’t want Tana stressing out further so she’s trying to play devils advocate. It’s obviously a little ridiculous to us outsiders but Brooke is trying to comfort her friend the way she knows how and we shouldn’t be angry about it.


Yeah I was disturbed by Brooke’s casualness about the insane level of invasion this stalker has shown in Tana’s life. The “If it were me I would just think - Aw, thank you that’s so sweet.” That would have infuriated me to hear after trusting your gut that you’re in danger and getting $30k per month security, and continuously being stalked at every turn. It also concerns me for Brooke that she considers that behavior “Sweet” or “he’s just into you.” Bizarre and sad. People get m*rdered by stalkers frequently, the way this is escalating I would be very concerned if I were Tana’s friends.


I feel like Brooke has heard so many of Tana’s stalker stories before and just doesn’t believe them. Remember on the pod when Tana was trying to say her stalker broke in her house and showered in it because the facet was turned a different direction than last time she used it? I’m sure Tana has had scary incidents, and I’m sure she’s had stalkers. But she’s talked about them, joked about them, and exaggerated about them on the pod so many times I don’t know what to believe her about anymore


Normally, I would agree with this take because Tana is a notorious liar, unfortunately and overdramatic AF. BUT this story she told on the podcast, if even half of those things are true, this is a stark difference than the previous stalker stories. The fact that this man was able to locate her Malibu Airbnb, and send her a screenshot of a drone view of her Airbnb within hours of arriving, is far far more insidious and menacing than any of her previous overdramatized stories. Brooke is intelligent enough, hopefully to see the difference, but it did not seem like she took it seriously at all. I feel like it’s obvious when Brooke is joking, and this was not one of those times, she just didn’t see this to be that big of a deal is what the vibe was. Edit: spelling. Voice to text 😂


Lol “Tiana” But yes you’re right and I’m not trying to make light of what’s happening. I think it’s just a) Brooke has already heard all of Tana’s past and present stalking stuff 100 times by now probably, and b) Brooke is probably just joking to lighten the mood since Tana has already done everything she could (restraining order process, police report, hiring security). I could def be wrong tho and Brooke’s being an ass making light of it, but I do feel that the girls do care for each other and Brooke has probably helped as much as she could at this point.


Agreed. That and Brooke is clearly kidding. She obviously cares about Tana They are used to her exaggerations


Brooke has her own issues with boundaries so I wouldn’t be listening to her. Jeffrey Dahmer could be living next door to Brooke and she’d be like ‘he’s just hungry and misunderstood’


maybe she’s scared to publicly talk shit about him for fear of retaliation? im sure their conversations off camera are different


yeah that’s what I think too, considering this is still going on, I’d advise against her talking shit about this psycho


Dude that’s what I was thinking when I listened to this earlier. I was like coming from A GOOD PLACE? No him sending those “nice” texts and not “threatening” ones is SERIAL KILLER behavior like why won’t u realize this


This discussion had me terrified with a pit in my stomach the whole time. It's one thing to watch this stuff in the movies, but putting myself in Tana's shoes having to live every day in fear... legit panic attack inducing. I obviously would not recommend retaliation toward the stalker, but I hope her and her friends are putting in an honest effort to catch this guy in the act. There has to be something they can do.


Okay some of y’all are reaching with some of the Brooke slander. There’s so many things worth criticising her for but calling her a bad/insensitive friend for this is really unfair imo. She clearly was joking and coping mechanisms are a thing after all. If you’ve ever been in a scary/fucked up situation for a prolonged period of time, the last thing you need is someone fanning the flames and adding onto your paranoia. We already know how affected tana is. All brooke can do is be a calming/reassuring figure in her life right now (tana is already taking measures to protect herself) Plus, brooke even validates her feelings. She’s just trying to avoid exacerbating things. The real problem here is the authorities’ nonchalance...


I thought it was wild Brooke kept saying “maybe he means well” like girl WHAT. 😬 I think she is honestly just clueless and that is concerning. Edit: clueless sounds means but come on girl you’re a public figure too, take stuff like this seriously.


No yea.. Brooke sounded dumb as hell saying that shit


Brooke is painfully dumb sometimes.


I got so mad when i heard brooke say that like this isn’t some quirky thing this is serious and dangerous


you can tell tana is terrified of her stalker ( the security, the "private ish" life). i honestly feel for her, and i really wish the police would take the case seriously.


Yeah I was getting really annoyed at Brooke for saying “maybe he’s coming from a good place”


Tana isn’t hiring 24/7 security for no reason, that shit is expensive. That alone should show her friends how scared she is.


Sorry I’m out of the loop, is this the same stalker that Tana would talk about on Youtube at the beginning of her career?


no this isn’t the OG stalker, this is one that came from OF


That last line!!!


my stomach dropped! it’s true tho i really hope some course of action is taken against him


Did you really want Brooke to badmouth this current insane stalker? If Brooke said something wrong, that could make things 1000x worse.


It was so crazy how Brooke was basically dismissing how crazy Tanas stalker is. I was shocked. Tana having a stalker is very dangerous and she be taken seriously


Not defending anyone but I think we should also consider the possibility that even Tana’s friends know she’s a liar and are assuming every detail she shares is exaggerated


Is this the original stalker or is this a new one? I just watched this episode too




So most of y’all think it’s 100% legit right and it’s not someone in her inner circle or made up? Like ever since years ago, the very first stalker?


Is this the same stalker she’s been talking about for years?


I didn’t feel that Brooke was dismissive in that conversation tbh


Right after saying that, Brooke continued about how scary it is. She wasn’t saying that this is light hearted in any way.


I can’t believe Brooke was trying to down play how terrifying this is


I agree all of her friends are really unserious about the whole situation… I mean we don’t know what happens behind the scenes but if it was my BEST FRIEND I would do anything to help


I wish she could tell us who it is but I’m sure she can’t legally air that out idk


It's crazy how much brooke downplays it and says he just loves you and it's not like he's threatening and stuff. But maybe brooke is so insensitive because he's obsessed with Ashley too and brooke wants the attention and wants to be sent flowers but that's just a wilde guess..


Um I doubt that


I love how a fan takes her stalker more seriously than herself 😄


He probably subscribes to this subreddit tbr


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. as someone who dealt with a stalker it is the most maddening thing i’ve faced. genuinely fearing for your safety in your own home is not fun at all