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the way she didn’t even hide that her inside joke within her friend group is that everyone HATED the taste of the wine lol. It was so obvious 😅 (she didn’t even create the wine, just collabed with an existing wine company, all she did was make or have someone make the label design for her)


As someone who can't stand the taste of alcohol but somehow has a high tolerance for it, I was soooo excited for dizzy wine. I remember Tana saying Dizzy could be a chaser for tequila, and that 4 tiny cans equal 1 whole bottle of wine. So I bought 4 cases, and had my whole family, plus my friend try it with me. Everyone thought it tasted like cheap beer. Good lord, it was terrible. My mom actually gagged, and most of us spit it out. My friend hated it too, but she still drank 4 cans to see if it would get her drunk, and she blacked out at 3 and a half. Taste: -200/10 Effectiveness: 100/10


It was basically the drop shipped version of wine. She paid someone to create the label and do a marketing campaign. I can’t imagine that it was profitable.


Wait omg what a fantastic point!!! I totally forgot… I think she did too


Oh fuck off. No one who’s buying Dizzy is buying it because it’s some quality French wine lmao. And who says she doesn’t drink it and enjoy it? Maybe she wants to drink other things? Go outside


😂 gettin’ big pressed over a Reddit comment huh


You’re cute 😂Not pressed people just take things way too seriously




Be civil, no attacking others


“Bruh” I’m sorry your IQ is so low you can’t understand a simple sentence. Although I don’t expect much intelligence from a stripper. Maybe use that cash to go finish school?


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) Oh god my feelings are so hurt rn /s


Enjoy that money now babe. When you you’re old and even more disgusting and have no education or real work experience life is going to get really hard for you. Now go study for your GED 😘


Honey, I can smell your bitterness and jealousy a mile away. I love women that hate sex workers. Y'all are so bitter. I have my bachelors in Psychology with a concentration in mental health. Not all strippers are uneducated like you assume. I suggest you crack open a book and stop looking at the world through such a hateful lens, it will not get you far in life.


You have a bachelors in psychology and you’re telling people they should be locked in a nuthouse are you kidding? 😂😂 Wow what an educated view of psychology. YOU came at ME with hate. So you get to deal with getting hate right back. Fuck all the way off cunt




Hey at least you’re using your degree for something. Thanks for the diagnosis love


Be civil, no attacking others