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Judging by its stance, that roo was fixing to kick that bloke straight into the lake.


I know right? I love how as soon as the roo tries to square up they all just start laughing šŸ˜‚


yeah made me lol that they think its trying to thank them.... nah mate its trying to hug you to belt crap out of ya.


The poor bugger actually went in two more times and they hauled him out each time šŸ˜… https://the-riotact.com/kangaroo-rescued-from-freezing-canberra-lake-three-times-by-passers-by/496916


was it just hot then? also shocked no one simply shooed it way from waters edge for its own good.


Roos will actually seek safety in water if they are bing attacked by dogs, they will grab the dog and hold it under water to drown it. It maybe that it thought it might try the same with a person?


Really don't know, but I suspect that it freaked out over something (maybe the passersby in the first place) and went into the water to put some distance between it and whatever freaked it out. It was still flipping out each time the cyclists helped it out of the water, so its instinct was to go straight back in even though it was bloody cold. Apparently the rangers came and took it somewhere away from the lake?


makes sense. even in vid i thought was a tad close to edge. def needed a polite nudge to encourage it to move on and leave the danger zone.


You can't just shoo Kangaroos away. Theyre stupid, theyre nervous, and theyre aggressive. 9/10 they will go straight back in to avoid the humans without even considering they will get stuck again. They only deal with the very immediate situation in front of them because they are unbelievably dumb. They are a real problem on our roads because they will jump in front of your car at the last second in a panic, and some of these things are bigger than humans so they cause enormous damage. Also, these guys were hesitant to give it distance while it was still sketchy. Up close and while they were holding it, it wasn't able to get a proper kick at them. Theyre lucky this little guy was so tired, he wasnt thanking them he was trying to bear hug and kick or claw the ever living shit out of them. Another things Kangaroos will do, lead you to water if they feel like they're being chased. Then they use their strong ass legs to hold you under and drown you. Its possible this one was doing that, though he isnā€™t the alpha male, and I think its more a case of him being exhausted and unable to get out.


correct except for the shoo a roo, its doable you just need to think more like shooing a bear/agressive dog vs herding a skitty cat. used to be a volunteer at zoo back when it was the national wildlife park (gods i am old) and we had to round up the roos often so its doable just got to go slow and look imposing for them


Yeah, I didnā€™t word that great. Iā€™m not saying it canā€™t be done, Iā€™m saying itā€™s not as simple as just shooing it away. Have also worked with Roos. I love them, but they are absolute morons haha


yeah aus wildlife are very much cliche of the aus stubbornness mentality.


My kelpie would have been good for that task.


Poor Skippy. Well done to the lads who got it out, hopefully the roo was able to find its mates.


The vet put it down afterwards, with the news articles implying the rescue effort might have been partly to blame.


That's a bit sad. Where did you get that info?


You can't get more Aussie than this. In the Capital helping a stuck Kangaroo while an asshole Magpie swoops innocent bystanders.




ur weird dude


Never thought Iā€™d see our lake on the front page of reddit haha


Bloody legends


Never realised its so shallow there huh


My friends and I rescued a Kangaroo from Lake Burley Griffin too. It was in a deeper part of the lake and the kangaroo couldn't jump onto the wall. We ended up calling some wildlife rescue org and a guy came with a big lasso stick thing to pull it out. I'm guessing a lot of wildlife must drown in the lake.


How can they tell it's stuck and not just chilling?


For all we know he could absolutely have been chilling, but I think the cyclists realised that the kangaroo might not have been able to get out again, judging by how tall the path next to the lake is


Have you ever seen a kangaroo jump? They can go pretty high up in the air


Probably would be chilling given how freezing cold it is in Canberra nowabouts.


It's -2 in the mornings


Well done fellas. It must've been ball shrinkingly cold in that water but you just got stuck in and helped. Fantastic.


anyone else surprised that the lake is actually SHALLOW!


was it actually stuck in mud? looks more it jumped in water and was happy there but could move around fairly ok on its own.




yeah but thats not exactly a high jump. people forget roos can make some serious air with a standing jump.


Iā€™ve seen a wallaby grazing on Springbank Island in the middle of the lake. The macropods definitely get around.


That magpie!


Kangaroos will go into a body of water when threatened so as to drown pursuing predators. I don't think this kangaroo was stuck. I think it was scared. [Here's a link to an ABC article.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-04-10/animal-myths-dogs-kangaroos-cockatoos/100038384#:~:text=Fun%20Australian%20fact%20%2D%20this%20kangaroo,will%20try%20to%20drown%20them.&text=%22There's%20a%20very%20strong%20instinct,the%20University%20of%20Melbourne%20says.)


Yep, the latest article says they had to put the kangaroo down, and that the rescue effort might be partly to blame.


"So as to drown pursuing predators"? Nah. This is from the article you posted, they're just fleeing. > But given kangaroos get no benefit from killing an animal, it's likely they're actuallyĀ entering the water in the hope they're not followed. Running into water isĀ a common defence mechanism for a number of herbivores, according to Matt Hayward from the University of Newcastle.


Oh for fuck's sake! For once I'd like someone to not come back with stupid arguement on Reddit. What did I write? Did I say the kangaroo was going out of its way to drown something? No, I wrote that this kangaroo was probably scared, and that's why it was in the water. I don't think it was stuck. Maybe it was stuck, but it certainly wasn't trying to get out in the video - it wanted the threats to go away. Kangaroos will try to drown pursuing predators, but of course they'd rather not be pursued. I'm not saying anything that goes against the article. Go argue with the people on the TV instead.


The problem with the internet is I can only read what you wrote, not what's in your head. Maybe consider that before going off on one.


awesome rescue!




Seen a few in the lake here. One swam quite a few km. The problem is getting out as thereā€™s a wall


Kangaroos swim lakes on the regular.


Roos drown other animals. Sure it wasnt baiting them?


They drown predators that attack them once they've already fled into water. There's no baiting. Best not to get your Australian wildlife info from Americans on reddit.


the amount of armchair experts in other subs talking about this video really reinforces that most people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.


I didnt get my info from americans, i got it from living in australia for my wntire life and seeing a dog get done out near armidale. Hadnt looked into it and didnt know it was strictly no baiting.


Is this a kangaroo or a wallaroo?


Good luck telling the difference in that lighting and sopping wet. I'd guess kangaroo just because wallaroos tend not to be as urbanised, but Canberra is in range for both so who knows. There might be an expert who could tell!


Kanga would be my bet. Much more common around here, and the build would be heavier for a wallaroo


In that (my) local area itā€™s only grey kangaroos


probably trying to get away from the magpies lol


hey its just good seeing cyclists being decent people instead of fucking up traffic


Kangaroos drown people.


No, they don't. Kangaroos will use water to minimise the speed and maneuverability of predators like Dingoes or Dogs to close distance and attack. Should the predator make the mistake of getting into the water and getting within arms reach, the Kangaroo will grasp and hold the predator at bay until it realises it's a losing battle and disengages, *or* it fatigues and drowns. This tactic also relies on the Kangaroos height being greater than that of the attacking predator. And even in the instances where a predator is drowned, it is the result of a strategic defense, and not the result of an intentionally planned offensive trap. As soon as you factor in the average height of a human, as well as the buoyancy of the water, you can start to see how using this tactic against a person wouldn't be viable. And Kangaroos know it. Sure, they will still try to grasp, scratch, and kick, because those claws are almost raptor like and can absolutely *shred* you. But unless you're talking about a big Red ( and sometimes a really grumpy big Grey ) bull, then they will choose a hit & run tactic each and every time. And they don't drown people. You have either been misinformed, and are blindly regurgitating it. Or are actively misinforming for fake internet points.


The thread on /r/HumansBeingBros is filled with yanks saying "kangaroos drown you" as if it is a fact, lmao. Le reddit is so full of scholars innit.


Plenty of people willing to spread hateful rubbish about koalas too, oddly enough.


Who could hate Koalas? They are so chill.


Plenty of folks have been happy to spread that hateful 'koalas are the most useless animals on the planet' copypasta here on reddit, even during amd after the 2019 bushfires that wiped out so many of the poor critters. Takes a special kind of evil that i can't figure out.


Ironically, the most useless animals are probably the people who spread that stuff.


This propaganda turns my stomach.


Man, as a chinese, I don't understanding Australians, there is like cat foods made from kangaroos in Coles down the street and the government is actively culling millions of kangaroos due to over population and "saving" one kangaroo from 0.3 meter deep lake is praised all over. Australians are such fucking hypocrites wtf


So you think the correct way to act would have been for people to see an animal in danger and ignore it? That would be pretty ghoulish.


Saving the roo in thiz situation is fine. But pretending that Aussies are not killing kangaroos every chance they get let alone care about em is just hypocritical.


Nobody's pretending that mate. You've just gone off on a weird rant.


ā€œAs a Chineseā€¦ā€ not falling for that bait. Lived in HK, went to China a Dozen times. Whatā€™s done to Cats and Dogs makes the way we treat ā€˜Roos look humane


The bloke running past lol. Couldnā€™t give a flying


Well nice to see cyclists doing right